
Find current sources to describe online daters in today’s society and around the world. Compare and contrast offline dating and online dating. Use exchange theory to explain a relationship.

Cafe Glass

Watch Café Glass video and respond to the following questions:

1. Find current sources to describe online daters in today’s society and around the world.

2. Compare and contrast offline dating and online dating. Use exchange theory to explain a relationship.

How has the economic crisis of 2008 and subsequent cutbacks to the welfare state contributed to the rise of populism in Western democracies and what progressive alternatives are there to this populism

The rise of populism in western democracies

Essay topic:“How has the economic crisis of 2008 and subsequent cutbacks to the welfare state contributed to the rise of populism in Western democracies and what progressive alternatives are there to this populism?”

Define and discuss the “human factors” necessary to consider along with the technical system requirements and seven lifecycle steps that help overcome clinician’s barriers to successful system adoption, including both planned and unplanned “down time.”

Human Factors in Technical Systems

Define and discuss the “human factors” necessary to consider along with the technical system requirements and seven lifecycle steps that help overcome clinician’s barriers to successful system adoption, including both planned and unplanned “down time.”

Resource provided as 1 of 4.

Discuss price elasticity of demand and how it is calculated. Explain the usefulness of the total revenue test for price elasticity of demand. List the factors that affect price elasticity of demand and describe some applications of price elasticity of demand. Describe price elasticity of supply and how it can be applied.

Module 3: Consumer Behavior

After completing this module, you will be able to do the following:
⦁ Discuss price elasticity of demand and how it is calculated.
⦁ Explain the usefulness of the total revenue test for price elasticity of demand.
⦁ List the factors that affect price elasticity of demand and describe some applications of price elasticity of demand.
⦁ Describe price elasticity of supply and how it can be applied.
⦁ Apply cross elasticity of demand and income elasticity of demand.
⦁ Define and explain the relationship between total utility, marginal utility, and the law of diminishing marginal utility.
⦁ Describe how rational consumers maximize utility by comparing the marginal utility-to-price ratios of all the products they could possibly purchase.
⦁ Explain how a demand curve can be derived by observing the outcomes of price changes in the utility-maximization model.
⦁ Discuss how the utility-maximization model helps highlight the income and substitution effects of a price change.
⦁ Give examples of several real-world phenomena that can be explained by applying the theory of consumer behavior.
⦁ Relate how the indifference curve model of consumer behavior derives demand curves from budget lines, indifference curves, and utility maximization.
⦁ Define behavioral economics and explain how it contrasts with neoclassical economics.
⦁ Discuss the evidence for the brain being modular, computationally restricted, reliant on heuristics, and prone to various forms of cognitive error.
⦁ Relate how prospect theory helps to explain many consumer behaviors, including framing effects, mental accounting, anchoring, loss aversion, and the endowment effect.
⦁ Describe how time inconsistency and myopia cause people to make suboptimal long-run decisions. Define fairness and give examples of how it affects behavior in the economy and in the dictator and ultimatum games.

Define what is attention Why attention predicts general intelligence – What other research find says, any agreement or disagreement. ldentify any missing gaps that needs to be addressed, e.g. there are mixed findings, – so why or how your research address this gap.

Come up with a hypothesis related to relationship between attention and general intelligence.

This will form the Introduction of a lab report:

1. define what is general intelligence

2. define what is attention

3. why attention predicts general intelligence – what other research find says, any agreement or disagreement

4. identify any missing gaps that needs to be addressed, e.g. there are mixed findings, – so why or how your research address this gap

5. your hypothesis – what do you expect the relationship between the two variables, e.g. positive/negative correlation etc. make sure all of these are backed by literature tips for literature review: -Intelligence – look out for ″general intelligence″

-Attention – look out for ″cueing″ APA format / citation please include a good number of sources, say ~8 good ones -The title contains a statement of the main topic of the proposed research. -The title is able to arouse interest in the audience

-The references are well selected and accurately presented. -Being able to demonstrate intellectual engagement with range of relevant concepts. -Viewpoints are supported by multiple perspectives. -The ideas are always well articulated and researched. -Strong integration of academic knowledge to support a well structured hypothesis. -The organization is well planned and logical. Transitions among ideas are always clear.

Explain what a full time equivalent is. What is the difference of productive vs. non-productive hours and provide examples for each as it relates to your work environment. Are fixed staff different than variable staff, if so, provide an explanation for the use of both and how they differ?

Nursing Finance

A. List the elements of a strategic plan.

B. What are the benefits for strategic management and how it affects your organization along with the trickledown effect to the unit level.
Describe 3 different budget types utilized in healthcare. What type of items fall within each type of budget chosen and how would budget type be applied in your work environment?
The budget process is a timely process that involves input from varying levels in healthcare. Once a budget is put forth by a manager, what are the next steps in the time table that will take place? Describe the process of a budget submission, negotiation, and approval. What type of justifications can be brought forth for negotiations. Provide 2 examples for justification.
Explain what a full time equivalent is. What is the difference of productive vs. non-productive hours and provide examples for each as it relates to your work environment. Are fixed staff different than variable staff, if so, provide an explanation for the use of both and how they differ?
Why are revenues often ignored in nursing budgets?
Provide 3 examples for areas of measurement for performance budgeting. How can these examples be applied for a nursing unit?
What makes up the largest part of an operating budget for a given unit? Provide examples for 2 expenses that affect the budget and how it could better be controlled.

Assume that you work for New York Yankees and they wanted to get Jose Ramirez whose batting average is 0.28. You calculate the variance of his hits as 0.15. Then, what is the probability that he will have an average of 0.30 or over next season?

Statistics Home Work Assignment

Observations X Y
1 5 4
2 7 8
3 9 12
4 11 16
5 13 20

Calculate the following using Excel.

a. =445 b. c.

d. e.

f. g.

h. i.

2. Use the data from the CPS08 in Blackboard.
For the data series “ahe” (i.e. Average Hourly Earnings) find the following:
a) Create a Histogram in EViews
c) Calculate Mean, Variance and Standard Deviation in EViews

3. What is the probability of three heads if you throw three coins at the same time?

4. Suppose I assigned WSJ and NYT as reading references to my class. Now suppose 60% of my students read the WSJ, 50% read the NYT and 30% read both. Find the probability that a randomly selected student in my class reads at least one of them.
Also, find the probability that a randomly selected student in my class does not read either of them.

5. The probability distribution of the daily stock prices of google for last two months are as follows:
Closing Price (X) 1190 1210 1230 1250 1270 1290
P(X) 0.10 0.20 0.40 0.18 0.10 0.02

a. Find the expected price of the google share.
b. If you paid $400 for a google share then what is your expected profit or loss?

6. Assume that you work for New York Yankees and they wanted to get Jose Ramirez whose batting average is 0.28. You calculate the variance of his hits as 0.15. Then, what is the probability that he will have an average of 0.30 or over next season?

7. A company claimed that they found only a low percentage of flawed products in various stores in Connecticut. You went to the same stores and the store managers informed you their observations about the company’s products.
Stores Bridgeport Fairfield New Haven Hartford Stamford
Company Claim 5% 4% 6% 6% 3%
Manager Observations 8% 4% 10% 11% 4%

Run a Chi-square test to determine whether the company has made a valid claim here.

8. A online education company claims that a student will receive a coding job if they take company’s online coding bootcamp. You conducted a survey on students who attended or not taken the bootcamps and also learned whether they got a job or not. The survey results are below.
Got a Job No Job Total
Coding Bootcamp 204 350 554
No Bootcamp 195 101 296
Total 399 451 850

Using a chi-square test determine whether the company’s claim is valid (i.e. there is a relationship between the bootcamp and getting a job.)

9. Use the CPS08 data for the following two questions:
a. Find out whether the variances of average hourly earnings (AHE) for people with and without a Bachelor degree are equal.
b. Find out whether the mean of average hourly earnings (AHE) between Male and Female are equal.


Identify the equipment you will use and associated costs. Describe the capacity to produce the product. (How much you make a day) Explain your approach to quality control. Survey from customer. Call back. Offer compensation. Free trial, free cost. Offer employee training. Checklist. Free samples.

Week 5 discussion question.

Describe how your business operations will work. In other words, you want to explain the day-to-day flow of activities necessary to deliver your product or service to customers. Wherever applicable, identify costs. Be sure to address the following, if applicable to your chosen business, in the post: Not in your own home.


Describe the facility, including its location. This business will be located in WALDorf MD
Specify whether it is rented or owned; include any associated costs.
Estimate the cost of utilities, such as water/sewer, gas, electricity, and trash removal. 500 a month.

Production Process./ how your business work. What are you going to do on a day to day basic.
Describe the production process (how you will produce the product) or describe how your business will operate if retail or service company.
Identify the equipment you will use and associated costs.
Describe the capacity to produce the product. (How much you make a day)
Explain your approach to quality control. Survey from customer. Call back. Offer compensation. Free trial, free cost. Offer employee training. Checklist. Free samples.
Explain your approach to inventory, as applicable. Raw materials, buying things, store things. Operation chapter.
Where do your supplies come from?
What is your turnaround time to produce your product once you have received an order?

Research and Development.- state who is in charges – the teem manager

Explain how you will stay abreast of new industry developments. How to stay connected – attend conference- Networking, seminars, trade show magazines,

Describe the new products or services that are in development. Before the season change, you should always have something in the making. What are some of the things you are working on in your company

Personnel Needs in Operations.

Specify the number of operations employees you plan to have. Who make your business run- 25. People working.

Describe their roles.. Divers. How much they get paid.

Explain how this goal can be linked to an overall business objective. Explain how this goal will increase your knowledge and improve your overall performance as a leader.


The organization you work for as a director of leadership and learning is looking to create an adaptive leadership toolkit to help improve employee leadership skills and behaviors over the next two years. To begin this work, you conducted a personal leadership self-assessment to take a leadership inventory of yourself. Now that you know areas that you can improve upon as a leader, you decided to create a personal development plan that will identify actionable steps toward improving these areas you’ve identified. Your intensions are to incorporate your personal development plan into the adaptive leadership toolkit to serve as an exemplar that can be used by all people leaders in the organization.


Leadership behavior: Based on the results of your personal leadership self-assessment, describe the leadership behavior you scored lowest in and explain how developing this could have a positive impact on your ability to lead.

SMART Goal: Apply SMART goal setting to create a personal development plan that aligns with the leadership behavior you’re looking to improve. Keep in mind that your personal development plan will be used as an exemplar for the adaptive leadership toolkit in Milestone Two. Your SMART goal should address the following:

“S” Specific: Your goal must be specific.

i) State your personal development goal.

ii) Describe the reason for this goal.

iii) Describe the objective(s) needed to ensure this goal it met.

“M” Measurable: Your goal must be measurable.

i) Describe the metric(s) that will be used to determine if you meet this goal.

ii) Describe the metric(s) that will be used to measure performance of meeting objective(s) along the way.

“A” Achievable: Your goal must be achievable.

i) Describe the tools and skills you will need to achieve this goal.

ii) Describe who needs to be involved to allow you to be successful in achieving this goal.

“R” Relevant: Your goal must be relevant.

i) Explain how this goal can be linked to an overall business objective.

ii) Explain how this goal will increase your knowledge and improve your overall performance as a leader.

“T” Time-Bound: Your goal must be time bound.

i) Provide an overall timeline for the completion of this goal.

ii) Provide tangible deliverable(s) with due dates that support the objective(s) you indicated above.

Why would others follow you as their leader? Explain. • Impact: How would you motivate them to pursue the vision you outline, not because you order them to do so, but because they want to do so enthusiastically on their own?

MBA 530

perspective as a leader, considering the recommendations you have provided in the GROW model:
• Personal Reflection:

Why would others follow you as their leader? Explain. • Impact: How would you motivate them to pursue the vision you outline, not because you order them to do so, but because they want to do so enthusiastically on their own?

• Feedback:

Ask someone you trust and who can be objective, “What is my greatest asset as a leader?” In your journal, record the response and whether you agree or disagree and why.

Guidelines for Submission

Submit a Word document using double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. This assignment should be 1 to 2 pages in length and include references cited in APA format. Consult the Shapiro Library APA Style Guide for more information on citations.
Module Five Journal Rubric