
Describe a lawsuit that your selected company has been involved in. How is the company resolving the dispute? How has this legal dispute affected the company’s reputation and market performance?

Impact of macro-environmental factors on the selected company

Describe a lawsuit that your selected company has been involved in. How is the company resolving the dispute? How has this legal dispute affected the company’s reputation and market performance? Does it change your opinion about the company – why/why not? Support your answer with necessary data and factual information. (2-3 pages – 10 points)

List and describe 3-5 major changes that your selected company has made in its products and operations in reaction to climate change and/or change in consumer preferences and trends around the world. Provide a context to the change (what led them to make the change), how did they make the change and mention the timeline clearly. Do these changes make a difference to your opinion about the company – why/why not? Provide factual and statistical evidence for your answer. (2-3 pages – 10 points)

why it is appropriate for teens? Explain how you can connect the topic in a way that they will want to listen/participate.

Health Promotion

1. Background
2.Needs Assessment/ Utility of project
Needs assessment is thorough, clear reflecting understanding scope of issue, clear and realistic evidence of utility of project.

3.Proposed intervention: with short- and long-term Goals
Information provided is of high quality, accurate, and thorough (evidence)

4.Target Audience (Teens in a local community): why it is appropriate for teens?
Target audience is clear, appropriate, and project is geared to this audience according to their developmental stage.

5.Explain how you can connect the topic in a way that they will want to listen/participate.

6.Evidenced-based References
Resources are evidenced –based, current within 3 years all of the time

What skills, attitudes and knowledge does he/she believe are most important for someone entering the field or industry? What is a major challenge facing his/her industry in the last year? How did he/she get a first job in their field?


Section 1
Describe how you selected the person interviewed. Describe the preparatory research you conducted about that person, their organization, and their position. What resources did you use? (½ to 1 page)

Section 2
Review below to develop your interview questions. Do not ask personal or illegal questions. Although this is not a job interview, this is a business meeting. Summarize the information obtained in the interview. Although the questions you ask are your choice, ensure you ask and report on:
• The educational and industry background of your interviewee
• What motivated him or her to pursue a career in this field or in this industry?
• Their area of expertise
• Their opinion of job prospects in their field now and in the future
• What skills, attitudes and knowledge does he/she believe are most important for someone entering the field or industry?
• What is a major challenge facing his/her industry in the last year?
• How did he/she get a first job in their field?
• Are they aware of employment opportunities. You may bring a resume to the meeting, but only provide it if your contact asks for it and email it later.

In Section 2, include the actual questions and answers you recorded. (1- 1 ½ page summary)

Section 3

Interview Reflection Record: the student should answer Questions below.
Answer these questions following your informational interview. This is intended as a self-reflection tool for you, to be included in Section 3 of this report. These are not interview questions for your interviewee. Complete this form using Word.

Reflect on the impact the informational interview has had on you. Write a one or two paragraph summary describing how this meeting has encouraged you to continue (or question) your career path. How will you be following up with this contact? (½ to 1 page + the Interview Reflection Record)

Describe an interesting fact or aspect of your contact’s industry or position?
Describe one of your most important attributes (personal skill). How might this benefit you in a summer placement?

What two technical skills do you want to develop or enhance as a result of your discussion with your contact?

What other careers are related to this field? Would these require other training

What questions did you have about your contact or their industry as a result of your research?

If given the opportunity, what other question(s) would you want to ask your contact?

Could you relate to your contact? What are your plans to keep in touch with this contact?

Where you able to get other possible contacts?

What is overall your position on the Nestle case study? What would you recommend, and why?

Nestle case study

Ttake the position (and state it clearly!) of either a Nestlé’s manager, or a Greenpeace’s manager or volunteer, or a customer and explain:

– What is overall your position on the Nestle case study?

– What would you recommend, and why?

How syria refugee crisis affected EU border control and politics.

Syria refugee crisis affected EU border control and politics

The first assessed work is a 800-1000 word blog piece responding to an issue raised in the lecture or tutorial. Don’t reproduce the lecture.
Marks will be awarded for:
1. Identifying an original perspective or question
2. Framing the topic appropriately, placing suitable parameters for a 800-1000 word piece
3. Presenting an accessible narrative
4. Effectively hyperlinking relevant online resources
Blogs should be submitted as a Word file with between six and twelve hyperlinks to internet resources as references. Relevant resources could include blogs on issues of development as well as websites.
Authors of blogs that gain a distinction mark will have the option of publishing them on the VCD or department blog site.

Analyse models of health and illness and critically discuss the impact of social, cultural, psychological, economic and lifestyle factors on the mental and physical health of populations and individuals.

Population health

This is for a course in Paramedic Science.

This is a rewrite of an essay that was submitted. The examiners feedback can be found in the File ‘Population Health Essay Turnitin Report Feedback. This essay achieved 42% but the reference list was left off accidentally. It has now been added back. References need to be in The Havard ‘Cite Them Right’ Format.

Essay – Scoping the Health Needs of a Local Authority in London ( Havering)

This summative assessment addresses the following learning outcome:

1. Analyse models of health and illness and critically discuss the impact of social, cultural, psychological, economic and lifestyle factors on the mental and physical health of populations and individuals.

2. Examine the complex role that paramedics play in a multi-agency approach to safeguarding, the prevention of ill health and the promotion of physical and mental wellbeing.

3. Evaluate the opportunities to provide health advice to service users and their families and integrate these in to care and treatment selecting appropriate approaches to modifying health behaviour and providing signposting to other agencies where appropriate.

4. Evaluate population behaviour as it impacts on the prioritisation of ambulance deployment

What did you learn about respiratory diseases? How SARS-CoV-2 affects human lungs? How previous research and knowledge help us to treat patients with COVID-19?

How Covid-19 Affects Your Lungs


What did you learn about respiratory diseases?
How SARS-CoV-2 affects human lungs?
How previous research and knowledge help us to treat patients with COVID-19?

What costs must be included in economic analyses according to these publications? What aspects are subjective versus objective?

Sustainability in engeineering economics

Explain the implications of the principles espoused in the National Society of Professional Engineers’ Code of Ethics and Pope Francis’s encyclical, Laudato Si, on engineering economics.

What costs must be included in economic analyses according to these publications?
-three pillars of sustainability: Economics, Environmental, and Social
What aspects are subjective versus objective?
Include an argument for objective norms.

Discuss three connections between China and specific countries, cities or towns in at least two other world regions.

Connections between China

You must choose one of the topics listed below and discuss three connections between China and specific countries, cities or towns in at least two other world regions (see the sample outline at the end of this document).

Does the Prisoner’s Dilemma accurately depict real life? How? In what ways does it not reflect real life? What does the game tell you about the conditions needed for cooperation to exist?

Alternative Dispute Resolution Discussion

Before discussion, play the Prisoner’s Dilemma game at one of the computerized versions below; Be prepared to discuss the follow questions: Does the Prisoner’s Dilemma accurately depict real life? How? In what ways does it not reflect real life? What does the game tell you about the conditions needed for cooperation to exist? If you use the Princeton University game, try each of Albert’s strategies. What strategies worked best for you when dealing with each of Albert’s strategies?