
Do you think they can still be applicable in today’s world? What are the arguments advanced in the chosen session? What key debates are discussed in the key reading? What are their strengths and limitations? What are the main conclusions of the key reading? What did you find interesting, challenging (or not), about the session?

Classicist and positivist perspectives on crime and criminality

To focus on the key ideas underpinning the classicist and positivist perspectives on crime and criminality.

In the session, we looked at theoretical perspectives that are primarily concerned with the behaviour of criminals and the role of individual differences in producing crime. We focused on both positivist and classical criminology. Use the readings in your critical review.

Key points to consider in your critical essay:

Why are we looking at these theories together? How do they differ? What do they NOT consider? Do you find them convincing? Do you think they can still be applicable in today’s world? What are the arguments advanced in the chosen session? What key debates are discussed in the key reading? What are their strengths and limitations? What are the main conclusions of the key reading? What did you find interesting, challenging (or not), about the session? How did the key reading help you understand the topic analysed and crime and control? more generally?

Describe the research question at the heart of the study. Describe the key concepts and theories that are central to the research. Which previous studies and scholarly works does the researchers draw on in a significant way? How? Discuss what is important, significant, or interesting about the study?

Research Methods: Vaccination Rights

Part I (20 points)

Submit your notes on 5 scholarly, peer reviewed journal articles that address your GENERAL topic.

These articles should be selected from a larger set that you have read through.

Each set of notes are likely to be a mix of quotations from each of the articles, followed by your brief

comments that summarize or highlight key ideas.

Start each set of notes with a reference for each article in APA style, such as:

Droll, T., Cole, L. B., & Warr, P. T. (2006). Development of a positive institution. Sociology Today, 23(2), 161-180.

Part II (80 points)

Choose 3 of the 5 articles to write a 4-5 page “review.”


Describe the research question at the heart of the study.

Describe the key concepts and theories that are central to the research.

Which previous studies and scholarly works does the researchers draw on in a significant way?


Discuss what is important, significant, or interesting about the study?

Does the researcher suggest possible avenues for future researchers or discuss gaps in the

literature that still need to be addressed? If yes, explain.

Then, on the last page answer this question:

What ideas do these studies give you about your own future research project?

How do formal aspects of the film and the trailer compare? e.g. How is a sense of the film’s pace established? How does the editing of the trailer relate to the editing of the film? Does the trailer offer an accurate representation of the film? e.g. does the film live up to the ‘promises’ of the trailer?

Trailer analysis

Analyse pulp fiction trailer – Pulp Fiction

In approaching this essay you should consider the relationship between the film and its trailer, paying close attention to some of the following characteristics:

– How does the trailer distil an ‘essence’ of the film?

– What is included and what is excluded from the trailer?

– What does the trailer regard to be the most valuable ‘assets’ of the film?

– How do formal aspects of the film and the trailer compare? e.g. How is a sense of the film’s pace established? How does the editing of the trailer relate to the editing of the film?

– Does the trailer offer an accurate representation of the film? e.g. does the film live up to the ‘promises’ of the trailer?

What is the mutation that causes the disease? What are the effects of having this mutation (in other words, how does the disease present)? Are there any cures for this disease?


For this discussion, do some research about a particular genetic diseases. Tell the class about the disease you chose to discuss. What is the mutation that causes the disease? What are the effects of having this mutation (in other words, how does the disease present)? Are there any cures for this disease? Write at least 150 words. Be sure to give citations and references for all of the information.

What questions or insights does this short exercise raise for you? What do you learn or what lessons-already-learned does it reiterate?

Coding Why: Exercise 2

One the second page of the assignment handout (linked to in the forum above and posted under Week 8), you will find responses to the question “What major factors led you into teaching?” which is part of a survey distributed to teachers. (Found on page 2 in the pdf titled qualitative research practice)

Begin to code the answers, identifying categories that would enable you to organize the data.

Report briefly on this practice: what categories did you generate? What difficulties did you encounter? You certainly need not be thorough in your coding for this exercise, but consider what it would mean to code these responses comprehensively, maybe even a couple more pages of them.

What questions or insights does this short exercise raise for you? What do you learn or what lessons-already-learned does it reiterate?

What questions or insights does this short exercise raise for you? What do you learn or what lessons-already-learned does it reiterate?

Qualitatively Speaking Discussion

Empty your purse, wallet, or bag. Consider the contents.
Arrange, organize, and cluster those items that share similar characteristics (e.g., all writing instruments in one pile, all
credit cards in one pile, all makeup in one pile). Give each pile its own label or category name.
Write a paragraph (200+ words) analyzing yourself based on the categories of items you created. Your paragraph should explore the following assertions: We carry our identities around with us. According to Lindsay Prior, “our identities are supported and altered by various forms of identification” (88). These forms include not only governmentissued IDs but also other physical objects we regularly carry on our person. No need to transcribe the above sentences unless doing so will help you get rolling. After you post, comment on at least one other class member’s coding and interpretation of how what they
carry identifies them. You might compare and contrast how the two of you proceeded or highlight something that their analysis revealed to you regarding qualitative research. Additional discussion is encouraged. Exercise 2 w/ Discussion: Coding Why Below, on the second page of this handout, you will find responses to the question “What major factors led
you into teaching?” which is part of a survey distributed to teachers. Begin to code the answers, identifying categories that would enable you to organize the data. Report briefly on this practice: what categories did you generate? What difficulties did you encounter? You certainly need not be thorough in your coding for this exercise, but consider what it would mean to code these responses comprehensively. What questions or insights does this short exercise raise for you? What do you learn or what lessons-already-learned does it reiterate? After you post, comment on at least one other class member’s post. Additional discussion is encouraged.

Discussion 1: Qualitatively Speaking

Write a brief paragraph (150+ words, longer paragraphs are fine but not required) in which you respond to your reading from Weeks 8 & 9. Choose one of the following: 1) Articulate something that you learned, particularly a new insight gained or a connection you made between two or the readings or one reading and your past research experience. 2) Articulate a question that one or more of the readings raised for you regarding qualitative research. You are welcome to utilize recommended readings for this post; however, keep in mind that the class as a whole is not familiar with all of these readings—you likely will need to provide a bit of explanation or background for the group. Once you have submitted your paragraph, respond to at least two classmates’ posts, either responding to their questions or building on their ideas.

What do you think is the importance, in everyday life, of having an understanding of unconscious processes?

Unconscious processes

What do you think is the importance, in everyday life, of having an understanding of unconscious processes?

Create a repository of resources that criminal justice practitioners can use to increase their understanding of the use of the classical experiment in criminal justice.

Criminal justice and research methods

Create a repository of resources that criminal justice practitioners can use to increase their understanding of the use of the classical experiment in criminal justice. Notably, there are potential legal and ethical problems when conducting randomized field experiments to study crime, victims, offenders, and incarcerated individuals, and other “criminal justice actors,” which is all the more reason to broaden our comprehension of this method.

Identify Access to telehealth as an emerging need on a national level. propose a healthcare policy on the need for access to telehealth on a national level.

Access to Telehealth

Identify Access to telehealth as an emerging need on a national level. propose a healthcare policy on the need for access to telehealth on a national level.

Using articles or editorials as your units of analysis. What coding procedures would you use to analyze the content of the articles.

Criminal justice and research methods

Select a current crime topic that has been the focus of newspaper articles. Then propose a content analysis strategy for the topic, using articles or editorials as your units of analysis. What coding procedures would you use to analyze the content of the articles. You should review at least five articles to have enough data to analyze.*