
Discuss the particular details of the kinetic-molecular theory. Give an Example?

Kinetic-molecular theory

Discuss the particular details of the kinetic-molecular theory. Give an Example? Write 3 paragraph long, Each paragraph 6 to 9 sentences long.

Use this source given: Introductory to Chemistry Fifth Edition Nivaldo J. Tro Chapter 11

1. Identify one of the delinquent acts/behavior identify by the counselor, and do a literature review on the act to include ( definition, theorie/s explaining the act/behavior, characteristics of the act, recommendations to resolve the act)

literature review on the Juvenile delinquent act is for Violent Crimes/Assault.

1. Identify one of the delinquent acts/behavior identify by the counselor, and do a literature review on the act to include ( definition, theorie/s explaining the act/behavior, characteristics of the act, recommendations to resolve the act)

According to the NCII tools for elementary reading Academic Intervention, is  Enhanced Core Reading Instruction (Fien et al., 2015; Smith et al., 2016)  a good intervention to start with? Why or why not?

Multiple Choice Questions

In Tab 1 in Excel:
1. Create a graph using Celeste’s data
2. Use benchmarks found below to create a long-term goal
3. You should have a goal line starting at her baseline
4. You should have a vertical line indicating Intervention 1 with a description of the intervention
5. You should have her 8 weeks of WCPM and %WCPM data graphed with a trend line for WCPM only
Write down the answers to the following questions:

What was Celeste’s baseline?


Is Celeste at-risk in reading?


Write your goal for Celeste. It should match your goal line in the graph and be written exactly as “By (date), Celeste will read at least (a number) of words correctly per minute on 3 consecutive trials as measured by 4th grade DORF.


According to the NCII tools for elementary reading Academic Intervention, is  Enhanced Core Reading Instruction (Fien et al., 2015; Smith et al., 2016)  a good intervention to start with? Why or why not?

Look at Celeste’s weekly data in response to your intervention, should you keep or change the intervention? Why or why not?

What ethical theories can be used to create a values-driven culture of integrity? What organizational programs or processes can help achieve a values-driven culture of integrity?

Unit 3 – Discussion Board

Theresa and Mike want to create a merged company that is defined by a culture of integrity, thus aiding employees in making ethical decisions. They will begin by understanding the methods of embedding ethical decision making and behaviors into the culture, including their responsibilities as leaders. You, the consultant, are asked to provide recommendations and guidance to help them shape the culture they are intending. This discussion is about values, a culture of integrity, and the role of leaders in creating and maintaining it.

Review the scenario for this course, and discuss the following with your classmates:

What ethical theories can be used to create a values-driven culture of integrity?
What organizational programs or processes can help achieve a values-driven culture of integrity?
In this type of culture, what decision-making processes can the CEOs use to make ethical decisions?

Identify two or three “market segments” which you think comprise the market for the product category you have chosen? Discuss how you arrived at these segments?

Market segments

Visit a drug store, grocery store and/or discount store and carefully examine one of the following product categories:
laundry detergent
For any one of the product categories listed above (mention which one),
Consider past and present advertisements and other promotions you have seen for the various brands of this product
Examine the packages (package design, labels, pictures, etc.).
Look at the prices of the brands found on the shelves.
Finally, think about your own shopping and consumption experiences with the category of product you have chosen.
Then, answer the following question:
Identify two or three “market segments” which you think comprise the market for the product category you have chosen? Discuss how you arrived at these segments? Use the observations made (from the bullet points noted above) to support your analysis.

Write a research paper outlining possible career paths in the field of Human Resources Management (HRM) and, based upon independent research, discuss how different organizations might develop and implement a strategic HRM plan.


Read the required chapters (Chapters 5 & 6) from the text in accordance with the syllabus. Write a research paper outlining possible career paths in the field of Human Resources Management (HRM) and, based upon independent research, discuss how different organizations might develop and implement a strategic HRM plan.

Reading Requirements:

Why would it be important for a company to have an employee and managerial self service portal? How do these portals benefit an organization?

W3: HRIS – Self-Service & HR Portals

Using your readings and conducting additional research as needed, respond to the following:

Why would it be important for a company to have an employee and managerial self service portal? How do these portals benefit an organization?
What are some of the best practices in implementing self-service applications and what are also some of the common errors?
Would you recommend one of these platforms at a current or previous employer? Why?

What are the different theoretical frameworks that the texts are relying on? Do they make use of these theories in an effective and convincing manner?

Reading response

Your reading responses must be approximately 500-800 words and critically engage with all of the readings for that class, as well as the theme of the week, and offer your own personal reflections and critiques. Rather than summarizing the text, you are asked to draw out the author or authors’ main arguments and offer points of comparison, analysis and critique.

do NOT summarize the contents of the text. While you may briefly outline the author’s main argument, most of your response should offer your own critical and analytical reflections.

What are the different theoretical frameworks that the texts are relying on? Do they make use of these theories in an effective and convincing manner?

-What is your INFORMED critique of the text (don’t tell me you “like the writing style”)? You may use other readings from previous weeks to come up with your INFORMED critique.

NOTE: Reading and writing “critically” does not mean the same thing as “criticizing,” in everyday language (complaining, fault-finding, disliking…). Your “critique” can be positive and praise the text or point out problems, disagreements and shortcomings.

What training programs do they offer? How is training viewed within the industry? How do training programs align with the unique jobs they must recruit for? Which organizations are considered a learning organization?

Presentation 2 – Human Resource Management

Your presentation should include information on how the industry trains and develops employees. What training programs do they offer? How is training viewed within the industry? How do training programs align with the unique jobs they must recruit for? Which organizations are considered a learning organization? Why?

How are companies performing in the industry?

The presentation should also include how organizations pay and incentivize employees. Are bonusses or other pay for performance programs used? If so, which ones and how are they designed? Can you find examples of equal pay laws being violated? If so, how did these violations impact the industry? Do employees feel they are paid fairly? Which organizations lead or lag in their industry in compensation? How are executive pay packages designed within the industry and what perks do executives receive that other employees do not. What stock options or retirement incentives are provided to employees?

Conclude with your key takeaways and suggestions for improvement.

To what extent has your understanding of research deepened? Does the research process seem more valuable now after having built your own proposal?

Socail work proposal

Assignment: Research Proposal Part 2

In Part 1 of your research proposal, you established the need for further study in your literature review and mapped out your problem statement, research question, and methodological approach. Now you expand on that foundation by including your plans for sampling, data collection, and ethical and cultural considerations.

You also do a bit of reflection in Part 2—first by anticipating the results of your study and what you’d expect to find, and second by reflecting on the research process and what you have learned. For instance, to what extent has your understanding of research deepened? Does the research process seem more valuable now after having built your own proposal? Consider these questions as you complete your full research proposal, adding information to the Part 2 sections.

To Prepare:

• Review the Learning Resources on measurement, data collection, and bias-free language.

• Access and reflect on Part 1 of your research proposal.

• Consider what you have learned about research by conceptualizing and planning a research study in this manner. Anticipate what the proposed study’s results might be.

• Add content to Part 2 of your Research Proposal document.

I have provided attachment as well to help complete the assignment.

Assignment 2 to 3 pages

Submit the second part of your research proposal including the following sections in 2 to 3 pages:

• Sampling and Sampling Method (1–2 paragraphs)

• Data Collection (1 paragraph)

• Ethics and Cultural Considerations (1–2 paragraphs)

o What ethical and/or cultural issues need to be considered? How will you address those issues in your study?

• Discussion (1 paragraph)

o If you were to conduct the study, what would you expect the results to show? What would you do if the data didn’t align with your expectations?

• Reflection (1 paragraph)

o What did you learn about research through this process?