
Just how much depression in young teens is linked to the use of social media? Why do people decide to keep using social media even when knowing long exposure is bad for them? Why is anxiety and depression more found in the modern-day than it was in the past?

Depression and Social Media (I Search Essay)

The Main Question to the Assignment is….. Just how much depression in young teens is linked to the use of social media? Why do people decide to keep using social media even when knowing long exposure is bad for them? Why is anxiety and depression more found in the modern-day than it was in the past?

Explain how you determined the filing status, dependents, and use of standard/itemized deduction. Complete a tax analysis that is informed by tax law and strategies to determine the most beneficial way for a client/family to file their federal income tax return.

Assisting a family with their tax returns

Imagine that you are preparing taxes for a local tax service provider.
A married couple named Judy and Walter Townson have come to you to seeking assistance with their federal income taxes. During your meeting with the Townson’s, you gather the following information:
⦁ They are both 55 years of age.
⦁ They have two daughters and one son.
⦁ One daughter (age 25) is married with children.
⦁ One daughter (age 20) is living at home and attending college.
⦁ Their son (age 16) is a junior in high school.
⦁ They are currently paying for their college-student daughter to attend school full time.
⦁ Judy is employed as a teacher and makes $60,000 a year. She used $500 of her personal funds to purchase books and other supplies for her classroom.
⦁ Walter is employed as a CPA and makes $100,000 a year.
⦁ They provided you a 1099-INT which reported $4,500 in interest, of which $500 was savings bond interest.
⦁ They provided you a 1099-DIV which reported $300 in dividends.
⦁ They received a state tax refund last year of $385.
⦁ They provided you a list of expenses including:
⦁ Doctor’s bills, $800.
⦁ Prescriptions, $400.
⦁ New glasses, $2,000.
⦁ Dental bills, $560.
⦁ Braces, $5,000.
⦁ Property taxes for their two cars of $800, which included $50 in decal fees (tabs).
⦁ Real estate taxes of $4,500.
⦁ Mortgage interest of $12,000.
⦁ Gifts to charities, $1,000.
⦁ GoFundMe contribution to a local family in need, $100.
⦁ Tax preparation fees for last year’s taxes, $400.
Consider the most beneficial way for Judy and Walter to file their federal income tax return.
Prepare a brief written summary, no more than 500 words that address the following:
⦁ Estimated taxable income for Judy and Walter (show computations).
⦁ Summary of tax return, including any suggestions or tax planning considerations.
⦁ Explain how you determined the filing status, dependents, and use of standard/itemized deduction.
This course requires the use of The Schools Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Schools Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment:
⦁ Complete a tax analysis that is informed by tax law and strategies to determine the most beneficial way for a client/family to file their federal income tax return.

Identify the functions of digital marketing intelligence and data analytics and critically analyse commercially successful corporate digital footprints in relation to these information channels.

Digital leadership in a world of change

You can choose a business of your choice and prepare a report. In this assignment, your task is to analyse the recent global business environmental issues which may impact on the business.

Note: Words used in applied models, tables; charts etc… within the main body of the report are NOT included in the report word count. Content placed in the appendices MUST have a clear connection to the main body. Any work copied and paste into the report and/or the appendices that is not discussed, analysed or mentioned will not be considered by the marker.

Suggested Report Structure.

Front Cover page

Executive Summary (150 Words)



Purpose of the report & structure (200 words)

The Organisation & Industry Overview and impact by Covid -19 (200 words)

Critically evaluate the theories, methodologies, and approaches to e-commerce across devices and apps. (600 words)

Evaluate the potential threats and emerging legal frameworks that could cause major business disruption, and/or reputational collateral loss, either emanating from, or being introduced into, the digital, cyber sphere. (600 words)

Identify the functions of digital marketing intelligence and data analytics and critically analyse commercially successful corporate digital footprints in relation to these information channels. (600 words)

Identify and evaluate current challenges and future direction of business risks and threats that emanate from the digital/cyber sphere, and which may significantly impact C-suite governance and business responsibilities. (600 words)

Recommendation (400 words)
Conclusion (150 words)


Apply an evaluative approach to a range of business data, sources of information and appropriate methodologies in identifying drivers of innovation within a business and its environments.

Shortage of HGV drivers -ASDA Plc

The assessment will require the students to identify an issue facing a specific firm/industry/market/operational or function (e.g. Accounting, HR, Marketing, Operations…) Apply creative and or innovation methodologies to the production of possible solutions, selection and planning for implementation identifying any potential issues that their solution may encounter and recommendations for overcoming these. These solutions can be process driven or product driven, physical, virtual or online and is open to new developments and markets that have not yet been identified or presently exist.

This assignment has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your
achievement of the following module learning outcomes:

LO 1 Apply an evaluative approach to a range of business data, sources of information and appropriate methodologies in identifying drivers of innovation within a business and its environments.

LO 2 Analyse and illustrate how organisations can successfully plan, prepare and manage innovation and creative activities.

LO 3 Critically discuss the importance of organisational knowledge, knowledge transfer and cross functional cooperation in order to analyse and assess innovation capability and blockages.

LO 4 Actively engage in the identification of an innovative and/or creative solution for an identified business or organizational need.

LO 5 Conduct an innovation development audit appropriate for the introduction of the new product/service.

Is it on target? Is it mistaken? Is it somewhat right, but missing something? What would that something be?

4 videos Question

Your initial post will be evaluated using the following criteria. In the initial post the student scholar:
Uses the weekly materials to construct an academic argument that addresses the discussion question in a thorough and logical manner.
Correctly uses key terms and concepts. Thoroughly addresses all components of the prompt. Ideas are clear and on-topic.
Follows grammar conventions. The writing is concise and easy to read.
While normally a 200 word-count would suffice, please make sure to address the prompt. Likely you will need more that that for this discussion.

Your Initial post should make at least two comments/observations on each of the 4 videos (eight comments in total). Some of the things you might comment on would be your view of the accuracy of the video. Is it on target? Is it mistaken? Is it somewhat right, but missing something? What would that something be? You could also provide examples of your observation of the bias as well. ….These are just ideas to get you started.


Why doesn’t Kukla think that illiteracy should be considered a medical problem? Why do Battin et. al. think that the viewpoints of bioethics and public health are in tension? Why does Longmore think we have a double-standard when it comes to suicide prevention for disabled people?


1. A descriptive term is a term which does not make reference to any values. An evaluative term is one which does make reference to values. Why does R. M. Hare think that health is an evaluative term and not a descriptive one? (Hare)

4. Why doesn’t Kukla think that illiteracy should be considered a medical problem? (Kukla)


5. Why do Battin et. al. think that the viewpoints of bioethics and public health are in tension? (Battin)


6. Explain how economic factors contextualize the decisions for David Rivlin and Larry McAfee to seek physician-assisted suicide. (Pence)


7. What is social epidemiology and why do Venkatapuram and Marmot think it is necessary to use it in order to understand the causes of disease and illness? (Venkatapuram and Marmot)


8. Why does Longmore think we have a double-standard when it comes to suicide prevention for disabled people? (Longmore)


9. Give an example of a treatment in a clinical setting where, in order to uphold our duty to one of the principles of biomedical ethics, we must act against a different principle of biomedical ethics. Explain in your example how the first principle is upheld and the second is transgressed. (Beauchamp)


10. Explain how the deliberative model of the physician-patient relationship is said to add a brand-new skillset to clinicians.( Emanuel & Emanuel – Four Models)

Why there is a difference in some ratios between these two companies. Which company is better based on the ratios analysis. Provide at least one reason with the fact to back up your analysis.


Be sure to number your response to each question so that your answer corresponds appropriately with the question being asked.
In this initial post, you will prepare a set of financial ratio analyses for two firms (firm A and B) that operate within the same industry and are close competitors. For example, IBM vs Microsoft, Home Depot vs Lowe’s, Coca-Cola vs Pepsi Co, etc .  But It is not limited to these firms.  Find the firms that you like and want to know most.
You don’t have to calculate the ratios. They can be found in, Value Line. Complete a ratios analysis for both companies.
For each of the following 5 key analysis areas, select one area (for example, profitability) and compare the ratios of A & B in this area :
Financial Leverage
Market Value
Compare the most recent ratios of firm A and firm B and then write a paragraph to explain
1) why there is a difference in some ratios between these two companies.  (2 points)
2) which company is better based on the ratios analysis. Provide at least one reason with the fact to back up your analysis.  (2 points)

General requirement:
The reasons for all posts need to be specific to your chosen companies, not just the economy.
You must use the fact or data to support your conclusion. The fact or data would be referred as a link for a webpage, a publication, a recent 10-Q, or news by the firms

Evaluate the airport and what it wants to do. Evaluate the pros and cons of the article to see how it impacts the airports intentions. Discuss the various funding programs and complex relationships that exist at airports.

Airport Financing

Because airports are public entities and provide a service to their community, there is often a lot of media articles covering these issues. It is important for airport officials to inform and educate their communities on what is needed at their airport in order to meet their aviation needs. You will often see pro and con articles that discuss these issues from varying viewpoints.

For this assignment, conduct a literature search for a recent article related to airport financing. Describe the following:

1- Evaluate the airport and what it wants to do
2- Evaluate the pros and cons of the article to see how it impacts the airports intentions.
3- Do the article and the writer meet the credibility test
4- Is the article valid for readers to gain correct information on the issue?
4- Ensure that you discuss the various funding programs and complex relationships that exist at airports.

What do you think about the incorporation of nature in Frank Lloyd Wright’s Fallingwater? Take a look at the pictures below of its interior space. What do you think it would be like to live in that house? How would it change your interaction and/or awareness of the natural world?


What is the purpose/function of the Pont du Gard? What are the benefits of a round arch over post-and-lintel construction?
pont du gard

How does the Pantheon’s structure (shape and construction) create a symbolic connection between the heaven and earth, between the gods and humans? Remember to use your architectural vocabulary!
pantheon rome

What do you think about the incorporation of nature in Frank Lloyd Wright’s Fallingwater? Take a look at the pictures below of its interior space. What do you think it would be like to live in that house? How would it change your interaction and/or awareness of the natural world?
Front entrance to Fallingwater

Why can it be incredibly disruptive to corporations and governments? And why might public relations and corporate communications not work when this occurs? Can you think of some current examples in the world where social movements are disrupting corporations and governments, even here in New Brunswick?

Music Industry and Public Relations

“Over the past couple of weeks, we have discussed the role of corporate communications and public relations and how those have evolved into parts of corporations and industries that are integral to how products and corporate image is sold. We are now looking at a case study on the music industry, in which their traditional public relations and communications did not work with the consumer and their business model of selling music to the masses was badly disrupted. First, from the material I have provided, what is counterhegemonic globalization? Why can it be incredibly disruptive to corporations and governments? And why might public relations and corporate communications not work when this occurs? Can you think of some current examples in the world where social movements are disrupting corporations and governments, even here in New Brunswick? Now, apply this term counterhegemonic globalization to the music industry and the changes we have seen since the use of the Internet to download music in the 1990s. Can the changes brought by civil society and how we obtain and listen to popular music today be examples of counterhegemonic globalization Demonstrate how changes brought by Napster, torrent sites, music streaming, and the use of iPod/iTunes,
can be considered or not considered counterhegemonic changes to globalization. Now think about the public relations of the music industry. What various things did they do wrong when Napster appeared in 1999 and through the ultimate collapse of their business model once iTunes became the way in which consumers paid for music? What were the problems they faced and why did they fail? Outline what you think they did wrong. Finally, what would you have done differently if you were in their position and were helping them with public relations and their image? Consider the Starbucks and oil spills crisis communications examples as well as the Campbell chapter on Public Relations from class. I encourage you to look at the PBS Frontline site “The Way the Music Died” (see below and on Moodle) for examples of how the music industry has shifted and been upended by civil society changes and watch the documentary ‘Downloaded’ to give you a larger sense of the problems the industry faced. You may also consult the PowerPoints from class and use my chapter on Moodle to defend your arguments. Click on the six different reasons on the PBS website below to find examples of the collapse of the music industry (the Related Links at the bottom of each section, particularly the Internet Piracy section, might be helpful as well). These sites are old and the pictures might not work any more but they are useful for

information and sources:

Your assignment should be 4-5 doubled spaced pages and you should spend most of that space focused on the third section on public relations (at least 2 pages). Remember to use sources from the texts or the website to defend your opinions. Much of this assignment is about showing me you know how to write and defend an argument. I do not want just your opinion but your thoughts backed up by sources. “