
Describe the key linguistic features of a range of texts. Identify key terms and concepts relevant to an analysis of the linguistic features of a text. Compare how language is used to achieve effects in two texts/extracts from texts.

Introduction to English Language and Literature: Language analysis

Assessment criteria:

Understand the key linguistic features of a range of texts;

1.1 Describe the key linguistic features of a range of texts.

1.2 Analyse the EFFECTS of key linguistic features within the texts. Understand a range of linguistic terms and concepts;

2.1 Identify key terms and concepts relevant to an analysis of the linguistic features of a text.

2.2 Apply relevant linguistic terms and concepts when discussing or analysing the texts.

Respond independently to textual material;

3.1 Engage with the language of texts which have been chosen from a range of textual material.

3.2 Discuss the construction of texts with reference to context.

3.3 Undertake a linguistic analysis of text providing supporting evidence.

Assignment brief:

Compare how language is used to achieve effects in two texts/extracts from texts. (The two extracts will be attached)

Within your plan, consider the range of features you want to include, and plan the order in which you will consider them. Have a clear paragraph structure if relevant to your answer including an introduction and conclusion.

To meet AC 1.1 make sure that you engage with the language of texts that have been chosen

Make sure you analyse and compare the effects of key linguistic features of the texts, such as audience, purpose, Alexis, syntax, form and register (1.2) Include relevant textual evidence to support your points.

If secondary sources are used, include in-text referencing and bibliography, using the Harvard referencing system

Present your work in an essay of up to 2000 words.

Provide one DEI Business issue topic. Then state your position and provide an argument to justify your position. What would you most like to talk about in the discussion section on 11/2?

Answer these 3 questions

1.Provide one objection to having DEI policies and practices at a business. Share an argument (moral or empirical) to justify the objection.

(Suggested Length: 2-4 sentences)

2.Provide one DEI Business issue topic. Then state your position and provide an argument (empirical or moral) to justify your position.

(2-4 sentences)

3.What would you most like to talk about in the discussion section on 11/2?

Potential answers could include talking about how companies implement certain DEI policies or maybe the messaging around these DEI policies. Also about if implementing these policies even provide effective change?

Explain the legal parameters for patient rights and the role that Dr. S and Dr. V play in protecting those rights. Explain the federal, statutory, or case laws that apply in this scenario.

Stark and Anti-Kickback Laws Limit Lab-Marketing Methods

Two physicians, Dr. S. and Dr. V., leased a nuclear camera so they would no longer have to refer their patients to the local hospital for nuclear imaging. Faced with the prospect of losing over a third of its $2,274,094 in annual gross nuclear medicine revenues, the hospital responded by threatening to revoke the doctors’ admitting privileges. Lengthy negotiations ensued, at the end of which the hospital agreed to sublease the camera from the two physicians; the camera remained at the physicians’ offices but other physicians with privileges at the hospital could use it. Four other local physicians who provided the same or similar services to patients as Dr. S. and Dr. V. brought a qui tam action alleging that the sublease violated the Anti-Kickback and Stark Acts and that the defendants falsely certified compliance with those laws in connection with claims submitted to Medicare in violation of the False Claims Act.

Analyze whether the actions of Dr. S. and Dr. V. violated Stark Law.
Explain the legal parameters for patient rights and the role that Dr. S and Dr. V play in protecting those rights.
Explain the federal, statutory, or case laws that apply in this scenario.
Provide solid evidence supporting your decision by utilizing information from the University of Arizona Global Campus Library as well as the law itself.

Briefly, discuss the findings in a study conducted by Donner, Fridell, and Jennings (2016) pertaining to the relationship between self-control and police misconduct.

Self-control and police misconduct

Briefly, discuss the findings in a study conducted by Donner, Fridell, and Jennings (2016) pertaining to the relationship between self-control and police misconduct. In doing so, discuss Gottfredson and Hirschi’s (1990) general theory of crime as it is relative to self-control theory and police misconduct.

Note: The essay response given should reflect upper-level undergraduate writing in accordance with current APA standards. The essay response is to include in-text citation(s) in proper APA format. In-text citations are to correspond to a source in proper APA format listed after the essay response.


Briefly, discuss the effectiveness of consent degrees and Section 14141 of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994.

Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994.

Briefly, discuss the effectiveness of consent degrees and Section 14141 of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994. In doing so, describe the legal provision which allowed the Department of Justice DOJ to intervene in instances where allegations are made that constitutional policing is not followed as a matter of patterns and practices.

Note: The essay response given should reflect upper-level undergraduate writing in accordance with current APA standards. The essay response is to include in-text citation(s) in proper APA format. In-text citations are to correspond to a source in proper APA format listed after the essay response.

What is the most common type of geothermal plant? Describe the principle behind Binary geothermal power plant. What is the principle behind OTEC? Highlight the operational differences between three types of OTEC systems.       

Renewable Energy Exam 2

1. Geothermal resources are divided into six categories. What are they and analyze them withpros/cons? (6 pts.)

2. What is the most common type of geothermal plant? Describe the principle behind Binary geothermal power plant.   (4 pts.)

3. What is the principle behind OTEC? Highlight the operational differences between three types of OTEC systems         (6 pts)

4. A tidal generating station (barrage design) produces electricity at an efficiency of 40% during the falling tide (only) from a basin that is 20 km2 in area with a tidal range of 10 m. Energy is stored during the rising tide and distributed uniformly in time. What is the average power output? (4 points) – Hint (see pages 408411)

5. The Pelamis is an excellent device for harvesting wave energy. It is constructed in four hinged sections and has a total length of 120 m. Discuss the relevance of this geometry and size (5 points)

6. Compare and contrast high-head/low-head hydro systems. What are the basic types of turbines for hydro power?       (5 pts)

7. The Hoover Dam has a head of 180 m and a maximum output capacity of 2080 MWe. If the generator efficiency is 90% what is the flow rate in m3/s at maximum capacity? (show the calculations) (5 pts)

8. What is Betz limit? Explain its relevance and factors involved in maximizing wind-turbine’s efficiency (5 pts)

9. Compare and contrast heat engine versus Photovoltaic devices of energy from the sun (5 pts)

10. Evaluate the usefulness of solar heating on the basis of heating requirements for a building (5 pts)

Why do you think you remember this event so vividly? What does this event tell us about you? About your memory? Is it possible that your memory of the events is inaccurate?

Narrative Paper

Write and submit an outline for your narrative event paper, the assignment for which appears below. See LB Brief and St Martin’s Guide for examples of outlines.

Write a 1000 word narrative “event” paper that describes and analyzes an event in your life. The story needs to include setting, character, conflict, rising action, climax, and resolution. Be sure to use the model stories in the text as good examples in writing your own. You may write about one of the following topics, or one of your own:

The funniest/scariest/saddest thing that has ever happened to you.
A single event or decision in your life that you feel would help a stranger (the reader) understand you better.
An argument or encounter where you realized later that you were wrong.
Your earliest memory.
An event or experience that has stayed with you since early childhood. Why do you think you remember this event so vividly? What does this event tell us about you? About your memory? Is it possible that your memory of the events is inaccurate?

Compare how different historians have approached the topic – what sources have they used? How have they used them? What approach have they taken? What arguments do they make? What contribution does this work make? Are there issues of bias and omission?

Marriage in post-Famine Ireland

Compare the treatment, in three or more historical studies, of any approved theme, event or episode

Compare how different historians have approached the topic – what sources have they used? How have they used them? What approach have they taken? What arguments do they make? What contribution does this work make? Are there issues of bias and omission?

Write a blog post on why it holds meaning for you, how to apply it in a business setting.

Blog post

Find a quote on leadership or on active listening.

Write a blog post on why it holds meaning for you, how to apply it in a business setting.

Your blog post should have your own title, but begin the post with the quote you have found.

Critically examine the contention that addressing climate change is as much a political as an environmental problem

Climate change

Critically examine the contention that addressing climate change is as much a political as an environmental problem