
How have mega-events developed, expanded, and changed? How do society and politics influence mega-events? How has scandal and reform within the international sport community shaped the selection process for hosting mega-events?


This module will introduce students to the contemporary landscape in global sport, using mega-events as a focus. It will use historical and contemporary approaches to these events, and will, while teaching students about structures, governance, management, and commercial aspects, encourage critical thinking on political, social, cultural, and economic lines. It will take as its starting point the boom in major sporting events, both single sport ones and multi-sport events. It will begin with a historical perspective on how these events have emerged, and how they link to the different contexts in which they have flourished, and then move into critical contemporary analysis of existing events. The module is based around such themes as: bidding and hosting processes; infrastructure; management and control of events, at central and local levels, and including such issues as security, advertising and marketing, media rights, and volunteering; and legacies. This module will include visits, eg to the Olympic Park.

The whole module will be based around such questions as:
How have mega-events developed, expanded, and changed?
How do society and politics influence mega-events?
How has scandal and reform within the international sport community shaped the selection process for hosting mega-events?
How does urban planning impact mega-events, and vice versa?
How do national, cultural, political, and commercial differences within and between countries impact mega-events?

Objectives and Learning Outcomes
By the end of this module students will:
Demonstrate an understanding of the evolution of sporting mega-events, linking to historical, geographical, political, and cultural contexts.
Demonstrate an understanding of key themes in the global economy of contemporary sporting mega-events, such as governance, hosting, infrastructure, security, commercialisation, and volunteering.
Apply critical thinking to real world mega-events.
Analyse and synthesise primary research sources in the development of a coherent narrative, with consideration of ethical principles
Demonstrate an ability to express yourself and your viewpoint in written work, seminars, and presentations.

After reading Smith and Geroski’s (2015) “Decolonizing alterity models within school counseling practice,” what model of alterity would you like to develop as a school counselor?


1. After reading Smith and Geroski’s (2015) “Decolonizing alterity models within school counseling practice,” what model of alterity would you like to develop as a school counselor?

2. As your counselees’ families may be experiencing issues and concerns at home, discuss your thoughts about school counselor ethical conduct both culturally and/or personally.

3. A married father of six was having a sexual affair with another woman. Very active in the education of his children, one of his kids suspected he was with another woman. Their mother took them to “watch” their father, confirming their suspicions. The mother, devastated and distraught, was very angry and did not want her husband to talk to her children at school. However, because there is no legal document barring him from seeing his children, he was able to do so. Based on the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy’s Code of Ethics, examine how you would work with the mother in the case scenario regarding her husband’s desire to talk to his children at school

Choose an organization that has a real-life issue or a situation they are currently dealing with. Describe what happened in as much detail as necessary.


In this Case Study, student will apply the Statesmanship model discussed in Module 1: Week 1 to a real, specific public administration context. In other words, choose an organization that has a real-life issue or a situation they are currently dealing with. Describe what happened in as much detail as necessary. Next, apply the statesmanship model discussed Module 1: Week 1 to this situation. The overarching idea of statesmanship is the call for moral character. In the context of this assignment, how can this model be applied to the situation at hand?

The student will discuss what type of interpersonal skills are needed to effectively administer statesmanship in that context? Remember to also discuss the importance of the following:

• Importance of Emotional Intelligence

• Covenant


• Case Study scenarios must be taken from documented (published) public administration contexts; no hypotheticals are allowed.

o Students can focus on one public administration organization or may refer to a particular situation (well-documented by the research) that public administrators faced during an actual event(s).

• All ideas shared by student should be supported with sound reason and citations from the required readings and presentations, and additional resources.

• Paper should be 4-5 double-spaced pages of content in length (this does not include title page or reference pages).

o Paper should be in current APA format.

o Headings should be included and must conform to the content categories listed (i.e., Statesmanship Model, Interpersonal Skills, Emotional Intelligence, etc.).

• 3-5 additional scholarly sources must be used. They need to be scholarly and provide relevant public administration theory and practices.

• All required reading and presentations from the assigned reading must be cited.

• Integrate biblical principles within the analysis of the paper.

• Unacceptable sources (Wikipedia, dictionaries, encyclopedias, and websites).

• Acceptable sources (scholarly articles published within the last eight years).

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

Readings from Module 1:

Denhardt, R. B., Denhardt, J. V., & Blanc, T. A. (2014). Public administration: An action orientation (7th ed.). Wadsworth, CenGage Learning.

What’s your name, age, and gender identity? where were you born and where do you live now? How is women’s right in the country you were born? What age did you start working? did you have any difficulty to get the job because of being a woman?

Midterm essay

Women experience different obstacles and barriers in their lives just because of their gender. There are so many challenges that. women face being counted as equal to men today. Here I collect some ideas about women and their abilities which put women in hard situations.

1. What’s your name, age, and gender identity? where were you born and where do you live now?

2. How is women’s right in the country you were born?

3. What was your first job? Tell me a short story about your first job and how you got that job.

4. What age did you start working? did you have any difficulty to get the job because of being a woman?

5. was your salary different than men’s?

6. have you ever been under pressure at work because of being women? Tell me a little about it.

7. How did you balance your job with your family life, volunteer work, hobbies, and other interests? Did that balance change over time?

8. Is there anything you wish you had done differently in your career? Are there any job opportunities or careers you would have liked to explore?

9. “Men and women have different abilities, they must do different jobs”, do you believe in that? Why?

10. Some believe that women have so many difficulties balancing work and family life, so they won’t stay focused at work. Is that true?

11. what are the Biggest challenge that holds women back in their social and family life?


Discuss your experiences and interests that you would bring to this role in representing students perspectives , experiences , and priorities and collaborate with governance to create publicly stated action steps in your specific program within the context of Rossier’s mission of advancing educational equity .

Government Student Advisory Committee

Discuss your experiences and interests that you would bring to this role in representing students perspectives , experiences , and priorities and collaborate with governance to create publicly stated action steps in your specific program (school counseling program ) within the context of Rossier’s mission of advancing educational equity .

2. How can the role of the school counselor facilitate critical hope

What is different about urbanization in rich and poor countries?


Referee Report on paper: • Chauvin, J. P., Glaeser, E., Ma, Y., & Tobio, K. (2016).

What is different about urbanization in rich and poor countries? Cities in Brazil, China, India and the United States. Journal of Urban Economics 98 p17-49.

Discuss the establishment of residential schools for native children in Canada through the Indian Act of 1876. Why did they do it? What happened in the schools? What are the lasting effects of this school system on native people today?

Question 1: Residential Schools (Use 3 sources)

Discuss the establishment of residential schools for native children in Canada through the Indian Act of 1876. Why did they do it? What happened in the schools? What are the lasting effects of this school system on native people today? Include Canada’s National Day for Truth and Reconciliation – what is that all about?

Question 2: the Quebec Act (Use 3 sources)

Discuss the six main provisions (or 6 main points) of the Quebec Act of 1774 that we went over in class. Explain how this British law affected the Catholic Church, the rich landowners and business classes, and why it was a threat to the 13 American colonies on the eve of the Revolutionary War.

What is at least one specific example of the enslavement system as: forced, resisted, legal and contradictory? What is at least one specific example of Black women resisting enslavement bondage in any 2 of following 4 categories: day-to-day, cultural, escape and revolt?

Multiple Choice Questions

Engage ALL related resources, including “Study Guide: Constructing Womanist History” and Berry and Gross’ Introduction and chapters 1-5 ” a Black woman’s history of the united states.” and consider the specific ways Black women resisted bondage and forged honorable and exemplary lives for themselves and their families. In paragraph format using specific support details from relevant resources, answer the following questions in a thread you create:

-How would you describe the difficulty of constructing or researching the stories of Black women in pre and early America?

-What specifically is new to you about the biography of Angela and Belinda, however limited, as recounted by Berry & Gross; what do their stories help you to understand about the settlement of the “Americas” and/or early U.S. history?

-What is at least one specific example of the enslavement system as: forced, resisted, legal and contradictory?

-What is at least one specific example of Black women resisting enslavement bondage in any 2 of following 4 categories: day-to-day, cultural, escape and revolt?

-How specifically did any number of specific Black women contributed to brining enslavement to an end (participation in Underground Railroad, Civil War, etc.)

-In light of the resources engaged, do you believe that the enslavement system had an ongoing impact on any aspect of American realty (racism, incarceration, etc.) today; if so, how specifically; and does any of the resources engaged leave you with any wonderment; or unanswered question/s?

When have you unintentionally reinforced an undesirable behavior of someone you know? What was the behavior? How did you reinforce it? What resulted because of this reinforcement?

Principles of operant conditioning

According to the principles of operant conditioning, reinforcement seeks to increase the chances of a behavior continuing, so we should only reinforce those behaviors that we would like to see again. There are times when we may intentionally reinforce behavior of someone for our convenience and not understand by doing so how it fosters such undesirable behavior to continue in the future.

Discuss your answers to these questions with your classmates:

When have you unintentionally reinforced an undesirable behavior of someone you know? What was the behavior? How did you reinforce it?
What resulted because of this reinforcement?
Once you realized the continuation of the undesirable behavior how did you manage to guide the individual to desirable behavior?
Do not use yourself as the person with undesirable behavior you reinforced.

How did globalization, access to the internet and market reforms contribute to the lack of awareness that NEO sought to provide to new hires (created more market forces that new younger hires were influenced by which negated the Samsung culture)?

Maintaining a Single Samsung Spirit

In 2009, the world economy was hit hard by the financial crisis that was unfolding in the United States. A number of industries, including the financial, automotive and real estate industries were engulfed in this meltdown. Samsung and the electronics industry was no exception; however, Samsung astounded everyone with their impressive financial performance throughout the crisis. A critical factor that contributed to Samsung’s performance was their strong investment in their employees during that period of time. The fact that Samsung made a deliberate focus on Human Resources efforts to hire and develop a diverse workforce, including more experience and non-Korean employees, provided the rich entrepreneurial environment that saved the day.

Post financial crisis, Samsung management realized they faced a challenging situation in socializing these new groups of employees. Management had become aware of the stark differences in values between it’s older employees, who were obedient and followed rules easily and the younger “digital native” employees who were more individualistic and preferred egalitarian and open policies. How Samsung’s Human Resources Development group responded to this challenge is the subject of this case study. You should read and analyze how Samsung sought to preserve their “Samsung Single Spirit” culture through a New Employee Orientation program; then, answer the following posed questions in a paper essay.


1. What were the main reasons why Samsung wanted to utilize NEO per the case details (what did it achieve)?

2. How did globalization, access to the internet and market reforms contribute to the lack of awareness that NEO sought to provide to new hires (created more market forces that new younger hires were influenced by which negated the Samsung culture)?

3. What are some suggestions you might make regarding how Samsung could bridge the generational divide and utilize a new group of diverse employees (utilize concepts from the course that can be applied to this question)? What are some concerns going forward considering the generational divide can be quite substantial between the various groups mentioned in the case?