
What is the United Nations doing to combat climate change?

Climate change

What is the United Nations doing to combat climate change?


In which tasks do you need to extend more grace to yourself, while reminding yourself learning is a process? Where do you need to enlist the help of others to maintain a Growth Mindset? Where (specifically) have you seen growth in your life over the last 5 weeks?

Fixed Mindset vs. Growth Mindset

Part 1 – Watch this Ted Talk by Carol Dweck – The Power of Believing That You Can Improve (10:13)
This video explains the fundamental differences between these two mindsets and their impact upon children. While you watch, pay particular attention to the outcomes of these two mindsets and when the video concludes, think about how these two mindsets play out in your life at home, at work, and at school. This might be a perfect time to apply new note-taking strategies!

Part 2 – Read Fixed Mindset vs. Growth Mindset (Links to an external site.)
Read more specifics about the Growth Mindset and how to cultivate your own Growth Mindset. This might be a perfect time to apply new reading strategies!

Part 3 – Review The Fixed vs. Growth Mindset Infographic
Think about which tasks in your life are easiest to approach with a Growth Mindset and which get stuck in the Fixed Mindset. In which tasks do you need to extend more grace to yourself, while reminding yourself learning is a process? Where do you need to enlist the help of others to maintain a Growth Mindset? Where (specifically) have you seen growth in your life over the last 5 weeks? When did you want to give up, but kept going instead? How do you celebrate growth (the process) and accomplishment (the product) in your life? In your educational journey?

Part 4 – After watching, reading, thinking, and reflecting about these things, construct your response.
Based upon what you have heard, read, and seen, construct a 2-page paper with the following sections:

Do you think it’s safe for humans to consume genetically modified organisms for food? For full credit, give a good justification for your answer.

Genetically Modified Organisms

Whenever two organisms reproduce sexually, the offspring have a mixture of traits (alleles) from the two parents. You should remember from previous weeks that these alleles are sections of DNA in chromosomes. Historically, if people wanted animal or plant offspring that had certain alleles, they could do this by breeding parents that had those same alleles. Nowadays, we have the technology to actually insert certain alleles into a sperm or egg cell. This allows us to produce offspring that have those alleles even when the parents don’t. We call these “genetically modified organisms” (GMO).

1. In general, do you think it’s safe for humans to consume genetically modified organisms for food? For full credit, give a good justification for your answer.

2. Give an example of a genetic modification (real or hypothetical) in a food organism that would be unsafe for humans to consume.

Why is it important to diagnose the conflict before selecting an alternative dispute resolution process? Your thoughts?

Alternative Dispute Resolution Discussion Question

Why is it important to diagnose the conflict before selecting an alternative dispute resolution process? Your thoughts?

How can kids with divorced parents be counseled to do well in school, build successful lives, and marriages, and have strong relationships?

Student Lifestyle

How can kids with divorced parents be counseled to do well in school, build successful lives, and marriages, and have strong relationships?

What are the challenges and benefits of applying dental microwear analysis to investigate archosaur diet

Archosaur diet

What are the challenges and benefits of applying dental microwear analysis to investigate archosaur diet.

Need to produce a referenced essay discussing the pros and cons of using dental microwear analysis in the investigation of archosaur diet.


Describe the targeted research method/technique and explain how it is applicable to your chosen area of research and/or a research topic. Support your arguments by providing examples from published studies.

Critical Evaluation of surveys as a research method

You will need to write an article for submission to the Psychologist, a forum for communication and discussion among members of the British Psychological Society ( This article should introduce and critically evaluate applications of a chosen research method/technique in the context of the MSc programme you are studying. This assignment aims to assess your knowledge of advanced research methods and applications of these methods in the area of your research interest.

Your articles should include the following:

1. Introduction (briefly introduce your area of research interest and a research method/technique of your choice).

2. Main text. Describe the targeted research method/technique and explain how it is applicable to your chosen area of research and/or a research topic. Support your arguments by providing examples from published studies. Critically evaluate the pros and cons of using the chosen research method/technique in the context of chosen research area/topic. Provide relevant evidence from the literature.

3. Conclusion. Provide your view on the application of the chosen research method/technique to advance our understanding of the research area/topic. Propose solutions/recommendations/suggestions for using this research method/technique in the area of your research interest/topic.

*Note: in the additional materials, i have included 2 samples of forum papers provided by the lecturer

Explain the different methods you used, and discuss why you made various assumptions. For each line item, you can put in short explanations directly in the spreadsheet.


“Balance Sheet Forecast and Income Statement” on the Ford Motor Company.

See the example paper and workbook for methods to forecast the financial statements. However, adjust what you do to what matches your company’s situation. You are also encouraged to use your own methods.

Explain the different methods you used, and discuss why you made various assumptions. For each line item, you can put in short explanations directly in the spreadsheet.

You do not have to discuss each line item in the Word document laboriously. However, discuss your sales forecast, the plugin the balance sheet, and anything else that was a challenge or requires a more detailed explanation. (See the example paper.)

Focusing on the chapter you selected to read, evaluate the merit (or lack of merit) of this analysis? Does it enhance the readers critical thinking and therefore enhance our ability to contribute to an effective solution?


The chapter is called Bargained. Marc Lamont Hill is trying to get us to look below the surface of tragic stories. Instead of just looking at a tragedy like Michael Browns killing and allowing our implicit biases or pity to form our judgement, he is forcing us the examine the historical background of both the legal policies and the institutions that shaped the young mans life outcomes (housing, schooling, economic opportunities, policing practices, legal status, governmental policy, ect) in order to get a much fuller and complex picture of the person (like Mike Brown) or the social situation (like an urban riot or the water crisis in Flint). Focusing on the chapter you selected to read, evaluate the merit (or lack of merit) of this analysis? Does it enhance the readers critical thinking and therefore enhance our ability to contribute to an effective solution?

Write an essay on professionalism in medicine and the importance of professionalism for students and health care providers.

Professionalism in medicine

Write an essay on professionalism in medicine and the importance of professionalism for students and health care providers.