
When was the data collected? Where were the participants recruited from? Do you think this is a broad age range? How might you classify this group of individuals roughly 18-23?

PSY303 Paper #1

Part 1. A data paper is an article that describes a dataset or a collection of related datasets. In their data paper, Liu et al. (2020) describe four datasets that contain variables regarding beliefs about free will and determinism and other related constructs. For this course, we will be using dataset 4 from this paper. The following questions refer specifically to dataset 4.

When was the data collected?

Where were the participants recruited from? (hint: 2 locations)

True or False: All participants were students. (hint: answer is on page 1)

Sample properties:
n =
females =
males =
did not report gender =
Mean Age =
Standard Deviation of Age =
Do you think this is a broad age range? How might you classify this group of individuals roughly 18-23? (Adolescents? Young adults? Adults?)


How was data collected? (hint: answer is on page 5)


Was informed consent obtained?


Part 2. Below, please state your 2 variables of interest, how they are measured in the data paper (including the subscale if applicable), your research question, and your preliminary hypothesis (note that this hypothesis can change after some literature review)

Variable 1:

Measured with:


Variable 2:

Measured with:

Research Question:


Preliminary Hypothesis: (be sure to include the strength and direction of the relationship)


Explain what is meant by the term ‘globalisation’ and what is the link between globalisation and wellbeing? As the world looks to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, give some examples of the ways that international collaboration and co-operation are important for the global recovery?

International collaboration and globalisation

Your Policy Brief needs to consider the ways that the Australian economy is part of the Asian-Pacific region and connected to the rest of the world. Your team is analysing the ways that countries interact with each other for the purpose of elevating economic prosperity and overall wellbeing.

a) Explain what is meant by the term ‘globalisation’ and what is the link between globalisation and wellbeing? (2-3 sentences)

b) As the world looks to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, give some examples of the ways that international collaboration and co-operation are important for the global recovery? In what ways has international collaboration been under threat during the pandemic, and what policy arrangements and institutional settings can help to ensure that countries continue to co-operate with each other in the future? (2-3 sentences)

c) The Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade) reports on Australia’s trade patterns with the rest of the world, as illustrated in the map below. In its 2021 Benchmark Report, Austrade noted that “12 of Australia’s top 15 export markets are in the Asian region. China remained Australia’s largest trading partner in 2020, accounting for around 31% of total two-way trade. Japan and Korea continue to be important trade partners, representing around 13% of total trade.”

Source: Austrade, Benchmark Report 2021 (Accessed 1 September 2021).
Much of Australia’s exports with these Asia-Pacific countries include commodities such as iron ore, coal and agricultural products, but also include services such as tourism and international education. When Australia’s international borders reopen and visitors from China, Japan and South Korea can travel to Australia again, what do you predict will happen to the value of the Australian dollar, and why? (2-3 sentences)

a) Your team of economists is constantly monitoring economic conditions around the world, on the lookout for any potential economic shocks that could disrupt the global economy. In recent weeks, your attention has been focused on the UK economy which has been experiencing multiple economic challenges: shortages and price rises in fuel; shortages in transport workers due to the consequences of Brexit; and large disruptions to supply chains that are preventing the transportation of many essential products.
Visually illustrate this shock to the UK economy using the following AD-AS diagram. For simplicity, assume that the economy is initially at Y*.
Imagine that your economist colleagues working at the Bank of England have contacted you to ask for your economic advice. Australia has recently signed on a new trade deal with the UK and it is in Australia’s interest for the UK economy to restrengthen. What ‘doubly problematic’ macroeconomic concerns would you alert them to in relation to this type of economic shock? (1-2 sentences)
The Bank of England is trying to figure out the most appropriate monetary policy response in this situation. Your colleagues inform you that they are concerned about unemployment, but even more concerned about inflation. What monetary policy prescription would you recommend? (2-3 sentences)
Adding on what you have already illustrated in your AD-AS diagram, illustrate what would happen to the UK economy if they adopt your policy advice. Use the bullet points to explain each step Be sure to show the final effect on Output and Price Level, relative to your starting equilibrium.

Illustration of the economic shock on the UK economy and your recommendation for the Bank of England’s monetary policy response

Use these bullet points to firstly explain the shock being experienced by the UK economy, followed by an explanation of your policy advice to the Bank of England. Be sure to refer to every element on your AD-AS diagram:

Identify what type of monetary policy did the RBA implement in that month? What actions would the RBA have needed to take to achieve this change in the cash rate, with respect to Open Market Operations and money supply? Which part of the AD-AS model was this policy aiming to shift?

Monetary policy and financial stability

The Treasury is paying close attention to the policy responses that Australia’s central bank, the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA), is taking to help mitigate the economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic.
⦁ Based on the announcement that the RBA Governor made in November 2020 (see the RBA Monetary Policy Statement), identify what type of monetary policy did the RBA implement in that month? What actions would the RBA have needed to take to achieve this change in the cash rate, with respect to Open Market Operations and money supply? Which part of the AD-AS model was this policy aiming to shift? (3 sentences)

Why and how has human resources changed due to the technology revolution? What technology is, why it was created, and how it helped improve HR functions?

Technology revolution

Why and how has human resources changed due to the technology revolution?
If you were asked to define HRIS, what would be your response?
To help develop your response, you will want to search the Internet or our library for some of the technologies that have changed the technology in HR over the last 50 years, what the technology is, why it was created, and how it helped improve HR functions? Cite your sources.

What is physical self-care. What are some recommendations for Physical self-care Definition? How much intake of protein is needed for an average body images? Different types of workouts that involve aerobic exercises?

Parents should have the authority to alter their children’s genes

Physical Self Care
What is physical self-care. What are some recommendations for Physical self-care Definition?
Aerobic Fitness
Different types of workouts that involve aerobic exercises Examples
What does flexibility help with images
Healthy diet
Calorie balance
Play a great role in fitness images
Protein a source of energy
How much intake of protein is needed for an average body images?
Mental Self Care
Music reduces anxiety and depression images
Yoga means controlling modifications of mind images
Five elements
Earth, water, air, fire, space images
Spiritual Self Care
Quote by H. Jackson Brown Jr quote
“Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more.”
Praying cleanses, one’s body and mind and provides peace images
Happiness and Wellness Within
Benefits of socializing
Being thankful helps feel more positive and grateful. Images

The methods I went over are only few of many, the self-care methods are very broad and totally based on what a person prefers, these were just some ideas of where you can get started.


Discuss the health and wellbeing needs and challenges of the community and examine the particular influence of housing. Critically examine how these needs might be effectively addressed through policies, strategies, and interventions relevant to housing.

The housing, health and well being needs of female elderly people and the effectiveness of current policies interventions and strategies in the UK

should be presented in article style, suitable for publication in a professional journal. It may therefore be presented in a suitable article

format (but no more than two columns), including photographs or other illustrations, as if ready to submit to a journal for consideration.

Should discuss the health and well being needs and challenges of the community and examine the particular influence of housing.

• Should critically examine how these needs might be effectively addressed through policies, strategies, and interventions relevant to housing; and

• Reflect on the extent to which the policies, strategies, and interventions have been effective.

sources of information must include texts, journals, Government publications and limited web-only based information; however, you may draw case examples from the web

Produce a plan which will focus on advising Philomena of any potential liabilities in contract law. Identify related sources that address the legal issues in the scenario. Demonstrate in-text referencing whilst providing an outline plan.

Problem solving assessment

Philomena owns a bookshop which specialises in acquiring and selling rare books. She recently saw an advertisement in a specialist book magazine for a first edition of a book written by Niccolò Machiavelli. The advertisement, which had been placed by Mark Harrington of Harrington’s Rare Books, stated that it was ‘on offer for £1000’. Philomena telephoned Mark on Monday morning. She informed Mark that she would buy the book for £750. Mark replied that he would sell it for £900. Philomena responded by saying she would need some time to think about buying the book for £900. Mark informed Philomena that he would not sell the book to anyone else until Philomena phoned him back in three days’ time with her final decision.
On the same day that Philomena had telephoned Mark, Ronan visited Philomena’s shop that afternoon. Ronan asked Philomena if she had a first edition of the book written by Niccolò Machiavelli and told Philomena that he would be willing to pay £1500 for such a book. Philomena informed Ronan that she would be able to obtain and sell him the book. Ronan was delighted and paid Philomena the £1500 in cash. She informed Ronan that he would be able to collect the book on Friday at 4pm. As soon as Ronan left the shop Philomena telephoned Mark. She informed Mark that she would purchase the book for £900. However, Mark informed Philomena that he had already sold the book to Greta for the asking price of £1000.
Philomena has been searching the internet and managed to find another first edition of the book written by Niccolò Machiavelli. It is on sale in a bookshop called Golden Treasures which is owned by Herbie Tomkins. Philomena telephones Herbie on Tuesday morning and asks if he still has the first edition of the book written by Niccolò Machiavelli. Herbie confirms he has the book and the asking price is £1300. Philomena informs Herbie that she needs some time to think about the price but will call him back at 5pm today.
Philomena decided to purchase the book from Herbie for £1300 as she will still make a £200 profit on the resale to Ronan. Philomena telephones Herbie at 5.35pm. Unfortunately, Herbie closed the shop at 5.30pm and her call is taken by the answer machine. Philomena is informed that the shop is now closed and will reopen on Thursday at 10am and to leave a message. Philomena leaves the following message for Herbie: ‘Hi Herbie, this is Philomena. I telephoned you today about the purchase of the first edition of the book written by Niccolò Machiavelli at a purchase price of £1300. I wish to accept your offer and will collect the book this Friday no later than 11am. I will put a cheque for £1300 in the post with a covering letter confirming my purchase. Bye for now.’ Philomena then writes a short letter confirming she is buying the book and places a cheque for £1300 inside the envelope with the letter. She writes the address of Herbie’s shop on the front of the envelope and posts the letter on Tuesday evening.
On Wednesday morning Herbie’s shop cleaner let’s himself in to the shop. He unplugs the answer machine, so he can use the vacuum cleaner but forgets to plug the answer machine back into the electrical socket when he finishes.
On Thursday morning Herbie opens his shop and his first customer is Tanisha. She asks Herbie if he has a first edition of the book written by Niccolò Machiavelli. He informs Tanisha that he has one copy of the book and the asking price is £1300. Tanisha agrees to buy the book, pays and leaves taking the book with her.
On Friday morning at 9am Herbie discovers that his answer machine has been unplugged. He immediately plugs in the answer machine and listens to Philomena’s message. Ten minutes later Philomena’s letter, along with the cheque for £1300 arrives. At 11am Philomena arrives at Herbie’s shop only to discover that the book has been sold to Tanisha.
Advise Philomena of any potential liabilities in contract law.

Produce a plan which will focus on advising Philomena of any potential liabilities in contract law.
Identify related sources that address the legal issues in the scenario.
Demonstrate in-text referencing whilst providing an outline plan.
Produce a reference list at the end of your work which reflects the academic style outlined in the Law undergraduate guide (LUG).

What do you find most revealing/interesting about capital punishment, in general?  State three of your observations, elaborating briefly on each.  Which of the two moral perspectives would you rank as having the strongest foundations, that is, justifications?  

Capital Punishment

PART 1 Question:
What do you find most revealing/interesting about capital punishment, in general?  State three of your observations, elaborating briefly on each.  Make sure to include inserts from the book pages and the video attached.

Review how the moral theories we have continued to study in this course impact on our understanding of the different beliefs regarding capital punishment.  Carefully read from page 668 up through page 673.(attached)  Which of the two moral perspectives would you rank as having the strongest foundations, that is, justifications?  Why?  Identify each as you explain why you think these two moral perspectives have the greatest merit.  Explain why.

Finally, review the four-part argument on page 673 numbered 1-4.(attached)  What makes this argument valid?  Why?  Read the textbook’s commentary which extends onto page 674.(attached)  What do you see as the greatest tension in resolving this argument?  Why?

Select ONE of the readings at the end of the chapter, preferably one with which you think might directly oppose what you personally believe about capital punishment.  State three of your selected writer’s chief arguments, explaining why you personally think those arguments are flawed.

What is the purpose of the source? Who is the author’s intended audience? What is the author’s argument? What evidence supports the argument? What qualifications and expertise does the author bring? Does the author have any biases or make any questionable assumptions?

Annotated Bibliography for Final Paper

For each source, begin by brainstorming responses to questions such as the following.
¦ What is the purpose of the source? Who is the author’s intended audience?
¦ What is the author’s argument? What evidence supports the argument?
¦ What qualifications and expertise does the author bring? Does the author have any biases or make any questionable assumptions?
¦ Why do you think this source is useful for your project?
¦ How does this source relate to the other sources in your bibliography?

¦ Arrange the sources in alphabetical order by author (or by title for works with no author).
¦ Provide consistent bibliographic information for each source.
¦ Start your summary by identifying the thesis and purpose of the source as well as the credentials of the source’s author.
¦ Keep your research question in mind. How does this source contribute to your project? How does it help you take your place in the conversation?

Evaluate the social and environmental justice issues and arguments concerning carbon dioxide removal.

Social and environmental justice

Evaluate the social and environmental justice issues and arguments concerning carbon dioxide removal.

Note: The focus is on CDR or negative emissions technologies and not geoengineering.