
Analyze Caterpillar’s strengths and include specific examples based on your SWOT analysis findings. Evaluate the weaknesses and threats for any common themes that might be a risk. Compare Caterpillar’s weaknesses against its opportunities.

Strategic Management

* Strategic management includes an analysis of a business’s current state. Continuing with your research of Caterpillar, Inc., you will leverage the business SWOT tool to identify and drive organizational strategic decision making and evaluate problem-solving strategies for the company.

Review the Strategic Management Project Background document.

Create a Word doc and title it Strategic Management Research Journal Part 2.

Write a 350- to 525-word response to the following prompts in your journal entry:

1. Conduct a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis of Caterpillar, Inc. Each SWOT quadrant must contain 7-10 items, (this is not included in the 525-word count).

2. Analyze Caterpillar’s strengths and include specific examples based on your SWOT analysis findings.

3. Evaluate the weaknesses and threats for any common themes that might be a risk.

4. Compare Caterpillar’s weaknesses against its opportunities.

5. Propose problem-solving strategies to address Caterpillar’s weaknesses or threats that could be mitigated by a business opportunity or business decision.

What are your thoughts about this agency? Would you refer clients to this agency? Would you be interested in working at this agency? What was the experience of researching an agency like for you?

Social Service Agency Paper

Agency Information: (about 1 page)

What is the program’s mission? Who do they aim to help (target population)? What change do they hope to create? What services are provided?


Statement of Need: (about 1 page)

Why is this program/service needed? Discuss the target population and the challenges they face that the agency is trying to address.


Social Workers within the Agency: (about 1 page)

What is the typical day in the life of a social worker within the agency? What type of roles do they use throughout the day (broker, advocate, teacher, etc.)? What is the size of staff and average caseload? What qualifications are required of staff (degrees, certifications, etc.)?


Conclusion: (about 1 page)

What are your thoughts about this agency? Would you refer clients to this agency? Would you be interested in working at this agency? What was the experience of researching an agency like for you?

Briefly discuss your reasons for pursuing the second choice major you have selected. (Respond in 100 words or fewer.)

Second choice major

Briefly discuss your reasons for pursuing the second choice major you have selected. (Respond in 100 words or fewer.)

Design and subsequently validate a proposed rail network system for the City of Cardiff. Develop a conceptual plan the system that will entice commuters from their vehicles and use the transportation system to its fullest extent.

Rail network system for the City of Cardiff.

Design and subsequently validate a proposed rail network system for the City of Cardiff. You are to develop a conceptual plan the system that will entice commuters from their vehicles and use the transportation system to its fullest extent.

Many Arabic countries offer schools that mainly teach European languages (ex: English) how does this effect Arabic within the region? How does the Arab youths movement around the world effect the Arabic language within their families?

The Migration & Change of the Arabic Language Worldwide (expressed through artworks)

How has the migration of language managed to effect Arabic. Over the years, many words are imported from different places around the world into the arabic language.

– Language kind of migrates from person to person. with the world advancing there are some words that have not been created into the arabic language.

-How is spoken arabic and written arabic different ( integrate this somehow with an artwork)

– Many Arabic countries offer schools that mainly teach European languages (ex: English) how does this effect Arabic within the region? How does the Arab youths movement around the world effect the Arabic language within their families? How does it effect generations ( See Zineb Siedra’s artwork called ‘Mother Tongue’)

-This is an artistic essay. Meaning, I have attached all the sources and artworks please try to integrate them in a way that makes sense and is understood. The structure of the essay should be clear and precise. My professor is extremely strict and wants to see the main idea integrated throughout the essay.

– Interpret each artwork/video installation according to the main idea. Explore the artists and explain their ideas then tie it to the main idea. Try not to sound repetitive.

– For the artworks please provide artistic artworks and label them. Labelling is key. If you need any more clarification please text me. This essay is worth 65% of my grade. Please work well on it.Thank you so much

What are some of the unique aspects associated with this type of victimization and what safeguards could be put in place to help reduce it? Be specific and cite your readings to support your answer.

CCCJ 6665- Discussion #11

Choose one type of victimization that was discussed in the materials this week. Provide an overview of this type of victimization. What are some of the unique aspects associated with this type of victimization and what safeguards could be put in place to help reduce it? Be specific and cite your readings to support your answer.

Branding Marketing plan for Philly stars United Football Club

This is an assignment for the course purpose and written from the Vise President standpoint, selling the idea of a new brand in this case being a new football club.

we are to create a marketing plan which will be inform of a PowerPoint presentation with detailed information(between 24-30 slides) including SWOT and PEST analysis. And also how to leverage the various media mix to support the presentation, and projected statistics to aid convincing investors.

What is the clinical practice problem/issue selected? Why do you think there needed to be a change? Explain the general idea of your change proposal.

Scholarly paper/How to Prevent Pressure Ulcers

Your paper should be five to six pages in length (not including the title page or references section) and have at least three quality references.

What is the clinical practice problem/issue selected?
Why do you think there needed to be a change?
Explain the general idea of your change proposal.


Critical Thinking—Support and Evidence
Identify the change you want to bring about.
What issues have you seen in practice or found in research that made you select this topic for a change proposal?
How will your leadership style and gifts be used to lead the change proposal?

Conduct a Literature review
Utilize the CCU library to assist in finding scholarly research articles.
Is your evidence valid to support the change you are proposing?

Leadership and Management—Development
Identification of change theory for project
State one specific long-term and short-term goal

Leadership and Management—Implementation
Develop a basic timeline for your project that shows the plan for implementation.
What is the role of the change agent/s?

Critical Thinking and Clinical Reasoning—Evaluation
Suggest specific evaluation points along the way based on your implementation timeline.

Critical Self-Reflection—Personal Impact of Change Proposal
Analyze your personal assumptions and perspectives regarding your proposed change.
How did your personal perspective impact your proposal?
How was the content from this course integrated into the paper or proposal?
What perspective did you gain from formulating this proposal and doing research on this topic?

What have you learned?
Integration of Biblical Worldview
Analyze change through a biblical worldview.
Integrate Scripture appropriately.

Summarize the change proposal.
Examine the implications of the Clinical Problem/Issue/Thesis Statement.
Bring closure to the paper.
Communication (refer to the rubric in Due Dates and Grades for grading criteria related to conventions and mechanics):
Use strong, effective academic words, variety in sentence structure, and active voice.
Your paper should be presented in APA format with appropriate grammar, spelling, and organization.

How has OD helped in similar situations (abrupt change/crisis situations). How will the workplace look like in the future? What advancements should take place in OD?

COVID-19 and Organizational Development

Changes to OD after and due to the pandemic
o Effects of the pandemic
o Changes inside an organization
o Taking OD models into account

Role OD plays during covid
o In assisting an organization with tackling new problems
o How has OD helped in similar situations (abrupt change/crisis situations)

Talk about digitalization of processes?

Challenges & opportunities
o Future obstacles
o Potential improvements
o How will the workplace look like in the future?
o What advancements should take place in OD?

Highlight your main stakeholders – they are likely similar tc the ones highlighted in your written assessment. • Draw up a Mendelow analysis. Who will you focus on? How? What specific actions are required?

Tourism Management

• Strategic update on your tourism business strategy
• Groups of 4-5 with a 20 min presentation plus 10 min Q&A
• 60% of overall mark
• Presentation: Week 8 (see MSG on process). The simulation exercise will commence on week 2 (28th September) and last for 10 weeks (last report on Monday 29th Nov)

Step 3 Stakeholders Analysis
• Highlight your main stakeholders – they are likely similar tc the ones highlighted in your written assessment. • Draw up a Mendelow analysis
• Who will you focus on? How? What specific actions are required?