
Why is nutrition important in the early learning environment? What role do schools play in supporting proper nutrition?

Nutrition Project

1) Why is nutrition important in the early learning environment?

2) What role do schools play in supporting proper nutrition?

Construct an ideal nutrition curriculum plan for one week including age-appropriate activities with food/cooking for the children, materials added to the physical environment, and plans for communicating with families. In this plan, include a minimum of one bulletin board idea.

Research appropriate meal plans for an age group you select, based on required rules and regulations for food service. Share some of the required components for a nutritional meal, per the rules and regulations of that program. Create a sample menu for one day’s meals (breakfast, lunch, and snacks). Provide nutritional information and preparation directions/recipes for each meal.

Lastly, you will plan a cooking experience. Construct a lesson plan (using the FSW School of Education template posted here), so I could follow it if I were subbing in your classroom. Include the recipe and of course how you will use it with the children.
Using the USDA MyPlate (ChooseMyPlate) and nutritional guidelines, students will research nutrition utilized in Pre-K schools and childcare facilities, and construct an “ideal” plan and sample menus for a chosen level.

Critically analyse contemporary issues in diabetes care management, and justify the use of evidence, guidelines and national and local policy frameworks in managing complex clinical situations


The essay should demonstrate a thorough understanding of the pathophysiology of the disease process, and the impact on the individual. Knowledge of accepted guidelines and their application to practice should be evident.

On successful completion of this module students will be able to:

1. Demonstrate knowledge and critical understanding of the pathophysiology associated with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, and the impact on individuals, their family and carers.

2. Critically analyse contemporary issues in diabetes care management, and justify the use of evidence, guidelines and national and local policy frameworks in managing complex clinical situations.

3. Demonstrate critical understanding of pharmacological and non-pharmacological strategies for the clinical management of diabetes and the prevention of complications in a range of patient scenarios.

4. Develop, evaluate and synthesise care strategies that promote health and minimise the physical and psychosocial impact of diabetes and its complications.

5. Critically evaluate own role, and that of the multidisciplinary team, in care management for individuals with diabetes.

Based on the readings, describe what you see as the most beneficial technology that is now being used in some aspect of the court system, and explain why.


This week’s readings discuss advancements in the use of technology in the courts. As we have learned in prior readings from other areas of the criminal justice system, the use of such technological advancements can be highly beneficial, but there can also be negative consequences. Based on the readings, describe what you see as the most beneficial technology that is now being used in some aspect of the court system, and explain why. To receive full credit, be sure to directly reference the readings.

How did enslaved people of the American South resist their master?

Slave Resistance

Write the strong argument essay at a High School AP US History Class level and answer the following question. Use the following file for your sources.

How did enslaved people of the American South resist their master?

. What is your recommendation regarding what Dr. Fox should tell Ms. Ansari and what is the best way for him to deal with this family and this situation?

Case # 8: Bias & Culture

Leyla Ansari, 30, a recent immigrant from Afghanistan who is 22 weeks pregnant, is admitted to the hospital with severe cramping. She has only had 1 prenatal visit with a local OBGYN, not affiliated with the hospital. A preliminary ultrasound indicates brain abnormalities with her fetus.
Mrs. Ansari is accompanied by her husband of eight years (also an immigrant) and her mother, who speaks no English and lives with the couple. Mrs. Ansari (Leyla) also speaks very little English, though she does understand some; her husband speaks English better, though somewhat haltingly. Their primary language is Dari.
Mrs. Ansari is stabilized, and further scans are conducted on the fetus. The physicians soon discern that the fetus is afflicted with a relatively severe encephalocele; its size and location make survival outside the womb extremely unlikely. The attending physician, Dr. Fox, is not previously acquainted with the patient.
Mrs. Ansari’s other children (all girls, ages 2, 5, and 6) are in the outside waiting area, accompanied by an aunt. Noticing a look of deep concern on the doctor’s face, Mr. Ansari asserts that his wife is sick with fear and anxiety and that she herself would prefer that her husband handle any news of the situation. He requests that Dr. Fox meet separately with him first, outside of his wife’s room. Moreover, it is the traditional time for Muslims to offer prayers, and, since he and his family are devout Muslims, they would prefer to do so before any difficult conversations are had with the doctor. Mrs. Ansari, obviously upset but remaining silent, makes no visible objection to her husband’s wishes. Mr. Ansari repeats his request that the doctor meet separately with him.
Dr. Fox, unsure of how to proceed but not wanting to stress Mrs. Ansari further, agrees to meet the husband separately after they complete their prayers.
When they finish praying, Mr. Ansari meets separately with Dr. Fox. She discloses the most recent scan results to Mr. Ansari. Dr. Fox recommends termination of the pregnancy. Stunned, Mr. Ansari sits in silence for several minutes.
After several moments, there is a knock on the door from Mrs. Ansari’s mother. The patient’s mother immediately discerns from the husband’s face that something is terribly wrong and speaks in Dari to Mr. Ansari. Dr. Fox requests for Mr. Ansari to translate.
Mr. Ansari reports that his mother-in-law insists that the medical information from the scans may be faulty, and it would be bad luck for her daughter to learn the scan results at this point. In fact, she asserts, her daughter may “lose the baby” from stress over the results. She wishes for the hospital to keep her stable and let the fetus continue to grow inside her uterus in order to see “what God intends.” She herself firmly believes that this baby is the long-anticipated boy that the entire family has been hoping for, and that God would not visit such an unhappy result on such a devout family.
Mr. Ansari then turns back to Dr. Fox and insists that the doctor refrain from telling Mrs. Ansari the scan results, assuring Dr. Fox that he will tell his wife himself once she is emotionally ready for the news.
Dr. Fox submits an emergency request to the hospital ethics committee. Your group is this committee. What is your recommendation regarding what Dr. Fox should tell Ms. Ansari and what is the best way for him to deal with this family and this situation?

Identifies and explains the steps in establishing public-private partnerships, Explains the method used in communicating with partner stakeholders, Analyzes activities used to sustain existing public-private partnerships, Explains which techniques and tools can be used for improving the management of emergency services.

FEMA Course: IS-662 Improving Preparedness and Resilience through Public-Private Partnerships


Once you have completed the certificate course, please write a 2–3 page paper that:

Identifies and explains the steps in establishing public-private partnerships,

Explains the method used in communicating with partner stakeholders,

Analyzes activities used to sustain existing public-private partnerships,

Explains which techniques and tools can be used for improving the management of emergency services.

Provide examples to support your position.

NOTE: This assignment will require outside research. Include at least two credible sources beyond the text material and discuss how you evaluated the credibility of the resources used

You may consult the Library, the internet, the textbook, other course material, and any other outside resources in supporting your task, using proper citations and references in APA style. Discuss how you evaluated the credibility of the resources used.

Describe why you selected those particular roles and staffing mix and how the salary cost will affect operations of the center.

Staffing Matrix

Create a staffing matrix noting the roles you recommend for the center.
Research salary ranges in your region and list the salary per hour for each role you recommend.
Describe why you selected those particular roles and staffing mix and how the salary cost will affect operations of the center.

Cite your sources below. For additional information on how to properly cite your sources check out the Reference and Citation Generator resource in the Center for Writing Excellence.

How does FedRAMP help agencies ensure the security of digital government services? What is meant by “Digital Government services? (previously called “e-Government” services)


Create an MS Word document containing your “short paper” (response) for the discussion topic. Use MS Word to spell check and grammar check your work!
The format for your week 3 discussion is a Talking Points Paper. Talking points help decision-makers/leaders/managers make decisions. Decision-makers use talking points instead of (or in addition to) reading lengthy reports because the talking points only include the pertinent facts and/or the bottom line – meaning each talking point stands alone in the context of the paper topic.
Prepare a set of talking points (3 to 5 paragraphs or 5 categories / 20-25 bullet points total) that address the following information request:
How does FedRAMP help agencies ensure the security of digital government services?
Your talking points must address the following:
What is meant by “Digital Government services?” (previously called “e-Government” services)
FedRAMP (what it is, how agencies use FedRAMP to deliver Digital Services, and how FedRAMP contributes to improved security for Digital Services)
Additional strategies for improving privacy and security (Play #11) from the Federal CIO Council’s Digital Services Playbook (“Manage security and privacy through reusable processes”) — make sure that you address the “Checklist” and “Key Questions”
Provide in-text citations and references for 3 or more authoritative sources. Put the reference list at the end of your posting.

In post operative adults, who are at risk for opioid addictions, what is the effect of education on the signs of addiction, pain management and the use of NSAIDs in reducing opioid dependency in post operative surgical patients?

EBP Question

In post operative adults, who are at risk for opioid addictions, what is the effect of education on the signs of addiction, pain management and the use of NSAIDs in reducing opioid dependency in post operative surgical patients?

Which of the categories would be utilized? Explain the significance of the category/categories chosen and how it is relevant

RES 312: Module 3 Discussion

In this discussion review “Learning Theory” by Robert M. Gagne. “ For a clinical learning activity, such as the use of an MDI (metered dose inhaler), which of the categories would be utilized? Explain the significance of the category/categories chosen and how it is relevant

Reference and use this video to write this essay: