
Create an infographic for the mission, vision, and specific details stakeholders will want to know to gain their buy-in on the project.

Patient Satisfaction

Review Creating an Infographic and The Best Infographics.

In the discussion:

Create an infographic for the mission, vision, and specific details stakeholders will want to know to gain their buy-in on the project.

Add your infographic to one or two slides and submit for peer feedback.

In response to your peers, provide feedback on the presentations of the mission and vision. Do the projects’ initiatives align to the missions and visions of the organization? How do the infographics add to their presentations? Are there areas for specific improvement?

Note: For the “Creating an Infogaphic” video tutorials, please use your SNHU credentials to log into Atomic Learning. This will unlock all videos for viewing.

Note: You can submit you infographic with Milestone Two.

To complete this assignment, review the Capstone Discussion Rubric document.


What does it mean to be an “infinite” person? Describe either someone you know personally or a famous person in our culture who seems to fit that label.


Prompt A:
What does it mean to be an “infinite” person? Describe either someone you know personally or a famous person in our culture who seems to fit that label. Are YOU an “infinite” person? If so, how? If not, why not? Write between 2 – 4 paragraphs.

Prompt B:
Complete the following critical analysis in essay form:

1. Name either (choose only one) a contemporary painting, sculpture, movie, or live performance and its author that you feel is a good piece of work.
2. Describe the aesthetic qualities of this artwork as to why it is pleasing to you, or beautiful to you.
3. How does this work create empathy for you? Explain.
4. What is the purpose or intent of this work? (If you can’t determine the meaning or intent by viewing or experiencing this art, research its meaning.)
5. What is the “context” of this work? (Again, here you must complete some research. Who is the central artist? Why does she or he create in such a manner? Remember, this is the “backstory” of the artist.)
6. Do you think this work of art will someday be considered a masterpiece? Why or why not?
7. Will the author of this artwork be considered a “giant” of the arts? Why or why not?

What role did Palestinians have in the 1947 negotiations over the partition of their homeland and the future of their people? How did the decline of the Soviet Union during the 1980s impact those regimes who had depended on them for support?

Short essay – Middle Eastern Politics

Essay should be no shorter than 500 words and no longer than 750 words.

Write your short essay in your own words. (There is no need for direct quotes, references, or a bibliography).

Questions to choose from:

What role did Palestinians have in the 1947 negotiations over the partition of their homeland and the future of their people?

Can a military leader like Gamal Abdel Nasser legitimately claim to be the voice of all Arabs?

Did the Cold War superpowers follow their ideological convictions in their approach to the Middle East? That is, did they promote democracy and socialism in the Middle East? Refer to ONE of the US OR the USSR in your answer.

How did the decline of the Soviet Union during the 1980s impact those regimes who had depended on them for support? Refer to ONE example in your answer.

Does the concentration of oil wealth between, and within, states determine the international relations of the Middle East? Refer to ONE example in your answer.

Main text to use: •Halliday, The Middle East in International Relations

Describe the school, the physical space where teaching occurs, the year level, and the students in the class explaining any factors that may affect their learning.

Creative technologies

This assessment provides the opportunity to develop evidence that demonstrates these Standards:

1.5 Differentiate teaching to meet with the specific learning needs of students across the full range of abilities

2.6 Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

6.2 Engage in professional learning and improve practice

Your Task

Word count: No more than 2500 words. This includes all text (headings, in-text citations, captions, and direct quotes). It excludes the reference list. Note for this assessment your marker will stop reading when 2500 words is reached and only award marks on the material read.

Create a strategic plan for using creative technologies in your teaching. You should use the following format for your strategic plan:


Introduce the strategic plan (i.e. the whole assessment task not just the lesson overviews).

Educational context

Describe the school, the physical space where teaching occurs, the year level, and the students in the class explaining any factors that may affect their learning.


Use research to justify your intended teaching strategies as well as to justify the use of ICT in order to address the curriculum. Explain any strategies to support the safe, responsible, and ethical use of ICT.

Lesson Overviews

Design sequenced lesson content for 5 lessons including curriculum links, lesson objectives, preparation & resources, learning activities, and assessment.

Professional learning

Prepare and justify your own personal plan for professional learning around the use of ICT. Include any implications for improved student learning

Identify the demographics of populations affected. What has been done in your community to address these needs? If you were consulted for your input, what recommendation would you propose?

Community Needs Assessment & Application of a Framework

The purpose of this assignment is to understand how needs assessment and policy research are conducted by using available secondary data in a community. It gives an opportunity to apply research skills and assess the four core values in distributing public assistance: Equality, Equity, Adequacy, and Effectiveness.

Conduct a needs assessment of your community using secondary data from the last three years. In a 3 page paper, identify the top three needs as identified through your analysis of data. Identify the source of your data. Identify the demographics of populations affected. What has been done in your community to address these needs? If you were consulted for your input, what recommendation would you propose? From the four indicators, equality, equity, adequacy, effectiveness, what will your recommendations attempt to accomplish? Title page is required and be sure to cite your sources; follow APA 7th edition formatting guidelines in organizing your paper. Upload your assignment as a word document.

Part 2 : Application of a Framework

Choose a social welfare policy or program in your field of interest and provide a brief description about it. Analyze the social welfare policy or program you just described by using the Terrell-Gilbert framework and the Critical Theory Policy Analysis framework. Which one of the two models provides a more robust analysis of social welfare policies? Why? Submit your answer in a four page paper. Title page is required and be sure to cite your sources; follow APA 7th edition formatting guidelines in organizing your paper. Upload your assignment as a word document.

Did you detect a political bias throughout the shows or did you find it more objective throughout the shows? Do you feel that these shows bring a positive or negative aspect to our nation’s political discourse? Why or why not? Provide substantive reasoning.

Media paper

The media has always played a major role in American Politics. Today two networks on cable, MSNBC and Fox News have established themselves as the major networks that tend to espouse a certain political view. MSNBC tends to play to a more liberal perspective whereas Fox News, more of a conservative perspective.
Your assignment is to view a show on each of the networks between the hours of 8pm-11pm. You will watch a full episode of each on the same night and submit the following:
· Name the show/host/date of each show.
· Discuss in depth the main topics of each show.
· Did you detect a political bias throughout the shows or did you find it more objective throughout the shows? Provide examples.
· Do you feel that these shows bring a positive or negative aspect to our nation’s political discourse? Why or why not? Provide substantive reasoning.
· Compare and contrast the style and substance of each show.
· Are you at all likely to watch one or both of these shows again? Why or Why not?

Discuss positioning strategy and provide positioning statement. Discuss your pricing strategy.

Marketing plan for a shoe brand

Assignment 2- Marketing Plan for Your Shoe Company (150 points)

Develop a brief marketing plan for your shoe brand. This assignment should be approximately 8-10 pages long.


1)Executive Summary (1 page)
i) A detailed overview of your plan

2) SWOT Analysis (1 Page)
i) Brief overview of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats

3) Segmentation and Targeting Strategy (1.5 Pages)
i) Bases of segmentation used
ii) Targeting approach and target customers

4) Unique Selling Proposition (1 Page)
i) Discuss positioning strategy and provide positioning statement.
ii) Discuss your pricing strategy.

5) Distribution Plan (1 Page)
i) Detailed plan to get your products to your target market

6) Promotional Strategy (2 Pages)
i) Marketing material to be used
ii) Integrated communications plan
iii) Online marketing strategy

7) Growth and Retention Strategy (1 Page)
i) Plans for growth and retention in customer base

8) Budget and Financial Projections (1 Page)
i) Expected costs
ii) Predicted outcomes

Identify one social problem the artist speaks about through his lyrics. Discuss this problem’s impact on American culture.

SS Candles in the Sun

Popular music has brought national attention to social problems, such as war, poverty, and wrongful death. With that in mind, please do the following:

Watch R&B artist Miguel’s music video, “Candles in the Sun” and:
Identify one social problem the artist speaks about through his lyrics.
Discuss this problem’s impact on American culture.
100 word minimum.

Identify some of the skills or characteristics that are needed by a manager in the start-up phase of a business, and explain how they differ from the skills or characteristics needed later to manage a larger, established firm.


Identify some of the skills or characteristics that are needed by a manager in the start-up phase of a business, and explain how they differ from the skills or characteristics needed later to manage a larger, established firm.

What is the significance of market research to the small business owner? How is market research defined, and what degree of complexity is necessary in the research plan for it to be valid?


What is the significance of market research to the small business owner? How is market research defined, and what degree of complexity is necessary in the research plan for it to be valid?