
Explain what the linguistic anthropology subfield focuses on, and how anthropologists in this subfield study evolution. Describe the research project and its impact in our understanding of evolution.


Explain what the linguistic anthropology subfield focuses on, and how anthropologists in this subfield study evolution. Find at least one scholarly source that identifies a specific research project in which anthropologist from this subfield study evolution. For example, an archaeologist may look at how tools have changed through time, and what has caused that change (conduct your own original research, do not use this example). Describe the research project and its impact in our understanding of evolution.

What cause Shakespeare Hamlet become so mad or mean

Shakespeare Hamlet

What cause Shakespeare Hamlet become so mad or mean

What advice can you give them? What are the standards when it comes to management of hearing loss for children?


Your sister gave birth to a darling little boy. He was born at full gestation with no complication during pregnancy or delivery. As part of their protocol, the hospital nursery performed a hearing screening. The results showed the baby did not pass the screening. The parents are concerned, but do not know what to do. What advice can you give them? What are the standards when it comes to management of hearing loss for children?

What does this scenario tell us about attentional focus? Can you think of situations in which a sudden event like this could disrupt performance of a task, and other situations in which it could benefit performance of a task? In what ways can this be studied?

Attention course

Question 1) Imagine that you’re watching your neighbour’s child while she is looking at a “Where’s Waldo” puzzle book … and she is finding it quite hard to find Waldo. Do you think it’s just children that can have difficulty finding Waldo? What does difficulty finding Waldo tell us about how we visually search for objects? In what ways do we use this knowledge in everyday life?

Question 2) One of your friends is talking about a basketball game she was playing in recently. And she was describing what it was like for her to guard two players at the same time. In particular, she talked about how she could keep track of both of them … by sometimes looking at one opponent while keeping track of the other player with what she called her “peripheral vision”. What does this tell us about how we move our attention around within a visual scene? How could being able to do so benefit us in everyday life? In what ways can this be studied?

Question 3) A friend is telling you about something unusual that he experienced while buying groceries. In particular, while he was in the store and looking at fruits and vegetables, he thought he saw a purple banana. But when he took a second more careful look, he saw that the banana was actually yellow. Why, when he first looked it, might he have seen a purple banana? What does this tell us about how attention can affect visual perception? Can you think of other situations in which our perception of objects might be “fooled” in this way?

Question 4) Imagine that you’re relaxing at the beach with some friends and you’re watching a beautiful sunset. Then, far away and in off to the side of where you’re looking, there’s a bright flash. And you find yourself turning quickly and looking in that direction in time to see a bolt of lightning. What does this scenario tell us about attentional focus? Can you think of situations in which a sudden event like this could disrupt performance of a task, and other situations in which it could benefit performance of a task? In what ways can this be studied?

Question 5) You are visiting a friend and watching her while she is talking to her baby girl. And you notice that when your friend moves her eyes to look at things in the room, the baby also moves her eyes to look at those things too. What does this scenario tell us about attention during mother-child interactions? Why might this be important? In what ways can this be studied?

Evaluate and develop organizational strategic plans (SP) in relation to patient safety, economic and quality outcomes of healthcare organizations and systems. Appraise the effects of strategies to reduce costs and improve the quality and safety of healthcare.

Week Three Davis

(CO1) Evaluate and develop organizational strategic plans (SP) in relation to patient safety, economic and quality outcomes of healthcare organizations and systems. (PO1)

(CO3) Appraise the effects of strategies to reduce costs and improve the quality and safety of healthcare. (PO1 & PO4)

(CO5) Synthesize and communicate research findings to promote quality improvement and safety in healthcare. (PO1 & PO4)

Identify and discuss any ethical dilemmas on the part of the involved child welfare professionals and other professionals (i.e., law enforcement, educators, attorneys, judges). Was there anything that should have been reported that was not, any relationship boundary issues, any lack of follow through, and/or any compromising positions. 

Child Study Analysis: Kaleb Cronk

1. The paper uses proper APA formatting and includes a cover page, abstract, and a reference page. The paper uses appropriate headings. The paper should be edited and well written (clear focus, logical development, correct use of grammar).
2. Provide a summary of the case facts and significant issues of the case.
3. Provide details regarding family background and demographics of the family. Include information broadly about risk factors and protective factors. Include information about the family’s neighborhood, culture, education, lifestyle, etc.
4. Provide a timeline of the child’s life and Department of Children and Families and Community Based Care agency involvement leading up until the child’s death. Identify all professionals involved and explain their role and documented professional opinions.
5. Identify the primary legal issues and decisions that were made in the case. Cite the result of court hearings and the decisions made by judges and attorneys.
6. Identify and discuss any ethical dilemmas on the part of the involved child welfare professionals and other professionals (i.e., law enforcement, educators, attorneys, judges). Was there anything that should have been reported that was not, any relationship boundary issues, any lack of follow through, and/or any compromising positions.
7. Discuss your assessment of the decisions made in the case and discuss what you think should have been done differently. (Note: This is 30% of the grade of the assignment.)
8. Finally, at the end of your paper write a personal message to the child victim that honors their life. Share your feelings about their life and the tragedy that happened to them. Express to them what you personally would like them to say to them if you had the opportunity.

Analyze at least two of the primary sources you’ve read for this section together and consider what they tell you about the military/ies or about another related aspect of American life. 

Domestic Intervention Final

Analyze at least two of the primary sources you’ve read for this section together and consider what they tell you about the military/ies or about another related aspect of American life.  One key skill we’re working on here is engaging with evidence: that means quoting it and explaining what those quotations mean or reveal; the phrase “this suggests” might be useful to you.  Another skill is that of putting evidence together into a wider argument. The paper needs to be unbiased and see how both documents are connected to each other. Lastly, see the below analysis feedback and implement them to the paper.

Describe what a task statement is and provide examples. Why are task statements becoming increasingly popular?


Describe what a task statement is and provide examples. Why are task statements becoming increasingly popular?

Comparing and contrasting these two sources. Keep in mind the historical context and the documents’ audiences. Look for the authors’ rhetoric and analyze how they are different and why.

“On Indian Removal.” President Andrew Jackson’s Speech to Congress, 1830

Comparing and contrasting these two sources. Keep in mind the historical context and the documents’ audiences. Look for the authors’ rhetoric (the language they used) and analyze how they are different and why. Use specific details and words from the documents to establish their differences and think about the historical period to understand them.
These are the 2 sources.
“On Indian Removal.” President Andrew Jackson’s Speech to Congress, 1830