
How effective is drug prevention programs with youth age 12 to 18 years old in comparision to students who do not participate in drug prevention programs.

Drug prevention programs.

How effective is drug prevention programs with youth age 12 to 18 years old in comparision to students who do not participate in drug prevention programs.

Consider the importance of environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria and the relationship with corporate financial performance. Undertake effective research to identify ESG obligations that apply to Boohoo Group plc. Discuss how Boohoo could monitor their success in meeting those obligations.

Decision management

Question 1
500-700 words
Outline a performance management model and discuss how use of this model would help Boohoo plc to manage performance.
Suggest the major KPIs for Boohoo group plc and justify your choices.

Question 2
500-700 words
Consider the importance of environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria and the relationship with corporate financial performance.
Undertake effective research to identify ESG obligations that apply to Boohoo Group plc. Discuss how Boohoo could monitor their success in meeting those obligations.
Evaluate how meeting those obligations impacts on the traditional profit maximisation model and competitive advantage, give examples to support your answer.

Question 3
300-500 words
Pick one tool from AICPA/ CGMA Cost Transformation Toolkit and explain how Boohoo plc could use it to help meet their sustainability tagets.

As a sociologist how would you study a world pandemic? Do you think the use of micro or macro data would provide you with the most valuable information?


As a sociologist how would you study a world pandemic? Do you think the use of micro or macro data would provide you with the most valuable information?

What is the difference between race and ethnicity? How could these two sociological concepts factor into present-day issues for minorities? Do you think these present-day issues are indicative of systemic racism?

Difference between race and ethnicity

What is the difference between race and ethnicity? How could these two sociological concepts factor into present-day issues for minorities? Do you think these present-day issues are indicative of systemic racism?

Explain why risk is important. How justice and security organizations plan for and manage risk. Explain civil liability and how it relates to organizational risk. Costs associated in managing risk. Consequences of failing to manage risk.

Risk Management Paper

Write a paper discussing the role and nature of organizational risk management, in justice and security organizations, and why it is important. Address the following in your paper:

-Explain why risk is important.

-How justice and security organizations plan for and manage risk.

-Explain civil liability and how it relates to organizational risk.

-Costs associated in managing risk.

-Consequences of failing to manage risk.

-Benefits of a properly performed risk analysis has for management and key stakeholders.

Format your manual consistent with APA guidelines.

Compare the ethnic identities of two or more of the characters using the models of ethnic identity presented in class. What factors do you think influenced their racial/ethnic identity development?

The Color of Fear

Based on the video The Color of Fear address four or more of the following themes:

a)Describe the worldview i.e. cultural orientation of two or more of the various ethnic groups represented. You may want to focus on differences between majority and minority group members (example between David—White American and Victor-African American). Discuss how these differences may have been shaped by their race related experiences. (Relevant concepts locus of control/locus of responsibility, ideology of individualism)

b)What factors do you think need to be considered in explaining why the various individuals have different interpretations of what it means to be American?

c)Compare the ethnic identities of two or more of the characters using the models of ethnic identity presented in class. What factors do you think influenced their racial/ethnic identity development?

d) Discuss the issue of assimilation as experienced by the various group members

e)Discuss the issue inter-group conflict i.e. conflict between ethnic minorities and the reasons why such conflict occurs

f)Discuss the issue of white privilege and how it was manifested particularly by the European American character (David).

g) Describe instances in which micro-aggressions were displayed in the film

h) Based on what you observed in the film, how would you describe the effects that race and racism has on bot majority and minority group members

Are you responsible for paying your own electricity bill? Do you take steps to reduce your personal energy usage? If yes, what motivates this decision?

Fuel efficiency and auto emissions standards

1. In your opinion, who should define fuel efficiency and auto emissions standards? What role should the auto manufacturing companies have? What about different levels of government?

2. Are you responsible for paying your own electricity bill? Do you take steps to reduce your personal energy usage? If yes, what motivates this decision?

3. What forms of energy generation do you think are the most promising for the future? Describe at least two, and explain how they are renewable.

. To answer Questions 4 and 5, go to the EPA Power Profiler tool and enter your Zip Code into the search bar on the left of the webpage. Then look at the two columns under “Fuel Mix Results.”

4.What are the main sources used to generate electricity in your area? Be specific when naming the types of fuel (gas, coal, nuclear, solar, etc.), and identify at least the top three sources used in your area.

5.How does this compare to the national breakdown of energy sources? Were you surprised by any part of the results or this comparison?

Explain how a particular activity demonstrates the relationship between experiential activities or character strengths and optimal human functioning. Explain reflections and insights related to experiential learning activities.

Justice, Temperance, and Transcendence

Competency 1: Explain the relationship among positive experiences, positive traits, and optimal human functioning.

Explain how a particular activity demonstrates the relationship between experiential activities or character strengths and optimal human functioning.

Competency 2: Apply concepts of positive psychology to real world situations.

Explain reflections and insights related to experiential learning activities.

Apply concepts of positive psychology to social issues.

Competency 3: Apply research findings to topics in positive psychology.

Support analysis with research findings related to topics or issues.

Competency 4: Analyze the strengths and limitations of applied positive psychology.

Analyze the strengths and limitations of applying character strengths to social issues.

Competency 5: Write using a clear purpose, organization, tone, and sentence structure.

Address assessment purpose in a well-organized text with appropriate tone and grammatically sound sentences.

Use APA-style formatting in citations and references.

What is the role of the past in the current problems of the Tyrone family? What impact do traumas have on this family? How does facing the past help some of the family get beyond their past experience?

O’Neill, E. (1955). Long day’s journey into night , (2nd ed.)

1. What is the role of the past in the current problems of the Tyrone family? What impact do traumas have on this family? How does facing the past help some of the family get beyond their past experience?

2. The O’Neill play centers on a series of dramas within the Tyrone family. This is a family where people blame each other; yet clearly care for each other. What is the role of love, if any, within this family? How does the love within this family show itself? Given how awful they can be to each other, does this drama teach us anything about the underside of human entanglements? Is jealousy, blaming each other, being interdependent and deeply caring common in contemporary family life? Are negative and positive emotions intrinsic to living with relatives at close quarters? How so? What, if anything, does this play do to help us understand the emotional ties of family life?

Identify three important sources that support your argument. For each one, explain its importance in two or three sentences. List at least one objection or reservation you would expect from readers who do not agree with your stance on this issue.

“Becoming” by Michelle Obama from Chapter 5

A prospectus allows a writer to decide what her/his/their paper will look like—the writer can try out ideas, think about the ideas, and plan the writing – it should allow the writer to ponder how to support the stance and consider what others’ objections to it may be. And these guidelines and suggestions should allow you to write a prospectus for your research essay:

1. In a sentence or two, state your thesis, and write the opening paragraph (or the first page) of your research essay.

2. Write a scratch outline. List three to five reasons you will give readers to persuade them that your stance is best. Your reasons may come from Becoming, other sources, in-class writing, or personal experience.

3. Identify three important sources that support your argument. For each one, explain its importance in two or three sentences.

4. List at least one objection or reservation you would expect from readers who do not agree with your stance on this issue.

5. Identify a source that challenges your position. In one or two sentences, explain how you will argue against it convincingly.

6. Try to support your argument. Select one of the reasons you listed in item two and write a page or so supporting it with facts, examples, statistics, anecdotes, or personal experiences. Write quickly. Announce your stance in the first few sentences, and then go directly to your support for it. Your purpose should be, simply, to try and articulate at least some part of your essay before you write the first draft. ou may adopt another strategy for beginning the f’ h essay

7. You can— if you prefer—begin by writing your introduction.

8. You may generate a page of freewriting, clustering, or brainstorming.

9. You may write an outline.

10. You may draw a connection (e.g., self to text, text to text, or text to world).

11. You may just begin writing, using a talking point (or a key idea) as your source of inspiration.

12. You may think about (and discuss) how to make a substantial or deep change in 1 or Essay 2 to create your research essay.