
Describe your volunteer experience. Did you enjoy it? Were there things you would improve about the organization? If so, what/how? How will this experience help you in the future? Would you work at this agency in the future?

Humana Medicare Insurance

Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Community Health Service Project Paper Community Health Service Project Paper
INSTRUCTIONS: For this project, you will select a local community health organization that you would like to volunteer for at least 12 hours. You will be responsible for making contact with this community health organization and setting up a volunteer opportunity. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE!!! A Community Health Service Project Student/Agency Agreement will need to be filled out as well and submitted along with the paper.
Google/research your agency beforehand so you can actually immerse yourself in the volunteer experience and not look uninformed about the agency you selected to volunteer with. During your volunteer opportunity, you should observe and address the following:

(1) WHAT — What is the name of the agency? What is the history of the agency? Are there different aspects/programs of the agency? If so, what are these (please describe)? What are the different roles of the employees (i.e., Activity Director, direct care staff, etc)?

(2) WHERE — Where is this agency (street address)? Are there sister (related) agencies? If so, where are these agencies located (city/cities)?

(3) WHY — What is the purpose of the agency? What are the goals?

(4) WHO — What is the population the agency serves? Age range? Gender? Etc? Are there client’s rights? If so, are these posted and followed?

(5) HOW — How is the agency funded? Fundraising events? If so, describe one of the events.
Written Report: After volunteering, you will need to write a report that summarizes the what, where, why, who, and how as described above along with describing your volunteer time. In your description of your volunteer time, please use the following questions as a starting point for your paper: • Describe your volunteer experience (i.e., what was your role, what did you do, etc.) • Did you enjoy it? Were there things you would improve about the organization? If so, what/how? • How will this experience help you in the future? Would you work at this agency in the future? Why or why not? • Any other comments, questions, and reflection of the experience
Guidelines: • A minimum of 2-pages in length • 1-inch margins • 12-point, Times New Roman font • Double-spaced • Submit your paper as an electronic file, either .doc or .pdf, submitted as an attachment under title “Service Project Paper” in Assignments on eLeam • Points will be deducted if you do not: o Follow the directions as laid out under the Guidelines

Would it be possible to create an NHS in 2021? Was 1940’s ‘Austerity’ any different to our current austere times? What is gained or lost in seeing the 1950’s as some kind of ‘golden era’? Did the 1960’s really deliver lasting social and cultural change?

Sociology of modern Britain

QUESTIONS/TITLES OF ARTICLES (choose one of the below):
Would it be possible to create an NHS in 2021?
Was 1940’s ‘Austerity’ any different to our current austere times?
What is gained or lost in seeing the 1950’s as some kind of ‘golden era’?
Did the 1960’s really deliver lasting social and cultural change?
The early 1970’s echo: how domestic troubles changed everything

Based on any of the five stories read in class, write a APA five paragraph compare and contrast essay based on three types or one type of conflict, man vs. man, man vs. self, and man vs. society.

Man versus Society

Written Assignment 2: Based on any of the five stories read in class, write a APA five paragraph compare and contrast essay based on three types or one type of conflict, man vs. man, man vs. self, and man vs. society. There are two options for this assignment:
“Cathedral” by Raymond Carver “Hunger Artist” by Franz Kafka “The Accident” by Dave Eggers “No Face” by Janet Diaz Trifles by Susan Glaspell
*Times New Roman, 12 Font, Double Spaced

What do you consider to be the key challenges for human resource leadership, management, and practice in the global context? What impact has the current global health workforce crisis had on access to high-quality healthcare and improved health outcomes? How

Discussion Questions

L What do you consider to be the key challenges for human resource leadership, management, and practice in the global context?

2. What impact has the current global health workforce crisis had on access to high-quality healthcare and improved health outcomes? How

Does knowledge apply safety sensitivity or neither? Defend your answer

Safety and sensitivity

Does knowledge apply safety sensitivity or neither? Defend your answer

First describe how they see it differently (and provide evidence from the text for your claims). Then present an argument describing why they might see this event or situation so differently.

Two sides of the same coin

Choose an event or a situation in The Lemon Tree that Dalia and Bashir see very differently (for example: the 1948 war). First describe how they see it differently (and provide evidence from the text for your claims). Then present an argument describing why they might see this event or situation so differently. Once again, provide evidence from all the texts that we used for this course for the claims you make as part of this argument.

Employ socially and culturally sensitive strategies in communications practices for strengthening human services delivery across diverse populations.

3-2 Final Project Milestone Two: Social and Cultural Factors

As a human services professional, you will witness many client challenges that, on the surface, seem insurmountable. In your role as an advocate, resource, and
role model, you will be in a position of having to help clients find creative approaches to solving problems. You will also have an ethical responsibility to try to affect change on a larger scale.

For this project, you will concern to raise awareness about a barrier to treatment experienced by many of your clients. This project will help you to start thinking about client issues at a community and policy level while demonstrating leadership, compassion, and advocacy to your clients.

In this assignment, you will address the following course outcomes:

 Employ socially and culturally sensitive strategies in communications practices for strengthening human services delivery across diverse populations

 Apply relevant legal and ethical standards to human services communications in demonstrating professional practice

 Employ tools and strategies that articulate issues, deal with conflict, and establish rapport in human services communications

 Develop human services communications using multiple modalities appropriate to varied audiences and messaging

What major political challenges faced the new nations of the Western Hemisphere in the nineteenth century, and how well did they deal with those problems?

Module 3 Discussion

1.What major political challenges faced the new nations of the Western Hemisphere in the nineteenth century, and how well did they deal with those problems?

2.How did industrialization and economic growth affect the social and the natural environments of the Western Hemisphere countries?

What are the core areas of HIT applications in your specific areas of interest? Select one or two areas, and describe their value for global health.

Discussion Questions 1-10

1. Describe the emerging standards for encoding and exchanging healthcare information.

2. What are the core areas of HIT applications in your specific areas of interest? Select one or two areas, and describe their value for global health.

3. Flow do the standards discussed in this chapter (e.g., ICD-10, ISO, DRGs, SNOMED) help improve the quality of information sharing in your area of interest?

4. What are the technical, political, and business impediments to the sharing of medical information across international borders?

5. How do organizations decide which vendor to use when buying expensive HIT systems, such as the modern integrated EHR?

6. Why is HIT important for innovation in the delivery and management of healthcare?

7. What is the future of HIT in healthcare?

8. Discuss the threat of internal and external security breaches to healthcare information, including ransomware. How might this threat influence an organization’s decision to adopt HIT?

9. What are the most useful HIT innovations you have used in your daily practice? What are the most outstanding features?

10. What factors impede the full use of HIT innovations (e.g., cloud-based systems, big data) in business settings and in global health?

Identify the work of art, telling me the name of the title of the work, the approximate date it was made, and the culture that produced it.

Art of the Maya Tripod vessel at the metropolitan museum of art


* Go the Metropolitan Museum’s website

* Type the accession number of the assigned work of art into “search” at the top right of the
page. The number is 1979.206.364

* Look at the image carefully and thoroughly. Zoom in on details.

* When you are ready to write, follow these three steps:

1) Identify the work of art, telling me the name of the title of the work, the approximate date it was made, and the culture that produced it. (This can be done in one or two sentences.)

2) Describe the physical appearance of the work of art––carefully putting what you see into your own words. This is called formal analysis. Write about the colors, textures, and overall form of the work of art. Then methodically describe the piece. You could, for instance, describe this work starting at the edges and moving toward the center. Apply relevant vocabulary terms. (Aim for writing at least four to five sentences of formal analysis.)

3) Discuss briefly what the original function of this work of art was. (This can be done in about two sentences.)