
Describe how banks and investment firms are using this trend to their advantage and for their clients benefit. From a security standpoint, how does digital pay increase cybersecurity and hackers? Is this really the safer way to conduct business versus cash, bank wires and checks?

Change in Times

As the global market and e-commerce continue to expand, businesses are investing in new ways to transfer currency. From Google and Apple pay to the various types of cryptocurrency, businesses are exploring new ways to conduct business with less hassle of dealing with cash, bank wires, and checks. Review the videos and articles in the Change in Times folder and answer the questions below.

1. Describe how banks and investment firms are using this trend to their advantage and for their clients benefit.

2. From a security standpoint, how does digital pay increase cybersecurity and hackers? Is this really the safer way to conduct business versus cash, bank wires and checks?

3. From your opinion, what are some of the advantages and disadvantages of cryptocurrency? Have you made any investments in these currencies?

Based on your research, what is the overlap between Stedman’s profession and his motivation for creating this text? How do you know? How does an author use style and evidence to communicate to a particular intended audience for a specific purpose?

Assignment Annoying ‎Ways People Use Sources by Kyle D. ‎Stedman

Select the Reply button below to post your response as a new thread, and create a discussion post that includes the following:
In the first paragraph, consider the question: What is the connection between an author’s background and their reason for writing?
First, search for online sources about Kyle D. Stedman, the author of our fifth text, “Annoying Ways People Use Sources,”
Actions and identify his occupation and background. Then, identify the basic rhetorical situation of his text, including his original intended audience, purpose, and main claim. Based on your research, what is the overlap between Stedman’s profession and his motivation for creating this text? How do you know? You should post links to your findings to track your own research here.
In the second paragraph, consider this question: How does an author use style and evidence to communicate to a particular intended audience for a specific purpose?
Specifically, how does Stedman utilize style and evidence to support his main claim in his text, convince his intended audience, and achieve his purpose for writing? To answer this question, select one “annoyance” in Stedman’s text which best demonstrates his use of style and evidence. How does his style (language use, tone, mood) in this paragraph connect to his readership? How does his evidence in this specific section help him build his argument? Overall, why are Stedman’s use of style and evidence especially effective in this particular section?
This initial post should be at least two academic paragraphs (5-8 sentences in length) — sometimes you’ll be asked to write more (read the prompt!). Read here for a reminder on what constitutes an academic paragraph: Academic Paragraphs

Who are the key figures associated with reality therapy? What does choice theory have to do with reality therapy? How is the WDEP model applied to practice? How might reality therapy be used in group counseling?

Week 2 Assignment

Chapter SS., Choice Theory/ reality Therapy

a. Who are the key figures associated with reality therapy?

b. What does choice theory have to do with reality therapy?

c. How is the WDEP model applied to practice?

d. How might reality therapy be used in group counseling?

Chapter i2, Feminist Therapy

a. What are the therapeutic goals that guide feminist therapists in their work?

b. Who are the key figures and their Contributions to the development of feminist therapy?

c. What are the roles of gender and power in the therapeutic process?

What are the key contributions and main limitations of feminist therapy? Use the it from these chapters to analyze the case handout

How may Social Impact Assessment be used as a tool for advocacy?

Social Impact Assessment as a tool for advocacy

Topic: How may Social Impact Assessment be used as a tool for advocacy?

[provide at least one case study to substantiate your argument. Advocacy is direct support for a group of affected people, or even for the natural environment]

Construct a short argument defending Christianity against an aspect of a world religion. Critique or evaluate an aspect of the worldview of a world religion.

Discussion: World Religions

This discussion is in two parts, both related to a world religion:

1. Construct a short argument defending Christianity against an aspect of a world religion. Choose one of these four options:
• Islam
• Judaism
• Hinduism
• Buddhism
You also must choose a different world religion than the one chosen for the second part of the prompt. You must use a paragraph format. You do not need to be comprehensive but your argument must be coherent. Be sure to use scripture and your textbooks as applicable.

2. Critique or evaluate an aspect of the worldview of a world religion. This is not an apologetic argument for Christianity but rather a critique of some aspect of the self-selected world religion’s worldview. Choose one of these four options:
• Islam
• Judaism
• Hinduism
• Buddhism

What factors contributed to the popularity of anti- Chinese sentiment in the nineteenth century and the eventual abandonment by the United States of its policy of admitting immigrants irrespective of race, nationality, or country of origin?

The Chinese Exclusion

The Chinese Exclusion Act (1882) marked both a pivot in U.S. history and a continuation. It was pivotal in that it ended the traditional U.S. policy of open immigration and began an era of restrictions that culminated in the Johnson-Reed Act of 1924, which imposed strict quotas based on racial and ethnic criteria. It was also a continuation of a U.S. tradition of intolerance, an intolerance explicitly grounded in racism and in ethnic and religious bigotry. As both pivot and continuation, Chinese exclusion lays bare many of the most crucial fault lines of post–Civil War America.

The purpose of this assignment is to help you understand the interplay of economic distress, racism, and political ambition that led to Chinese exclusion by identifying some of the key actors, analyzing the arguments they made for the necessity of exclusion, and examining the political factors that led Congress to act.

Through investigation of the documents in this unit, you will develop the historical thinking skills of causation, comparison, continuity and change over time, and, through your written response to the central question, argumentation.

PROMPT: What factors contributed to the popularity of anti- Chinese sentiment in the nineteenth century and the eventual abandonment by the United States of its policy of admitting immigrants irrespective of race, nationality, or country of origin?

Consider Larry Crabb’s model for counseling. What do you find helpful in this model and what are some potentlations of this model? What are the “three dimensions of healing” and how are they helpful?

Week 1 Assignment

All written assignments are to be handed in by the end of the class period for which they are assigned. It is suggested that you read the full chapter in the text first and then go back and answer the related study questions.
Week One-21″ Century Christian Counseling
1. Read the Course Overview in the Student Guide.
2. Read Clinton, Hart and Ohlschlager, Preface and Chapters 1-5, and complete written responses to the following study questions:

Preface and Chapter 1, “Introduction to Christian Counseling” ,titypev -I-pti\J 9′) c3

a. Discuss several factors that, in your opinion, contribute to the widespread conditions of depression and anxiety today?
b. What distinctions do the authors make between “caring” and “curing”?

Chapter 2, “The Person of the Counselor”
a. Why do the authors tell the story of “Eileen,” thought to be afflicted with Seasonal Affective Disorder?
b. Reflect on the section “Motivations for Becoming a Counselor.” What motivates you?

Chapter 3, “Christian Counseling and Essential Biblical Principles” a. Consider Larry Crabb’s model for counseling (pp. 52-531 What do you find helpful in this model and what are some potentlations of this model?
b. What are the “three dimensions of healing” and how are they helpful?

Chapter 4, “Christian Counseling Process”
a. Discuss the merits of the seven-step process of counseling that begins on page 83. Chapter 5, “Christian Counseling Ethics”
What three things in this chapter stand out to you as most significant? Why? Read Corey, Chapters 9 and 10 Chapter 9, “Behavior Therapy” -‘r—Summarize the theory using the following outline:
a. Who were the key figures associated with the development of behavior therapy and what were their major contributions?

In what ways might COVID have impacted international business? Identify and discuss 3 impacts. Is the individual impact a good or bad thing? Why?

Midterm exam

As a result of many factors, technological advances being probably the most major one, international business commerce has exploded over the last 30 years. For many companies and countries, this has been a game changer. As with anything, numerous problems also have come to light, including international legal challenges, social justice issues, and a recognition that not all countries and companies are playing on a level playing field. Further, countries and companies have had to adapt and (hopefully) be mindful and respectful of the different country and regional cultures.

In what ways might COVID have impacted international business? Identify and discuss 3 impacts. Is the individual impact a good or bad thing? Why?

Calculate the average return on the asset, the standard deviation of the asset’s returns as well as a risk-adjusted return measure for the asset.


BlackRock Inc. Asset Management department has asked you to write a report outlining your recommendation as to which assets your clients should invest in. When compiling this report, your clients expect to see tables outlining the respective relevant information for each of these assets as well as appendices demonstrating all relevant calculations.

When preparing the report, you have been asked to address the following points:
Calculate the average return on the asset, the standard deviation of the asset’s returns as well as a risk-adjusted return measure for the asset.
When conducting your fundamentals analysis, that you use the top-down approach to justify your choice of markets and assets.
That you find and highlight the key findings of relevant research or literature (including newspapers articles, investor reports, etc.) on each of the asset classes and specific markets.

What is the relationship between present value and future value? What is the relationship between the concepts of net present value and shareholder wealth maximization?

Math/Physic/Economic/Statistic Problems

· Section 5-13 – Question 9

What is the relationship between present value and future value?

· Section 5-13 – Question 19

What is the relationship between the concepts of net present value and shareholder wealth maximization?

· Section 5-15 – Question 42

Garret Erdle has just turned 26 years of age. Although Garrett currently has a negative net worth, he expects to pay off all of his financial obligations within four years and then to embark on an aggressive plan to save for retirement. He wishes to be able to withdraw $100,000 per year during the first ten years of retirement (the first withdrawal coming on his 61st birthday) and $150,000 during the next 10 years of retirement. As a precaution against unexpected longevity, he would like to have a net worth of $500,000 after the withdrawal on his 80th birthday. Garrett expects the after-tax return on his investments to be 6 percent until he turns age 50, and 7 percent thereafter. What equal annual amount must Garrett save at the end of each year( the first deposit will occur on his 31st birthday and the 1st deposit will occur on his 60th birthday) to meet these retirement goals.

· Section 6-9 – Question 6

BCC has issued 8 1/8 percent debentures that will mature on July 15, 2034. Assume that interest is paid and compounded annually. If an investor purchased a $1,000 denomination bond for $1,025 on July 15th, 2014, determine the bond’s yield-to-maturity. Explain why an investor would be willing to pay $1,025 for a bond that is going to be worth only $1,000 at maturity.

· Section 6-9 – Question 9

In 2004, BCC issued 8 5/8 percent debentures that will mature on December 1, 2044.

A. If an investor purchased one of these bonds ($1,000 denomination) on December 1, 2014, for $1,050, determine the yield-to-maturity. Explain why investors would be willing to pay $1,050 on December 1,2014, for one of these bonds when they are going to receive only $1,000 when the bond matures in 2044.

B. The BCC 8 5/8 percent debentures are callable by the company on December 1,2019, at $1,044.50. Determine the yield to call as of December 1, 2014, assuming that BCC calls the bonds on that date.