
Determine how the hospital could charge and be reimbursed using the two methods. In this case, which would be better for the hospital? How do each of these payment models contribute to or detract from the goal of the Triple Aim?

Week 2 Hawes

Models of payment to healthcare organizations have begun to shift from paying for volume (fee for service) to paying for value (quality). Using a Venn Diagram, compare volume-based versus value-based reimbursement. Be sure the overlapping area contains the commonalities between the two systems.Use the editable template for the Venn Diagram, which is available for download above. This template (with your findings) will need to be posted as an attachment in your discussion post along with your written prompt.

Consider Jim, who is 69 years old and comes to your Emergency Department (ED) with severe abdominal pain. His evaluation, besides a physical exam, includes an abdominal ultrasound, a CT scan with and without contrast, multiple lab studies, all lead to his having an emergency appendectomy. Other than having Type II diabetes well controlled on diet and exercise, he is in otherwise good health. Jim is treated as an outpatient and is discharged home the next morning. Two weeks later he returns to the ED with fever, continued abdominal pain, and a surgical site infection. He is admitted and is treated for 5 days before being sent home.

Using your findings from your comparison of volume- versus value-based reimbursements, analyze the scenario. Determine how the hospital could charge and be reimbursed using the two methods. In this case, which would be better for the hospital? How do each of these payment models contribute to or detract from the goal of the Triple Aim? Considering payer mix, delivery systems, population demographic, and value-based purchasing of the institution. How do all of these elements influence the financing of the type and quality of care provided at your facility? What are the implications on access and availability of types of care provided by your institution?

What does the organization need to do to advance its goals and/or expand its competitive advantage? How will you measure their progress?

Netflix Metrics

Now that you’ve identified the organization’s SWOT, you need to determine the project and its objectives and metrics. This project should be based on an unmet opportunity for the organization, or to minimize a potential threat. What does the organization need to do to advance its goals and/or expand its competitive advantage? How will you measure their progress?

Use the Balanced Scorecard Template to:

Create at least 3 measurable project objectives for each quadrant of the scorecard based on your analysis.
Determine targets, timelines, and metrics for each objective.

Explain the following in 350-525 words on the Balanced Score Card Template:

Why these objectives are appropriate for the project.
Why these metrics and timelines are appropriate for your strategic plan.

Critically discuss an experience from your practice placement, which involved the leadership and coordination of holistic care for a person with a complex health condition.

Leadership and coordinating care

Critically discuss an experience from your practice placement, which involved the leadership and coordination of holistic care for a person with a complex health condition.


Can we make rational and logical decisions independent of emotional influence, particularly regarding social issues and/or moral judgements?

Emotions and Rational thinking.

Aristotle argued that human is a rational being that makes human distinct from other animals. Can we make rational and logical decisions independent of emotional influence, particularly regarding social issues and/or moral judgements? Support your answers with neurobiological understanding of emotions and rational thinking.

Section I. General Instruction
Students are required to come up with a thesis statement that is related to the topic of interest. The goals of this essay are to enable writers to:
1) describe and explain psychological phenomena in terms of biological processes or mechanisms;

2) analyze and evaluate the topic of interest with the support of empirical findings;

3) arrive at a sound conclusion through integration of ideas and knowledge with logical arguments;

4) illustrate critical analysis of the topic through key insights and observations;

5) use everyday examples to illustrate the phenomena and the arguments;

6) write a well-structured essay where the conventions of academic writing (e.g. citations, referencing, languages) are followed meticulously.

Overall, this piece of writing should be able to show your ability to analyse, interpret or evaluate the topic of interest with depth.

The length of the final essay is approximately 2500 words, excluding title page, references and appendices. State the word count at the end of paper. Submission should be typed as a Microsoft Word document in 12-point Times New Roman font with single-spaced line spacing.

If the actor seems unnatural in the part, is it because he or she tends to be over dramatic or wooden and mechanical? Is this unnaturalness more apparent in the way the actor delivers the lines or in the actor’s physical actions?

Film to be evaluated: Darkest Hour

Provide a paragraph to discuss Gary Oldman’s portrayal of Sir Winston Churchill. Discuss one of the following areas. Do you agree or disagree with their assessment?

•Is the actor consistently believable in the portrayal of the character, or does he or she occasionally fall out of character?

•If the actor seems unnatural in the part, is it because he or she tends to be over dramatic or wooden and mechanical? Is this unnaturalness more apparent in the way the actor delivers the lines or in the actor’s physical actions?

•In which specific scenes is the acting especially effective or ineffective? Why?

Book link: The Art of Watching Film
Please read Chapter 10 – go to Page Overview to find the chapter.


How do you personally ensure the care you provide (or are part of providing), is safe, effective and leads to a positive patient/client experience? How do you/could you support others to improve the quality of the care they provide?

Reflection on the Nursing Associates role in improving care quality.

Context Healthcare is a dynamic endeavour which means those providing care work in state of near constant change, be that in relation to the environment in which care is delivered, the nature of care interventions, equipment or drugs used to treat patients, and the pathways and process designed to ensure efficacy in the organisation of care delivery; all of which culminate in the outcome’s patients experience.
Large organisations often have a team of people dedicated to supporting service quality improvement, but even if you work in a place with such a team it would be wrong to think that quality improvement is their sole responsibility. Whilst organisations can facilitate change, Improvements in care quality take place where care is delivered, by the people delivering it.
As W. Edwards Deming said “Quality is everyone’s responsibility” The task It is likely that any reflections you have written previously have focused on a specific situation or incident you encountered at work. Whilst your personal experiences are still a key aspect of how you address this topic, you might also want to think more broadly about the contribution of the ‘Nursing Associates role’ to improving care quality. In reflecting upon the role of Nursing Associates in relation to improving care quality you might consider the following:
 What ‘Improving care quality’ means. What are the key elements of quality? You could use these to structure the body of your essay.
 How do you personally ensure the care you provide (or are part of providing), is safe, effective and leads to a positive patient/client experience?
 How do you/could you support others to improve the quality of the care they provide?
 What impact does the nature of the clinical/care environment and the culture, the ‘attitude’ towards change, have on efforts to improve care quality?
 What contribution can Nursing Associates make as part of a multi-disciplinary team (MDT) in relation to improving care quality? Why is an MDT approach beneficial?
 Wherever you can, illustrate your account with examples from your practice including what was good or not and why; what you might do differently in future. These points are not intended to be either comprehensive or a check list, but simply things worthy of consideration in the preparation of your submission. Note: The assessments requirement that you consider the ‘Nursing Associate role’ brings some flexibility in how you structure your submission, whilst you will probably still reference models of reflection, you may choose to use conventional essay structure (introduction, body/development, conclusion), to organise your work rather than using a reflective model.

Describe how these factors coalesce to influence the financing of the type and quality of care provided at your institution. What are the implications on access and availability of types of care provided at your institution?

Touchpoint Reflection: Reimbursement Issues. Dr Hawes

Describe how these factors coalesce to influence the financing of the type and quality of care provided at your institution. What are the implications on access and availability of types of care provided at your institution?

How is your proposed project affected by the information you’ve gathered about your facility?
What adjustments might you have to make in your proposal because of the information gathered?

Describe your academic and career goals in the broad field of engineering. What and/or who has influenced you either inside or outside the classroom that contributed to these goals?

Academic and Career Goals

Describe your academic and career goals in the broad field of engineering (including computer science, industrial distribution, and engineering technology). What and/or who has influenced you either inside or outside the classroom that contributed to these goals? It is important to spend time addressing this question as it will be considered as part of engineering review process.

list two radioisotopes along with their use in the medical field. Even though radioisotopes have so many benefits in imaging, why is it so important to regulate their uses?

Nuclear Chemistry

Go through articles 1 and 2 listed below and list two radioisotopes along with their use in the medical field. ( 2 points) Even though radioisotopes have so many benefits in imaging, why is it so important to regulate their uses? (3 points)

1 (Links to an external site.)

2. (Links to an external site.)

Organic Chemistry: It is the Chemistry of carbon compounds. Go over articles 3 and 4 and list five functional groups in organic compounds. (5 points).

3. (Links to an external site.)


Write an essay of approximately 1000 words in which you discuss how the work in question lends the details of everyday life a sense of significance – how does it encourage the reader or viewer to regard what happens in the work as important?

Printed works

Printed works, being read or viewed privately and at home, focus primarily on the domestic and the everyday; they put the reader or viewer into the privileged position of an observer of the intimate details of daily life. Choosing any one of the works from the “Print” unit of our course, write an essay of approximately 1000 words in which you discuss how the work in question lends the details of everyday life a sense of significance – how does it encourage the reader or viewer to regard what happens (or is shown) in the work as important? Be sure to close-read at least three passages if you focus on a literary work or at least three details of an art work (options include: color, tone, line, shape, space, and texture). Reach some conclusions about the values the work either assumes or tries to instill in its audience through its depiction of everyday life.