
Explain how you would evaluate readiness to terminate group and family treatment, identifying similarities and differences between the evaluation of the two types of treatment.

Termination with Families and Group

Post a comparison of the termination process between treatment groups and family sessions. Explain how you would evaluate readiness to terminate group and family treatment, identifying similarities and differences between the evaluation of the two types of treatment. Describe the techniques you would use to terminate a treatment group and how these may be the same or different than the techniques you would use to terminate a family intervention.


Explain the steps involved in executing the project. “Building a VPC on AWS” and “Launching a Web Server” on AWS should be subtitles under “Project Details.”

Proof of Concept Report

Provide a summary of your report that highlights key information to be shared.

Briefly introduce your project and include the current structure of the company.

Statement of Need
Explain what the company is struggling with and how the company could benefit from moving to the cloud.

State any assumptions you made as part of the process.

Description of Current Infrastructure
Describe the current infrastructure of the company that will be migrated to the cloud.

Cloud Service Providers
Provide an overview of the top three cloud service providers. List the services offered and briefly describe the advantages and disadvantages of each provider.

Project Details
Explain the steps involved in executing the project. “Building a VPC on AWS” and “Launching a Web Server” on AWS should be subtitles under “Project Details.”

Building a VPC on AWS
Describe the steps used in building a VPC.
Launching a Web Server on AWS
Describe the steps used in launching a web server on an instance.

Challenges Encountered
List and discuss any challenges in encountered while building the VPC and launching the web server.




Discuss the epiphany of your choice of two of the following characters: Mama in “Everyday Use,” the narrator in “Cathedral,” or title character in “Young Goodman Brown.”


literary analysis

Sources: No secondary sources. You are only allowed to quote and paraphrase from the primary
literature you are analyzing.

Assignment Details

For this directed literary analysis, you will write an essay in response to one of the following
prompt questions. As you can see, two of the prompts involve fiction, and two involve poetry.
For your single essay, you are expected to include an introduction, thesis statement, 3-4 major
points (each with textual support), and a conclusion.

1. Modernist fiction is often characterized by innovative style and themes of
disillusionment, alienation (or isolation), and economic, social and moral collapse.
Discuss your choice of two of the following stories in terms of their modernist
characteristics: “Araby,” “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place,” or “A Rose for Emily.”

2. A “Simple” or “Classic” story plot is often characterized by a central character having an
epiphanya realization of a fundamental change in character. Discuss the epiphany of
your choice of two of the following characters: Mama in “Everyday Use,” the narrator in
“Cathedral,” or title character in “Young Goodman Brown.”

3. The Romantic Poets were political activists and philosophers concerned with social
issues such as the French Revolution, corruption in monarchies, child labor, and
Industrialization. Using examples from “London,” “The World is Too Much with Us,”
and “Ozymandias,” analyze and explain how this group of poets made their concerns

4. “My Mistress’ Eyes” and “How Do I Love Thee?” are both sonnets and may be
considered love poems; however, the poets of these two respective poems chose to
express love very differently. Using specific evidence from the poems, compare and
contrast these two pieces, making sure to discuss both content and form.

Research the mission statement of your chosen company. Describe how the company’s mission statement aligns with its CSR policy. Give at least two specific examples.

Role of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in an organization’s strategy

The assignment requires you to consider the role of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in an organization’s strategy. CSR requires companies to ensure they are always working towards four pillars of societal accountability: economic, legal, ethical, and philanthropic.
Using your research skills, locate and define the CSR policy of one well-known public company.
Referring to your selected company’s CSR initiatives, identify which pillars of responsibility they seem most focused on: economic, legal, ethical, or philanthropic. Give at least two specific examples.
Research the mission statement of your chosen company. Describe how the company’s mission statement aligns with its CSR policy. Give at least two specific examples.
Utilize at least two external sources as part of your research. Sources might include your textbook, the company’s website, or another resource found in the university library.
Your submission should include a title page, introduction, main body, conclusion, and reference list.
The paper should be at least two double-spaced pages in length using size 12-point font.

How does Plato’s allegory of the cave represent the education of the philosopher? What are the obstacles to seeking and attaining wisdom? What are the rewards? Consider carefully the different symbols of the allegory.

Interpretation of the Allegory of the Cave

Be sure to set out clearly the thesis you mean to defend. Do not simply respond to the questions contained below, which are meant to stimulate ideas and suggest directions you may take in writing your essay. Rather, organize your ideas in a logical and coherent way. If you do not have a specific thesis, then be sure to articulate the main question you will be examining. At the end of the essay, you should be able to summarize your findings.

How does Plato’s allegory of the cave represent the education of the philosopher? What are the obstacles to seeking and attaining wisdom? What are the rewards? Consider carefully the different symbols of the allegory. In what way can humankind be seen as living in darkness and ignorance? How are we to be freed from this situation? In what way does the sun represent the “perfect model of the good, the use of which makes all just things and other such become useful and helpful?” (355)

Compares and contrasts how all four of the planning concepts, as well as strategic, operational, and tactical planning would be implemented in specific emergency situations during the planning process.

FEMA Course: IS-235c Emergency Planning


Once you have completed the certificate course, please write a 2–3-page paper that:

Identifies and explains 10 principles of the planning process.

Relates how all four of the planning concepts (phasing, branches, planning horizons, and forward and reverse planning) as well as strategic, operational, and tactical planning helps sequence operations within the planning process.

Compares and contrasts how all four of the planning concepts, as well as strategic, operational, and tactical planning would be implemented in specific emergency situations during the planning process.

NOTE: This assignment will require outside research. Include at least two credible sources beyond the text material and discuss how you evaluated the credibility of the resources used You may consult the Library, the internet, the textbook, other course material, and any other outside resources in supporting your task, using proper citations and references in APA style. Discuss how you evaluated the credibility of the resources used.

In addition to fulfilling the specifics of the assignment, a successful paper must also meet the following criteria:

Include a cover page and references page in 10–12-point font (Arial, Courier, and Times New Roman are acceptable)

Viewpoint and purpose should be clearly established and sustained

Assignment should follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.)

Writing should be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful

Your work should display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics

Appropriate citation style should be followed. You should also make sure to:

Include a title page with full name, class name, section number, and date

Include an introductory and concluding paragraph and demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard American English

Use examples to support your discussion

Cite all sources on a separate reference page at the end of your paper and cited within the body of your paper using APA format

Identify and discuss the five characteristics of effective risk assessment plans (specific to the plan scenario you reviewed).

Effectiveness of Risk Assessment Planning


For this assignment, you will evaluate the risk assessment planning associated with a Pandemic Event Scenario in New Jersey State.

In order to complete the assignment, you will need to utilize the following plan, which deals specifically with pandemics.

State of New Jersey: Office of Emergency Management. (2007-2020). 2019 New Jersey state hazard mitigation plan, Section 5.21. Retrieved from

You will review the plan and write a 3–5-page paper predicting and appraising the effectiveness of risk assessment planning. In your paper, identify and discuss the five characteristics of effective risk assessment plans (specific to the plan scenario you reviewed).

Five Characteristics of Effective Risk Assessment Plans:

1.Identify the risk

2. Assess and analyze the risk

3.Develop strategies to mitigate the risk

4.Evaluate the strategies

5.Implement and monitor

Additionally, determine the effectiveness of the threat, vulnerability, and consequence assessments conducted and determine the validity and reliability of the planning based on the assessments (follow the corresponding rubric).

Compose a short paper on how these social factors evolved over time to result in the “script” we have inherited of the piece of once-religious-now-secular culture we understand to exist today.

Our Social life or Culture

Select an aspect of our social life or culture that once held religious significance, but has now become secularized. Using this secularized piece of culture, and through your research, create a list of social factors that contributed to the religious elements diminishing over time. Compose a short paper on how these social factors evolved over time to result in the “script” we have inherited of the piece of once-religious-now-secular culture we understand to exist today.

2. Create and upload a meme here about how you understand the “dilemmas” faced by women’s roles in European drama

Are leaders born, or are they trained? How has the history of leadership evolved around the world to reflect this question? What are the implications of your perspective in health care settings?

History of leadership

Are leaders born, or are they trained? How has the history of leadership evolved around the world to reflect this question? What are the implications of your perspective in health care settings?

What conclusions can you draw from your reading? What important questions related to your topic remain unanswered? What do you agree or disagree with?

The development of morals

o Introduction: A paragraph or two that clearly and concisely describes (1) the topic of your paper, (2) the question(s) you will investigate, and (3) the various points of view or differing explanations proposed in the scientific articles on which you are basing your paper.

o Research Section: The core of the paper – 2 to 5 pages – must be a discussion of the scientific evidence. You should consult at least SIX sources (books, articles within books, monographs, or journal articles. Try to find at least one relevant source published within the last year. (Do NOT use Wikipedia as a resource, as it can be altered and the information isn’t always true.)

o Your opinions: A very important part of the paper is your own opinions and ideas; based on the research you have read. What conclusions can you draw from your reading? What important questions related to your topic remain unanswered? What do you agree or disagree with?

o References: All the books and journals used for your paper must be listed alphabetically in a reference page at the end. You should follow a consistent format – APA .

Development of morals, how and when do we develop them?