
Discuss whether you hold those values yourself and how they are demonstrated in your work. Why are they important? If you do not hold those same values, explain why and describe the values you do hold and why they are useful.

Dominant Work Values

In a well-developed academic essay of 3 – 4 pages, use Exhibit 5.4 p. 137 and select the cohort to which you belong. Review the column titles “Dominant Work Values”. Discuss whether you hold those values yourself and how they are demonstrated in your work. Why are they important? If you do not hold those same values, explain why and describe the values you do hold and why they are useful. Use supportive material from your reading of chapters 3-5. If you are not employed outside the home, you can adapt this assignment to any environment such as home, church, or community organization.

How are Web-based and e-mail versions of these documents different from hard-copy versions? Is a scannable resume the same as a Web-based ver?

Cover letters and Resumes

Like you, many students aren’t sure what recruiters look for in cover letters and resumes. Additionally, how are Web-based and e-mail versions of these documents different from hard-copy versions? Is a scannable resume the same as a Web-based ver?

Identify three pieces of important information we learn in the exposition, three plot points for the rising action, identify the climax, two plot points for the falling action, and the two pieces of information from the conclusion.

Freytag’s Pyramid labels

“Review pages 75-83 in the Norton which cover plot, and read/re-read Susan Glaspell’s “Trifles” on 1197-1207. Then complete the Plot Diagram handout (linked above). Map out the plot of the play by identifying the elements that correspond to the Freytag’s Pyramid labels on the handout. You must type your responses; if you have trouble with the pyramid formatting, you can type a detailed list addressing each of the following requirements rather than trying to add text boxes on the pyramid. Be sure to properly cite page numbers per MLA.

Identify three pieces of important information we learn in the exposition, three plot points for the rising action, identify the climax, two plot points for the falling action, and the two pieces of information from the conclusion. The aforementioned points do not need to be complete sentences–absolutely no quotations are permitted, but you must provide specific page numbers for each point you identify (MLA citation). For the conflict, provide two complete sentences: identify the conflict in one and then provide an explanation of why you believe that to be the conflict in the second.

What are the advantages of using a three-phase lesson plan model? Briefly describe the phases in your explanation. What is the difference between formative and summative assessments?

Math Module 6


1. What are the advantages of using a three-phase lesson plan model? Briefly describe the phases in your explanation.(5 points)

2. Imagine you have opened up your textbook and read the following story problem: Dani’s room is 12 feet by 11 feet. How many square carpet tiles will she need to carpet her room? Apply one of the strategies for differentiation (open questions, tiered lesson, and parallel tasks) to adapt this task. Be specific in your description and labeling. (5 points)

3. What is the difference between formative and summative assessments? Give examples of each. How do you plan to use both in your classroom? Be specific. Refer to the readings and the videos in your explanations (5 points)

4. Summarize the sections from Principles to Actions, discuss the big ideas in each section (10 points)?
1. Support Productive Struggle
2. Elicit and Use Evidence of Student Thinkin

Compare social Studies autopsies and social stories and discuss the use of each of these interventions for students with autism. What are you thoughts about what the characteristics of students with autism who may benefit from each of these techniques?

Social Studies Autopsies and Social stories

Compare social Studies autopsies and social stories and discuss the use of each of these interventions for students with autism. What are you thoughts about what the characteristics of students with autism who may benefit from each of these techniques?

What was the overall aim of this research? Briefly define Mindfulness, making reference to depression, anxiety and stress. What were the main findings of this research?

Journal assignment

1. What was the overall aim of this research?
2. Briefly define Mindfulness, making reference to depression, anxiety and stress.
3. Briefly describe the participants and methods used in this research
4. What were the main findings of this research?
5. What is your opinion about students’ stress and anxiety levels. Give two reasons why it may be different to the general population.
6. How the findings of this study compared with other studies mentioned in this article?

Assessment Criteria and Submission – Very Important

A satisfactory completion of this assignment requires

Submission of one typed journal entry.
Question and answer format, typed questions in Times New Roman size 12.
NO QUOTES ! Please
Check your Turnitin
All journal questions answered. Just list the number and your answer (NO NEED TO WRITE THE
Questions to be answered correctly (for more or less “factual” questions) and/or thoughtfully
(for questions requiring more reflection).
It is not sufficient to copy answers verbatim from the journal articles. You will need to
paraphrase your answers.
Journal entry must be submitted in the Journal Assignment Dropbox on the day of your
seminar class for Session 3

How did radio and movies allow propagandists and political leaders to reconstruct orderly and reassuring images of the world for ordinary people, even as high-culture artists, composers, and writers continued to dismantle traditional cultural norms and express the anxiety and fear arising out of the First World War and its aftermath?

Discussion Board #8: Between the Wars

In a minimum of 250 words answer the questions below.

1. How did radio and movies allow propagandists and political leaders to reconstruct orderly and reassuring images of the world for ordinary people, even as high-culture artists, composers, and writers continued to dismantle traditional cultural norms and express the anxiety and fear arising out of the First World War and its aftermath?

NOTE: You are free to use any sources that you’d like as long as you cite them. This includes google or internet sources, articles, web pages, etc.

Prepare a paper consisting of three to five pages (750 to 1250 words) analyzing the ways in which terrorist organizations utilize the Internet to advance their purposes. Examine how police and international agencies can use social media to monitor terrorists’ activities and thwart terrorist acts.

Terrorism and the Internet

Prior to beginning work on this assignment read the Aldrich (2000) article ( and view the Security Expert Amos Guiora: “Cyber Terrorism Poses an Enormous Threat” ( video. Review the instructions below and research a minimum of two additional scholarly resources to support your statements. (Access the MSCJ Professional Sources guide ( for assistance with finding appropriate resources.)

As you have learned throughout the course thus far, the world is just beginning to experience terrorist organizations’ usage of the Internet and social media. This new vanguard for terrorist recruitment, information dissemination, and even target planning and calls to action, require inventive and new methods to gain intelligence, identify terrorist organization members, and to ultimately thwart terrorist activities. The legal issues and investigative techniques for such defensive actions are just beginning to take shape.

Prepare a paper consisting of three to five pages (750 to 1250 words) analyzing the ways in which terrorist organizations utilize the Internet to advance their purposes.

Examine how police and international agencies can use social media to monitor terrorists’ activities and thwart terrorist acts.
Predict ways in which terrorist organizations may use the Internet and social media platforms in the future to advance their movements and/or causes.
Anticipate legal issues that will arise with new, terrorist uses of the Internet and social media.

Explain the major provisions of the Patriot Act which assist the U.S. government in deterring cyber crimes. Evaluate whether or not the Patriot Act violates traditional notions of privacy found in the 4th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

Patriot Act & Homeland Security Act and Cyber Crime

Prior to beginning work on this discussion read the Fong and Delaney (2013) (Links to an external site.) article and the Mitchell and Pate online resource (

The destruction of the World Trade Towers, the attack on the Pentagon, and the crashing of Flight 93 in September 2001 changed the ways in which the United States sought to protect itself from enemies and criminals, both foreign and domestic. The two landmark criminal justice federal laws enacted after the attacks were the Patriot Act and the Homeland Security Act (HSA). This week our discussion examines both the Patriot Act and the HSA and their applications to cyber crime investigations. Students will explore provisions of both Acts and explain how they assist in cyber-crime deterrence and prosecution.

Your initial posts will be divided into two groups. Please see the instructions below to determine which topics you must include in your 400 word minimum initial post.

Last names beginning with the letters A through L
My last name starts with a J***
Address the following issues in your initial post:

Explain the major provisions of the Patriot Act which assist the U.S. government in deterring cyber crimes.
Point out at least one example of how the Patriot Act can be used as an effective tool in investigating cyber crimes.
Evaluate whether or not the Patriot Act violates traditional notions of privacy found in the 4th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
Critique whether or not the Patriot Act is the most effective way to deter and prosecute cyber crimes.
Suggest alternative methods and provide solutions for the federal government to more effectively combat cyber crime

Last names beginning with the letters M through Z
Address the following issues in your initial post:

Explain the purposes for the creation of the Homeland Security Act (HSA).
Point out at least one example of how the HSA can be used as an effective tool in investigating cyber crimes.
Critique whether or not the HSA is the most effective way to combat cyber crime at the federal level.
Suggest alternative methods and provide solutions for the federal government to more effectively combat cyber crime.

Combined, the Patriot Act and the Homeland Security Act created the foundation for federal cyber crime investigation and prosecution for decades to come. As with the institution of any sweeping, new federal legislation, critics abound. As future criminal justice professionals, your work will largely focus on implementing these two initiatives and seeking ways to continually improve their application to protect society. Evaluate whether or not the Patriot Act and Homeland Security Act would have been created had the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and the downing of United Airlines flight 93 in Pennsylvania not occurred. Continue to monitor the discussion forum until 5:00 p.m. (Mountain Time) on Day 7 of the week and respond to anyone who replies to your initial post.

Explain how the 4th Amendment applies to non-tangible materials, such as the Internet, emails, and social media applications. Analyze the “reasonable expectation of privacy” for individuals and corporations when utilizing the Internet.

Constitutional Issues – Right to Privacy

The 4th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution has traditionally applied to tangible materials: home, car, purse, personal belongings, etc. This Amendment states in pertinent part, “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated…” In your 400 word minimum initial post, examine how this well over 200 year old amendment applies to the Internet and cyber crime investigations by addressing the following areas.

Explain how the 4th Amendment applies to non-tangible materials, such as the Internet, emails, and social media applications.
Analyze the “reasonable expectation of privacy” for individuals and corporations when utilizing the Internet.
Summarize the limits on governmental powers and methods to obtain private information from people and corporations garnered through the Internet.
Evaluate exceptions to the warrant requirement that police agencies can use to prosecute Internet crime.