
Identify constraints within the transportation network and discuss the impact they will have on the overall supply chain operation. Analyze the transportation network and determine whether or not the correct modes of transportation are being used based on time, cost, and quantity.

Supply and Demand

Walmart China—Supply Chain Transformation
IV. Transportation: In this section, first consider the effectiveness of Walmart’s transportation network in order to then determine possible cost savings without sacrificing performance.

A. Evaluation
1. Identify constraints within the transportation network and discuss the impact they will have on the overall supply chain operation. Be sure to provide specific examples to illustrate.
2. Analyze the transportation network and determine whether or not the correct modes of transportation are being used based on time, cost, and quantity.
B. Recommendations: Make recommendations on how to improve the transportation network given the constraints you identified using specific examples to illustrate and justify your claims.

V. Warehousing: In this section, first analyze your client’s warehousing network in order to then determine requirements and develop recommendations for adequately meeting current and future storage needs.

A. Evaluation
1. Analyze the current warehousing infrastructure to determine if the current warehousing network adequately meets storage needs. Additionally, consider the eventual expansion requirements of Walmart’s operation. What are the constraints or restrictions involved in the possible locations?
2. Identify considerations for special handling of hazardous materials and describe their impact on warehousing for the current mix of products that Walmart’s SCM is handling, using specific examples.

How could this information you have learned be integrated (translated) into the daily care of people with dementia, including any barriers that might need to be addressed?

Malnutrition in older adults.

Reference style: Simplified Author-Date. (SAD)

1. What is the most important piece of information you learned from reading this article?

2. Why is this information important for the nutritional and/or swallowing health of older people living with dementia?

3. How could this information you have learned be integrated (translated) into the daily care of people with dementia, including any barriers that might need to be addressed?

Identify a product or service that both you and your parents or grandparents have purchased, but through different distribution channels.


Identify a product or service that both you and your parents or grandparents have purchased, but through different distribution channels. Name and describe the distribution channel your parents or grandparents used to purchase the product or service. Then, name and describe the distribution channel that you prefer to purchase that same product or service, and explain why.

Describe how critically analyzing popular culture has informed your individual framework of perception. Consider how it has altered the way you perceive the community around you and/or the world.

5-2 Activity: Reflection: Self

In this activity, you will first describe how critical analysis skills have affected your framework of perception. Next, you will describe how examining your bias might change how you interact with popular culture. Finally, you will explain how critical analysis skills can impact your academic or professional life.
You are not required to address each item below the rubric criteria, but you may use them to better understand the criteria and guide your thinking.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:
1. Describe how critically analyzing popular culture has informed your individual framework of perception.
A. Consider how it has altered the way you perceive the community around you and/or the world.
2. Describe how examining your bias may alter the way you engage with popular culture personally or professionally.
A. Reflect on your own bias and then consider how an awareness of one’s bias can change how you interact with popular culture.
3. Explain how critically analyzing popular culture can influence Criminal Justice.
A. Consider how studying popular culture might inform your understanding of the next big topic of study in Criminal Justice

Think about “Sweat” in connection to “A Good Man is Hard to Find” (147). Both stories feature religious beliefs prominently. How does belief inform each story? How do the characters relate to it?


Think about “Sweat” in connection to “A Good Man is Hard to Find” (147). Both stories feature religious beliefs prominently. How does belief inform each story? How do the characters relate to it?

Describe and discuss how ‘cognitive theories’ differ from ‘learning (or conditioning) theories’ in their explanation of why symptoms happen in bipolar disorder OR depression.

Cognitive and behavioural symptoms of bipolar disorder OR depression

Part 1. Describe cognitive and behavioural symptoms of bipolar disorder OR depression(600 words). In Part 1 of this assignment, you should take care to identify those symptoms which you believe are behavioural and those which pertain to cognitions. Your markers will look for evidence that you have delineated which represents cognitive symptoms and which are considered behavioural symptoms.

Part 2. Describe and discuss how ‘cognitive theories’ differ from ‘learning (or conditioning) theories’ in their explanation of why symptoms happen in bipolar disorder OR depression. In Part 2 you need to demonstrate your understanding of how two different perspectives account for the symptoms and make clear how they differ. Your markers will allocate marks to how well you describe the key elements of each theory (remembering that a theory is a foundation for treatment rather than a treatment per se) and marks will be allocated for how well you describe the key differences. A hint – Cognitive theories focus on faulty thinking patterns and cognitive biases while learning theories focus on the role of environmental factors, such as conditioning and reinforcement. Note, you can be selective if you like by highlighting that your description will focus on accounts of symptoms X & Y. This will enable you to achieve the depth required in the recommended word count.(600 words)

Part 3. Describe how cognitive behavioural therapy is used to reduce the symptoms of bipolar OR depressive disorder and how it is thought to work. In Part 3, you need to show your understanding of a particular approach to treatment, what type of symptoms the approach is addressing and how this is carried out to bring change for the client. Your account should be a critical evaluation, in that you attempt to look critically at the research base to provide information about the current evidence base for the treatment.

How does cytomegalovirus cause guillan barre syndrome?

Microbiology/immunology paper

How does cytomegalovirus cause guillan barre syndrome?

Watch the following documentary (it is about 1 hr and 15 min). Write a reflection essay that 1) summarizes the content in the documentary with quotes from the documentary to support your statements; 2) draw connections to the chapter in the textbook and the lecture videos (provide concrete evidence from the videos that were posted in the module).

HTH 205 – Written Assignment 3 – Reflection Essay

Watch the following documentary (it is about 1 hr and 15 min). Write a reflection essay that 1) summarizes the content in the documentary with quotes from the documentary to support your statements; 2) draw connections to the chapter in the textbook and the lecture videos (provide concrete evidence from the videos that were posted in the module). Essay 1-2 pages single-spaced. Use citations as appropriate.

  • Attached is a link to Err is human 2019 –
  • Attached is the lecture video transcript (word document) and other videos associated with this module –

Two separate samples receive two different treatments. The first treatment group (N = 9) has a mean of 50 with SS = 710. The second treatment group (N = 6) has a mean of 60 with SS = 460. Is the second treatment group significantly larger than the first? What is the effect size?

PSYC 2317: Statistical Methods for Psychology

Tarleton State University

Unit 7 Homework

For each of the hypothesis testing problems below, you need to justify your answer by explicitly defining your null hypothesis H0 and alternative hypothesis H1 and reporting the p-value for the resulting test statistic.

1. Two separate samples receive two different treatments. The first treatment group (N = 9) has a mean of 50 with SS = 710. The second treatment group (N = 6) has a mean of 60 with SS = 460. Is the second treatment group significantly larger than the first? What is the effect size?

2. A researcher surveys a group of college students to determine the negative life events that they experienced in the past 5 years and their current feeling of well-being. For N = 18 participants with 2 or fewer negative experiences, the average well-being score was X = 42 with SS = 398. For the N = 16 participants with 5 to 10 negative experiences the average score is X = 48.6 with SS = 370. Is there a significant difference between the two populations represented by these two samples? What is the effect size?

3. In 1974, Loftus and Palmer conducted a classic study demonstrating how the language used to ask a question can influence eyewitness memory. In the study, college students watched a film of an automobile accident and then they were asked questions about what they saw. One group was asked “About how fast were the cars going when they smashed into each other?” Another group was asked the same question except the verb was changed to “hit” instead of “smashed into”. The “smashed into” group reported significantly higher estimates of speed than the “hit” group. Suppose a researcher repeats the study with a sample of today’s college students and obtains the following results:

  • Smashed into Hit
    n = 15 n = 15
    M = 40.8 M = 34.0
    SS = 510 SS = 414

Do the results indicate a significantly higher estimated speed for the “smashed into” group? What is the effect size?

Report and analyze the results of your survey with the intent of developing a deeper understanding of your point of inquiry through the perspectives of a variety of individuals.

Survey Report Assignment


For this assignment, you will report and analyze the results of your survey with the intent of developing a deeper understanding of your point of inquiry through the perspectives of a variety of individuals. You will be required to distribute at least 50 surveys. Further, you will be required to complicate at least 2 demographic variables to more critically engage in your research process.

The report should include:

A background section that presents your research question, summarizes your survey questions (what you wanted to find out from the survey), states your hypotheses (what you thought you’d find out from your survey), and describes your population. This section should also begin by contextualizing your research topic, and therefore should integrate 6-8 outside sources. These can include those that you used in both your Observation Report as well as your Interview Project but should build off of these.
A methods section that details your surveying process, including how you wrote and revised the questions, created answer choices, structured/formatted the survey; how you distributed the survey, elicited responses, targeted a particular population; and how many responses you received, any demographic data about respondents
A results section ordered by significance and reported by theme or topic that tells readers what you discovered from your research by describing and interpreting findings
A conclusion section that tells readers what your survey results reveal about your topic, how they help to answer your research question, and why they are meaningful; you may also mention any researcher or participant biases, research design flaws, oversights/missed opportunities, and/or directions for future research
an appendix that provides complete survey results


Reports should be approximately 6-7 pages in length and follow either APA or MLA style guidelines.