
What problem will you be investigating? Why is the problem worth investigating? What is the background to the problem, how did it develop, etc.? What organization will be the subject of your investigation?

Variations to the Problem

* -Intel is Losing Its Market Presence Competing Against AMD and Nvidia.
* -Problem: Intel Losing Their Competitive Edge Against its Competition.
* -Problem: How Can Intel Compete Against Its Competitors.

1. Title page – properly formatted according to APA formatting guidelines.

2. Abstract – properly prepared and formatted according to APA formatting guidelines.

3. Introduction – What problem will you be investigating? Why is the problem worth investigating? What is the background to the problem, how did it develop, etc.? What organization will be the subject of your investigation? Provide appropriate information about the organization (history, mission/vision, industry, leadership structure, organizational structure, financial position, etc.) so the reader has a thorough understanding of the organization.

4. Problem statement – Provide a clear and concise statement to the problem to include key constructs associated with the problem. Make sure that you define the constructs within the problem and avoid generalizations. Use academic definitions to define your constructs. For example, if your problem involves leadership effectiveness, clearly define leadership and what ‘effectiveness’ means.

5. Literature review – Research each construct that is related to the problem under investigation. Introduce each construct and then inform the reader of the construct using academic journal articles to build the body of knowledge on the construct.

6. Methodology – This section should be relatively short and state how you have developed your resolutions to the problem. This may be accomplished through a meta-analysis and thought experiment. However you approached your resolution and recommendations to the experiment, they should be discussed in this section and supported by sound theory.

7. Results – This is an objective discussion of the results of your methodology and is not based upon your opinion. In this section, provide a brief summary of the literature review and methodology section (one paragraph each) and then transition into what these sections have told you. For example, “From the literature we see that emotional intelligence is a key personality trait for those who emerge as leaders. Survey results from this study support this finding…”

8. Discussion/Recommendations – In this section, you should apply your results to the specific problem under investigation in a more subjective way. List and discuss any recommendations developed in response to your research and results pertaining to the problem under investigation. “Organization X should identify individuals high in emotional intelligence as potential leaders within the organization. Training and development programs can aid in this effort and reduce the randomness that is currently present in leader emergence and development within the firm…”

9. Conclusion – a concise conclusion to the paper.

10. Reference page – properly formatted according to APA formatting guidelines.

11. Appendices – include an appendix of key artifacts related to the project as necessary. Such artifacts may include; survey results, financials, correspondence with the organization, brochures and other informative material, financials, organization charts, etc.

Describe the most significant challenge you have faced and the steps you have taken to overcome this challenge. How has this challenge affected your academic achievement?

Significant challenge  have faced

Describe the most significant challenge you have faced and the steps you have taken to overcome this challenge. How has this challenge affected your academic achievement?

How is narration used to tell a story? Would you consider the author’s purpose to be objective or subjective, or both?. How might you improve this essay through your understanding of Narration?

Melon Harvest

1. Re-read carefully the essay, “Melon Harvest” In your initial post, include your answers to the following questions:

How is narration used to tell a story?
Would you consider the author’s purpose to be objective or subjective, or both? Support your answer.
How might you improve this essay through your understanding of Narration?

Do humans have a moral obligation to modify our lifestyle in order to recognize the moral status of nonhuman others? Do you believe any of the nonhuman animals mentioned above would qualify as moral subjects, and perhaps even moral agents?

Ethics week 5 discussion

Select one of the three prompts below to respond to in your initial post this week. You are encouraged to respond to peers that explored prompts that you did not.

Prompt #1

Discuss the implications of moral consideration on some of the following practices involving nonhuman animals: meat-eating habits, pet ownership, the use of nonhuman animals in experimentations, and keeping animals in zoos.

In what ways, if any, do any of the above actions represent incompatible, even contradictory, moral values?
Do humans have a moral obligation to modify our lifestyle in order to recognize the moral status of nonhuman others?
Do you believe any of the nonhuman animals mentioned above (pets, farmed animals, zoo animals, etc.) would qualify as moral subjects, and perhaps even moral agents?
Which ethical theory (utilitarian, social contract, Kantian, etc.) is most consistent with your outlook on animals?
(USLOs 5.1, 5.2, 5.3)

Prompt #2

Discuss the implications of meat-eating nonhuman animals in relation to moral consideration.

Is it morally permissible to raise and kill animals to eat them in our society, where nutritious alternatives to animal foods are readily available?
If we were somewhere where there were inadequate non-animal foods, would that make a difference to the morality of using animals for food?
Which ethical theory (utilitarian, social contract, Kantian, etc.) is most consistent with your outlook on consuming animals?
(USLOs 5.1, 5.2, 5.3)

Prompt #3

Discuss the implications of having moral obligations toward animals.

Select one philosopher discussed either in the text or supplemental materials and discuss their perspective regarding moral obligations toward animals.
Do you believe we have any moral obligations toward animals? If so, what is the extent of these obligations? Why do we have these obligations (if we do)?
Are there different obligations toward different animals? Might certain uses of some animals be morally permissible, whereas using other animals in similar ways would be wrong? (E.g., might some experiments be wrong if done on chimpanzees, whereas morally permissible, or perhaps “less wrong,” if done on mice?

In your reflective summary identify the insights and learning you have gain from the assignment process and self-assessment and discuss how you can apply these in your own leadership practice and development.

Leadership interview assignment

Critical analysis- Address 3 themes, like my leader – leadership style, Authenticity, idealized influence, inspirational motivation. With 3 -4 scholarly references

Personal reaction- Write about me, what I am taking from this interview

In this assignment students will interview a nurse leader who demonstrates effective leadership practice and reflect on their own leadership capacity within the context of this experience. Interviewing a nurse leader provides a student with the opportunity to link leadership theory to practice and make meaning of leadership complexities and the application of leadership (Smith & Roebuck, 2010). Reflecting on one’s own leader skills and abilities within this context not only supports practice expectations, it is a hallmark of the personal and professional leadership development.

Critical Analysis (MAXIMUM 1 pages): Provide a critical analysis of the interview by integrating and making connections between the topics/issues/ideas the interviewee discussed (e.g., the interviewee’s beliefs about nursing leadership and their leadership style, attributes, and characteristics) and the state-of-the-art leadership literature in nursing and other disciplines. At a MINIMUM, your critical analysis should integrate 3 peer-reviewed sources not including those used in the course (i.e., not including course materials, resources from the modules or additional readings within the module). You are expected to synthesize information from multiple sources (e.g., several peer reviewed papers) to inform and support your positions/claims/ ideas/opinions/interpretations. Topics addressed should follow from the interview and may include, but not limited to, those discussed in the course.

It should make the relationships between the interview information and the literature evident and provide interpretations and make conclusions about these relationships. A critical analysis involves more than simply presenting ideas from the literature alongside observations from the interview or adding a citation(s) after presenting an idea.

Personal Reaction and Application (MAXIMUM 1 pages): Write a reflective summary that considers your own leadership skills and abilities (based on the self-assessments you will complete) in the context of what you learned from your leadership interview. In your reflective summary identify the insights and learning you have gain from the assignment process and self-assessment and discuss how you can apply these in your own leadership practice and development. This section should address the impact of learning (from the interview analysis and your self-assessment) on your leadership development and provide concrete applications of learning to your current leadership practice and development.

As a nursing student, I had the opportunity to interview my unit nursing supervisor who has her BScN and is currently working to complete her degree as a Nurse Practitioner.

The nurse leader utilizes different leadership roles when it comes to leadership style since she started teaching and depending on the situation. Mrs. A. usually leans towards the transformational style of leadership to the servant leadership style on her day-to-day routine at work. According to Mrs. A, to be a successful leader one need to be able to demonstrate leadership qualities such as effective communication, motivation, accountability, delegation and provide constructive feedback.

When it comes to conflict resolution, Mrs. A. likes to listen to both parties,

Mrs. A. feels appreciated when she helps others and make them feel better by some way or other

A nurse leader is someone who must be effective trustworthy, inspires, coordinates, integrates, and offering support for others to accomplish the organizational goal

Compare the way in which we elect Presidents in our current system to the proposal of the National Popular Vote movement. Which method is superior?

Lesson Six Writing Assignment:

The U.S. Constitution stipulates that Electors will vote for the office of President and Vice President, what we commonly refer to as the Electoral College. Two times in the 21st century the candidate with the most popular votes across the United States has not won the most votes in the Electoral College, hence losing the election. Some activists and scholars are arguing that a democratic system of government requires that majority rules; therefore, the candidate for President who receives the most popular votes should win the election. Further, there is a proposal to bypass the Electoral College without having to amend the Constitution (which is basically impossible).

Explore the strategy of the National Popular Vote movement at this website:

Compare the way in which we elect Presidents in our current system to the proposal of the National Popular Vote movement. Which method is superior? Explain your answer.

What would you say is your greatest talent or skill? How have you developed and demonstrated that talent over time?

Greatest talent or skill

What would you say is your greatest talent or skill? How have you developed and demonstrated that talent over time?

Describe the professional and/or academic quality of the source’s author or publisher. What credentials do the authors have? Is this a peer reviewed article or a government source?

Climate Change – Annotated Bibliography

Use the following Criteria & see attachment for example of a thesis it needs to resemble

Cite 8 sources in APA format.

· Appendix B is an excellent resource for how to set up your paper in APA format. We also have an APA Video.

· Try to find at least 2-3 sources for each point in the thesis. Sources should not be more than 10 years old.


Once you have 8 sources, write annotations for each one. Each annotation will include three sections described in Module 1.05

· Summary: 3 to 4 sentences that will summary the source. The summary will describe the most important points of the research. What did the article cover, find and conclude?

· Credibility analysis: 1 to 2 sentences that will describe the professional and/or academic quality of the source’s author or publisher. What credentials do the authors have (degrees, years of experience in the field)? Is this a peer reviewed article or a government source?

· Relevance statement: 1 to 2 sentences that will describe the relevance of the research to your thesis. Which thesis point does the article support?

Considering the five forces of competition, choose the two that you estimate are the most significant for the corporation you chose. With the same two forces in mind, predict what the company might do to improve its ability to address these forces in the near future.

External and Internal Environments

Using the Universal Music Group, examine the industry in which the entity operates. Use any or all of the following resources to conduct research on the company:

Company website.

Public filings from the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Filings & Forms page.

Strayer University’s online databases.

The Lexis Advance database.

Other miscellaneous sources. Note: the company’s annual report will often provide insights that other resources may not include.

Use the External and Internal Environments Template [DOCX] (uploaded to additional materials) to ensure that your assignment meets the requirements.


Write a 4-6 page paper in which you do the following:

Choose the two segments of the general environment that would rank highest in their influence on the corporation you chose.

Assess how these segments affect the corporation you chose and the industry in which it operates.

Considering the five forces of competition, choose the two that you estimate are the most significant for the corporation you chose.

Evaluate how well the company has addressed these two forces in the recent past.

With the same two forces in mind, predict what the company might do to improve its ability to address these forces in the near future.

Assess the external threats affecting this corporation and the opportunities available to the corporation.

Give your opinions on how the corporation should deal with the most serious threat and the greatest opportunity. Justify your answer.

Give your opinion on the corporation’s greatest strengths and most significant weaknesses.

Choose the strategy or tactic the corporation should select to take maximum advantage of its strengths, and the strategy or tactic the corporation should select to fix its most significant weakness. Justify your choices.

Determine the company’s resources, capabilities, and core competencies.

Go to the Strayer University Online Library to locate three quality references. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Book Source: Hitt, M. A., Ireland, R. D., & Hoskisson, R. E. (2019). Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases: Competitiveness and Globalization (13th Edition). Cengage Learning US.

Describe how the solution will create a learning environment, and knowledge transfer; to include how you will implement and monitor training and/or development outcomes.


This writing assignment analyzes a problem within an organization and contains a needs assessment along with a potential solution to either mitigate or overcome the problem. Complete this assignment utilizing some of the concepts covered in the lesson textbook along with other academic sources. This paper will focus on factors such as training, development, knowledge management, and technology—and how the factors relate to leadership, management, and the workforce. The paper must include a section summarizing details of the needs assessment and a solution to the problem you identified. Your paper must also describe how the solution will create a learning environment, and knowledge transfer; to include how you will implement and monitor training and/or development outcomes. The paper will be in APA format and have a title page, a reference page, and 1,000 to 1,500 words of content (does not include the cover and reference pages). Your paper will not have an abstract, but will include: introduction, problem, needs assessment, solution, transfer of training, and conclusion paragraphs with a references page. You will use a minimum of five resources for your paper. DO NOT use pictures, diagrams, charts, or sketches within the body of the paper. You will use Times New Roman, 12-font, and double-spaced. Your thesis statement must be the last one or two sentence(s) of your introduction paragraph and restated in your conclusion. Do not try to cover everything. Focus on the factors you consider most important in analyzing your organization. You must write your paper using the third-person narrative mode (Do not use the the first-person or second-person narrative modes for this paper.)