
How can that be done? How can we adjust certain aspects that are too time consuming and that focus too much on the individual so that the whole class can benefit from it?

Extended Teaching Philosophy: Adjusted Community Language learning

For this assignment, you are responsible for writing your own teaching philosophy based on what you have learned over the course of the semester. Your teaching philosophy should synthesize (not summarize) what you learned. Your philosophy should be supported by ideas from class readings, presentations, and discussions, but it should also reflect your own ideas and priorities. Discuss your approach to teaching all the different skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar, and vocabulary). You should enrich the description of your philosophy with examples couched within specific teaching contexts. Appropriate citations and references are expected.

Teaching Philosophy: Community Language Learning adjusted so that it can be implemented in public schools in the U.S..

How can that be done? How can we adjust certain aspects that are too time consuming and that focus too much on the individual so that the whole class can benefit from it?

When democratic political systems are set up, the first concern is the division of power within the state. What is “power” in general, and why do we consider its division in the state so important?

Modern democracy

Choose 2 questions for 2 separate answers of 1,100 words each (including the bibliography at the end of each one). Indicate clearly which questions you are answering.
• Space is limited. Be very efficient in your answers: state the argument in the first sentence or two, and immediately begin making your case.
o Example: for question 4, you could write at the outset “The expression ‘party systems’ refers to …, and they come about because of…”. Then begin developing these two statements.
• You must use the readings (textbook, coursepack, etc.) to find material for your answers. Lectures notes (PowerPoint) are also a source. Cite your sources using your preferred method.
• Each question requires using material from more than one week. This material has to be explained and weaved together into a coherent answer. Do not simply summarize the material. As well, focus on the material that is relevant to answering the question.
• Together, these 4 questions allow you to use all topics we have seen from the start of the term to 14 October.
1. Some people believe that the adoption of modern democracy requires the acceptance of the basic tenets of liberalism. Why is that the case?
2. Modern democracy is mostly (but not entirely) representative, thus making the methods used to elect representatives especially important. Starting from these two observations, explain the link between representative democracy and electoral systems.
3. When democratic political systems are set up, the first concern is the division of power within the state. What is “power” in general, and why do we consider its division in the state so important?
4. Different countries have different political party systems. What do we mean by “party systems”, and why are they different from country to country

What are your thoughts about non-violent versus violent protests and actions? Do you think this is necessary, unnecessary, or a combination of both? What are your thoughts on property damage, including such actions as taking down confederate statues and the like?

Social Protest

What is ‘systemic or institutional racism’? How did you feel about the social protests that began last year [i.e, were/are you supportive of the protests, did you or someone you know participate, do you think they should or should not continue] and do you think they have adequately highlighted police brutality against people of color and [more broadly] racial discrimination across the United States and abroad? What are your thoughts about non-violent versus violent protests and actions? Do you think this is necessary, unnecessary, or a combination of both? What are your thoughts on property damage, including such actions as taking down confederate statues and the like? Do you think the protests have/will change racist policies and do you believe systemic racism will decrease as a result of such social protests? What can/should, if anything, be done next?

Provide insightful ethical reflection on the topic with meaningful discussion including patient- physician relationship in relevance to ethics of convent, communication and decision making especially include doctor and patient confidentiality.

Ethics of Consent, Communication and Decision making

Include Analysis addressing all 4 bioethical principles thoroughly. Include relevant case law and current events related to the topic. Include supporting court cases and literature where applicable. Provide insightful ethical reflection on the topic with meaningful discussion including patient- physician relationship in relevance to ethics of convent, communication and decision making especially include doctor and patient confidentiality. Writing to be clear, concise and professional in style.

Write 3 pages research paper, using APA writing style, on one of the following (suggested) prompts:

Sociology-scientific aspect

Write 3 pages research paper, using APA writing style, on one of the following (suggested) prompts:

1. Evidences of early Human Physiological knowledge in art.

2. Historical development of the Discipline of Physiology.

3. Learning Science in the time of Social Media and Virtual Education.

4. Your own PERSONAL topic.

The above topics are optional and suggested PROMPTS. (Links to an external site.) For paper formatting use OWL by Purdue:

What are the opportunities and risks for you to grow your business and take advantage of demand- based economies of scale?


The final assignment should be a 2,500word (excluding title page and references) report that focuses on the impact of digital labor platforms in your professional sector. For example, if you are a lawyer, a consultant, an IT specialist, etc, what are the opportunities and risks for you to grow your business and take advantage of demand based economies of scale? You can focus on either opportunities and risks for freelance work or for full time work in your existing organization. Each option will present different sets of opportunities and risks for career and skill development, but also in supplier and customer interactions. Emphasis should be placed on the specific ecosystem context of your professional sector and the available digital platforms (e.g. if you are a software developer GitHub and TopCoder could be
examples of digital platforms; if you are a consultant Eden McCallum would be an example; and so on).

You are also expected to conduct relevant literature searches to develop a line of argument that is powerful for the claims you are making. The final assignment is openended, but it should be written in a scholarly way. References (at least 15 academic papers) should be used (not as footnotes). The references should follow the Harvard Referencing Style.

To make the analysis as powerful as possible it might be useful to ground your analysis in your personal experiences and the specific actions to be taken. In your report, make these specific strategic actions explicit. In addition, you
need to demonstrate understanding of key theoretical concepts and that you can apply theory effectively and critically.

The essay will be assessed with a focus on the:
(1) analysis of the opportunities and risks presented to you by digital labor platforms in your professional sector for each of the two scenarios (freelance vs full time work), depending on what you choose to focus on,

(2) actionable plan for career and skill development and engagement with ecosystem partners.

(3) quality of the argumentation with relevant and critical use of literature and data.

What programs do you think should be put in place to make workers of all ages feel valued at work? Do you think these programs would help to prevent age discrimination and harassment?

Outline: Age Diversity

Provide enough information on the outline so that I can understand your major headings in each of the areas and what major concepts you are going to explain under these major headings. This is not as much a writing assignment as it is an thinking and organizing assignment!

For the special Interest Topic part please highlight this section:
Please use this to guide you:
Special Interest Topic Millennials in the Workplace
Example: Organizational Strategies
Policies: Guidelines for Training Employees Using Different Methods; No tolerance policy for interpersonal discrimination
Programs: Developing Intergenerational Allies programs; Sign onto AARP Employer Pledge Program; Mentoring
Sample Question
What programs do you think should be put in place to make workers of all ages feel valued at work? Do you think these programs would help to prevent age discrimination and harassment?

What did you think the probability of winning the car was, before you watched the video? How can you use probability and probability rules in arriving at the answer? What probability ideas does this demonstrate and use?


The purpose of this Probability Project is to show your understanding of what you have learned in Module 3. You will watch a video and apply the appropriate probability concepts from this module. You will discuss your !earnings in a 2-page paper as outlined below.
This is a fun assignment to do. In chapter 5 you learned about basic probability and learned about conditional probability. Now, you get to see these two in action. You may have heard of the TV game: “Let’s Make a Deal,” where at the end of the show, contestants are presented with 3 doors and they are informed that behind one of the doors is a brand-new car. So, the contestant chooses one of three doors. Then the game show host (First one was Monty Hall), opens a door and reveals a goat. Then Monty asks if the contestant wants to switch or not. So, the question is, what is the probability of winning? Should I stay, or should I switch? What would you do?
Imagine that the set of Monty Hall’s game show Let’s Make a Deal has three closed doors. Behind one of these doors is a car; behind the other two are goats. The contestant does not know where the car is, but Monty Hall does. The contestant picks a door and Monty opens one of the remaining doors, one he knows doesn’t hide the car. If the contestant has already chosen the correct door, Monty is equally likely to open either of the two remaining doors. After Monty has shown a goat behind the door that he opens, the contestant is always given the option to switch doors. What is the probability of winning the car if she stays with her first choice? What if she decides to switch? Think about what you think the answer is: stay or switch?
1. Watch a TEDEd video that explains the problem: “Should I stay or should I switch doors?”
2. Write a paper that includes:
a. What did you think the probability of winning the car was, before you watched the video? (3 points)
b. Information from the video what the answer really is (3 points)
c. How can you use probability and probability rules in arriving at the answer? What probability ideas does this demonstrate and use? Explain and give examples. You may use other sources as well but make sure to cite them (you may want to watch the extended version of the video if you are not sure, watch the Monty Hall Problem video. (15 points)
d. Are you surprised by the answer to the question “stay or switch”? Does it make sense? (3 points)
e. 2 pages long, using size 12 font, double spaced, cover page, references included. (3 points) References Should I stay or should I switch doors? (n.d.). Retrieved from

What is the typical day in the life of a social worker within the agency? What type of roles do they use throughout the day? What is the size of staff and average caseload? What qualifications are required of staff?

Social Service Agency Paper

Agency Information: (about 1 page)

What is the program’s mission? Who do they aim to help (target population)? What change do they hope to create? What services are provided?


Statement of Need: (about 1 page)

Why is this program/service needed? Discuss the target population and the challenges they face that the agency is trying to address.


Social Workers within the Agency: (about 1 page)

What is the typical day in the life of a social worker within the agency? What type of roles do they use throughout the day (broker, advocate, teacher, etc.)? What is the size of staff and average caseload? What qualifications are required of staff (degrees, certifications, etc.)?


Conclusion: (about 1 page)

What are your thoughts about this agency? Would you refer clients to this agency? Would you be interested in working at this agency? What was the experience of researching an agency like for you?

How do you discern the danger and magnitude of the chemical spill? What precautions must personnel take as they approach the scene? What organization do you turn to for help?

Dealing with emergencies

You are the Police Chief and your city has just experienced an F4 tornado. It struck following a sudden, severe thunderstorm in March—long before the traditional tornado season. Your city lies in a river valley and normally tornadoes hop over the valley, but because this storm came so early in the season, the tornado did not according to the normal pattern. It drove right down the center of the valley and, in doing so, caused a train derailment that may have caused a chemical spill. Roads in and out of town are closed. Traversing around the city is impossible and the normal communication infrastructure is compromised.

How do you triage this situation? What is your priority? What organizations do you know you must immediately contact?
How do you discern the danger and magnitude of the chemical spill? What precautions must personnel take as they approach the scene? What organization do you turn to for help?
How do you decide if an evacuation of the area immediately surrounding the train derailment is necessary? How would you facilitate an evacuation?
What response do you give to the media?
What resources do you request from neighboring communities? From the state?
How do you deal with volunteers from neighboring communities? How do you differentiate a volunteer from a looter?
When you have completed the assignment, save your document and then submit a copy to your instructor Brightspace. The document should be a Word document (*.doc or docx), a PDF or RTF file.