
Compare the O’Neill sister’s original plan with the organization’s current activities. Based on your readings, discuss two strengths and two weaknesses of their approach. Explain two or three components that could be added to the O’Neill sisters’ plan that would make it more effective.

Disaster Preparedness and Relief

First watch this TED Talk video

Review their current work at Recovers and post answers to the following questions:

Compare the O’Neill sister’s original plan with the organization’s current activities. Based on your readings, discuss two strengths and two weaknesses of their approach.
Propose and explain two or three components that could be added to the O’Neill sisters’ plan that would make it more effective.
Provide at least three scholarly, peer-reviewed references to support your proposed components. One of these references should be from Corbett and Fikkert’s When Helping Hurts: How to Alleviate Poverty Without Hurting the Poor and Yourself (2014).

Discuss two to three ideas of current issues and trends in Criminal Justice they feel may be an interesting topic to tackle for this course.

Field of Criminal Justice.

Students are to select a topic that will allow them to examine a specific issue in the field of Criminal Justice. For this week’s discussion students are to post and discuss two to three ideas of current issues and trends in Criminal Justice they feel may be an interesting topic to tackle for this course. Students are to also construct an argumentative statement on the issues selected and discuss them.

How does a family’s income affect the likelihood its child will play organized sports such as tennis? How are historical racial inequalities reflected in the rates at which children drown in swimming pools?

Address the following in this essay:

How does a family’s income affect the likelihood its child will play organized sports such as tennis?
How are historical racial inequalities reflected in the rates at which children drown in swimming pools?
How has a Supreme Court decision from 1973 affected inequalities in school funding?
What evidence does the pdf source, ‘Girls Finishing Last’, present for the lack of access to opportunities for African-American girls in school sports?
How is racial inequality in sports perpetuated in college sports, according to the article?
Your essay should be a minimum of 1000 words. You will be graded on how well you integrate the sources into your answer by using quotes and explaining them in relation to the issues addressed in the question. Submit your Microsoft Word document to this assignment space.

Have you chosen to retain those of your upbringing or have you modified or replaced them? How do those biases influence the ways in which you interact with members of those groups?

Critical Relection Paper

Describe the development of your beliefs and attitudes towards difference (e.g., race, ethnicity,
gender, class, religion, sexual orientation, abilities). Include how you believe they were shaped
by factors such as:
– Ethnic or racial heritage
– Gender and sexual orientation
– Socioeconomic group
– Country/ Region
– Religious beliefs or affiliation
– Socio-political influences
What kind of messages (spoken or unspoken) did you get about people who were similar to you
and those who were different from you in those categories?

Section 2: Current Assessment:
Describe your current beliefs and attitudes towards difference (e.g., race, ethnicity, gender,
class, religion, sexual orientation, abilities). Respond to the following:
– Have you chosen to retain those of your upbringing or have you modified or replaced
– Identify and discuss biases you now have regarding groups different from yourself (those
distinguished from your ethnic or racial heritage, gender, sexual orientation, abilities,
income, religious beliefs or affiliation).
– How do those biases influence the ways in which you interact with members of those
– Were you particularly interested in or surprised by any of the information/feelings you
may have uncovered while completing this assignment?


Section 3: How do your past experiences affect your work?
Your life experiences influence the manner in which you interact with people and perform your
role as a professional. Your experiences and attitudes can be powerful tools to enhance your
competence or can be stumbling blocks in your work with people. Assess your cultural
competence by responding to the following:
– Examine your knowledge about and attitudes toward difference and identify any deficits.
– Examine your strengths – have your particular experiences, knowledge and attitudes
made you sensitive/ concerned/empathetic/ aware/ engaged?
– Make note of any of your own attitudes that make you uncomfortable or which you feel
you need to improve.
– How do you plan to enhance your cultural competence?

How did your personal perspective impact your proposal? How was the content from this course integrated into the paper or proposal? What perspective did you gain from formulating this proposal and doing research on this topic?

Scholarly paper/How to Prevent Pressure Ulcers

What is the clinical practice problem/issue selected?
Why do you think there needed to be a change?
Explain the general idea of your change proposal.
Critical Thinking—Support and Evidence
Identify the change you want to bring about.
What issues have you seen in practice or found in research that made you select this topic for a change proposal?
How will your leadership style and gifts be used to lead the change proposal?
Conduct a Literature review
Utilize the CCU library to assist in finding scholarly research articles.
Is your evidence valid to support the change you are proposing?
Leadership and Management—Development
Identification of change theory for project
State one specific long-term and short-term goal
Leadership and Management—Implementation
Develop a basic timeline for your project that shows the plan for implementation.
What is the role of the change agent/s?
Critical Thinking and Clinical Reasoning—Evaluation
Suggest specific evaluation points along the way based on your implementation timeline.
Critical Self-Reflection—Personal Impact of Change Proposal
Analyze your personal assumptions and perspectives regarding your proposed change.
How did your personal perspective impact your proposal?
How was the content from this course integrated into the paper or proposal?
What perspective did you gain from formulating this proposal and doing research on this topic?
What have you learned?

Find a quote on leadership or on active listening. Write a blog post on why it holds meaning for you, how to apply it in a business setting.

3 Qualities of Leadership and What it Means

We call someone a leader not because they are in charge but because they have the courage to go first. To risk first. To trust first. First into the unknown. – Simon Sinek
250 min – 350 words
All original; however if you want to quote from what you’ve read, it MUST appear in quotes or italics, followed by parentheses ( link to Source)

Find a quote on leadership or on active listening.

Write a blog post on why it holds meaning for you, how to apply it in a business setting.

Your blog post should have your own title, but begin the post with the quote you have found.

How has OD helped in similar situations (abrupt change/crisis situations). How will the workplace look like in the future? What advancements should take place in OD?

COVID-19 and Organizational Development

Changes to OD after and due to the pandemic
o Effects of the pandemic
o Changes inside an organization
o Taking OD models into account

Role OD plays during covid
o In assisting an organization with tackling new problems
o How has OD helped in similar situations (abrupt change/crisis situations)

Talk about digitalization of processes?

Challenges & opportunities
o Future obstacles
o Potential improvements
o How will the workplace look like in the future?
o What advancements should take place in OD?

Write a 500-1,000 word persuasive essay in which you argue that life is or is not getting better.

Life’s Getting Worse

Historian Johan Norberg reminded John Stossel that, despite our difficulties, we have many reasons to be grateful.

Norberg’s book, The Story of Human Progress, cites decreases in global poverty, child mortality, illiteracy, and undernourishment. He notes that medical, technological, and scientific discoveries over the past 50 years helped produce a vaccine in record time and increased remote work options during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Write a 500-1,000 word persuasive essay in which you argue that life is or is not getting better.

In a well-written, multi-paragraph essay, analyze how Heynen and Montague use unique diction to develop a theme about impulse or impulsivity.

What Happened During the Ice Storm

In “What Happened During the Ice Storm” by Jim Heynen and “The Fight” by John Montague, the writers illustrate the unpredictability of human impulse in the face of nature. In a well-written, multi-paragraph essay (3-5 paragraphs), analyze how Heynen and Montague use unique diction (pivotal words and phrases) to develop a theme about impulse or impulsivity.

Describe Psychology to someone who knows nothing about it with out using Jargin terms. Describe Psychology to someone of your peer.. on their level.

Describing Clinical Psychology

1,Describe Psychology to someone who knows nothing about it with out using Jargin terms

2, Describe Psychology to someone of your peer.. on their level