
Go through articles 1 and 2 listed below and list two radioisotopes along with their use in the medical field. Even though radioisotopes have so many benefits in imaging, why is it so important to regulate their uses?

Nuclear Chemistry

Go through articles 1 and 2 listed below and list two radioisotopes along with their use in the medical field. ( 2 points) Even though radioisotopes have so many benefits in imaging, why is it so important to regulate their uses? (3 points)

1 (Links to an external site.)

2. (Links to an external site.)


Organic Chemistry: It is the Chemistry of carbon compounds. Please go over articles 3 and 4 and list five functional groups in organic compounds. (5 points).

3. (Links to an external site.)


What steps should Judy or the hospital’s leaders take with the nurse who administered the wrong medication to the patient? Should this employee be terminated as a result of the error?

Case Study

Read the case study “It Could Have Happened to Anyone”from Quantum Leadership. Then answer the following questions:

If you are Judy, what steps would you take with your nursing staff to stabilize their emotions about the situation?
What should Judy do to heal the brokenness on the unit and to prevent the potential reoccurrence?
What steps should Judy or the hospital’s leaders take with the nurse who administered the wrong medication to the patient? Should this employee be terminated as a result of the error?
Identify both the individual errors and the system errors that contributed to the medication error.
What work needs to be done by the hospital’s leadership to manage the internal and external (public) reaction to the error and the patient’s death?
What should leadership do to help the hospital recover from this error?

Discuss which of these 5 factors is likely to affect MoveAhead the most. Discuss which of these is likely to be most important for MoveAhead in the future.


1.Porter’ 5 Factor Analysis: identify members in each factor of this model. Discuss which of these 5 factors is likely to affect MoveAhead the most.
2. SWOT analysis for MoveAhead. Discuss which of these is likely to be most important for MoveAhead in the future.
3. Propose a future strategy for MoveAhead. Use terms in the book to identify what kind of strategy you are proposing.

What year was the song created? Where was the song created? Who is the musician/group of musicians? What instruments were used in the song? What background details can I find about the group/musicians?

Non-Western and Western Music

Using YouTube, select one non-Western musical example and one Western musical example.

The critical thinking checklist will help you gather the evidence to support your assertion that you have chosen a Western or a non-Western musical style/choice. For each piece of music, write at least 1 paragraph that fully explains all of the items on the critical thinking checklist. Be sure to provide the link to the piece in your explanation and use complete sentences.

Critical thinking checklist:

What year was the song created? Where was the song created?
Who is the musician/group of musicians?
What instruments were used in the song?
What background details can I find about the group/musicians?
Is there any cultural or religious significance to the song?
What elements of music are present? (for example: Rhythm, Tempo, Pitch and Scale, Melody, Harmony, Dynamics, Tone Color/Timbre)
What do I hear?
What similarities and differences can I hear between my two choices?
Note: You will not be able to view or respond to any of your classmates’ posts until AFTER you have posted your initial response. Post your own response earlier in the week, so that other students can have the benefit of viewing your thoughts and providing a reply to you before the deadline.

Analyze a spring mass system using hooke’s law and a best fit line. Determine if a rubber band obeys hooke’s law combine qualitative observations of a model

Hooke’s lab

Analyze a spring mass system using hooke’s law and a best fit line. Determine if a rubber band obeys hooke’s law
combine qualitative observations of a model

What are the differences in responding to a natural disaster compared to a man-made incident?

Natural Disaster vs. Man-made Incident

After an event has occurred and the site is secure, what are the differences in responding to a natural disaster compared to a man-made incident?

What are the benefits and hindrances of working in a team environment? How does a planner bring together the various and disparate partners that form a team?

Unit 1 Discussion

Why Plan?
In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and the Gulf Oil Spill, questions of local, state, and federal disaster readiness began to be addressed. In that vein, as emergency operations planners, it is important to explore the importance of emergency planning and to answer the question, “why plan?”
Whether you are building institutional relationships, educating the public on prevention, responding to incidents, or investigating crimes, there is a never ending conveyor belt of needs to be addressed for emergency operations planners. There is so much work to be done that it can be tempting to hunker down and plough through it on your own. However, over time, most professionals have become aware that agencies with different mandates each touch different parts of the emergency response process, and must coordinate and work together to be effective.

Topic 1: Rationale for a “Team” Approach in Emergency Operations Planning
State the rationale for a “team” approach in emergency operations planning. What are the benefits and hindrances of working in a team environment? How does a planner bring together the various and disparate partners that form a team?

Discuss the potential future positive or negative impact of life events on their emotional, cognitive, social and physical development, in relation to healthy transitions across the life course.

River of life( of a child development across the life span)

Using the case study to create a ‘River of life’ which explores a child’s history and current situation, and discuss the potential future positive or negative impact of life events on their emotional, cognitive, social and physical development, in relation to healthy transitions across the life course.

The case study: Amira is a 3 year old, she lives in a social housing Walsall with her mother, father, grandmother and 3 older siblings and her mother is currently pregnant. Her mother and father were born in Pakistan and moved to UK at the age of 15 and 18 respectively. Amira has several aunties and cousins living in the same area. Her father is a taxi driver and works long hours. Her mother does evening cleaning twice a week, when Amira is cared for by one of her aunties. Amira attends a state nursery for two morning s per week. Amira is often upset when going to nursery and leaving her family.

Using the Heilbrunn Timeline, identify one non-Western work of art and one Western work of art that is similar.

Non-Western and Western Art

The following discussion is worth 80 points. Using the Heilbrunn Timeline, identify one non-Western work of art and one Western work of art that is similar. For example, if you find one non-Western bowl for your non-Western piece, chose something similar, like a bowl or dish for your Western choice. For each piece of art, write at least 1 paragraph that fully explains all of the items on the critical thinking checklist. Be sure to provide the link to the piece in your explanation and use complete sentences.

Note: You will not be able to view or respond to any of your classmates’ posts until AFTER you have posted your initial response. Post your own response earlier in the week, so that other students can have the benefit of viewing your thoughts and providing a reply to you before the deadline.

In addition to posting your own thread, read and comment on at least TWO of your fellow classmates’ posts. These peer responses are worth 10 points of your total score.

Based on the answers they have provided, your reply should discuss whether you agree or disagree with their choices. Support your responses.

This discussion is worth 80 points and will be evaluated using the HUM 106 Discussion Rubric. This rubric is available under the Grading Information tab of the Discussion area, as well as in the course Grade Center.

Review this video How to Use Blackboard Discussions if you need assistance with this feature. All contributions should be consistent with good netiquette.

Discuss ethical issues that can arise in your study design.

Randomized Control Style

This assignment addresses design strategies and ethical issues associated with experimental studies.

design your own randomized controlled trial using the steps given in Chapter 8 of your textbook.

You can use the example of a drug study in which is it appropriate to use a placebo or you can choose your own topic.

Discuss ethical issues that can arise in your study design.