
Describe in your own words the content of the article, which includes research background, why need to conduct this research, what methods were used to collect/analyze the data, what they found, and what do the findings imply.


You are required to describe in your own words the content of the article, which includes research background, why need to conduct this research, what methods were used to collect/analyze the data, what they found, and what do the findings imply.

Draw their suggested design and analyze it using the normalization concepts you learned in the chapter. What do you think of their design and why? What would you propose?

Cyber Toys

You handle administrative support for Cyber Toys, a small chain that sells computer hardware and software and specializes in personal service. The company has four stores located at malls and is planning more. Each store has a manager, a technician, and between one and four sales reps. The owners want to create a personnel records database, and they asked you to review a table that they had designed. They suggested fields for store number, location, store telephone, manager name, and manager home telephone. They also want fields for technician name and technician home telephone and fields for up to four sales rep names and sales rep home telephones.


Draw their suggested design and analyze it using the normalization concepts you learned in the chapter. What do you think of their design and why? What would you propose?


Note: For this assignment you must draw the design suggested and also your proposed design..

CASE 2: Madera Tools ( 50 POINTS)

Madera Tools operates a small business that specializes in hard-to-find woodworking tools. The firm advertises in various woodworking magazines and currently accepts mail and telephone orders. Madera is planning a website that will be the firm’s primary sales channel. The site will feature an online catalog, powerful search capabilities, and links to woodworking information and resources.


Madera has asked you, an IT consultant, whether a set of codes would be advantageous. What codes would you suggest? Provide at least two choices for a customer code and at least two choices for a product code. Be sure to describe your choices and provide some specific examples. Also include an explanation of why you selected these particular codes and what advantages they might offer.

Why does Jim Teague have so much power? What factors have contributed to Jim Teague’s suddenly “awesome” responsibility? How can Jim make good on this responsibility?

Against the Grain: Jim Teague in Tanzania

In responding to all questions/prompts focus on issues and actions described in this case itself. Draw from assigned readings where you can to support your observations and conjectures.

A. Discussion Questions (4pts)

How did Jim Teague get into the situation he finds himself in?

What, if anything, troubles you most about the decision faced by Jim Teague?


B. Power and Responsibility (6pts)

To respond to this question, consider what you have learned about sources and contingencies of power, influence approaches, and power-related outcomes not only in organizations but in broader society. Within the given constraints for this assignment, answer the following:
Why does Jim Teague have so much power? What factors have contributed to Jim Teague’s suddenly “awesome” responsibility? How can Jim make good on this responsibility?

This question is designed to be integrative in nature, so spend some time considering how different concepts and issues are working together to create situations or how they help explain possible reactions or responses. Bring together multiple aspects of the case and possibly content covered in any of your studies or your lived experiences.

What California State Bill did you find? What is your bill about? Do you oppose or support the bill? Why do you oppose or support the bill? What was the most interesting thing about the California Nurse Practice Act?

Letter to respresentative

1. Watch the video I’M Just a Bill from SchoolHouse Rock
2. Find a California State Bill (Links to an external site.)
3. Interesting Web site (Links to an external site.)to see status of bill
4. Find your California State Representative (Links to an external site.)
California Nurse Practice Act

Before writing this letter please answer the following questions separately
1. What California State Bill did you find?
2. What is your bill about?
3. Do you oppose or support the bill?
4. Why do you oppose or support the bill?
5. What was the most interesting thing about the California Nurse Practice Act?

Compare the scores you received from your peers to the scores you received based on your own LTQ answers. What was most different? What was similar?

Leadership Traits Questionnaire (LTQ)

Complete the LTQ, and request that a minimum of three (and maximum of five) individuals who know you well complete the LTQ on your behalf. Follow the instructions at the end of the survey scale, noting the following:

The items on which you scored highest and lowest.
The items for which there were notable differences between your self-ratings and the average of others’ ratings.


After you have taken the LTQ, respond to the following requirements in a well-written, 4- to 5-page paper (not counting the title page or reference section):

Discuss your scores on the LTQ, detailing what surprised you about the results, as well as what did not surprise you.

Compare the scores you received from your peers to the scores you received based on your own LTQ answers. What was most different? What was similar?

Write a 5-step action plan for improving your leadership skills based on the feedback you received from your LTQ as well as the scores you received from others.

Is your organization more formal or less formal in its day-to-day operations and approaches? Are there any organizational standards or ideals that are particularly important to the people in the organization? If so, what are they?

Harnessing the power of culture and diversity for organizational

Prior to the interview, ask the interviewee to respond to the Tribal Leadership Survey questions (you will need to provide your name and email address to receive the survey results). Access the survey at (Note the results of the Tribal Leadership survey, specifically the tribal stage of the interviewee’s organization).
Interview your subject (interviewee) to discover information regarding his/her organization’s culture by asking the following questions:
Tell me about the relationship of your organization’s people to the mission, vision, and values of the organization.
Are the people in your organization used to taking risks (innovation) or is organizational stability more important (the status quo)?
Are the people in your organization more focused on the details of their work (the means) or toward the outcomes (the end results)?
Would you say that your organization’s leadership is more process-oriented or people-oriented?
Does your organization focus more on recognizing the accomplishments of individual members or the accomplishments of teams?
Do people tend to be easygoing and cooperative, or are they aggressive and highly competitive?
Describe the general demeanor of the organization’s people. In other words, are people mostly disengaged and apathetic, or are they engaged and energetic?
Is your organization more formal or less formal in its day-to-day operations and approaches?
Are there any organizational standards or ideals that are particularly important to the people in the organization? If so, what are they?
What words best describe the overall “mood” of the organization?
What rituals are important in the organization?
What symbols are most important to the people in the organization?
Are there any stories that people tell newcomers that help to indoctrinate them into the organization? If so, what are they?
What artifacts are most important to the people in the organization (e.g., mottos, slogans, meetings, awards, new hire trainings, etc.?)
What are people most proud of?
What do people complain most about?
What shared assumptions come to mind (that are important to the people of the organization)?

Identify empirical interventions to counter the negative mental health concerns from exposure to electronic devices and social media

Mental health

Identifying empirical interventions to counter the negative mental health concerns from exposure to electronic devices and social media

How do Instagram influencers influence the market, the trend is decided by influencers or consumers?

How to make a new brand by using digital marketing tools, not just art inspiration.

OR 2. How do Instagram influencers influence the market, the trend is decided by influencers or consumers?

Is the concept of environmental racism useful to explain the impact of pollution? Why Why and how did the Louisiana corridor become an extreme case of pollution? could have it been preventable?

Environmental Racism

Urban and environmental scholars have examined why minority and low-income groups are more likely to be exposed to environmental hazards or the impact of natural disasters. In their study about toxic waste in Chester, Pennsylvania, Cole, and Foster (2001) argue that cases of environmental racism are “emblematic of the social, political, and economic forces that shape the disproportionate distribution of environmental hazards in poor communities of color.” In other words, natural disasters, environmental hazards, epidemics, and industrial pollution do not affect all people in the same ways.
Example: Louisiana and "Cancer Alley"

In 1909, petrochemical plants (oil refining and processing) installed a series of plants along the bank of the Mississippi River, from Baton Rouge to New Orleans. Cheap labor, undeveloped land, and few urban regulations made the area outside Baton Rouge an attractive space. If the petrochemical industry became an important source of jobs (employment increased from 700 to 9,000 between 1909 and 1940), it also devastated the local environment: air pollution, explosions, accidents, and localized effects on poor families that lived nearby (cancer rates). In 1978, a national newspaper used the term "Cancer Alley" to refer to this place. Today, there are about 135 plants in the Louisiana corridor, and the state has the second-highest rate of cancer in the nation (Dorceta Taylor, Toxic Communities)
Explore the interactive map (Links to an external site.) and learn more about the problems in Louisiana
Watch the short clip (3 min.)

Group Discussion:

Based on the map, video, and information, select one of the prompts to engage in

Is the concept of environmental racism useful to explain the impact of pollution? Why
Why and how did the Louisiana corridor become an extreme case of pollution? could have it been preventable?
Do you know other examples? Explain

How did needy Americans get help before 1900? Why did most states adopt “mother’s pension” programs after 1910? In what ways were these pensions sometimes administered unfairly?


1. How did needy Americans get help before 1900?
2. Why did most states adopt “mother’s pension” programs after 1910? In what ways were these pensions sometimes administered unfairly?
3. Did President Franklin D. Roosevelt view the Social Security Act’s welfare provisions helping needy children and other dependent persons as permanent or temporary? Explain FDR’s reasoning on t