
Write a 2-page paper, discussing the pros and cons of plea bargaining processes. Conclude your paper with a persuasive argument supporting your views.

Plea bargaining process.

For this assignment, you are to consider what you have learned in this chapter about the plea bargaining process. You are to write a 2-page paper, discussing the pros and cons of plea bargaining processes. Conclude your paper with a persuasive argument supporting your views. Support your work with relevant cases and outside sources.

Paper length 2 pages double spaced APA format. Use Times New Romans 12 pt font. Make sure to use in-text citations for any resources used to support your argument and include a reference page.
Please write and submit your paper using Microsoft Word. If you do not have a copy, please go to t Getting Started section of this course and dove your free student copy.

Identify the ways the authors supports the conclusion. Is it research based? Is it a literature search? Is it based on personal experience? Evaluate validity of its ideas, method or presentation, writing style, or attitude toward the subject.

Call Of The Assignment

Write a critique (1000-1500 words) of an article that has not been assigned for class reading, or otherwise discussed or distributed in this class, defining the essay’s purpose, showing how the author attempted to accomplish it, and evaluating if it was accomplished. You will need to use two sources about the author and the subject to help support your claims.
Read the article through once.
Reread the article, jotting down its main points.
Determine its thesis, controlling idea, or main argument.
Identify the ways the authors supports the conclusion.
Is it research based?
Is it a literature search?
Is it based on personal experience?
Evaluate validity of its ideas, method or presentation, writing style, or attitude toward the subject.
Be specific by summarizing, paraphrasing, or quoting from the article.
Combine your information into a consistent, coherent whole.
As you read select a few points that might make good quotations, but beware of quoting excessively or using long quotations.
Include a Works Cited page for the essay you critique, as well as any other sources you use in writing your essay.

Select and analyze a current event article. Perform descriptive and positive analysis of the current even in the form of a 250 word paragraph and relate to at least one core principal.

Gains from trade

Select and analyze a current event article. Perform descriptive and positive analysis of the current even in the form of a 250 word paragraph and relate to at least one core principal.

Critical evaluation of current project management practices in managing the project life cycle at initiation, planning, execution and closure stages for successful project outcomes.

Project Planning, Executing, Controlling & Closure

Critical evaluation of current project management practices in managing the project life cycle at initiation, planning, execution and closure stages for successful project outcomes.

Which solution was above the other? Why did the solutions seperate and not mix? How does this lab help to represent what happens in estuaries? How does this type of environment impact the organisms that live there (esturaries)?

lab report

Place a few drops of red food coloring to a clear glass that contains cold water from your refrigerator (less than half full).
In a separate glass of the same type, make a saltwater solution using the same amount of water as you did in step 1. Heat that water in the microwave for1 1/2 minutes or until warm. Be careful not to burn yourself. Dissolve table salt into that warm water (mix a little at a time until it does not dissolve any further.) Then place a few drops of yellow food coloring to that solution. Mix well.
Now, slowly pour the red water solution (freshwater) into the saltwater solution (yellow solution). The slower you pour the red into the yellow the better your results will be. Hint: If you pour it so that the red solution moves down the side of the yellow container, slowly, you will receive nice results.
Do not stir or mix this combined solution. You should see a separation of the two solutions, even though they are in the same container.
In a word or google document, describe what you observed as you mixed these solutions and then continue to monitor the solution recording what you see happening each minute for 10 minutes. Make a data table of these observations.
Take pictures of the mixture immediately after mixing and then after 10 minutes. Place a copy of these pictures in your lab write up and label the pictures.

Answer the following analysis questions.
Which solution was above the other?
Why did the solutions separate and not mix?
How does this lab help to represent what happens in estuaries?
How does this type of environment impact the organisms that live there (estuaries)?
What types of stress does this place on the organisms?
Write up this lab as a FULL lab report

Based on Module Fours articles on gender dysphoria, write a short paper about the influence of acceptance, parenting styles, and how these can directly steer a childs gender identity.

Short Paper: Gender Dysphoria

Based on Module Fours articles on gender dysphoria, write a short paper about the influence of acceptance, parenting styles, and how these can directly steer a childs gender identity.

Moreover, think about society today and acceptance of varied gender roles compared to the 1950s. What is different today in parenting styles compared to the 1950s? Additionally, think about the criteria and changes made in the DSM in the most recent version (DSM-5) compared to earlier, outdated versions.

Also, consider and explore society’s influence on gender dysphoria in your argument. Is there a direct correlation to gender identity and society or not?

Identify labs and diagnostics that would be needed to evaluate possible complications to other organs, as well as for the disorder itself.

Research and Synthesis Paper

write a 2500- to 3000-word paper (10 to 12 pages, where the page count does not include the title page or reference list) using formal writing mechanics and APA format. The paper should demonstrate the knowledge you gained relative to your chosen health-related condition and specific population. You can exceed the word count if necessary.
Incorporate each of the following items relative to your selected health condition, using citations and references for your sources:
Epidemiology and etiology
Brief description of normal physiology
A comprehensive explanation of the pathophysiology of the disorder
Clinical manifestations
Use your textbook to determine the specific manifestations for your disorder, but you must also use credible websites to identify the manifestations for the disorder.
Labs and diagnostics
Include every diagnostic that could be possibly used for the system, as well as other systems that might be involved.
Identify labs and diagnostics that would be needed to evaluate possible complications to other organs, as well as for the disorder itself.
Clinical management related to the disorder
This should be based on national standardized guidelines.

Describe three key provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and discuss one provision you feel could make a significant impact on the US population.


Describe three key provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and discuss one provision you feel could make a significant impact on the US population.

In your own words, summarize the point of view of the author. Discuss the time period this document is covering. What are some important events of this time period?

Social conflict

Read Social Conflict in your EReader, Pages 97-120

Construct a 6 paragraph essay (at least 30 sentences total) covering the following topics:

1. In your own words, summarize the point of view of the author.

2. In your own words, discuss the time period this document is covering. What are some important events of this time period?

3. In your own words: Make connections in paragraph 3 of your essay to Chronological Thinking

4. In your own words: Make connections in paragraphs 4 and 5 of your essay to Historical Comprehension

5. In the final paragraph, share how this article connects to today.

From your research, how user-friendly is the information provided by the two organisations to applicants? Does the information provided any indication of how inclusive each organisation’s recruitment and selection processes are?

Managing People and Careers

Evaluation and conclusions: when evaluating your findings set out in the first part of your report, you will need to consider questions such as:

How similar/or different are the approaches to graduate recruitment in your chosen organisations? From your wider reading of the academic literature how might you account for any similarities/differences?

To what extent do the organisational practices align with the notion of ‘best practice’ in the academic literature?
From your research, how user-friendly is the information provided by the two organisations to applicants? Does the information provided any indication of how inclusive each organisation’s recruitment and selection processes are?

How much information do the organisations provide about future career development opportunities? Remember this is important for the attraction and retention of employees, particularly graduates.

What final observations and impressions are you left with having researched different organisation’s approaches to recruiting and selecting graduates.