
If you were observing the group session as Robert and Susan’s direct supervisor, what feedback would you have for Robert and Susan? How would a disagreement with a co-leader affect you if you were the other leader?

A group for male adolescents with an eating disorder.

Robert and Susan are colleagues and they have developed a group for male adolescents with an eating disorder. There are 8 group members and currently the group is in the working stage. During a session, Robert and Susan disagree about the group topic and do so openly in front of the group. Considering what you have read and watched thus far in the course, how might the group members respond? Also, if you were observing the group session as Robert and Susan’s direct supervisor, what feedback would you have for Robert and Susan? Lastly, how would a disagreement with a co-leader affect you if you were the other leader?

Are interest groups truly equal? Who has the time to be involved in interest groups? Are interest groups truly representative of the cares and concerns of all Americans, or are these organizations in their very creation undemocratic?

Political Parties now compete with Interest Groups for members, money and attention.

This is somewhat logical. Is it not a single issue or a single set of issues that lure a person into politics? Interest Groups often presents themselves as the purer way to be civically engaged. A citizen can focus all their energy and resources on a singular agenda. A citizen may feel like he or she is accomplishing something.

However, is there not something a little risky about interest groups? Are interest groups truly equal? Who has the time to be involved in interest groups? Are interest groups truly representative of the cares and concerns of all Americans, or are these organizations in their very creation undemocratic? Furthermore, unlike political parties which are made up of members with numerous policy agendas, interest groups rarely have more than a handful of goals. They may behave like political parties – give money to candidates, campaign about a policy. However, interest groups are outside of government. How can government function if elected officials owe their electoral success to promises made to competing interest groups, especially as these groups work outside government and are not required to compromise on legislative issues?

Therefore, have interest groups become too powerful in a republican system of government? Do true democracies need interest groups to represent people or issues? Are they better representatives than the political party system America currently has? Could one not argue that in a democracy, citizens should have a “voice,” but not the “special interest” apparatus” that has emerged? What qualifies an interest as a “special interest” anyway? Is there an issue or cause that would inspire you become involved with a group?

What draws you to this topic: what aspects of this topic capture your curiosity and why?

A Lesson Before Dying

Write a prospectus for your paper, including:
– the topic you have chosen.
– what draws you to this topic: what aspects of this topic capture your curiosity and why?
– your initial questions/hunches about this topic
– a provisional thesis that articulates a specific argument/theory/angle you want to put forward. The preliminary thesis is “provisional,” meaning that you may need to revise it as your reading, writing and thinking continues.
– at least two specific quotations from the novel that you will be examining in the paper

What is your opinion of the article? How does the article relate to your experience or current job in the public or nonprofit sector? How can the points and arguments of the author(s) be applied to the public sector in a practical sense?

Unit I Article Critique

Your task is to offer a detailed critique of a peer-reviewed article you locate in the CSU Online Library. The article must be related to explaining how the needs of certain groups of individuals or institutions (e.g., veterans, the elderly, the poor, hospitals, or clinics) can determine how government on the local, state, or federal level spends their money. Using the first few pages of Chapter 1 as a guide, select a specific group of individuals or institutions in our society as a part of your search. In your critique, address the prompts listed below.
What are the main points and arguments of the author(s)?
What is your opinion of the article? How does the article relate to your experience or current job in the public or nonprofit sector?
How can the points and arguments of the author(s) be applied to the public sector in a practical sense?
Describe how positive and negative externalities could affect the efficiency with which governments can allocate their resources to provide for the needs of citizens.
The critique should be roughly two pages in length. Be sure to cite all borrowed, quoted, and paraphrased material appropriately in APA Style. Your professor is most interested in your opinion (the second and third bullet points above). View the resources below for assistance when preparing your assignment for submission.
How to Write a Critique tutorial
Sample Article Critique

What has been tried so far? What do we still need to know about this cancer? What do we still need to achieve for this cancer?

Triple Negative Breast Cancer

Your work should be appropriately referenced in a scientific journal style e.g. use either Harvard
system of quoting (Smith, 2004; Jones and Field, 1987; Khan et al., 2011) or Vancouver system (‘author-number’ format).
References to web pages are acceptable when no peer-reviewed source is available, but should be used cautiously, and the date at which the page was accessed should be indicated.
Students are encouraged to use a referencing software package such as Endnote or Reference
Additional information that might help explain the assignment:
Design a study with the potential to make a difference for patients living with cancer
Must involve a cancer of unmet need
Study must use patient material
Methodology must be laboratory-based
Study can be clinical or pre-clinical work
How can we help treat cancers of unmet need?
Better understand the biology of the disease
Earlier detection
Develop better methods to track onset, progression and treatment response
Develop new therapies
Use existing therapies for the first time in these cancers
Use cancer-biology-informed new combinations or scheduling of drugs

Determine what is the unmet need in your chosen cancer (triple negative breast cancer) and what part of that unmet need you want to address
What has been tried so far?
What do we still need to know about this cancer?
What do we still need to achieve for this cancer?
The answers to these questions are your “unmet need” and the research question/purpose of
your stud

Explain how these impacts are being dealt with in this location at present and how these impacts could be mitigated or solved in the future.

Coastal Habitat Destruction- Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii.

GEOG210 – Group Case Study – Research Paper & Presentation – Coastal Habitat Destruction

Choose our case study. – Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii.

Explain why this environmental problem is occurring in this region. – Reshma

Describe the impacts of your chosen issue in your case study location – both short and long term. – Merin – dear writer, you only have to do this part

Explain how these impacts are being dealt with in this location at present and how these impacts could be mitigated or solved in the future. – Donna
Base potential mitigation techniques and/or solutions contextually to location of case study.
They must be economically, socially, culturally, and technologically viable within the case study location.

Explain the political/financial/cultural barriers to the mitigation techniques or solutions and how these may be overcome – Lovejot

When we falsely reject the null hypothesis but in fact, we shouldn’t, what type of error (Type I or II) did we make? When we find no differences from the null hypothesis testing but in fact, there are differences in population, what type of error (Type I or II) did we make?

Hypothesis show

Here is a research question: “Does the amount of time spent on Instagram per day negatively influence a student’s GPAs?”
Based on the research questions (RQ), formulate a research hypothesis (H1) and its null hypothesis (H0)


The statistical analysis we ran to test the hypothesis show p = .04. What does the p value mean here?


Can we reject the null hypothesis of question based on this p value?


What does the result mean in population?
It means:
There is 4% of the probability that _.
There is 96% of the probability that _.

Q2. When we falsely reject the null hypothesis but in fact, we shouldn’t, what type of error (Type I or II) did we make?

Q3. When we find no differences from the null hypothesis testing but in fact, there are differences in population, what type of error (Type I or II) did we make?

Describe your research plans. Where will you be and what will you be doing? How do you anticipate these activities will contribute to the development of your long-term research plans or practical applications?

Part I.

Describe here how you will organize and carry out your investigations. What is your timeline for your long-term research? How much time must you be in each of your research locations? What research and/or writing activities will you perform and when? You may use bullet points, numbers, insert a table or write out paragraphs. The most important thing is that you have a plan that is feasible.
limit your response to 300 words.

Part II.

Describe your research plans. Where will you be and what will you be doing? How do you anticipate these activities will contribute to the development of your long-term research plans or practical applications?
limit your response to approximately 300 words.
What, if any, issues or challenges did you discover in writing these two sections that you would like your peers to comment and provide suggestions on during the workshop?

Identify and discuss two benefits and two concerns of having co-leaders. In group therapy

Co leaders in group therapy

Identify and discuss two benefits and two concerns of having co-leaders. In group therapy

Analyze the global business environment and assess the impact of changes in the public sector and non-for profit environment on business activity to inform their business direction post COVID-19.

The impact of changes in the public sector and non-for-profit environment on business organisation and the impact of government on the structure and operation of a business organisation.

You have been hired by a UK-based firm of your choice to analyze the global business environment and assess the impact of changes in the public sector and non-for profit environment on business activity to inform their business direction post COVID-19.