
What employment laws must be considered when developing a strategic workforce plan? Which e-recruiting methods would you recommend, and why? How would you know that you have the best fit for the candidate and the position?

Strategic Human Resources and Recruitment

A large Internet retail firm is expanding its operations by opening a new warehouse and product distribution center. You have been asked to develop an e-recruiting strategy for a warehouse associate position. This information will be used by the vice president of human resources as part of the company’s hiring plan. Using CTU Library resources and the course text and materials, research e-recruiting, and address the following questions:

What employment laws must be considered when developing a strategic workforce plan?

Which e-recruiting methods would you recommend, and why?

What selection methods (i.e., résumés, interviews, tests, realistic job previews) would you use, and why?

How would you know that you have the best fit for the candidate and the position?

Is marijuana a “gateway” drug? Why or why not? What do we mean by gateway drug? Explain why marijuana is used first


Is marijuana a “gateway” drug? Why or why not? What do we mean by gateway drug?

In 2012, the National Survey of Drug Use and Health determined that nearly 125,000,000 of those 12 years of age or older used illegal drugs and that nearly 10 percent of those had used drugs in the previous month (Belenko & Spohn, 2014). As the most commonly used drug, a little over 40 percent of these users reported using marijuana in their lifetime (Belenko & Spohn, 2014). According to research, there has been a lengthy discussion on whether or not marijuana, also referred to as hemp, is a gateway drug, given that there is not enough information to back that hypothesis. A gateway drug refers to a drug that when used can lead users to experiment with other drugs (Belenko & Spohn, 2014). Additionally, marijuana is said to be used first before users move on to try other illegal drugs. However, not all marijuana users continue to use other illegal drugs (Belenko & Spohn, 2014). Therefore, it cannot be said that marijuana is a gateway drug. Despite the statistic previously mentioned, factors like mental health disorders and availability could help explain why marijuana is used first (Belenko & Spohn, 2014). It is yet to be determined why users begin marijuana use and then proceed to use other illicit drugs. However, just because it is not a gateway drug doesn’t mean it is not dangerous.

Explain how a person can become a responsive listener, how does this affect the supply chain and quality, and what are your recommendations?

Lesson 11 assignment Man4520

Explain how a person can become a responsive listener, how does this affect the supply chain and quality, and what are your recommendations? Use some examples of how this can be accomplished.

Define how quality will be managed. Define quality assurance activities. Define quality control activities. Define acceptable quality standards.

Lesson 9 Assignment ISM4313

Create a Project Management Quality Plan that will allow you to install a Smartphone APP successfully. A key requirement is the App must have the ability to accept credit card information.

The purpose of this plan is to:

Ensure quality is planned
Define how quality will be managed.
Define quality assurance activities.
Define quality control activities.
Define acceptable quality standards.

Discuss how the term or concept could lead to success or failure (choose only one) of your company’s Management Functions or future endeavors.

Organisation behavior

This chapter discusses personality and values. Personality, in this context, can be defined as the summation of ways in which a person interacts with and reacts to other people. Managers need to do a personality test before hiring any employee (Robbins & Judge, 2011). This is because the tests will help determine the people best suited for the job.
The best way to measure an individual’s personality is by using a self-report survey. In this survey, the individuals evaluate their personality based on certain factors, for instance, “I do not function well under pressure.” The self-report reveals a person’s weaknesses and strengths (Robbins & Judge, 2011). People with good personality traits and desirable strengths will contribute to the success of the organization. On the other hand, people with negative behavioral traits and
weaknesses will cause organizational failure (Robbins & Judge, 2011).

Next, discuss how the term or concept could lead to success or failure (choose only one) of your company’s Management Functions or future endeavors.

Discuss the value of project procurement planning on both large and small scale projects.

Lesson 12 Discussion Man4584

Review the link above, it is to help you develop your thoughts on project procurement management.

Week 8: Project Procurement Management

Discuss the value of project procurement planning on both large and small scale projects.

How do the laws related to marriage (Nidda and Yichud for example) help us redeem marriage? What are we redeeming marriage from?

Jewish study

This essay, aptly describes how we can “redeem” marriage with the proper outlook and perspective.

1) How do the laws related to marriage (Nidda and Yichud for example) help us redeem marriage? What are we redeeming marriage from?

2) In what way(s) through marriage are we imitating G-d ( Imitatio Dei) ?

3) p.44 “The covenant introduces into the historical ever-changing reality an element of persistence or constancy” – what point/theme is the Rav getting at by talking about a covenant and persistency within marriage?

Based on the “Why Danone’s dairy division failed in India” 8-min video (CNBC, 2019), what contributed to the failure of Danone in India?

Work 5 1

Watch video:
1)Based on the “Why Danone’s dairy division failed in India” 8-min video (CNBC, 2019), what contributed to the failure of Danone in India?

2)What strategic recommendations would you make to Monsieur Faber, the CEO of Danone? Minimum 3.

What kind of graph is it? What does the graph communicate? How well does it communicate? What is the point of the graph?

Info system

From this graph


Select two graphs for presentation to the class. What kind of graph is it? What does the graph communicate? How well does it communicate? What is the point of the graph?

What is the article trying to say? What are the key statistics cited? Is there enough statistical evidence to support the author’s conclusions? Do you think that the author overstated the issue?

Statistics in the Media

Locate an article that provides statistics on an issue of your choice. Respond to the following questions in a paper.

What is the article trying to say?
What are the key statistics cited?
Is there enough statistical evidence to support the author’s conclusions?
Do you think that the author overstated the issue?
How do you think the statistics used in the article impact perception of the issue?