
Write a one page double-spaced essay including a half-page summary and a half-page personal response to the article/video which you read/watched.

Khan Academy Summary

Read one article or watch one video from the following section on the website:

1. Etruscan Art (found under the general section Ancient Mediterranean).

Write a one page double-spaced essay including a half-page (a minimum of eight complete sentences) summary and a half-page (a minimum of eight complete sentences) personal response to the article/video which you read/watched.

Describe a school or system’s current practice for Professional Learning. Tell how the school or district offers Professional Development. What individuals are expected to do — overall, how the school or district expects professional learning to take place?

Professional Development For Teachers

Conduct a review of best practices in professional development for teachers and review a school/system’s professional learning system.

Describe current best practices in professional development…(use 4 sources, including this Find others on your own.

Describe a school or system’s current practice for Professional Learning (you may use an organization other than a school or school district if you work outside k-12) – information may come from school or district professional learning plans, observation/personal knowledge, or interviews.

Tell how the school or district offers Professional Development. What individuals are expected to do — overall, how the school or district expects professional learning to take place?

Gap analysis between best practices and those of school or system you reviewed – What are gaps between best practices and the practices of school or system you reviewed?

Recommended strategies for reducing gaps.

Choose three organizations that demonstrate and exemplify corporate social responsibility. Evaluate how the organizations exemplify corporate responsibility. Describe methods for ethically managing aspects of diversity in a team.

Corporate Social Responsibility and Managing Diversity

Imagine your team has been contracted to assist an organization with their corporate social responsibility and embracing and managing diverse populations of employees. You have been asked to present information on these topics to the human resources department.

Research aspects of ethical corporate social responsibility and strategies for ethically managing aspects of diversity in a team environment.

Choose three organizations that demonstrate and exemplify corporate social responsibility.

Evaluate how the organizations exemplify corporate responsibility.

Describe methods for ethically managing aspects of diversity in a team

Discuss nursing burnout and strategies to combat burnout. Discuss the causes how it affects patient care. Include Freudenberger’s 12 phases of burnout.

Boundaries and Burnout: Strategies for Nurses to Maintain Self

Discuss nursing burnout and strategies to combat burnout. Discuss the causes how it affects patient care. Include Freudenberger’s 12 phases of burnout.

Include 2 peer reviewed references no older than 3 years.

Critically discuss how your chosen sector could address a challenge drawing on one of these perspectives: – Diversity – Commercialisation / Strategy – Internationalisation – Regulation – Digital & Innovation

Report based on one the industry sectors

You are required to write a report based on one of the industry sectors (publishing, the press, broadcasting or music). Critically discuss how your chosen sector could address a challenge drawing on one of these perspectives: – Diversity (gender, geography, ethnicity, social, education) – Commercialisation / Strategy – Internationalisation – Regulation – Digital & Innovation

Demonstrate leadership skills in critically analysing theories of leadership and communication within the healthcare team which enhances the patient experience, and promotes a culture of transparency, openness and learning.


Outcome 1: Evaluate theories and evidence supporting the rationales for clinical decision making and choices of action in the practice setting.
One of the learning outcomes of the module is clinical decision making and this must be included in the summative assignment.
Outcome 3: Demonstrate leadership skills in critically analysing theories of leadership and communication within the healthcare team which enhances the patient experience, and promotes a culture of transparency, openness and learning.
NB It is essential both of these are addressed in the Annotated PowerPoint

Provide an argument as to why anthropologists might be uniquely positioned to study gender in any society.

Cultural background

Using your own cultural background, give an example of a gender role, a gender stereotype, and gender stratification. Provide an argument as to why anthropologists might be uniquely positioned to study gender in any society. Use concepts from the textbook to support your answers.

Use sources from Brown, Nina, Thomas McIlwraith, and Laura Tubelle de González, eds. 2020. Perspectives: An Open Invitation to Cultural Anthropology. 2nd edition

Select at least two areas in which the bill focuses on and explain why you do/do not support it.


Develop a 3–5-page paper in which you identify and defend an argument about the pros/cons of the George Floyd Policing Act. You will discuss the incidents that lead to the implementation of this bill. State at least two incidents that contributed to the development of this bill and the outcomes of the officers they were involved. This component of the submission must be objective and properly cited. Select at least two areas in which the bill focuses on and explain why you do/do not support it. Some of those areas of focus are as follows:

• Work to End Racial and Religious Profiling
• Save Lives by Banning Chokeholds and no-knock warrants
• Limit Military Equipment on American Streets and Require Body Cameras

Describe how virtue ethics works, what rules does a person have to follow, how does a person practice virtue ethics. Is this is a good system for healthcare workers to follow?

Analysis of virtue ethics in healthcare.

1. Analyze the virtue ethic system, describe how it views right vs wrong
2. Provide a historical summary of where the system originated
3. Describe how virtue ethics works, what rules does a person have to follow, how does a person practice virtue ethics.
4. Finally, is this is a good system for healthcare workers to follow?
5. Conclusion, summarize.

Is your source credible? What is their motivation for their research/argument? Is the work/research supported by other well-informed sources? Regarding your emotional appeals, are they valid?

The penny should be disposed of.

3 to 5 minutes. Your topic must be logically debatable, meaning topics like chocolate chip cookies are the best or why you should not smoke cigarettes will not work. Structurally speaking, this speech is identical to the prior. You need to cite three outside sources, make sure that you have variety and that your sources are not biased (will be discussed in class).
The PowerPoint will have 6 content slides (intro, body, conclusion), along with a title slide and a works cited slide. In total, you will have 8 slides; you can also show a video clip up to 20 seconds. Remember the 6/6 rule: no more than six bullet points per slide, six words per bullet point. You must also credit the images you use, list the source below the image.
The outline approach is the same as the informative: two main points/internal summaries and transitions. Make sure you also engage with the counterarguments: we will discuss an 85/15 split; it is crucial to show you understand and respect the other positions. Remember, those on the other side came to their values and beliefs in the exact same manner as you: upbringing, culture, experiences, etc. Your outline must have ORIGINAL writing. If you turn in an outline with copied source material, the resulting outline grade will be a zero.
Always keep the pillars of persuasion in mind: ethos, pathos, logos. Is your source credible? What is their motivation for their research/argument? Is the work/research supported by other well-informed sources? Regarding your emotional appeals, are they valid? Do not rely solely on negative pathos: too much doom and gloom can be counterproductive. When it comes to logical appeals, research including data, statistics and facts certainly qualify, but that is not the end of logos. Does the idea or argument make sense from the audience’s point of view? Keep in mind that your POV may differ from the POV of your audience (in favor, opposed, neutral or apathetic).