
Explain what you thought or felt about the exhibition, how the other visitors engage with the art. Did you approve of the display and collection of artworks?

The Frick Collection

And to write a 3-5 page paper centered on your Virtual experience AND two (2) artworks from the exhibit using the formal and contextual methods of analysis that you’ve learned in class.


Your paper must include (in essay format) these elements:

The museum/gallery as an environment – roughly how many rooms and artworks, how the artworks were presented/displayed, a discussion of any explanatory materials provided (exhibition wall text)
A descriptive visual analysis of your selected two artworks – Discuss what the two artworks have in common and how they differ (consider size, scale, perspective, color, shapes and forms, subject matter)
A critical assessment of the aesthetic and cultural message being conveyed by the museum gallery space and your two selected artworks – explain what you thought or felt about the exhibition, how the other visitors engage with the art. Did you approve of the display and collection of artworks? Your appraisal of the event can be condemnatory and/or appreciative as long as you explain yourself.

How would you provide opportunities to engage in a meaningful conversation with children? Would you use dramatic play? How will you assess if the conversation is truly meaningful?

Module J Discussion – Chapter 12 – Meaningful Conversations with Children

Teachers talk to children constantly, but rarely do we take the time to engage in meaningful conversations with children.
How would you provide opportunities to engage in a meaningful conversation with children? Not just talking TO children, but talking WITH them.
Create an activity with the goal of engaging children in a meaningful conversation. Plan for a small group, or a one-on-one conversation. Would you use dramatic play? Children’s literature or poetry? Finger-plays or songs? Outside play? How will you assess if the conversation is truly meaningful?
If you are currently teaching, try to implement the strategy in your classroom and reflect on the conversation. If you are not currently teaching, use your imagination.

: Have you observed any social movements effectively influencing political leaders? If so, which ones and what strategies did they use that you think were effective – that made political leaders take notice?

Political Sociology

Q1: Have you observed any social movements effectively influencing political leaders? If so, which ones and what strategies did they use that you think were effective – that made political leaders take notice?

Do you agree with the speaker in the video that algorithmic censorship can influence social movements? How so or why not?

How online social movements translate to offline results

Watch the video: How online social movements translate to offline results –

Answer the following question:
Think about the influence of social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. Do you agree with the speaker in the video that algorithmic censorship can influence social movements? How so or why not?

youtube video will be the only source

Complete a Wireshark packet capture on your personal PC or MAC. Create a 6-10 slide PowerPoint Presentation that discusses the Wireshark application and the 3 tasks completed.

A2: Module Assignment

a. Complete a Wireshark packet capture on your personal PC or MAC for a:
1. Ping Packet,
2. HTTP Capture, and
3. TCP Congestion Control using Wireshark and Identify the IP Address, Protocol (UDP or TCP), Destination and Source IP Address, and IP Class Type (A-D).
b. Create a 6-10 slide PowerPoint Presentation that discusses the Wireshark application and the 3 tasks completed. Provide screenshots/images similar to what is provided in the video.
This assignment will be posted here on the last day of Module 2 and is worth 60 points.

Explain how you would ensure that you were conducting the research in line with the ethical guidelines for psychological research.

Research methods in psychology

Dave and Rupa need to conduct a piece of research as part of their course at college. They have been asked to answer the following research question: does listening to music affect memory?

In approximately 1000 words, explain how you would conduct a piece of research in order to answer this research question. As part of your answer, you should do the following:

• State what research method you would use and how you would use this method to answer the research question.

• Justify your choice of this method.

• Explain how you would try to ensure that your method was both valid and reliable

• Explain how you would ensure that you were conducting the research in line with the ethical guidelines for psychological research

Your work should include in-text referencing and a reference list of sources using the Harvard referencing system.

(The easiest method to use in this case is the experimental method) for example, the IV (independent variable) is music- recalled more / no music– recalled less -see experimental method diagram in the attached file

What is Accounting Equation and explain why the accounting equation will always work? What benefits might a company gain from having its shares listed on a stock exchange?

Business Finance. Analytical Report

2.1 What is Accounting Equation and explain why the accounting equation will always work? Also, provide an example with your explanation.

2.2 What benefits might a company gain from having its shares listed on a stock exchange?

2.3 Who do you think might be considered to be stakeholders in a large listed company like Marks and Spenser?

2.4 Is the profit that a business makes a reliable indicator of its cash balances? What are the differences between Profit and Cash?

On the assignment instruction shows as 2500 words, but it is changed to 1750 words. Do the cash budget (excel sheet sent attached to be used) + 1750 words to answer the questions.

As the written part is only 1750 I am paying for 2000 words so it covers the task one + references.


Did I implement the intervention as planned? If not, what were the reasons? Compare the projected effectiveness of your plan before implementation with the actual effectiveness after implementation.

Methods of Changing Burnout in Nursing

Did I implement the intervention as planned? If not, what were the reasons?
Interview/measure outcomes for two or three members of your group to determine/measure the effectiveness of the intervention(s).
Include transcripts of the interviews with the participants from the group in the appendix of your paper.
Finally, compare the projected effectiveness of your plan before implementation with the actual effectiveness after implementation.
Are there visible signs of success (for example, reduced health issues)? If yes, describe. If no, describe what signs you would anticipate and rationale for no change.

What ethical issues relate to the cybersecurity threat discussed in the case study? How do you see the importance of applying a deontological or consequentialist approach to addressing cyber threats that transcend national boundaries not only now, but into the future?

North Korea and the Sony Hack

What ethical issues relate to the cybersecurity threat discussed in the case study?
How do you see the importance of applying a deontological or consequentialist approach to addressing cyber threats that transcend national boundaries not only now, but into the future?
How might a pluralist approach to ethics be employed to further develop and implement an effective international agreement on cyber norms?

How are media representations connected to power and colonization? How does The Exiles, Harold of Orange, or Powwow Highway connect to the lived experiences of Native American communities in the 20th century?

Shifting representations of Native Americans in film

Compare the shifting representations of Native Americans in film by choosing Stagecoach, The Battle at Elderbush Gulch, or The Redman’s View–and compare it to The Exiles, Harold of Orange, or Powwow Highway. How are media representations connected to power and colonization? How does The Exiles, Harold of Orange, or Powwow Highway connect to the lived experiences of Native American communities in the 20th century? Why is it important to have Native American actors and stories represented in film? Connect your response to at least one class reading.