
What countries are doing to protect that species and evaluation of those management strategies. Factors that led to the species becoming endangered/critically endangered

Select any endangered or critically endangered species.

Select any endangered or critically endangered species. Write a paper (on the selected species) which includes the following:

• Distribution

• Population size(s)

• Factors that led to the species becoming endangered/critically endangered

• What countries are doing to protect that species and evaluation of those management strategies

• Likely future outcomes

The paper must be written following all standard, academic writing conventions (format, organization, citations etc.)

The paper will demonstrate your ability to connect course materials to your research.

Length of paper: 2500 – 3000 words

Graphics: maps, charts, graphs, etc. should be incorporated within the paper.

Tell a subjectively framed story ;focus in on one or two things about that life and work you find especially interesting?


An “obituary” of a figure in film history. Anyone at all: an actor, writer, director, producer, costume designer, etc. It could be someone who worked during the silent era, or someone who made their first film last year. This is, above all, a creative writing exercise. tell a subjectively framed story ;focus in on one or two things about that life and work you find especially interesting?

How do the two corporations comply with OECD Principle II: The rights and equitable treatment of shareholders and key ownership functions?

Principles of Corporate Governance.

The purpose of this assignment is to assist you in developing an understanding of corporate governance principles. You need to choose two companies from the following alternatives, and evaluate how these two corporations comply with the OECD (The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) Principles of Corporate Governance.

Alternative 1: Scotiabank vs. Canadian Western Bank (CWB Financial Group)

Alternative 2: , Inc. vs. Shopify Inc.

Alternative 3: Ford Motor Company vs. Magna International Inc.

Alternative 4: Costco Wholesale Corporation vs. Metro Inc.

1. The Basics

a. In writing your assignment, you should answer the following questions:

• How do the two corporations comply with OECD Principle II: The rights and equitable treatment of shareholders and key ownership functions?

• How do the two corporations comply with OECD Principle IV: The role of stakeholders in corporate governance?

• How do the two corporations comply with OECD Principle V: Disclosure and transparency?

• How do the two corporations comply with OECD Principle VI: The responsibilities of the board?

• Which corporation has indicated stronger corporate governance? (Explain your answer sufficiently)

Define and explain how perfect competition or a highly competitive markets impact the supply of goods and services? Explain these economic concepts applied to a specific highly competitive UK-based industry between 2010 and 2019.

Production decisions in UK manufacturing between 2010 to 2019

Task 1: Answer the following question

“When and why do inputs and costs impact the production decisions related to the supply of goods and services? Explain these economic concepts using examples from within the UK economy between 2010 and 2019”

• Task 2: Answer the following question

“Define and explain how perfect competition or a highly competitive markets impact the supply of goods and services? Explain these economic concepts applied to a specific highly competitive UK-based industry between 2010 and 2019”.


Describe how work attitudes are similar and different from one another. Describe two aspects of EQ that can be different in another person. What does this tell us about differences across people?


1.- There are many job attitudes, the definition of some of those attitudes may “overlap” with one another. Note that one attitude – job satisfaction – was described as a sum of many facets.

(a) Describe how work attitudes are similar and different from one another (describe at least 3 work attitudes),

(b) discuss whether the facets of job satisfaction are indeed different or a single thing. Include your own experience in your answer (Hint: you could describe the two most important facets contributing to your own “overall” job satisfaction).

2.- Is it okay to get angry at work? What about crying? Would this be the same for someone in a service job where cheerfulness is expected by a customer (e.g. a waiter/waitress)? What about other jobs or organizations that could be considered very emotionally charged (describe what you would think is a job or organization that is very emotionally charged).

3.- Provide a detailed EI (EQ) appraisal for someone you know (yourself, boss, coworker, family member – you may not mention the person by name, but make sure it is a true person). Describe the five EI components mentioned by Goleman and use them to illustrate the appraisal. How do you think this person developed this skill? What do you think are the likely consequences? How does that person’s EI reflect or differ from his or her general intelligence (IQ)?

4.- Describe two aspects of EQ that can be different in another person. What does this tell us about differences across people?

Compare and contrast the Articles of Confederation to the Constitution. Why was the nation having difficulties functioning under the Articles? List and discuss the presidency of George Washington. What precedents did Washington set as president?

American History

Introduction paragraph can be short and doesn’t need a thesis. About 2 paragraphs per question. Sources only from website with .edu or .org, and in-text citations. Bibliography will be the fourth page.

1. Compare and contrast the Articles of Confederation to the Constitution. Why was the nation having difficulties functioning under the Articles?

2. List and discuss the presidency of George Washington. What precedents did Washington set as president?

3. Analyze and evaluate the presidency of Thomas Jefferson. Be sure to discuss his domestic and foreign policies.

4. Describe the War of 1812. Why was the war fought and what was its outcomes?

Who has the power to change this policy? Who is hurt by this policy? Who is helped by this policy? Who needs to be informed about this policy? Who might be conflicted by this policy? Who is debating this policy in my community?

Intentional Abortion Prewriting

Part One: Asking and Answering Questions

Many of us are familiar with the six traditional journalist questions: Who? What? Where? Why? When? and How? These questions help journalists identify the details of an event so that it can be reported on clearly and accurately. However, when using journalist questions for other writing projects, these six questions can be applied with more variety. After all, you are not just “reporting” on an issue; you are also analyzing arguments and constructing an argument of your own.

So how does a writer apply these six questions in a more expansive way? In our discussion board, we imagined a writer considering the argument that Omaha Public Libraries should eliminate late fees. In generating ideas for this argument, we might first begin by asking “Who is affected by this policy?” That’s clearly a useful question to ask, but it is not the only who question we might ask. If we push ourselves further, we could ask a variety of who questions: Who has the power to change this policy? Who is hurt by this policy? Who is helped by this policy? Who needs to be informed about this policy? Who might be conflicted by this policy? Who is debating this policy in my community? Who uses library resources the most? Who doesn’t use these resources? Who funds the library? Who are the readers of my argument? Who is unexpectedly affected by this policy?

As you can see, our list of Who questions can go on somewhat indefinitely. The same applies for the other five journalist questions: What is the current policy? What is the proposed change? What steps are needed to enact the changes? What would be the effect on patrons? What would be the effect on librarians? What would be the effect on taxpayers?

By viewing journalist questions in this expansive sense, we can explore our understanding of subjects thoroughly and systematically.

In the first part of this assignment you will explore your issue by creating a list of journalist questions and answering them completely. Your questions and answers should demonstrate that you are building a big picture of the issue in your community, not simply approaching your argument from a one-sided perspective or as an intellectual exercise. You should use all six journalist questions, and for each, you should generate 2-3 useful varieties of the question, along with your answers to each. For example, you should write 2-3 useful who questions, 2-3 useful what questions, etc. and then write a brief answer for each question. You are free to and encouraged to write and answer more than 2-3 questions for each if it helps you build a greater understanding of your issue, but at a minimum, part 1 should contain 12 questions and answers.

Part Two: Analysis

Now that you have a big picture view of the issue in your community, it is time to review your answers and to analyze how you can apply this knowledge to build a constructive argument.

For the second half of your assignment, you will fully answer the following questions:

Which different groups or stakeholders share common ground on the issue and can form alliances? What is this common ground, and why do they share it?
Which different groups or stakeholders hold opposing views? What common ground or “shared realities,” as Dhar current policy calls them, do these opposing groups or stakeholders have? How might these shared realities be used to build bridges between opposing stakeholders?
What reasons in support of your position will be most persuasive to your readers, and why? What counter-arguments (reasons against your position) do you think are most convincing, and why? How might you rebut these reasons? What counter-arguments will you concede in order to build bridges and show that you are an arguer of good faith?
Submitting Your Work

What “bad things” can happen when a successful phishing attack gives outsiders access to company networks and computers? How can employees avoid “biting” on a “phish?”

Discussion – Phishing

Write a short “newsletter” article (3 to 5 paragraphs) for the non-technical managers and employees at Sifers-Grayson to explain the following:
(a) What is Phishing? (Focus on phishing emails and targeted attacks that include spear phishing and whaling.)
(b) What “bad things” can happen when a successful phishing attack gives outsiders access to company networks and computers?
(c) How can employees avoid “biting” on a “phish?”
(d) How should employees report phishing attacks? Why is immediate reporting critical to stopping the attackers?
Since this article is for a newsletter, you may use an informal but professional tone (address the reader as “you,” use “we” and “our” to refer to the organization’s perspective). The focus of the article should be upon changing how people think about and respond to computer security incidents. Humor is good but should not lessen the severity of the problem.
Provide in-text citations and references for 3 or more authoritative sources. Put the reference list at the end of your article.

Prepare an unadjusted trial balance, in correct format, from the following alphabetized account information. Assume accounts have normal balances. Assets, liabilities, then owner equity accounts.

Mastery Assignment Ch. 3

Complete the following problems on an excel spreadsheet. Number your entries based on the letter. Be sure to use the appropriate account name for each transaction. Each transaction should have two accounts (debit and credit)

PA12.) Sewn for You had the following transactions in its first week of business. Prepare the necessary journal entries to record these transactions.

A. Jessica Johansen started Sewn for You, a seamstress business, by contributing $20,000 and receiving stock in exchange.

B. Paid $2,250 to cover the first three months’ rent.

C. Purchased $500 of sewing supplies. She paid cash for the purchase.

D. Purchased a sewing machine for $1,500 paying $200 cash and signing a note for the balance.(compound entry)

E. Finished a job for a customer earning $180. The customer paid cash.

F. Received a $500 down payment to make a wedding dress.

G. Received an electric bill for $125 which is due to be paid in three weeks.

H. Completed an altering job for $45. The customer asked to be billed.

PA16.) Prepare journal entries to record the following transactions for the month of July:

Use the appropriate date.

A. on first day of the month, paid rent for current month, $2,000

B. on tenth day of month, paid prior month balance due on accounts, $3,100

C. on twelfth day of month, collected cash for services provided, $5,500

D. on twentyfirst day of month, paid salaries to employees, $3,600

E. on thirtyfirst day of month, paid for dividends to shareholders, $800

PA20.) Prepare an unadjusted trial balance, in correct format, from the following alphabetized account information. Assume accounts have normal balances. Assets, liabilities, then owner equity accounts.

Prepare journal entries to record the following transactions. Create a T-account for Interest Payable, post any entries that affect the account, and tally the ending balance for the account (assume Interest Payable beginning balance of $2,500).

Mastery Assignment Ch. 4

Complete the following problems in Excel. Use a different tab for each problems using the correct number format. Make sure you use two accounts (debit and credit) for the adjusting entries. Read the problems carefully.

PA10.) Prepare journal entries to record the following transactions. Create a Taccount for Interest Payable, post any entries that affect the account, and tally the ending balance for the account (assume Interest Payable beginning balance of $2,500).

A. March 1, paid interest due on note, $2,500

B. December 31, interest accrued on note payable, $4,250

PA13.) Prepare adjusting journal entries, as needed, considering the account balances excerpted from the unadjusted trial balance and the adjustment data.

A. supplies actual count at year end, $6,500

B. remaining unexpired insurance, $6,000

C. remaining unearned service revenue, $1,200

D. salaries owed to employees, $2,400

E. depreciation on property plant and equipment, $18,000

PA15.) Prepare an adjusted trial balance from the following account information, considering the adjustment; data provided (assume accounts have normal balances). Equipment was recently purchased, so there is neither depreciation expense nor accumulated depreciation.

Adjustments needed:

Salaries due to employees, but unpaid at the end of the period, $2,000

Insurance still unexpired at end of the period, $12,000