
What is the title of your article? What are the main points of your article? How does this article relate to the course reading materials and supply chain management?


Find an article or white paper, on the internet, of how companies are using inventory management best practices as a competitive advantage to effectively manage inventory. You will present your summary on video using Kaltura and cite the source where you obtained your article when you submit your assignment.
You will answer the following question during your summary presentation:
What is the title of your article?
What are the main points of your article?
How does this article relate to the course reading materials and supply chain management?
Do you agree or disagree with the author’s points? Explain why or why not.

Watch each of the following 4 videos and provide an overview of the information in paragraph form. Put all of the overviews in one word document, include the name of the video, what was covered specifically, and share what you found most informative and interesting.

Video Reviews

View & Provide an Overview of the Videos
Watch each of the following 4 videos and provide an overview of the information in paragraph form. Put all of the overviews in one word document, include the name of the video, what was covered specifically, and share what you found most informative and interesting. Write at least two paragraphs on each video.

YMCA Special Needs Aquatics:
Adaptive Aquatics:
Adaptive Swimming:
Special Olympics Swimmer:


. As a member of a team, what does it mean to cooperate and communicate openly? As a leader, how does one motivate their people? When should leaders empower workers and when should they dictate?

Project 6 White Paper

Teamwork and Leadership
The concepts of teamwork and leadership both refer to particular ways people relate to one another, often in the workplace but also in academic or volunteer settings. People can make work an exciting, fun, and productive place to be, or they can make it a routine, boring, and ineffective place where everyone dreads to go. Steve Jobs, cofounder, chairman, and CEO of Apple Inc. attributes the innovations at Apple, which include the iPod, MacBook, and iPhone, to people, noting, “Innovation has nothing to do with how many R&D dollars you have.…It’s not about money. It’s about the people you have, how you’re led, and how much you get it” (Kirkpatrick, 1998, p. 90).
While there is much research on how to help teams perform well and how leaders can be more effective, the people in many organizations do not put this knowledge into practice. This research provides answers for the following questions any leader or team member should be thinking about. As a member of a team, what does it mean to cooperate and communicate openly? As a leader, how does one motivate their people? When should leaders empower workers and when should they dictate? After all, the teams and leaders must have a shared vision that they are working towards. But how can leaders effectively share their vision? Or how do they adapt their vision when faced with new data, particularly from within the organization?
Kirkpatrick, D. (1998). The second coming of Apple. Fortune, 138: 90. Retrieved from


Explain how you would respond to the scenario as an advanced practice nurse using evidence-based practice guidelines and applying ethical considerations.

The Ethics Behind Assessment

Write a detailed one-page narrative (not a formal paper) explaining the health assessment information required for a diagnosis of your selected patient (include the scenario number). Explain how you would respond to the scenario as an advanced practice nurse using evidence-based practice guidelines and applying ethical considerations. Justify your response using at least three different references from current evidence-based literature.

Critique & discuss the quality of the article in depth (Did they use a large enough sample size? Were their results generalizable? Were their problems with their study like high drop-out rates, difficulty measuring variables, faulty reasoning, etc.?)

Culture: What cultural differences (if any) exist in development?

1Read, summarize, and critique three current psychological journal articles related to your question. These must be peer-reviewed and current (2006 – present). At least TWO must be original empirical studies (i.e. have methods, participants, results, and conclusion sections); the remaining article can be a literature review of your topic. A short video tutorial is provided on Moodle to help you find these resources in the library database: PsychINFO. (You may also use other scholarly search engines such as Medline, PsychARTICLES, etc.)

Reviews & critiques of these articles will likely take up 1-2 pages each for a total of 4-6 pages of your paper. For each article:

Summarize the author(s)’ hypothesis, methods, results, and major conclusions.
Critique & discuss the quality of the article in depth (Did they use a large enough sample size? Were their results generalizable? Were their problems with their study like high drop-out rates, difficulty measuring variables, faulty reasoning, etc.?)

Discuss the real-world application of the results (How can we use this information to help others? Or to promote education of topic? Etc.)

Describe any major flaws and explain any problems with the study.
Note: The article critique/application/flaws are much more important than the summary. Be sure to write a detailed critique of each article that should show critical thinking and depth (this may be as long/longer than the summary itself).

Discuss how culture has an impact on the development of gender roles. Why is there a movement to improve gender equality across countries?

Culture affects gender roles

Discuss how culture has an impact on the development of gender roles. Why is there a movement to improve gender equality across countries?

Anticipate the feedback that your OB Problem Analysis team members will say about you. Name two positive and two critical pieces of feedback you think you will receive.


Listen to this podcast on learning to love criticism.

As you listen to the podcast, consider and respond to the questions below. This response is self-reflection-focused; I am looking for your thoughtful consideration of the questions at hand rather than the application of course concepts.

1. Anticipate the feedback that your OB Problem Analysis team members will say about you. Name two positive and two critical pieces of feedback you think you will receive.

2. Feedback is key for employee development and growth. Have you sought feedback, particularly critical feedback before? From whom and when do you, or should you, seek critical feedback?

3. Optional: Since we know that feedback givers tend to focus on critical feedback or not give feedback at all, you might have bright spots (i.e., something positive) big or small that have occurred that you wish others knew or had provided some positive feedback on. For example, this might be passing a tough class, maintaining mental health while working from home, celebrating a milestone birthday, securing an internship, launching a new event in a student organization, etc. Share your bright spot with a photo (your own or image from the internet) or a few words. Note that photos and words may be shared with our class lab.

What pros and cons do you agree with when it comes to technology in the classroom and why? What challenges do you have or do you anticipate having when using technology in the classroom? How can you can solve these issues?

 Discussion – Critical Response 2

Questions to answer in this discussion:
Share 2 assessment tools that you explored this week and provide specific examples of how you would use them in your classroom. State what setting you teach in first: elementary, secondary or adult ed
What pros and cons do you agree with when it comes to technology in the classroom and why?
What challenges do you have or do you anticipate having when using technology in the classroom? How can you can solve these issues?


Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that examines Employee-related regulations established by the United States, such as the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

Summative Assessment: Legal, Safety, and Regulatory Requirements Paper

HR departments have evolved significantly throughout modern history. The state and federal government have been the one force that shaped HR more than any other and has been most responsible for how the department functions today. HR departments have always been highly influenced by the passage of new laws (e.g., HIPAA and the Affordable Care Act), regulatory policies (e.g., nondiscrimination/harassment or retaliation policies that are enforced by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)), and safety protections (e.g., those enforced by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)).

Completing this assignment provides you the opportunity to analyze the effect of legal, safety, and regulatory requirements on HR processes. The components influence personnel management because these are requirement that will dictate many job functions.

Legal, regulatory, and safety are 3 factors shaping the HR process.

Assignment Directions:

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that examines:

The effect of legal, safety, and regulatory requirements on the HR process

Employee-related regulations established by the United States, such as the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

Opinion on the following statement: “Common sense and compassion in the workplace have been replaced by litigation.”

How a leader may use this information to better guide their own behavior and staff

Cite at least 3 references.

To what extent did your group interactions conform to patterns predicted by theory developed by Belbin, Tuckman and Adair?

The Individual Reflection

Briefly describe the process of identifying and selecting your business idea and working the idea up to a full business model canvas. There is no need to describe the idea itself.

1. To what extent did your group interactions conform to patterns predicted by theory developed by Belbin, Tuckman and Adair?

a) Briefly summarise key learning you take from working with your group.

b) In what way did you utilise knowledge about your own skill set, learning style and development?

c) Does the group need to work on anything further, in order to complete the business plan successfully?

2. To what extent did the tools taught in the module assist in clarifying your business idea?

a) To what extent would alternative approaches have changed the outcome?

(Consider group management as well as the processes undertaken)

3. In what ways might the experience gained, from taking part in your group research and development work, be applicable in your future career?

a) Consider the transferability of skills

b) Discuss the similarities and differences between group / team work at university and the workplace

Learning outcomes assessed:

1.Gain a comprehensive understanding of the various methods and tools for developing new products and services

2. Engage in problem solving to develop a coherent plan for a business venture

6. Be able to manage their own performance and development in a work or service context

7. Be able to work effectively with others in development of ideas and plans for pursuing business opportunities