
Were there any surprises? Were there any “aha” moments? Did anything contradict your current thinking or was your current thinking reinforced?

Current thinking

Were there any surprises? Were there any “aha” moments? Did anything contradict your current thinking or was your current thinking reinforced? Just give me about 1.5 – 2 pages (single spaced, double spaced between paragraphs).

Find an article about the assessment (not by the test authors) and what they report about the assessment. Would you use this measure? Why or why not?

Risk Assessment

Choose 1 risk assessment and answer the following questions:
Risk assessments:
-Risk assessment for violence within populations of those with serious mental illness.
-Violence risk assessment of offenders who are facing capital punishment (death penalty).

1) Name of the assessment.

2) Purpose of the assessment and a brief description. (Use your book, library materials, or the publishers website to help you)

3) Validity and Reliability stated by the author (include if they cite any issues with reliability or validity)?

4) Find an article about the assessment (not by the test authors) and what they report about the assessment (include any potential issues they found).

5) Would you use this measure? Why or why not?

Book : Conroy, M. A. & Murrie, D.C. (2007). Forensic assessment of violence risk:
A guide for risk assessment and risk management. New York, NY:
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

How do you think Mill would reply to the objection? Ultimately, do you think this reply is successful, or is Mill’s view vulnerable to the objection?

Mill’s Harm Principle

▪ Approx. 3 pages, double-spaced,
▪ Include a brief intro and conclusion,
▪ Include at least one quote from the Wolff text,
▪ Insert page numbers into document,

I) Using the Wolff text, state and give a brief explanation of Mill’s Harm Principle, AKA the Liberty Principle. (In your explanation you should say something to motivate the principle: What is Mill trying to accomplish in issuing the principle?)

II) Explain why Mill thinks that liberty is valuable for moral progress (see Wolff p. 121-124) and provide at least one specific example to illustrate this claim—feel free to construct your own!

III) Though Mill argues against censorship, he thinks there are limits to freedom of expression. Give your own modern-day example of a case of ‘freedom of expression’ that Mill would *want* to prohibit/censor.

IV) Finally, describe an objection to Mill’s liberalism (you can use one that Wolff describes or come up with your own). How do you think Mill would reply to the objection? Ultimately, do you think this reply is successful, or is Mill’s view vulnerable to the objection?

Identify and critically evaluate strategies which aim to address health inequality at a community and population level and discuss the effectiveness of these services in meeting childhood obesity.

Childhood obesity

Area of focus: Brighton and Hove

Learning Outcome one: Demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of key contemporary public health issues and perspectives including the factors that affect health and wellbeing and evaluate the impact of policy, health economics and ethics in reducing inequalities in health.

Learning outcome two: Critically analyse models of health promotion and their use in public health. (For example, The transtheoretical model of change, Health education, service improvement and Advocacy model (HESIAD).

Learning outcome three: Identify and critically evaluate strategies which aim to address health inequality at a community and population level and discuss the effectiveness of these services in meeting childhood obesity.

This piece of work need to include local and national data to identify that childhood obesity is a public health issue in the Uk and specifically Brighton and Hove. If there are challenges to collect the data, this also needs to be highlighted in the essay to critique.

Tips: The kings fund and the health Foundation are good website that touch on inequalities in healthcare.

– All the learning outcomes have to be linked to childhood obesity.

– Which health promotion model is best appropriate in tackling childhood obesity and in line with the aim of the CHANGE4LIFE strategy.

How do their responses compare to yours? Are there any similarities or differences that surprised you?

Discussion response

Read statement below and respond substantively to your peer. Comment on the leadership attributes identified and the connections made between systems leadership and continuous quality. How do their responses compare to yours? Are there any similarities or differences that surprised you?

It is critical to make quality improvement a key component of healthcare organizations to provide patients with safe, high-quality, and timely services (Drew & Pandit, 2020). Senior executives must serve as role models. Whether they realize it or not, their actions are echoed throughout the organizations they govern. Staff will evaluate what is essential based on where and how leaders spend their time, not what they say. Management, leadership, and quality assurance are three separate but intertwined concepts (Drew & Pandit, 2020). Some managers are not necessarily leaders and vice versa. Some leaders and managers, but not all, will engage in QI, which can be done independently of leadership and management. However, combining all three is likely to produce the best results. Management entails commanding and controlling a group or team to achieve a common goal in its broadest sense. Leadership entails persuading others to help you achieve your goals. Management necessitates keeping track of details, responding promptly, and issuing orders or instructions when performance falls short of expectations, and QI frequently necessitates a purposeful relaxation of these standards. One may argue that QI necessitates more individuals acting as leaders and fewer acting as managers. However, many of the functions and responsibilities of management are shared among well-functioning, trustworthy frontline teams in the most extreme variants of QI (Drew & Pandit, 2020).

What do you think an expert’s attire says about them? Do you think it may affect their testimony in any way? Describe some tactics that an expert may use to defend their experience, especially if their experience may be limited in a particular area.

Expert Testimony: Voir Dire, Defending Qualifications, & Preparation for Court

Answer the following questions separately:
1. What do you think an expert’s attire says about them? Do you think it may affect their testimony in any way?

2. Describe some tactics that an expert may use to defend their experience, especially if their experience may be limited in a particular area.

Describe at least one partnership-related theoretical perspective and one model and then apply your understanding of these to your chosen HSC organisation (Mental health services in London), being it yours or from a case study.

Working in Partnership with People who use Mental Health and Social Care Services

1) A historical account (around 900 words ).

Describe the partnership history related to the field of health and social care, chose one particular aspect(Mental health services in London after 2nd WW up todays modern era of technology and medicine ) or era from this history and then explain how you would situate your Health and Social Care (HSC) organisation or a case study within that historical period, also from the perspective of any issues that might arise around values and ethical dealings

2) A theoretical account (around 900 words ).

Describe at least one partnership-related theoretical perspective and one model and then apply your understanding of these to your chosen HSC organisation (Mental health services in London), being it yours or from a case study.

3) Conclusion-An integration of your reflective journal for a better understanding and application of specific historical and theoretical material. (around 600 words).

Use your reflective journal to provide a more in depth understanding and explanation of why certain historical periods, as well as theories and models are important for our understanding of partnership work in health and social care.

Explain whether or not each would prescribe the removal of President Simpson from office by the Senate (since she was already impeached for perjury). Would you agree with any of their decisions? Why or why not?

Law in Philosophical perspective

During the third year of her term as US President, Wilamina Simpson is faced with an impeachment scandal. In July of her third year, President Simpson made a campaign trip to Michigan. While she was there, she apparently had an affair with the wife, Sharon Lupinski. of the Michigan governor.

The affair was not made public until President Simpson was investigated for improper stock market trading and the special prosecutor was tipped off that Simpson had engaged in the affair. A grand jury investigation questioned Simpson under oath and she denied having the relationship with Lupinski. However, hotel surveillance photographs later put them together in Lupinski’s room. Governor Lupinski divorced his wife and called for impeachment, pointing out that President Simpson had committed a serious crime.

In Michigan, adultery is illegal under the Michigan Penal Code Act 328 of 1931. It states as follows:

“Any person who shall commit adultery shall be guilty of a felony; and when the crime is committed between a married woman and a man who is unmarried, the man shall be guilty of adultery, and liable for the same punishment.”

President Simpson is a widower; legally she is single. She argues that she has committed no crime in the state of Michigan according to the law. While Mrs. Lupinski may have committed adultery according to the law, it is impossible for President Simpson to have done so since she is not an “unmarried man”. The District Attorney in the case, under pressure from the Governor, decided to go ahead with prosecution of the President—the trial proceedings await another development.

The US House of Representatives impeached President Simpson in December of that year based on the charge of committing perjury (lying under oath) before a grand jury concerning her relationship with Sharon Lupinski. Her defense was that she did deny the affair to the press, but only to avoid a scandal and to allow her to continue to do her job. She felt that the Michigan law did not apply to her, so she had committed no crime, just indiscretion in her personal life. She said she had sought counseling and advice from her pastor.

Article II of the U.S. Constitution holds that the President can be removed from office upon impeachment by a majority of the House and 2/3 of the Senate. Impeachment is specified for treason, bribery or “other high crimes and misdemeanors.” However, the Constitution does not define what counts as “high crimes and misdemeanors” and there is no consensus about what this phrase means. A “high crime” may refer to a “serious offense” or an “offense by a high-ranking official”, according to some legal commentators. A “misdemeanor” is usually a lesser offense (as contrasted with a felony) such as petty theft, public drunkenness, vandalism, or reckless driving.

Use natural law theory, positivism, and feminist legal studies to analyze the House’s decision to impeach in the case of President Simpson.

First, explain how each of these theories argue proper legal decisions should be made; that is, what is their descriptive approach to legal decision making in general?

Then, demonstrate for each of them whether or not they would agree with the decision to impeach President Simpson.

In your view, which one of the methods provides a better (not necessarily perfect) legal interpretation of the relevant law in this case? Explain why. What are the drawbacks of the other two?

Finally, using each of the theories, explain whether or not each would prescribe the removal of President Simpson from office by the Senate (since she was already impeached for perjury). Would you agree with any of their decisions? Why or why not?

How do their responses compare to yours? Are there any similarities or differences that surprised you?

Discussion response

Read statement below and espond substantively to your peer. Comment on the leadership attributes identified and the connections made between systems leadership and continuous quality. How do their responses compare to yours? Are there any similarities or differences that surprised you?

Systems leadership is becoming a global approach to public health issues “where emphasis is placed on the relationships between the parts that forma a physical system in addition to understanding the individual parts and their environment separately” (Bigland,, 2020, p. 2). It is important to examine and work to improve all facets of a situation/issue to establish a continuous system of quality improvement. In order to move forward to continuously elevate work and improve quality, all parts of the system must work together and it’s important to have strong leadership that “shifts attention to leadership beyond organizational boundaries and across the wider network of groups, organizations, communities and stakeholders involved in creating and sustaining whole systems change” (Bolden,, 2019, p. 28).

Evaluate how the executive leadership team has differentiated strategic planning to create business growth and sustainability.

Strategic planning to create business growth and sustainability.

Research a multinational corporation of your choice (Amazon, Walmart, Coca Cola, Delta, and all others), within an industry of your choice, to describe the unique internal and external factors for competitive advantage. Evaluate how the executive leadership team has differentiated strategic planning to create business growth and sustainability.

Include in your assessment of the corporation what strengths of leadership support the future vision of the organization. Challenges for the executive leadership should also be included as ongoing, or market obstacles.

Apply your analysis of one leadership theory to the current state of the corporation.

Support your assignment with at least five scholarly resources. In addition to these scholarly resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included.

Length: 5-7 pages, not including title and reference pages

Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful synthesis of the concepts presented in this course by providing new insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA 7th edition standards