
What are the indications for, usual doses, side effects and cautions/contra-indications of Co-Careldopa? How does it work? Why is it important for Debra to take this medication on time? What action does the nurse need to take?

Scenario-based section

Select and answer two of the below scenarios; one from your area of practice and one from another area of practice to demonstrate wider awareness of medication management and optimisation of care in the scenario, please use the BNF/BNFc, and other appropriate resource to help you answer providing intext references and a reference list.
(Maximum 25 marks per scenario and suggested words count of 300 per scenario):
Scenario 1: Older adult
Debra Usifoh aged 74 years is an in-patient on a medical ward recovering from a chest infection. She has a history of Parkinson’s Disease. While doing the lunchtime drug round, the nurse discovers there is no stock of Debra’s prescribed Co-Careldopa. Debra is very anxious about not being able to take this medication on time.
What are the indications for, usual doses, side effects and cautions/contra-indications of Co-Careldopa?
How does it work?
Why is it important for Debra to take this medication on time?
What action does the nurse need to take?


What is a ‘medication error’ and discuss potential factors which may lead to errors or incidents in the administration of medicines? What is meant by the term ‘near miss’ incident?

Medication errors

(Suggested word count 350 with a total of 18 marks)
Support answer with references, where indicated
What is a ‘medication error’ and discuss potential factors which may lead to errors or incidents in the administration of medicines? Support your answer with references. (8 marks)
What is meant by the term ‘near miss’ incident? Support with a reference. (2 marks)
What actions should you take if you suspect you have committed a medication error? Support your answer with references. (8 marks)

Discuss the basic causes of tension between line and staff personnel and suggest several possible strategies you would implement as an administrator or as staff to reduce tension.

Discussion 3

Take each of Max Weber’s eight characteristics of the bureaucratic model (see attachments) and apply them to a police organization in Los Angeles, California. How many of them are applicable? (Hint, check your local agency’s website for additional assistance).

Discuss the basic causes of tension between line and staff personnel and suggest several possible strategies you would implement as an administrator or as staff to reduce tension. Make sure that you consider all viewpoints.

A patient is being discharged from your care on a course of medications. What factors would you consider in preparing the patient to manage their medication at home and what is the process for discharging patients with medication?

Practice Specific Section

(Suggested word count is 310 with a total of 18 Marks)

Discuss the following questions with regards to your area of practice. Support all your answer with references.
A patient is being discharged from your care on a course of medications. What factors would you consider in preparing the patient to manage their medication at home and what is the process for discharging patients with medication?
(7 marks)

What are the ‘rights’ of medication administration and discuss their important in managing risks?
(4 marks)

Two nurses are doing the daily check of the CD cupboard and discover a discrepancy between the CD register and the stock amount counted out. What action should be taken?
(7 marks)


What is a “homegrown” terrorist? Give some examples and recent incidents involving homegrown terrorists. Who is “el Chapo” and what is his importance to the Mexican Cartels? Why can police chiefs not objectively and independently fulfill their responsibilities if they lack job protection?

Week 3 & 4 Review Questions

1.) What is a “homegrown” terrorist? Give some examples and recent incidents involving homegrown terrorists.

2.) Who is “el Chapo” and what is his importance to the Mexican Cartels?

3.) Why can police chiefs not objectively and independently fulfill their responsibilities if they lack job protection?

4.) Describe the differences in the status between an elected county sheriff and an appointed police chief.

5.) What role do public interest organizations play in police accountability

When a handwritten prescription is used, what should the nurse do if part or all of a written prescription is illegible. Explain your suggested actions giving references. What is the main regulatory agency for medicinal products in the UK, give one of the bodies roles?

Medication management role

(Suggested word count for this section is 250, with a total of 14 marks)

Outline your role in relation to Medicines Management for patients/clients/service users (10 marks)

When a handwritten prescription is used, what should the nurse do if part or all of a written prescription is illegible. Explain your suggested actions giving references. (2 marks)

What is the main regulatory agency for medicinal products in the UK, give one of the bodies roles? (2 marks)


Explain the role of a fusion center in the day-to-day operations of a large metropolitan police agency. Do you think that fusion centers would be very helpful to smaller agencies as well? Why or why not?

Critical Thinking Week 3

1.) Explain the role of a fusion center in the day-to-day operations of a large metropolitan police agency. Do you think that fusion centers would be very helpful to smaller agencies as well? Why or why not?

2.) Do you believe the county sheriff is more or less powerful than a city police chief? Justify your response

Discuss the severity of the opportunity or threat and the probability that it may occur in an organization. How might your role as the nurse leader influence this opportunity or threat through relational connectedness?

Week 3 discussion Davis

List one opportunity or threat to nursing external to the organization. An example may be a competing organization within close proximity offering sign-on bonuses. Discuss the severity of the opportunity or threat and the probability that it may occur in an organization. How might your role as the nurse leader influence this opportunity or threat through relational connectedness?

Critically evaluate FASEA’s code of ethics in relation to the substantive criticisms of the Financial Planning profession.

Critical Evaluation

The Financial Planning profession was subject to significant criticism during and following the Financial Services Royal Commission, particularly with respect to public trust and confidence. In particular, the Interim Report of the Royal Commission characterised a financial services sector with a range of problems and suggested:
“Why did it happen?
Too often, the answer seems to be greed – the pursuit of short term profit at the expense of basic standards of honesty”
(Financial Services Royal Commission, Interim Report, 2018, p. 1)

Critically evaluate FASEA’s code of ethics in relation to the substantive criticisms of the Financial Planning profession. In your answer, reflect on any of the materials, theories, concepts and resources we have studied this semester to develop your response.

What symptom(s) in this case suggest that something has gone wrong? Explain the causes of these symptoms using the Job Characteristics Model. What job design practices should YakkaTech executives take to correct these problems? Be specific.

Yakkatech Inc. Case Study

Read the YakkaTech, Inc. Case Study on pp. 181-182 in your textbook and then write a report that answers each of the questions listed below (not the questions following the case study in the textbook):

1) What symptom(s) in this case suggest that something has gone wrong?

2) Explain the causes of these symptoms using the Job Characteristics Model (discussed in your textbook on pp. 169-172). Be sure to address the core job characteristics of skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy, and feedback.

3) What job design practices should YakkaTech executives take to correct these problems? Be specific.