
Describe any difficulties you had (or are having) in making your choice, and the factors that drove/are driving your decision. Identify at least one professional organization affiliated with your chosen specialty and provide details on becoming a member.

Response to Discussion Post

Create a 1-2 paragraph max, response to this discussion post, and it should include a min of 2 APA references. The ask was to Post an explanation of the choice of a nursing specialty within the MSN-NP program. Describe any difficulties you had (or are having) in making your choice, and the factors that drove/are driving your decision. Identify at least one professional organization affiliated with your chosen specialty and provide details on becoming a member.

Show that f is not a one-to-one function and that it is not an onto function. Which interval of ℝ is the range of the function f ? Express the image set f([1,2]) as an interval of ℝ . Express the preimage set f−1([0,∞)) as a union of intervals of ℝ .

Math/Physic/Economic/Statistic Problems

Question One:

The function f: is defined by the rule f(x)=2x2 3x+1 .

(i) Show that f is not a onetoone function and that it is not an onto function.

(ii) Which interval of is the range of the function f ?

(iii) Express the image set f([1,2]) as an interval of .

(iv) Express the preimage set f1([0,)) as a union of intervals of .

Question Two:

Let h:AB be a onetoone function from a set A to a set B. The function f can be used to
construct a function H:𝒫(A)𝒫(B) as follows: For each X𝒫(A)

H(X)=h(X) (i.e. the image set of 𝑋 , by ).

Show that 𝐻 is onetoone is onetoone.

Question Three:

Let A , B and C be subsets of a universal set. Either prove or provide a counter example for the
following statements:

(i) (A(BC))(BC)=AB .

(ii) (AB)(BC)=AC.

(iii) (AB)C=A(BC).

Question Four:

(i) Show that the function f:× , defined by the rule


is a onetoone function (injective) function.

(ii) Show that the function g:{3}{2} , defined by the rule

g(x)= 2x

is a onetoone function (injective) function, which is onto. Find the inverse function

g1 of the function g .

Question Five:

The function f:(0,1)(0,1) is defined by the rule f(x)= 2x
1+y2 . Show that f is a onetoone and
onto function. Find the rule f1(x) of the inverse function f1

Does your thesis statement identify the two subjects you are comparing and tell why they are alike (and perhaps also briefly acknowledge their differences)? Does your paper’s structure follow either a point-by-point or a subject-by-subject pattern?

Play Analysis

Have you chosen two subjects that have significant similarities?
Does your thesis statement identify the two subjects you are comparing and tell why they are alike (and perhaps also briefly acknowledge their differences)?

Does your paper’s structure follow either a pointbypoint or a subjectbysubject pattern?

Does each of your topic sentences identify the subject you are discussing and the point you are focusing on in the paragraph?

Do transitional words and phrases clearly lead readers from subject to subject and from point to point?

Have you followed your instructor’s format and documentation guidelines?

Does your paper’s structure follow either a point-by-point or a subject-by-subject pattern? Does each of your topic sentences identify the subject you are discussing and the point you are focusing on in the paragraph?

Compare and Contrast 2

Writing a ComparisonContrast (pg. 48 in the textbook)
Have you chosen two subjects that have significant similarities?

Does your thesis statement identify the two subjects you are comparing and tell why they
are alike (and perhaps also briefly acknowledge their differences)?
Does your paper’s structure follow either a point
bypoint or a subjectbysubject pattern?
Does each of your topic sentences identify the subject you are discussing and the point
you are focusing on in the paragraph?
Do transitional words and phrases clearly lead readers from subject to subject and from
point to point?
Have you followed your instructor’s format and documentation guidelines?

Does a direct thesis convey both the subject and the reviewer’s value judgment? Does the review provide a summary or description to help you experience the film, music, event, etc.?

Literature Criticism 1

Does a direct thesis convey both the subject and the reviewer’s value judgment?
Does the review provide a summary or description to help you experience the film, music, event, etc.? Note places where the author provides too much or too little detail.
Does the essay clearly identify relevant criteria for evaluation? Are they appropriate, believable, and consistent?
Are any important features of the reviewed subject omitted?
Logos (logic, content): Does the essay provide sufficient, relevant, and interesting details and examples to adequately inform and entertain?
Ethos (author): Does the author’s judgment seem sound and convincing?
Pathos (emotional appeals): Does the author responsibly and effectively utilize emotional appeals to the audience?
Does the author include adequate reference to the opposition and respond to that opposition appropriately?

What is the theme of the poem? What is the poet trying to say? What is the poem about? What happens in the poem? Are conflicts or themes introduced? Resolved? Who is the speaker? What is the “point of view” or perspective of the speaker?

Poetry Analysis 1

1.What is the theme of the poem? What is the poet trying to say? What is the poem about?

2.What happens in the poem? Are conflicts or themes introduced? Resolved?

3.Who is the speaker? What is the “point of view” or perspective of the speaker? The perspective might be social, intellectual, political, or even physical.

4.What is the setting? What is the time and place? How does the poet make use of the physical description? Does it create a mood?

5.Are there any key statements or lines that indicate meaning? Look for one key line or symbol; however, the poet may make use of recurring symbols, actions, or motifs.

List the organization’s internal forces, including strengths and weaknesses, in relation to mission achievement. Indicate possible connections between an opportunity or threat, and a strength or weakness.

SWOT analysis on a nonprofit organization

Complete a SWOT analysis on a nonprofit organization of your choosing using the template below. Then, prepare recommendations to improve organizational performance and alignment with the organization’s mission and vision. Your recommendations should focus on the board of directors and other top leadership of the non-profit organization.

SWOT Analysis of a nonprofit organization
The organizational leader and board of directors should periodically perform a SWOT analysis. Use this template to perform a SWOT analysis of a non-profit organization that you are very familiar with or have thoroughly researched.

1. List the organization’s internal forces, including strengths and weaknesses, in relation to mission achievement.
2. List key opportunities and threats (political, economic, social, technological, demographic, or legal) that may influence an organization’s ability to achieve its mission.
3. Indicate possible connections between an opportunity or threat, and a strength or weakness.

What does it tell us about the society in question, how does it tell us these things, what can it not tell us, and why. For what the artifact or artifacts cannot tell us and why?

The Kofun (Tomb) Period

Select A, B or C from the images below and present an argument based on your analysis of that material artifact or artifacts. In this case, that means: what does it tell us about the society in question, how does it tell us these things, what can it not tell us, and why. For what the artifact or artifacts cannot tell us and why, you can refer to Professor Sullivan’s presentation and suggest how in the future there might be a way, or additional kinds of evidence, that would give us answers.

Do you believe the decision/action/resolution was ethical? Explain the decision-making process. Be sure to analyze your example within the context of the differing approaches to ethics discussed in Mill, Kant and Gilligan.

Ethical Decision Making

College life brings with it a new set of opportunities and challenges. You have entered a community of peers; some of you are living away from home without the everyday guidance and support of parents, family and friends. You are encountering a degree of diversity in everyday living to which you are probably not accustomed. And academically, expectations have changed dramatically. College faculty do not see themselves as disciplinarians and there are no school principals monitoring your activities and attendance. You are on your own, managing your time, negotiating choices and relationships, and dealing with a more complicated set of academic expectations and responsibilities. In every setting – dorm, classroom, college activities and work – you must balance your needs with obligations to yourself and to others. And this means that you are involved in ethical decision making.

In a 4-5 page essay, discuss a real situation you have encountered this semester which had an ethical component or dimension – that is, where you had to negotiate your own interests, values and needs within the context of the needs and/or expectations of others. You can use an example taken from your own experience, current events, the readings or class discussion. Do you believe the decision/action/resolution was ethical? Explain the decision-making process. Be sure to analyze your example within the context of the differing approaches to ethics discussed in Mill, Kant and Gilligan. How did the readings help you think about the situation from a new or deeper perspective?