
How many participants do you envision having for this hypothetical study and how will you select them? What type of sampling method will you use and why? Will you be assigning participants to groups? Yes, no and explain why

Methodology section of hypothetical study.

· Reiterate your research question. What is the purpose of your hypothetical study?
· Determine an appropriate research design that addresses your research question regarding your chosen topic and explain why this design was chosen. Also, what will your dependent (DV) and independent (IV) variables be for this study?
· For your Participants section describe the following:

o How many participants do you envision having for this hypothetical study and how will you select them (where will you be gathering your participants from)?


o What type of sampling method will you use and why?


o Will you be assigning participants to groups? Yes, no and explain why


o What will the demographics of your participants be (gender, ethnicity, age range(s), SES, educational criteria (if relevant), history of medical and/or mental health diagnosis (if relevant) )?


· For your Procedures section describe the following:

o Where the study will take place (e.g. online, a lab, a university, a medical or mental health setting, a natural environment, etc.)? Explain why you have selected that particular setting.


o Over what period of time will data be collected?


o If you are using an intervention, you must describe it in terms of content and also dose parameters (e.g. groups will meet once per week for 60 minutes for 10 consecutive weekly sessions).

What are your next steps in speaking with your classmate? Consider how this could reflect on the credibility and integrity of the individuals involved, the university, and the profession.

Classmates shares an EBP project draft with you

Imagine the following scenario: You are taking the evidence-based practice course and one of your classmates shares an EBP project draft with you. You notice that some of the research has not been cited correctly or even at all. When you approach your classmate, the response is that “no one will notice, and it is not a big deal anyway.” What are your next steps in speaking with your classmate? Consider how this could reflect on the credibility and integrity of the individuals involved, the university, and the profession.

Explain what a hyper-growth company is and evaluate the reasons for the phenomenal rate of growth for hypergrowth companies. What are the most valid explanations for the rate of success found in these companies?


Explain what a hyper-growth company is and evaluate the reasons for the phenomenal rate of growth for hyper-growth companies. What are the most valid explanations for the rate of success found in these companies?

Why would an entrepreneur be concerned about harvesting a business that has not yet been started?


Why would an entrepreneur be concerned about harvesting a business that has not yet been started?

Calculate the financial worth of the firm based on four approaches: (1) the net worth method, (2) the net income method, (3) the price-earnings ratio method, and (4) the outstanding shares method.

Part III: Cash Value & Part IV: Projected Financial Ratios

Refer to and follow the steps given in Chapter 8 of the David text to learn how to determine the cash value of your CLC group’s company.

To construct this element of the project, it will be necessary for the team to make use of the financial information provided initially about the company as well as the information and data that you’ve discovered as a result of the research and assignments completed thus far in the course.

Calculate the financial worth of the firm based on four approaches: (1) the net worth method, (2) the net income method, (3) the price-earnings ratio method, and (4) the outstanding shares method.

Use your Strategic-Planning Template to complete the company valuation tables.

In 50-100 words, provide an analysis overview for this part. Calculate the average of the four methods. State a dollar amount of how much the company is worth.

Part IV: Projected Financial Ratios:

Prepare Projected Financial Ratios for your company by doing the following:

Refer to and follow the steps given in Chapter 8 of the David text to learn how to prepare projected financial ratios.

If you completed the previous parts of this assignment, the template will generate projected financial ratios after the team converts the firm’s financial statements to the template format and then creates projected financial statements based on recommended strategies.

Compute the projected current ratio, debt-to-equity ratio, and return-on-investment ratio. Use your Strategic-Planning Template to complete the company ratio tables.

In 50-100 words, provide an analysis overview for this part. Also explain how the projected ratios compare to the prior year ratios. Explain the importance of this comparison.

My company is Costco competitor is BJ’s warehouse and Walmart

For part three 50 words, part four 50 words, and a summary of part three and four of 175 words.

Compare this view with the general societal view towards money and riches. Use at least one reference to portray and document the societal view of monetary resources.


1) Using the Ron Blue Institute 4H (Heart, Health, Habits, Hope) model of financial wisdom, express the biblical view of money and financial resources based on your interpretation of the scriptures. This view should address the Heart issues of stewardship, contentment, faith, and wisdom. Next, compare this view with the general societal view towards money and riches. Use at least one reference to portray and document the societal view of monetary resources. Finally, express your personal view of money, how it influences your life/behavior regarding decisions in your life, and how both biblical principles and societal viewpoints affect your view. You should use specific examples on how choices in life are affected.

Explain the steps of criminal procedure for an alleged domestic violence assault by describing everything that would happen from reporting of the crime to arrest, to final sentencing.

State and Federal law

State and federal law may designate mandatory police actions for specific criminal violations, but unintended consequences sometimes occur.

Write a 750–1,000-word essay exploring whether mandatory arrest laws in cases of domestic violence are helpful or harmful.

Explain the steps of criminal procedure for an alleged domestic violence assault by describing everything that would happen from reporting of the crime to arrest, to final sentencing (comp. 2.1).
Explain whether or not this process works appropriately or if it could be improved.

How would you document to carry out the mission of creating excellence in all areas, for all students, and for all adult learners?


Either build on the situation you were working on or think of a problem you have seen in the news or heard about. How would you document to carry out the mission of creating excellence in all areas, for all students, and for all adult learners?


Apply the leadership theories covered in the course to describe the leader. Provide your opinion of the leader and use the leadership theories to support your position.

leadership theories.

The study and analysis of leadership is a critical element of the Organizational Behaviour course. The purpose of this assignment is to analyze a past or present public leader using relevant leadership theories. The leader may be dead or alive – from any part of the globe.
You are required to choose a well-known public leader and assess their leadership style/strengths/weaknesses by applying two or more leadership theories identified in the course. You may assess the leader based on:
• Their actions (available to you through public record only)
• Their decision-making
• Their leadership style
• Their personality traits
• Their accomplishments/failures
• Their conflict management style
• Their ability to manage stress
• Any other relevant area
Apply the leadership theories covered in the course to describe the leader. You are asked to provide analysis, which means engaging in critical thought. Provide your opinion of the leader and use the leadership theories to support your position. This essay is about your ability to apply the theories presented to a real-life leader.
You must make recommendations (based on the theories) that would/could (would have/could have) helped the leader to be successful.

Analyze the origins and history of a specific musical instrument. Analyze the origins of a particular musical style (excluding, Jazz, Country, and Hip-hop).

Expository Research Essay

Write a five-paragraph expository* research essay (Introductory paragraph + three Body paragraphs + Concluding paragraph) on one of the following topics. All topics should be narrowed to a specific point (thesis). The essay must include a minimum of three secondary sources (looking for peer-reviewed journals/articles instead of google sites), but direct quotes cannot take up more than 10% of the essay. The essay should be between 800-1000 words in length.

General topics:

Analyze the origins and history of a specific musical instrument.

Analyze the origins of a particular musical style (excluding, Jazz, Country, and Hip-hop).

* An expository essay aims to be objective, but it does not have to make an original argument. Rather, it aims to explain something (e.g., a process or idea) in a clear, concise way.

* Cite all secondary sources in MLA style.