
Compare the financial analytical results of the two companies and justify why a merger is timely. Evaluate the elements that shape the merger’s value creation and assess its potential to maximise its triple-bottom-line performance.

Financial Ratio Analysis

Your feasibility report should address the following:
1. Use the BAO5734 financial template (XLSX 32.76KB), and calculate the firms’ financial performance using profitability, leverage (equity or debt), and liquidity ratios. (500 words)
2. Compare the financial analytical results of the two companies and justify why a merger is timely. (500 words)
3. Articulate the strengths and weaknesses, using Porter’s Five Forces model and SWOT Analysis of the merger and acquisition project using the Consolidated Financial Results (Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss and Cashflow) of Baby Bunting Pty Ltd and G8 Education. (500 words)
4. Evaluate the elements that shape the merger’s value creation and assess its potential to maximise its triple-bottom-line performance (Refer to the sustainability sections of the annual reports). (500 words)

Identify the correct raw materials and proper manufacturing processes by using the knowledge you learned from this course.

How Things are Made

The purpose of this discussion is to make the course more interesting by relating the manufacturing processes to the real-world product development and manufacturing.

You are required to find a real-world product and find out ways to manufacture it. This product must be composed of at least 10 different components (parts). Please number your components. For each component, you will identify reasonable manufacturing processes to make it from raw materials. It may involve several materials and several processes. You only need to go to the level of a specific process, not the actual operating parameters such as the spindle speed, feed rate, and depth of cut. Note that you can attach figures, YouTube videos, and documents to help explain your plan to make your selected product. You will create a new thread in this forum and post the production plan for your product.

Make sure you identify the correct raw materials and proper manufacturing processes by using the knowledge you learned from this course. There are several websites on my watch-out list, including

Critically discuss an example from practice which focuses on leading and managing care within the multidisciplinary team.

leading and managing care

Critically discuss an example from practice which focuses on leading and managing care within the multidisciplinary team. Check the task brief and stick the guidelines.

Writing Skills

When offering ideas and concepts, you must support these by drawing on relevant evidence – that is theories, concepts and models – from the literature. Core texts and further readings have been provided in this module, but you will need to look beyond these, and can do so via electronic library facilities.

Your writing must show evidence of compare and contrast and should have application to the workplace where appropriate to demonstrate synthesis of knowledge and its application to nursing practice.


In other words, what should you, as the teacher, do to help the student, and what should the student do to help himself or herself?

Comprehensive Analysis of an English Language Learner’s Writing


Abstract: The abstract of 120 words or less should be a brief overview of your paper without your conclusions.

Introduction: The introduction should include introductory comments about grammar and ELLs, your student, and the context of your student’s written work. In your introductory comments, you should refer to any of the articles we have read and any other pertinent sources about grammar, correction, and ELLs’ writing development. You should discuss your student’s age, native language, country of origin, grade level, number of years/months of studying ESL, and his or her proficiency level in writing and speaking. In addition, you should discuss the context of the student’s writing sample. For example, tell what the assignment was, what it relates to (a reading, an experience, and so on), and what guidelines or other help the student was given.

Strengths and Weaknesses of ELL’s Grammar: In this section, you should describe the main strengths (good word choice, phrases, and sentences) and the main difficulties the student had on the sentence level, for example, verb tense, subject-verb agreement, articles, and so on. You must give an example of each of the strengths and weaknesses. You should give reasons for the student’s errors or patterns of errors (contrastive analysis). For example, in your student’s native language there may be no present tense of the verb “to be,” so your student may also leave it out in English.

Evaluation of ELL’s Organization and Rhetorical Structure: In this section, you should explain the student’s plan of organization and essay structure, as well as describe its success or failure. You will also discuss how the student used lexico-grammatical resources to support the type of text he/she was writing. You must provide details and examples.

Suggestions for Correction and Remediation: Having noted problems in the student’s writing in the previous sections, in this section you should explain your corrections (and even cite sources for any that you had to look up). Moreover, you should make recommendations for the student’s remediation. In other words, what should you, as the teacher, do to help the student, and what should the student do to help himself or herself?

Conclusion: You should sum up your comments and describe your response to the student’s writing. For example, was it difficult for you to correct the paper? What were your own strengths and weaknesses in the process?


Explain the ways in which trends within Medicare, Medicaid, and third-party payers affect working capital and the cost elements associated with the revenue cycle.

Reflective Journal: Working Capital

Your expertise in healthcare finance has attracted the attention of some of the newer employees in your organization. Wanting to become managers someday, they have asked you to share some of what you know in the online journal that serves as the company’s knowledge-sharing portal. Create a journal assignment in which you respond to these specific topics from your colleagues:

Describe the ways in which financial statements, financial calculations, and working capital are used in the organizational budget process

Identify the main objective of managing cash flows

Explain why financial leaders are concerned about having cash on hand

Identify the three factors that set the healthcare industry apart from most other industries with regard to accounts receivable

Explain the ways in which trends within Medicare, Medicaid, and third-party payers affect working capital and the cost elements associated with the revenue cycle

For additional details, please refer to the Module Four Journal Guidelines and Rubric document.

Review the website and financial statements from your organization. Identify a capital budget item that you will use as the basis of your capital budget proposal.

Select a Capital Budget Item


Wanting to surface as many good ideas as possible, your organization has invited all employees to submit capital budget proposals that would help the organization respond to industry trends and achieve its mission and strategic goals. Employees who submit a proposal that is accepted for implementation will receive a $2,500 bonus.

Review the website and financial statements from your organization (the organization you have selected for your final project—Venice Family Clinic or Joslin Diabetes Center). Identify a capital budget item that you will use as the basis of your capital budget proposal. Keep in mind the premise of a capital budget item is one that costs over $5,000 and has an estimated useful life of five years.

For more information on this assignment, please see the 4-2 Capital Budget Item Guidelines and Rubric document.


Discuss a macroenvironmental analysis of the company in the case. Financial analysis of the company in the case. Corporate social responsibility analysis of the company in the case.


provide at least a 10-page report (double-spaced ) discussing the following:
– A macroenvironmental analysis of the company in the case
–A financial analysis of the company in the case
-A corporate social responsibility analysis of the company in the case
-Strategic implications from your analysis

Describe the many attempts by Quebec and Canada to change the framework of the Canadian nation between 1980 and 2000. Looking for explanations for 6 events during this period.

Attempts at constitutional change

1. Attempts at constitutional change: Describe the many attempts by Quebec and Canada to change the framework of the Canadian nation between 1980 and 2000. Looking for explanations for 6 events during this period.

Based on the lesson learned thus far, what can the U. S. do in the future when faced with a pandemic or national emergency related to infectious diseases?

COVID-19 pandemic

Name two reasons as to why the U. S. failed to contain COVID-19?


Based on the lesson learned thus far, what can the U. S. do in the future when faced with a pandemic or national emergency related to infectious diseases?


Is the emergence of the 2009 A (H1N1) virus an example of antigenic shift or antigenic drift? Explain the difference between shift and drift. Why was the 2009 A (H1N1) influenza epidemic considered a pandemic?

Infectious diseases

Case Study 1

1. Is the emergence of the 2009 A (H1N1) virus an example of antigenic shift or antigenic drift? Explain the difference between shift and drift.


2. Why was the 2009 A (H1N1) influenza epidemic considered a pandemic?


Case Study 2

Name two reasons as to why the US failed to contain COVID-19?

2. Based on the lessons learned thus far, what can the U.S. do in the future when faced with a pandemic or national emergency related to infectious diseases?