
Was the British-American judicial system looked upon with favor by American colonists? Why or why not? How did it influence and contribute to the development of the American Judicial system?

Topic 5 – The Judiciary

Instructions: Review and respond to the following questions. Make sure responses are substantive in nature and meet the required word count. There should be at least one reference per question.
Was the British-American judicial system looked upon with favor by American colonists? Why or why not? How did it influence and contribute to the development of the American Judicial system? (150 to 200 words response)

What is the significance of Article 3 of The U.S. Constitution and The Judiciary Act of 1789? Why are these important regarding the powers of the judiciary? (100 to 150 words response)

What role does politics play in the appointment of Supreme Court Justices? (100 to 150 word response)What is the difference between a prosecutor and a plaintiff? What are the similarities between a prosecutor and a plaintiff? (50 to 100 words response)

Research what it means to be a justice of the peace and write about it. Many justice of the peace positions still do not require the justice of the peace to have legal training. Should that change? Explain. (100 to 150 words response)

Research the accomplishments of Chief Justice Warren Burger. What were some Chief Justice Burger’s accomplishments? Do you think he played a positive or negative role in the development of how the Supreme Court functions? (100 to 150 words response)

How has the American judicial system influenced the development of America’s police forces? Is the Judiciary still influencing America’s police forces today? Explain. (150-200 words response)

Describe Specific Deterrence and give an example of how this works. Describe General Deterrence and give an example of how it works. Explain whether deterrence is working regarding both specific and general deterrence.

Memorandum law concerning deterrence.

Kevin Whalling, Chief Counsel for the Whalling Law Group, PLLC must appear in court on behalf of his client, Citizens for Corrections Reform, in an upcoming Judiciary Committee meeting in Congress.

Citizens for Corrections Reform believes that people are not being sentenced appropriately for crime, and new ways of considering how to conform the public to the law should be considered.

This is a highly politized issue. Mr. Whalling is weighing different options for his client on how to best approach Congress with their wishes.

Mr. Whalling has asked you to prepare a memorandum of law concerning deterrence. Mr. Whalling needs you to discuss the following elements:

Describe Specific Deterrence and give an example of how this works.
Describe General Deterrence and give an example of how it works.
Research Deterrence. Explain whether deterrence is working regarding both specific and general deterrence.
Remember that this is an internal memorandum for Mr. Whalling; while his job is ultimately to support the client, Citizens for Corrections Reform, you can provide an objective analysis.

What are the necessary steps to becoming an effective and transformative teacher? How is teaching situated within the educational system as a whole? How can teachers become dedicated to advancing the achievement of all children?


Answer the essential questions
1. How does who I am affect how I teach?
2. What are the necessary steps to becoming an effective and transformative teacher?
3.How is teaching situated within the educational system as a whole?
4. How can teachers become dedicated to advancing the achievement of all children?

Are there Christian principles or biblical themes that provide explanation or clarification you want to include? What are the most important considerations for human services providers to know as they work with individuals and families experiencing this impact to development?

Divorce (impact on child)

Use the following headings to organize your paper. Provide insight to these questions from your reading and research on the topic:
• How is the topic defined or conceptualized?
• Importance to the field of human development
Developmental Impact
• At what age and stage does this issue typically impact a person?
• What is its potential impact on a person’s development progress?
• What is the impact to cognitive, social, emotional, relationship, and/or moral dimensions of development?
Faith & Professional Perspectives
• Are there Christian principles or biblical themes that provide explanation or clarification you want to include?
• What are the most important considerations for human services providers to know as they work with individuals and families experiencing this impact to development?
• Provide 2 suggestions of educational readings that you might suggest if a client was impacted by your topic. What reading materials would be most beneficial and appropriate for your clients? You must research literature, read reviews and excerpts, and become knowledgeable and comfortable with the content of the materials. Then, make 2 suggestions of the best information you found and would be comfortable recommending to clients. Provide the title, a link to the source, and a 1-paragraph explanation of the content.
• Provide 2 referral sources that you could recommend to clients. Research providers in your local area that offer services and care related to your impact topic. Provide a web link to the agency or organization. Under the link, provide a 1-paragraph explanation of services they provide that are related to your topic and why you would recommend it.

What’s your perspective on where, how, or why educational initiatives should/could occur – and who is the target audience? How should organizations conceptualize and move forward with education as a key strategy for personal and organizational culture change?

Forum 7

1: Training/Education
is discussed in multiple resources week 9. It is :

o part of the “Internal Group” in Global Diversity & Inclusion Benchmarks;
a feature in chapter 8

o featured in a segment titled Training, Training, Training; Using Peer to Peer Influence; a
component in chapter 9 The Importance of Training in D & I Efforts

The whole Can Inclusion Be Taught? subsection featured week 10 offers quality resources that
focuses specifically on considerations in relation to training.

Given the perspectives offered week 10 in relation to material offered week 9:

o What’s your perspective on where, how, or why educational initiatives should/could occur
and who is the target audience?

o How should organizations conceptualize and move forward with education as a key
strategy for personal and organizational culture change?

o How important is evaluation when training? Why?

How would you respond? What additional facts will you require (make a list)?

Employement law class forum 8

EFG Manufacturing, a private company, produces light bulbs. It has 100 employees. 15 of their employees have asked for short breaks during the workday for religious purposes. They have also asked for a small room to be provided for this purpose. The employer has responded that this will create an undue hardship on the company and has denied the request.

Someone from EFG Manufacturing has approached you, an employment law student, for advice.

1) How would you respond?
2) What additional facts will you require (make a list)?

Why does the success of ‘Squid Game’ and Korean pop culture continue to surprise people?

‘Squid Game’ and Korean pop culture


First, you’ll have a chance to read through possible sources. When you are ready, you’ll download the Mini Assignment 2 Template. In Mini Assignment 2, you will complete a series of tasks that help you understand your chosen source. You did these tasks for the Critique Essay during the first half of the semester. In later units, we’ll develop the critique of this source using research.

“Research,” for our purposes, means to find and explore sources that illuminate a primary source–the argument or narrative you select, and enable you to answer a central question(s) about that primary source.

In this way, the Research-Driven Critique Essay is different from the kind in which you learn about and write on a topic. Your focus is not so much the topic itself, but the way the main source is written/ techniques the author uses to convey their claim. You are using research to write a more informed response to that source.


Identify a theme from any chapter between 15-24 from Give me liberty: An American History from 1865- present vol 2 by Eric Foner and write a three page essay.

Give me liberty: An American History from 1865

Identify a theme from any chapter between 15-24 from Give me liberty: An American History from 1865- present vol 2 by Eric Foner and write a three page essay. Use the text to support arguments and cite source with footnotes

What is the difference between emergency services and critical care? How do you code when critical care services are provided during an emergency department encounter? How do you properly code same day surgeries and observation cases?

Discussion Board Topic:

In this module we learned about outpatient hospital coding.
Discuss the following:
What is the difference between emergency services and critical care? Give examples of each.
How do you code when critical care services are provided during an emergency department encounter?
How do you properly code same day surgeries and observation cases?

Do Preventative Measures Against Cyberbullying Decrease the Negative Impact It Has on Adolescent’s Mental Health?

Measures Against Cyberbullying

Explain what the measure’s purpose is and what it studies
Explain what type of measure it is (self-report, therapist, rating, teacher rating, parent rating, etc.) and explain why you consider it appropriate for your research study
Describe how many items the measure has and any subscales it might include
How/when will this measure be used and why (e.g. at the beginning of the study (pre-test), at the end of the study (post-test), etc.)
Explain how you will account for ethical issues associated with your proposed research. In other words, how will you ensure that ethical guidelines will are followed appropriately and adequately?