
Why do you think this symphony, arguably the most famous in musical history, has such a profound effect on so many people?

Music 5

Listen to all of Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5 in C Minor. In your journal, describe the effect each movement of this symphony has on you–that is, your emotional as well as intellectual reaction. Why do you think this symphony, arguably the most famous in musical history, has such a profound effect on so many people?

Do you see any ethical problem of publishing these results?

Discussion, write a response

In Chapter 3, we talked about various guidelines about research ethics, among which an important principle is to do no harm to research subjects. Let’s assume that you conducted a research project and followed all the protocols, and you feel certain that you have protected your subjects well. However, the research findings you have are somewhat surprising, and you can imagine that people with certain political standing can use it to justify actions that potentially hurt disadvantaged groups (hypothetically, say, you find that improving infrastructures and schools in neighborhoods with high percentages of Blacks and Hispanics do not end up helping Black and Hispanic kids’ wellbeing; or, say, children from same-sex families have worse mental health when they grow up). Do you see any ethical problem of publishing these results?

How do you think people can improve the sampling of exit polls given the changes in voting behavior? Do you trust the results of exit polls you see? Why and why not? Why do you think we need exit polls to begin with?

Discussion. Write a response

Nov 2 was the election date in many states in the United States. If you read the newspapers today (and maybe the next several days), you will find some discussion about exit polls. Last week we talked about sampling. Exit polls are polls taken as voters exit the voting places. For exit polls to be accurate, getting the right sample is very important. How do you think the COVID-19 pandemic and the related changes may affect the accuracy of exit polls? How do you think people can improve the sampling of exit polls given the changes in voting behavior? Do you trust the results of exit polls you see? Why and why not? Why do you think we need exit polls to begin with?

Once picked a company start thinking of strategic plan, define strategic opportunity to improve company , how will the proposed opetaration change impact of the organization , why not selected others , discuss initial direction you want to take towards achieving a proposed recommendation for the company


Week 1 assignment
Read chapters, work on company selection and literature review
(literature review research) – literature review company selection –

Select organization and explain why (pick out of 4 or 5)
Submit proposal for approval , will be working on this for 4 weeks
No set page limit, 3 additional resources each week (only journalistic articles?)
Everything in APA format
Once picked a company start thinking of strategic plan, define strategic opportunity to improve company , how will the proposed opetaration change impact of the organization , why not selected others , discuss initial direction you want to take towards achieving a proposed recommendation for the company
First week = give summary what you will be doing for company selection and some of the research you have found to help with that 2-4 pages
3 articles for literature review

Wk1 Submit Strategy and Approach ( not due week 1 now, but it was, changed to week 2)
How you gonna go about your strategy proposal after you have picked a company you will use
Not the paper – give proposal for the strategy-
Term paper 10 pages
Let us know that the strategy proposal is

Whats the difference between choosing hospice versus palliation. Should hospice be the pathway accepted, what needs to happen so that a hospital or SNF can provide hospice?

Watch the movie: Being Mortal

This movie shows the student’s understanding of hospice and the ethical challenges patients, family and physicians face when discussing options for end of life care.

To ensure the student has a good understanding of the materials, “Being Mortal” will combine all the information from LTC3020 into a real-life situation for the student to synthesize concepts and principles over the past 5 weeks.


After watching the movie, you are required to write a paper that includes the following:

The importance of mortality conversations with patient and family

The ethics behind continuing treatment when it appears to be futile to the prognosis of the patient

The difference between choosing hospice versus palliation

The eligibility for hospice according to the Medicare guidelines

Should hospice be the pathway accepted, what needs to happen so that a hospital or SNF can provide hospice?

Compare, contrast and review two papers, one regarding Economic Nationalism and one regarding Economic Liberalism, each within the context of the Global Political Economy.

Economic Nationalism vs Economic Liberalism Critical Literature Review

Compare, contrast and review two papers, one regarding Economic Nationalism and one regarding Economic Liberalism, each within the context of the Global Political Economy.

The review should include:

– A summary of the key points raised in each article and how they link to the political theory.

– Analysis of strengths and weaknesses of article

– Comparison of the two articles main assumptions

– A valid argument with evidence supporting your claims about the authors’s arguments.

In Tristan, Beroul simultaneously celebrates and condemns the lovers. In so doing, the poet simultaneously celebrates and condemns both adultery and lies. What is the effect on you, the reader, of this “double agenda”?


In Tristan, Beroul simultaneously celebrates and condemns the lovers. In so doing, the poet simultaneously celebrates and condemns both adultery and lies. What is the effect on you, the reader, of this “double agenda”?

Explain how you can use the concept that you picked to solve the problem that you introduced. Make sure to take the reader through the logic of how they would implement the concept to this problem, why this approach is expected to work.

Work Rules: Concepts and Problems Read more at:


For Each Chapter
⦁ Pick two core concepts from Work Rules and define them.
⦁ Identify a problem you have seen or heard about in an organization and describe it.
⦁ Pick one of the two concepts you chose in part one and explain how you would apply it to solve the problem you identified in part two. Make sure to go deep into the logic of how this would apply and why you expect this approach to work.
Do not use a problem and solution that you have already seen used. This often ends up with not properly applying the concept to the problem you have selected and will result in lost points. Original thinking is the point of this exercise.
For the Entire Book
⦁ Start with a short introductory paragraph.
⦁ Write a concluding paragraph that highlights the 2-3 biggest takeaways you will take from having read this book.
Overview of structure

 Chapter 1
Chapter 1 Concepts (This heading should be bolded and italicized)
⦁ Identify in bold the concept, and then define the concept.
Chapter 1 Problem (This heading should be bolded and italicized)
⦁ Describe the problem you are going to solve (you should be able to do this in one to two paragraphs).
Chapter 1 Concept application (This heading should be bolded and italicized)
⦁ Explain how you can use the concept that you picked to solve the problem that you introduced. Make sure to take the reader through the logic of how they would implement the concept to this problem, why this approach is expected to work.

Chapter 2
Chapter 2 Concepts (This heading should be bolded and italicized)
⦁ Identify in bold the concept, and then define the concept.
Chapter 2 Problem (This heading should be bolded and italicized)
⦁ Describe the problem you are going to solve (you should be able to do this in one to two paragraphs).
Chapter 2 Concept application (This heading should be bolded and italicized)
⦁ Explain how you can use the concept that you picked to solve the problem that you introduced. Make sure to take the reader through the logic of how they would implement the concept to this problem, why this approach is expected to work.

To what level were you able to understand the EA framework? How deeply is the solution described within the context of the organization? Are you going to modify the framework to be more applicable (why) or will you adopt the model exactly as it is?

Phase 2 project on stc (Saudi telecom company)

2) This is a team of 3 students /project. You may discuss the work with other students. You may “Work in parallel”, but all submitted work have to be under the Team Name. No copied diagrams! No copied Sentences. Use your own words. Violations will be severe.

In this report you will design and implement an enterprise architecture solution. From your reading in the annotated bibliography or other EA related readings in the literature (e.g. Resources in implement a solution.

A local real case needs to be selected, analyzed for its issues and problems and a suitable EA solution should be selected from the literature. In this business case you need to show your mastery of the selected EA solution by reading about the framework from the literature and having deeper understanding of the material.
E.g. let us assume, you decided based on your analysis of the case that TOGAF was suitable solution for the problem. You must read about TOGAF and implement it as the best a solution to your case. So you will do many changes of the organization you are analyzing based on TOGAF framework with a link to the literature.

Analysis of the organization: How logical and deep is the analysis. Was the real problems found or not? Business analysis tools could be used such as SWOT, PERT, PESTLE, use cases and core competencies analysis. Also I would consider technical understanding as an important tool in this analysis. Any other tools would be important ( /3 )
Linking with the material and literature: Show a high level of understanding of the material and literature. Also, how well were you able to link your case with it? ( /3 ) Organization: Appropriate use of referencing especially in text citations and bibliography. The overall look, organizations and easiness of reading of your report. For example suitable usage of vocabulary, grammar and structure. ( /2 ) Suitability of the EA practices: Is the chosen practices realistic and suitable? ( /2 )
Implementation of the EA solution: To what level were you able to understand the EA framework? How deeply is the solution described within the context of the organization? Are
you going to modify the framework to be more applicable (why) or will you adopt the model exactly as it is? EA is about comprehensiveness, was the solution applied and described holistically? Remember that in your solution in text citations is very important ( /10) Remember your business case should be well argued and logical. You need to provide a description of the case, its problems, and your solution with related in text citation and why did you select this solution and finally and most importantly a description on how the organization will become after you implement the EA framework.

Rashomon is clearly a product of a deeply patriarchal culture, especially in using the story of a rape the basis for a metaphysical contemplation of the unknowability of truth and reality. Does the film also contain its own skepticism about patriarchy as well?


Answer the Questions (150 WORDS EACH QUESTIONS)

1) Rashomon is clearly a product of a deeply patriarchal culture, especially in using the story of a rape the basis for a metaphysical contemplation of the unknowability of truth and reality. Does the film also contain its own skepticism about patriarchy as well?

2) The idea of a “tale within the tale” is a really neat way to look at a story as it might be in real life. We each perceive and remember incidences differently. our interpretation is impacted by our own unique experiences along with our cultural and societal views. This could explain how the characters all had a different view of the events that took place. Of course, you would not expect that the cause of death would change from a dagger to a sword. certain details should remain the same, but how it happened can be told differently from each different character. The one thing that I did not understand, is they would have known if the man was killed by a dagger, or a sword and could have ruled out at least one of the stories. I wonder why they did not leave the cause of the samurai’s death the same? making it harder for us to know who was telling the truth.

3) At least when Cleo from 5 to 7 was made, Varda was the best known woman filmmaker in the world. What effect do you see of a feminine subjectivity at work here?