
What predictor variable (or variables) are you proposing to investigate in your study? What measure or measures included in the dataset will you use for each of these predictor variables to be measured?

Critique a research question

Need to make sure the attached student paper answered all the following questions below and if not make suggestions such as Does their specified project meet all of the general research project requirements? If not, comment about what should revise in their study so that it meets the outlined requirements below of the 5 questions

Would it be logical to expect the predictor and outcome variables included in the study to be related to one another? If not, does your classmate provide strong evidence that the variables should be related?

1, What is the goal of your research?

2, What predictor variable (or variables) are you proposing to investigate in your study? What measure or measures included in the dataset will you use for each of these predictor variables to be measured?

3, What outcome variable (or variables) are you proposing to investigate in your study? What measure or measures included in the dataset will you use for each of these outcome variables to be measured?

4, Based on your predictor and outcome variables, what is the nature of your research question? In other words, will your question be investigating a relationship using a correlational design or comparing preexisting groups using a comparative quasi-experimental design?

5, Why do you expect that there will be a relationship between the variables included in your research question(s)?

Considering this, in your opinion, which leadership theory or style will be effective when leading the merger and why?

Unit 1 Discussion Board 2 Being the Leader

You will first meet with the CEOs of each organization, Theresa Tramlin and Mike Miller, to help them understand their important leadership roles for the success of the merger.

The merger is a significant change for both organizations; there is growing anxiety and uncertainty among the employees of both organizations. The goal is to complete the merger in a way that maintains employee performance and allegiance to the merged organization. Both CEOs were promoted from managerial positions, so one of your tasks is to help them understand how to distinguish the two roles.

Please discuss the following with your classmates:

In your opinion, what is the difference between being a manager and being a leader?
Read research findings by Kabacoff (1998) that, although men and women are perceived as equally effective in leading, women tend to focus more on production, attaining results, and people, while men tend to focus on strategic planning, organization vision, and business tasks.
Considering this, in your opinion, which leadership theory or style will be effective when leading the merger and why?

Explain the importance of performing a quality literature review in evidence-based practice Based on your previous PICOT question, preform a literature search identifying key terms,

Discussion Question

Explain the importance of performing a quality literature review in evidence-based practice Based on your previous PICOT question, preform a literature search identifying key terms, Boolean operators, and search criteria i.e., full text gender, publication dates, etc. Choose 1 article from the CINAHL data base and 1 from either Google Scholar, PubMed, Ebsco, or Pro Quest. Discuss your rationale for choosing each article and its relevance to your PICOT question. Next, determined which level of evidence your articles are classified as based on the article by Ingham-Broomfield (2016). Evaluate 2 classmates’ search strategies and the quality of each article in relation to their PICOT questions and relevance to current nursing practices.

Can you describe your volunteering activity? How often (regularly) have you volunteered in the last 12 months? For how many months/years have you been volunteering? Why do you volunteer? What motivates you to volunteer?

Investigative Study 2: Volunteering in older adulthood

You need four participants over 60 years of age for your study – one male and one female from one cultural background, and another male and female from another cultural background. Participants must be currently volunteering or have recently volunteered (in the past 12 months). Their volunteering activity can be regular, for example, each week, or irregular, for example, from time to time, or occasionally.

In this study, you will conduct four interviews altogether. These interviews are to be conducted individually. Refer to Data table 1.

Follow these steps to prepare for your study and record your interaction and observations:

Give a brief explanation to the study and request the participants to sign the consent form.
Keep your data sheets at hand to record the information you obtain during the interview or to record your observations.
Record your observations on the data collection sheets along with any other field notes that you have.
Establish rapport prior to asking the following questions. Complete the demographic information first.

Ask your participants the following questions:

Can you describe your volunteering activity? How often (regularly) have you volunteered in the last 12 months? For how many months/years have you been volunteering?
Why do you volunteer? What motivates you to volunteer?
What do you like about volunteering? How does volunteering make you feel? Is there anything you dislike about volunteering?
Have you made friends through your volunteering activities? If yes, what is the importance of these friendships to you?
Are your family/spouse/partner/friends supportive of your volunteering activities? If so, in what ways are they supportive?

Describe the results using terminology that your science major classmates will understand.


Selective targeting of the inactive state of hematopoietic cell kinase (Hck) with a stable curcumin derivative

These are the instructions from the professor:

Give a full description of the results presented in the paper you selected and how they contribute to the authors’ conclusion(s). You will need to explain this at the molecular level. You will need to do research outside of our text and beyond google searches (although google scholar may work.) Describe the results using terminology that your science major classmates will understand. Do not cut and paste, do not paraphrase, do not use quotes. Use only your own words to explain your understanding of the results presented in your paper. Be sure to describe how the results support the authors’ conclusions. Fully cite all of your references, including titles, authors, dates, journal, volume and pages. please send the paper by deadline, please.


What can the role of psychology lead to in the preservation of our natural resources ?

Role of Psychology in the preservation of natural resources

Various environmental protection laws exist to preserve our natural resources such as rainforests. However, over recent decades we have seen a global increase in the rate of deforestation. Is a change in human behaviors (consumption) required to more effectively conserve our natural resources. What can the role of psychology lead to in the preservation of our natural resources ? explore this in 10 pages with the proper references.

Explain what the employees should know regarding the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Provide examples of Foreign Corrupt Practices Act violations. Identify company actions or red flags that might indicate violations of the Act. List any consequences of the violations.

“International and Comparative Law” in Dynamic Business Law.

Review the scenario and complete the activity below. This scenario can also be found in the “Questions & Problems” section of Ch. 6, “International and Comparative Law” in Dynamic Business Law.

In an interview published by The New York Times in February 1976, former Lockheed President A. Carl Kotchian defended the payment of bribes by the company as follows:

“Some call it gratuities. Some call them questionable payments. Some call it extortion. Some call it grease. Some call it bribery. I look at these payments as necessary to sell a product. I never felt I was doing anything wrong.”

More than 30 years later, Reinhard Siekaczek, an accountant employed by Siemens who oversaw an annual budget for questionable payments in excess of $50 million, stated:

“I never thought I would go to jail for my company. …We thought we had to do it. Otherwise, we would ruin the company. …People will only say about Siemens that they were unlucky and that they broke the Eleventh Commandment. The Eleventh Commandment is, ‘Don’t get caught.’”

You have been hired to assist ABC Multinational Company to help educate employees on ethical practices and corporate culture. More specifically, related to the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, your role is to prevent situations described in the above scenario.

Create either a handout, job-aid, poster, or flier to educate employees on the Foreign Corrupt Practice Act. Complete the following for your educational tool:

Explain what the employees should know regarding the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.
Provide examples of Foreign Corrupt Practices Act violations.
Identify company actions or red flags that might indicate violations of the Act.
List any consequences of the violations.
Recommend actions to report possible violations.
Describe protections for whistleblowers. Why are they important? How do the protections impact the Act?


Prepare and present a report and contribute to a discussion that demonstrates mastery of the course material and its relevance to your academic specialization.

Strategic Management

Prepare and present a report and contribute to a discussion that demonstrates mastery of the course material and its relevance to your academic specialization. Report should analyze why a tool(s) is used in all member specializations, why a tool(s) is not, and the benefit of adopting such tools. Reporting is at the level of member specializations rather than the organizational level of prior assignments. Final reports must not discuss the importance of strategic management in general and must include a composite table (created from member tables) depicting member specializations and tools used.

Members will prepare and share with their team a brief (maximum 500 – 750 word) report that examines whether, how, and why strategic management is/could/should be relevant and important for the specialization they have pursued in this degree program. Members shall mark-up and submit the attached table along with their report.
The team will then analyze the member reports and table, searching for patterns (similarities and differences between and across specializations) and evaluating their broader implications for successful implementation of strategy and strategic decision making. Faculty will follow and contribute to this team analysis and discussion.

Teams will prepare a brief (maximum 1,000 word) final synopsis of findings and conclusions and post it as a new thread in the team’s study group by Sunday of the last week of class (Week 12). Teams will also share a copy of the final synopsis in an all-class discussion area so everyone can benefit from the small group findings and analysis.
All members are expected to demonstrate effective team skills and must contribute actively, substantively, and in a timely manner to all components of this assignment.

What messages does this film give about relationships between parents and children? How does it express those ideas about relationships? Explain in detail in your own words.


Understanding Media Texts- Explain your answer in detail (5 sentences) in your own words. Do not copy from notes, other students, the Internet, etc.
1. What messages does this film give about relationships between parents and children? How does it express those ideas about relationships? Explain in detail in your own words.


Write about the how the civil rights movement quickly gains momentum and what were the the biggest 3 events that help lead to changed in America after world war II

American history paper

Write about the how the civil rights movement quickly gains momentum and what were the the biggest 3 events that help lead to changed in America after world war II