
If you were giving a unit director advice about leading a corporate change effort, what two things would you stress as most important? Why are those two things the most central?

Organizational change and ethics – Strategic Management

The Module 10 material focused on organizational change and ethics. Considering the material you were asked to read, watch, and/or review this week, please answer the following questions:

1. If you were giving a unit director advice about leading a corporate change effort, what two things would you stress as most important? Why are those two things the most central? Make sure to use material from this module to support your answer.

2. What were the two most important takeaways from this module related to ethics? Why are these the two most important things to consider? Make sure to use material from this module to support your answer.

Module 10 Notes

1. This discussion board is set up so that you can see and respond to your colleagues. While you can see your other posts, I expect your posts to be original and unique.

2. Make sure to apply and describe at least two concepts in total. You can use additional concepts or sources, but you must use at least two.

Write an essay on secondary science teacher’s use of model-based climate curriculum for student conceptual and epistemic knowledge gains.

Use of model-based climate curriculum

Secondary science teacher’s use of model-based climate curriculum for student conceptual and epistemic knowledge gains.

Choose to study a business, big or small, local or international. Based on its current products and status, identify a new international market for this company.

The Individual Project

Choose to study a business, big or small, local or international. Based on its current products and status, identify a new international market for this company. The international market can be a region, a country or also choose a city/area in this country( for aexample New York City in the US). This must be a new market that this business has never entered. You create a business plan for the chosen business to enter and develop its business in the selected market.

If development entails the movement from one viewpoint on the world toward another viewpoint, from what viewpoint does Annie develop (or not develop) away? How is Annie’s development (or lack thereof) situated within the larger context of 20th century Antigua?

Kincaid’s Annie John

Kincaid’s Annie John is often described as a coming-of-age novel. How does Annie develop (or not develop!) throughout the chapter ‘Columbus in Chains’? If development entails the movement from one viewpoint on the world toward another viewpoint, from what viewpoint does Annie develop (or not develop) away? How is Annie’s development (or lack thereof) situated within the larger context of 20th century Antigua?

Write a summary of the country legal, economic and political systems and how that affects your new international expansion. Key regional and world organizations and relationships and how that affects your new international expansion.

South Africa Country Background

Student teams are required to submit a rough draft written report of PART TWO of their Final Project Paper see requirements below.

Required: APA formatting, in-text citations, reference page and title page

Title Page includes: Course Number/Title, Name of Professor and Course Term/Month, Company name; Target Market (Country of Entry), Team member names with NU ID numbers

PART TWO Rough Draft Paper Requirements:

For the following, you are answering them for the country to which you are expanding, NOT your home market.

Country Background: It will be about South Africa and the company relating to this is,
Brief economic history and current business climate as it relates to your company and product.
Key regional and world organizations and relationships and how that affects your new international expansion.
Summary of the country legal, economic and political systems and how that affects your new international expansion.

Explain the relationship between intercultural and interpersonal dimensions of communication. Describe five key values that help shape a culture’s communication norms. Identify the attitudes, knowledge, and skills required for intercultural communication competence.

Interpersonal relationship journal

Explain the relationship between intercultural and interpersonal dimensions of communication.

2.2 Describe five key values that help shape a culture’s communication norms.

2.3 Recognize the range of co-cultures in today’s society and how co-cultural factors can affect interpersonal communication.

2.4 Explain the factors that shape a culture’s verbal and nonverbal codes.

2.5 Identify the attitudes, knowledge, and skills required for intercultural communication competence.

Determine the direction in which the demand curve shifts when the price of substitute bottles of wine decreases by $1. Calculate the amount of the shift in the demand curve.

Chapter 2 Demand and Supply Problem

Project Description:
In this problem, you will calculate the quantity demanded, quantity supplied, and equilibrium price. Then you will determine the effects of changes in the market conditions on equilibrium.

2 In cells D8-D14, E10-E14, H8-H13, and I10-I13, enter the coefficients and values for the market demand and market supply functions.

Note: Do not use the equal sign when entering a numeric value. The values for income and number of suppliers should be entered in thousands and the value for millennials should be entered in millions. 1
3 In cell H18, determine whether the quantity demanded increases or decreases when the price of Syrah increases by $1.

In cell J18, by using a cell reference, calculate the change in the quantity demanded. Refer to an appropriate cell among D8-D14.

Note: The change in the quantity demanded must be a positive number. 1
4 In cell H19, determine whether the quantity supplied increases or decreases when the price of Syrah increases by $1.

In cell J19, by using a cell reference, calculate the value of the shift. Refer to an appropriate cell among H8-H13.

Note: The change in the quantity supplied must be a positive number. 1
5 In cell H23, determine the direction in which the demand curve shifts when the price of substitute bottles of wine decreases by $1.

In cell J23, by using a cell reference, calculate the amount of the shift in the demand curve. Refer to an appropriate cell among D8-D14.

Note: The amount of the shift in the demand curve must be a positive number. 1
6 In cell H24, determine the direction in which the supply curve shifts when the price of substitute bottles of wine decreases by $1.

In cell J24, by using a cell reference, calculate the amount of the shift in the supply curve. Refer to an appropriate cell among H8-H13.

Note: The amount of the shift in the supply curve must be a positive number. 1
7 In cells H27 and H28, by using cell references, calculate the bottles demanded and bottles supplied, respectively, corresponding to Price of Syrah In cell H26. Use the Excel SUMPRODUCT function as a part of your formula. Use cell H26 and the appropriate cells among D8-D14, E10-E14, H8-H13, and I10-I13. 1
8 In cell H32, determine whether there is a shortage or surplus corresponding to Price of Syrah In cell H26.

In cell J32, by using cell references, calculate the amount of shortage/surplus. Use cells H27 and H28.

Note: The amount of shortage/surplus must be a positive number. 1
9 In cells H35 and H36, by using cell references, calculate the bottles demanded and bottles supplied, respectively, corresponding to Price of Syrah In cell H34. Use the Excel SUMPRODUCT function as a part of your formula. Use cell H34 and the appropriate cells among D8-D14, E10-E14, H8-H13, and I10-I13. 1
10 In cell H40, determine whether there is a shortage or surplus corresponding to Price of Syrah In cell H34.

In cell J40, by using cell references, calculate the amount of shortage/surplus. Use cells H35 and H36.

Note: The amount of shortage/surplus must be a positive number. 1
11 In cells E43-F49, do the following:

In cell E43, by using relative and absolute cell references, calculate the quantity demanded corresponding to Price of Syrah In cell D43. Use the Excel SUMPRODUCT function as a part of your formula. Use cells D43, D8-D14, E10-E14. Copy the formula from cell E43 down the column to cell E49.

In cell F43, by using relative and absolute cell references, calculate the quantity supplied corresponding to Price of Syrah In cell D43. Use the Excel SUMPRODUCT function as a part of your formula. Use cells D43, H8-H13, and I10-I13. Copy the formula from cell F43 down the column to cell F49. 2
12 In cell H50, by using a cell reference, determine the equilibrium price. Refer to an appropriate cell among D43-D49.

In cell H51, by using a cell reference, determine the equilibrium quantity. Refer to an appropriate cell among E43-F49. 1
13 In cell H54, by using cell references, calculate the quantity supplied corresponding to Price of Syrah In cell H50 and Costs of production In cell H53. Use the Excel SUMPRODUCT function as a part of your formula. Use cells H50, H53, H8-H13, I11-I13. 1
14 In cell K56, determine whether the change in the costs creates a shortage. 1
15 In cells E59-F63, do the following:

In cell E59, by using relative and absolute cell references, calculate the quantity demanded corresponding to Price In cell D59. Use the Excel SUMPRODUCT function as a part of your formula. Use cells D59, D8-D14, and E10-E14. Copy the formula from cell E59 down the column to cell E63.

In cell F59, by using relative and absolute cell references, calculate the quantity supplied corresponding to Price In cell D59. Use the Excel SUMPRODUCT function as a part of your formula. Use cells D59, H53, H8-H13, and I11-I13. Copy the formula from cell F59 down the column to cell F63. 2
16 In cell H64, by using a cell reference, determine the equilibrium price. Refer to an appropriate cell among D59-D63. 1
17 In cell H66, by using a cell reference, determine the equilibrium quantity. Refer to an appropriate cell among E59-F63. 1
18 Save the workbook. Close the workbook and then exit Excel. Submit the workbook as directed. 0
Total Points 18

Find logical fallacies proposed by Withey in”The Shame of the Nation” and explain them

Mastering Logical Fallacies and The Shame of the Nation

Read two books, Mastering Logical Fallacies: The Definitive Guide to Flawless Rhetoric and Bulletproof Logic(Withey); The Shame of the Nation: The Restoration of Apartheid Schooling in America(Kozol),

Students will then craft a reaction paper in which they evaluate the Kozol’s theories, arguments and conclusions using the techniques they have learned from Withey. In other words, students must offer a critique of Kozol’s logic using the theories and ideas of Withey. (AKA find logical fallacies proposed by Withey in”The Shame of the Nation” and explain them)
Citation Style: Chicago/Turabian citation format

Is there a relationship between Big five personality traits (Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism, Openness) and Emotional Intelligence?

Research question:

Is there a relationship between Big five personality traits (Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism, Openness) and Emotional Intelligence?

If Hepting v. AT&T results in “Big Brother” being allowed to eavesdrop and/or review the local and toll telephone dialing and bills of individuals, will U.S. citizens and consumers have any privacy rights left regarding use of communication technologies?

EFF Case Study Information

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) filed a class-action lawsuit against AT&T on January 31, 2006, accusing the telecom giant of violating the law and the privacy of its customers by collaborating with the National Security Agency (NSA) in its massive, illegal program to wiretap and data-mine Americans’ communications. In May 2006, many other cases were filed against a variety of telecommunications companies. Subsequently, the Multi-District Litigation Panel of the federal courts transferred approximately 40 cases to the Northern District of California federal court.

In Hepting v. AT&T, EFF sued the telecommunications giant on behalf of its customers for violating privacy law by collaborating with the NSA in the massive, illegal program to wiretap and data-mine Americans’ communications. Evidence in the case includes
undisputed evidence provided by former AT&T telecommunications technician Mark Klein showing AT&T routed copies of Internet traffic to a secret room in San Francisco controlled by the NSA.

In June of 2009, a federal judge dismissed Hepting and dozens of other lawsuits against telecoms, ruling that the companies had immunity from liability under the controversial Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Amendments Act (FISAAA), which was enacted in response to court victories in Hepting. Signed by President Bush in 2008, the FISAAA allows the attorney general to require the dismissal of the lawsuits over the telecoms’ participation in the warrantless surveillance program if the government secretly certifies to the court that the surveillance did not occur, was legal, or was authorized by the president—certification that was filed in September of 2008.


Why is the Hepting v. AT&T case crucial to the long-term posture of how the U.S. government can or cannot review consumer confidential information?
If Hepting v. AT&T results in “Big Brother” being allowed to eavesdrop and/or review the local and toll telephone dialing and bills of individuals, will U.S. citizens and consumers have any privacy rights left regarding use of communication technologies?
What are the information systems security implications of consumer information being shared?