
Which one of these do you believe is the greatest threat to the security of the Middle East region and why? What do you think about these organizations? In your opinion what do they think about the legitimacy of these organizations?



Look up and read the about the following: Hezbollah and Al Qaeda.
Some links are provided here, please look up other links also

Compare and contrast these 2 terrorist organizations (as designated by US) by answering the following questions.

1. Discuss the goals and objectives of these organizations

2. What do you believe are the short term and long term prospects for the success or failure of these organizations?

3. Which one of these do you believe is the greatest threat to the security of the Middle East region and why?

4. What do you think about these organizations? In your opinion what do they think about the legitimacy of these organizations?

How can you use your knowledge about Intercultural Communication to work toward peaceful interactions with members of different ethnic/religious, or any “other” group, in your very own life?

Lesson 7 blog entry

1. What does it mean for you to be a competent intercultural communicator? Discuss and provide concrete examples to illustrate the approach(es) you are engaging with in your response.

2. How can you use your knowledge about Intercultural Communication to work toward peaceful interactions with members of different ethnic/religious, or any “other” group, in your very own life?

Remember that all blog entries need to have at least one scholarly, credible source cited right in your contribution to support your key claims (i.e., include proper in-text citations according to the style manual of your choice).

Discuss the impact it has made to airlines and how the may have changed their policies due to this incident.

Dr. Dao incident from April 7th, 2017 on the United aircraft

A research paper in relation to the Dr. Dao incident from April 7th, 2017 on the United aircraft he was dragged off from. Paper should discuss the impact it has made to airlines and how the may have changed their policies due to this incident.

Identify at least three of the five different 2013 framework elements that focus on internal control. Make sure that elements connected are related to financial reporting of the organization.

COSO’s Internal Control Integrated Framework

For this assignment, pick a health care organization of your choice. It could be a hospital, large clinic, or care facility.
Identify at least three of the five different 2013 framework elements that focus on internal control. Make sure that elements connected are related to financial reporting of the organization. Provide your rationale on the reasoning that the selected elements are tied to the financial reporting process in the organization. These are located in Chapter 3 in your textbook.
Design a method in AIS where it can be integrated in the health care industry that will improve the efficiency of its operations.
Design a method in AIS where it can be integrated in the health care industry that will improve the communication of the chosen health care organization.
Draft a one-page recommendation at the end of the document directed to the CEO explaining the findings, recommendations, and benefits of installing an accounting information system.

Using what you have learned in the Art Fundamentals textbook, compose a discussion thread on the “similarities and differences” in content and style of the two images.

Discussion: Content and Style

View these Colescott and Picasso images (Links to an external site.).
Format for Delivery: Using what you have learned in the Art Fundamentals textbook, compose a discussion thread on the “similarities and differences” in content and style of the two images. Think about everything you have learned in the textbook from the elements of art — shape, line, color, etc. — to content and style. Your discussion post should be a minimum of 100+ words.


What does it mean to be an “infinite” person? Describe either someone you know personally or a famous person in our culture who seems to fit that label. Are YOU an “infinite” person? If so, how? If not, why not?

Prompt A and B

Prompt A:
What does it mean to be an “infinite” person? Describe either someone you know personally or a famous person in our culture who seems to fit that label. Are YOU an “infinite” person? If so, how? If not, why not?

Prompt B:
Complete the following critical analysis:

1. Name either (choose only one) a contemporary painting, sculpture, movie, or live performance and its author that you feel is a good piece of work.
2. Describe the aesthetic qualities of this artwork as to why it is pleasing to you, or beautiful to you.
3. How does this work create empathy for you? Explain.
4. What is the purpose or intent of this work? (If you can’t determine the meaning or intent by viewing or experiencing this art, research its meaning.)
5. What is the “context” of this work? (Again, here you must complete some research. Who is the central artist? Why does she or he create in such a manner? Remember, this is the “backstory” of the artist.)
6. Do you think this work of art will someday be considered a masterpiece? Why or why not?
7. Will the author of this artwork be considered a “giant” of the arts? Why or why not?

Why does culture shock occur to people who make cultural transitions? What personal experiences do you have with cultural transitions? How do relations of power and dominance affect adaptation? What dialectical tensions can you identify in the process of adapting to intercultural transitions?

Culture shock

Demonstrate a solid understanding of intercultural transitions by discussing TWO of these questions. When doing so, describe and explain, i.e., use the concepts discussed in our Martin-Nakayama text to elaborate and make sure you cite your source(s) directly in your response.

1. Why does culture shock occur to people who make cultural transitions?

2. What personal experiences do you have with cultural transitions?

3. How do relations of power and dominance affect adaptation?

4. What dialectical tensions can you identify in the process of adapting to intercultural transitions?

Reminder: Throughout your essay, explain and apply at least three concepts discussed in our Martin-Nakayama text to support your reasoning, and make sure you cite your source(s) (i.e., include proper in-text citations according to the style manual of your choice).

Use e-textbook (textbook is – Martin, J.N., Nakayama, T.K. (2022). Intercultural Communication in Contexts (8th edition). Boston: McGraw-Hill. ISBN10: 1260837459)

CHAPTER 8 is used for this assignment.

Discuss how an outbreak of the selected disease would impact your community at a systems level (e.g., the functioning of schools, local government, businesses, hospitals). Explain what the reporting protocol would be if an outbreak of the selected disease were to occur in your community.

Communicable diseases

A. Select one of the following communicable diseases that has had an outbreak across international borders:
• influenza
• measles
• respiratory syndrome coronavirus
• meningococcal disease
• Ebola virus
• hepatitis B
• hepatitis C
• tuberculosis
• Zika virus

B. Describe the outbreak of the disease selected in part A, including each of the following:
• name of the disease
• the countries involved
• the date the outbreak was discovered
• the dates the disease reached each involved country

1. Analyze the epidemiological determinants and risk factors associated with the outbreak.
2. Discuss the route of transmission of the selected disease.
3. Discuss how an outbreak of the selected disease would impact your community at a systems level (e.g., the functioning of schools, local government, businesses, hospitals).
4. Explain what the reporting protocol would be if an outbreak of the selected disease were to occur in your community.
5. Discuss two strategies (e.g., patient education strategies, community education strategies) that you would recommend to prevent an outbreak of the selected disease in your community.

Explain in details the Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning (STP) Process, and then use this framework to evaluate how competitive (or uncompetitive) your company’s simulation positioning would be in the current UK jeans market

Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning (STP) Process,

Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning (STP) Process, and then use this framework to evaluate how competitive (or uncompetitive) your company’s simulation positioning would be in the current UK jeans market

Do these heuristics help you to identify important usability and user experience issues? Does being aware of the heuristics influence how you interact with the applications in any way?

Heuristic evaluation

Activity 2 Select a Health Application that you regularly use and evaluate it using Yáñez Gómez et al. (2014) heuristics.
1. Do these heuristics help you to identify important usability and user
experience issues?
2. Does being aware of the heuristics influence how you interact with
the applications in any way?