
What is the definition that Lynn et al. provide for governance? How does it relate to the three levels at which it functions? What do critics identify as its weaknesses?


Write 450 – 600 words, only using the attached files. Do not paraphrase.

What is the definition that Lynn et al. provide for governance? How does it relate to the three levels at which it functions? (Institutional, Organizational, and Technical) What do critics identify as its weaknesses?

Explain the Aggregate Planning (AP) in detail. Discuss the importance of AP for operations management? Calculate Forward, Backward, Slack, CPM (show the CPM path) (9p/25). List the all paths and calculate durations for each of them. (6p/25).

Operations managment

Q1. Explain the Aggregate Planning (AP) in detail. Discuss the importance of AP for operations management? (15 points)

Q2. Answer the following questions with given project network data below (25 points).

A) Draw the network diagram (Use the data box for each activity) (10p/25)
B) Calculate Forward, Backward, Slack, CPM (show the CPM path) (9p/25)
C) List the all paths and calculate durations for each of them. (6p/25)

Q3. Answer the following questions for location decisions (20 points).
A) A company is planning on expanding and building a new store in a given region. The operations manager charged with making the decision, has determined key success factors to evaluate alternative places. He uses factor rating method given below (10p/20)

a) Which region should be selected for the new location?
b) Factor ‘Legal issues” in Location-B changes as the score of 82, does your conclusion change?
c) What if ‘Infrastructure’ in Location-A score drops even further to 67, so the decision has change or not?

B) Which location has the best option for a company in terms of cost? (Output levels are 7650, 7400, 7200, 7100, 7500 units per year for each location) (5p/20)


C) A Logistic service company wants to extend the operation locations in the region. As given data for alternative locations below, calculate the center of gravity and find out the appropriate location for them. (5p/20)
Location (x, y) Weekly Quantity
L1 4 7 850
L2 7 7 900
L3 6 7 950
L4 9 6 1030

Q4. Answer the problem solving questions below. (20 points)
A) A Studio-A orders 525 box printing paper for its services monthly at 7.5 KWD each (paper box price). Ordering costs are 32 KWD, and annual carrying costs are 30 percent of the paper box price. Compute the EOQ and Total Cost. (7p/20)

B) The clinic periodically place orders for medical cream (skin care product) to sell to their customers. The operations manager of the clinic knows that they use cream at an amount of 440 packages each month, and it costs 52 USD per year to carry per package of creams in inventory. He also knows that the order costs for cream are 93 USD per order, and that the lead time for delivery is (4) days. (13p/20)
⦁ What is the Economic Ordering Quantity (EOQ)? (4p)
⦁ How many times in a year should she reorder based on EOQ? (2p)
⦁ What is the length of an order cycle? (2p)
⦁ What is the reorder point (ROP)? (assume 320 days in a year) (2p)
⦁ What will be the total inventory cost if the items are ordered based on EOQ? (3p)

Q5. Read and analyze the academic article “Why locate manufacturing in a high-cost country? A case study of 35 production location decisions” on Moodle page (24-30 October, Week 5). The requirements for analysis should be covered as problem definition and scope/aim of the paper, methods used, summary of findings and discussions with your own understandings/your comments. (20 points).

Using the latest ‘Crime in England and Wales’ bulletin and your wider academic reading, discuss to what extent you agree with this statement, and why.

Crime in England and Wales

Crime statistics in the UK are not accurate and are therefore not useful’. Using the latest ‘Crime in England and Wales’ bulletin and your wider academic reading, discuss to what extent you agree with this statement, and why.

Describe how each characteristic is related to BMI. Are crude and multivariable effects similar? What might explain or account for any differences?

See the instructions

Using the Framingham Heart Study dataset provided, perform the ANOVA multivariable linear regression analysis using BMI as a continuous variable. Before conducting the analysis, be sure that all participants have complete data on all analysis variables.
Describe how each characteristic is related to BMI. Are crude and multivariable effects similar?
What might explain or account for any differences?
H0 The BMI is not related to the patient characteristics of Glucose, Angina, Stroke, CVD, and Hypertension in the Framingham Heart Study. (Null Hypothesis)
H1 The BMI is related to the patient characteristics of Glucose, Angina, Stroke, CVD, and Hypertension in the Framingham Heart Study. (Alternative Hypothesis)
Upload both Excel sheet into R Studio. (Refer to Chapters 7 & 12 in Introductory Statistics with R or pages 111-122 in EXCEL statistics A quick guide T.Test). Conduct the simple linear regression (ANOVA) by using the Excel Regression tool in the Data Analysis Toolpak.
Remember SEX is coded 1=male and 2=female.
Ensure to submit the following requirements for the assignment:
Present your findings in a Word document by copying and pasting the ANOVA table into the document.
Your paper must be written with a title page, an introduction, a discussion where you interpret the meaning of the ANOVA test, and a conclusion should be included.
Your submission should be 2 pages to discuss and display your findings.
Provide support for your statements with in-text citations from a minimum of two scholarly, peer-reviewed articles. One of these sources may be from the class readings, textbook, or lectures, but the others must be external.
Follow APA 7th edition and Saudi Electronic .

How does the emergence of non-state actors (like ngos, cities, markets, and regional organizations) challenge traditional ideas about sovereignty?

Emergence of non-state actors

1. How does the emergence of non-state actors (like ngos, cities, markets, and regional organizations) challenge traditional ideas about sovereignty?

2. How do Institutions (IGO/Regional) change outcomes in the international system?

3. In what ways do norms and culture shape power dynamics in the international system? (gender norms as example, focus on core/periphery)

4. Cities, markets, Regional organizations all center around the theme of capital governance. In what ways does capital structure international society and culture?

Compare and contrast the governmental systems of British and Spanish colonies in the Americas. Why were the British colonists of North America more inclined toward independence than their Spanish American counterparts?

Module 2 Discussion


To what extent did the age of European expansion impact the Chinese? Who benefited more from this seaborne interaction? Explain, with examples.


Compare and contrast the governmental systems of British and Spanish colonies in the Americas. Why were the British colonists of North America more inclined toward independence than their Spanish American counterparts? Explain, with examples.

Identify the four essential UDL curricular components needed for lesson planning. Describe the physical elements to consider in planning for accessible learning environments. Discuss the design of social learning environments that increase access to the general curriculum.

UDL curricular components

8.1 Identify the four essential UDL curricular components needed for lesson planning.

8.2 Describe the physical elements to consider in planning for accessible learning environments.

8.3 Discuss the design of social learning environments that increase access to the general curriculum.

8.4 Compare and Contrast different types of classroom adaptations.

8.5 Summarize the role of collaboration in planning UDL environments.

Explain to the Admissions Committee your decision to pursue the Ivey MSc in International Business. Why are you an ideal candidate for the program and how will the program help you achieve your goals?


Explain to the Admissions Committee your decision to pursue the Ivey MSc in International Business. Why are you an ideal candidate for the program and how will the program help you achieve your goals? (500 words or less)

Describe and explain the rise of the Roman Empire, its achievements, and its decline and fall in the West.

The Roman Empire

Describe and explain the rise of the Roman Empire, its achievements, and its decline and fall in the West.

Write a 2 page paper on why Black consciousness as defined by the Department of Black Studies is important in Hip-Hop. .Identity: Knowing yourself Who are you and what are your roots, legacy and history?


Read Ch. 1,2, & 4 of Somebody Scream and watch music videos by Boogie Down Productions (You Must Learn, Love is Gonna Getcha), Public Enemy (Fight the Power), X Clan (Funkin Lesson), and Grand Master Flash and The Furious Five (The Message).
Utilizing the following readings: Ch. 1,2, &4 of Somebody Scream, Ch. 2 of Can’t Stop Won’t Stop music videos and the film Sankofa. You shall do the following: Write a 2 page paper on why Black consciousness as defined by the Department of Black Studies is important in Hip-Hop.
Black Consciousness defined: In Black Studies, the return to Black consciousness means to see the world through an Afrocentric lens and regain knowledge of history and ethos. Black consciousness is to embrace Black love, Black beauty, Black intelligence, and the acknowledgement that Black Lives Matter.
Remember you must watch the movie Sankofa and include it in what you write in the essay.
The three elements of Black Consciousness consist of:


1.Identity: Knowing yourself Who are you and what are your roots, legacy and history?

2.Time: Knowing the appropriate action at the right time. Time for planning; time for action; time for war; time for love, etc.

3.Location: Knowing where you are physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually