
Provide a general introduction, background, and purpose of the paper, with your thesis resting on the idea of using statistical analysis to achieve better business decision and increase profitability. Also

Introduction/Background of Project Topic

Company to accomplish this task is Wal-Mart

Provide a general introduction, background, and purpose of the paper, with your thesis resting on the idea of using statistical analysis to achieve better business decision and increase profitability. Also, include a discussion of the real estate industry and the impacts that influence the health, viability, and success of the real estate marketplace. Use this assignment to set the stage for the rest of your paper. It should be 1.5 – 2.0 pages, double spaced, with a cover page, reference page, and citing, as appropriate. Understand that the cover page and reference page do not count against the expected page length for this assignment.

Discuss the pathophysiology of CHD and the signs and symptoms (i.e., classic physical exam findings) exhibited by the acutely ill patient during an MI. What are the common complications post-infarction?

CASE STUDY: Acute Anterolateral Myocardial Infarction

  1. List Patient A’s major risk factors for CHD and discuss other possible risk factors for heart disease.
  2. Discuss the pathophysiology of CHD and the signs and symptoms (i.e., classic physical exam findings) exhibited by the acutely ill patient during an MI. What are the common complications post-infarction?
  3. What patient history points indicate the diagnosis of MI in Patient A’s case?
  4. Correlate the pathology, complications, and nursing care for a patient with MI with the patent’s progress from the CCU to home.
  5. Review the action, side effects, and specific nursing care for the drugs commonly used in the treatment of patients with MI, including:

o Analgesics (e.g., morphine)

o Sedatives (e.g., phenobarbital)

o Antianxiety medications (e.g., diazepam)

o Anticoagulants (e.g., heparin)

o Laxatives/stool softeners

o Vasopressors (e.g., norepinephrine)

o Vasodilators (e.g., nitroglycerin)

o Diuretics (e.g., furosemide)

o Cardiotonics (e.g., digoxin)

o Cardiac stimulants (e.g., epinephrine, isoproterenol)

o Cardiac depressants (e.g., amiodarone)

o Antilipidemic drugs (e.g., atorvastatin)


  1. Describe the treatment for MI.
  2. What diagnostic tests usually confirm an MI?
  3. Nursing care of the patient with MI is directed toward detecting complications, preventing further myocardial damage, and promoting comfort, rest, and emotional well-being. Discuss the specific care needs for each situation listed below:

o On admission to the CCU

o During episodes of chest pain

o Fluid retention

o Rest

o Elimination

o Exercise and immobility

o Psychologic stress

o Patient teaching and discharge panning for a cardiac rehabilitation program


  1. Psychologic support is imperative for the well-being of the patient with MI. Discuss the patient’s potential anxieties and fears and the best means to provide realistic emotional support and reassurance.
  2. Should Patient A make specific lifestyle changes? If so, what changes and how can these be


Based on the information you reviewed, do you think restorative justice approach would be affective in addressing the issue of school-to-prison pipeline. Why or why not?

Middle Childhood Supplementary

In order to complete this assignment:

Review the news article published in 2015 using the link below

2- Review the attached scholarly journal article published in 2021 which provides a relatively more comprehensive review of studies on school-to-prison pipeline and the implementation of restorative justice approach to address this issue.

Based on the information that you reviewed, give an example of racial disparities regarding the implementation of school discipline policies. (.2)

Based on the information you reviewed, do you think restorative justice approach would be affective in addressing the issue of school-to-prison pipeline. Why or why not? (.3)

What would you recommend to address this issue? (.5)

Provide an example of a hazard where you imagine starting at the bottom of the hierarchy of controls would be the easiest path for leadership to take. Which path do you believe is the best choice to take?

Total Environmental Health and Safety Management

Provide an example of a hazard where you imagine starting at the bottom of the hierarchy of controls would be the easiest path for leadership to take. Which path do you believe is the best choice to take?

Review the Hierarchy of Controls,…

  • What is the difference between the hierarchy of controls and ALARP?

Evaluate and discuss the inter- relatedness and inter- connectedness of the components (listed above) and how each of them plays a role in the management of the administration of justice within the Criminal Justice system.

The Virtual Criminal Justice Alliance


Read the Criminal Justice Virtual Alliance background (above) prior to beginning your assignment. Note that this background information will be used for each assignment in this course. Also note that the role that you are assigned (according to the first letter of your last name) is the role that you are assigned for the entire course assignment.

Assignment 1 – Agency Description

This assignment is based on one of the following criminal justice components (select the component that corresponds to the first letter of your last name). In each assignment in this course, it will be from the perspective of this role that you will be expected to address each part of the assignment.

  • Law Enforcement (Last name begins with: A- E)
  • Courts (Last name begins with: F-J)
  • Institution-Based Corrections (Last name begins with K- O)
  • Community-Based Corrections (i.e., Parole/Probation) (Last name begins with P-T)
  • Private Security (Last name begins with U-Z)

Note: Within your assigned role provided above, you may take on a role within that broad category. For example, if you have a law enforcement role, you may take on the role of the Captain, squad, shift or precinct commander, etc… Whatever specific role you choose in the broader category which you have been assigned (above) is the role that you will take throughout assignments1-3 in this course. Students are encouraged to (reasonably) embellish on the character of the person they are assigned and play that role to the fullest. Keep in mind the role’s span of control and from whom else in the component you might need to gain support from to accomplish your goal(s).

Directions: For this assignment you are to write a paper addressing the following:

Describe the primary role(s) and function(s) of your component
Differentiate and discuss your component’s role and function from the other components (listed above)
Evaluate and discuss the inter- relatedness and inter- connectedness of the components (listed above) and how each of them plays a role in the management of the administration of justice within the Criminal Justice system.

Define the following terms. Include detail and use proper sentences.


Define the following terms. Include detail and use proper sentences. Do NOT copy and paste from resources. Cite resources for each answer in APA format. Each term is worth 2 points for a total of 10 points.

Include a Title Page for this assignment and Define the following key terms:

  • Environment
  • Environmental Health
  • Hazardous agents
  • Carrying capacity
  • Ecological system

Analyze research and theories for innovation and change related to the use of technology and media. Critically review the scholarly literature. Analyze theories in leading educational innovation with technology.

Application of Theory to Leading Innovation and Implementing Change

Literature review (7-10 pages) analyzing theories that support leading innovation in educational technology.

In this assessment, you will engage in a comprehensive search of the professional literature about leading educational change, with a specific focus on educational technology innovation.

An examination of professional literature provides critical feedback for any educational innovation. Your review of the literature for the summative assessment will have two focuses. First, you will want to conduct a review of the current literature to be sure you have a thorough understanding of the options that exist for technology implementation. Second, you will need to search the literature to learn more about leading change in an open system such as a school or district.

As you read through the literature, you will find conflicting views or results among researchers. It is important that you point out these differences and evaluate why there are discrepancies between findings and how and why your perspectives align or do not align.

Demonstration of Proficiency
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment scoring guide criteria:

Analyze research and theories for innovation and change related to the use of technology and media.
Critically review the scholarly literature.
Analyze theories in leading educational innovation with technology.
Synthesize the professional literature on leading educational innovation with technology.
Evaluate the degree to which perspectives promoted in the scholarly literature align with your own.


Use the Capella library or other resources to locate at least six sources that support educational innovation and focus on how to implement educational change.
A scholarly source is a source that has been published in a peer-reviewed journal, either in print or online. It should have been published within five years of the date of this course, preferably more recently than that. Educational theory changes rapidly; educational practice does not. Educational innovations, once adopted, will be in use for a long time, so they should be based on information that is as up-to-date as possible.
It is recommended that you complete The Literature Review activity, which will prepare you for forming perspectives of process and product for the assessment.

Submit a 7–10-page literature review in which you:

Critically review the scholarly literature.
Analyze theories on leading educational innovation, particularly in educational technology.
Synthesize the literature to determine major themes and practices.
Use appropriate graduate-level writing skills and APA formatting.

Note that this is an evaluative review; you are evaluating the perspectives of the authors as either supportive of or contradictory to your own views. No part of this review should be generic. Be comprehensive, explicit, and thoughtful.

Be sure to refer to the scoring guide for this assignment to ensure that you meet the grading criteria.

What type of data must be collected to answer RQ 1? How will you analyze the data you collect to answer RQ 1?

Exploring Research Topics

Name:  _______________     Degree Concentration: Business Management



Will your study be an applied research study or traditional dissertation research?


  1. As a researcher, my interest in this topic is to
    1. gain knowledge and advance my field or discipline.
    2. evaluate a program or practice or solve a problem of practice.


  1. My study will address a
    1. gap that currently exists in the literature/research.
    2. problem that currently exists in my organization or field.


  1. The framework for my study is
    1. theoretical (will test a theory, expand understanding of a theory, or develop a new theory).
    2. conceptual (will seek resolution to a problem, result in a new/revised product or process).


  1. My study will contribute to the
    1. field or discipline by adding to the body of knowledge that currently exists on the topic.
    2. mission or goals of the organization by applying an intervention or solution to a problem


  1. The results of my study will
    1. lead to recommendations for further research in my field or discipline.
    2. have potential for immediate application by practitioners in my organization or field.


If you selected “a” as your response to most of the questions above, then your study has criteria of traditional dissertation research.  Follow the AU guidelines for dissertation research.  If you selected “b” as your response to most of the questions, then your study has criteria of applied research.  Follow the AU framework for applied research.

 Based on the preliminary questions above, and consultation with faculty, my research will be:   ___ (a) dissertation research     ____ (b) applied research

Possible Title:   List the potential title of your study. This should reveal your primary research objective.

Problem Background:  What problem exists that led you to become interested in studying this topic?  Who does this problem impact (population)? How does it affect the setting/subjects you are interested in studying?

Purpose Statement:  What is the purpose of your study?  What do you hope to accomplish?

Setting/Subjects:  Describe the participants (subjects or setting) for the study.


Research Question 1:

Intervention or Instrument: What type of data must be collected to answer RQ 1?

Data Analysis:  How will you analyze the data you collect to answer RQ 1?

IV/DV and their measurements


Research Question 2:

Intervention or Instrument: What type of data must be collected to answer RQ 2?

Data Analysis:  How will you analyze the data you collect to answer RQ 2?

IV/DV and their measurements



Research Question 3:

Intervention or Instrument: What type of data must be collected to answer RQ 3?

Data Analysis:  How will you analyze the data you collect to answer RQ 3?

IV/DV and their measurements

Prepare a short executive briefing on whether capital generated in industrialized countries is finding its way to less developed and emerging markets. Is there some critical distinction between “less-developed” and “emerging”?

FIN406- Discussion


  • Read the question carefully and answer accordingly.
  • Post your answer (100 words) in the discussion board using the discussion link below
  • Support your answer with sources, use APA style.


Action Required:

Major multinational organizations attempt to track global capital investment’s relative movements and magnitudes. Using these Web pages and others, you may find,



  • Prepare a short executive briefing on whether capital generated in industrialized countries is finding its way to less developed and emerging markets. Is there some critical distinction between “less-developed” and “emerging”?