
What was the author’s main objective for writing this book? Why do you think it has been assigned for this public health course? What emotions did you feel personally about what you read? What information did you learn or find most interesting? Least interesting?

Reflection paper

Write a 4-page reflection paper about The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. Reflection papers should be in first person voice.  Do not give a plot summary BUT provide enough details/examples from the book to demonstrate that you read it. Do not use websites that provide summaries of the books; you must read the books yourself.

What was the author’s main objective for writing this book?
Why do you think it has been assigned for this public health course?
What emotions did you feel personally about what you read?
What information did you learn or find most interesting? Least interesting?
What information did you find surprising? Why?
How does this book relate to other books you have read/movies you have seen/ things you have learned?
After reading the book, in what way has your view of the world changed, if at all?

Describe the legislation and what was accomplished. What additional steps need to be taken to continue advocacy for this issue?

Influencing Health Care Through Advocacy

Research legislation that has occurred within the last 5 years at the state or federal level as a result of nurse advocacy. Describe the legislation and what was accomplished. What additional steps need to be taken to continue advocacy for this issue?

What are the ramifications on dissolving families from separating them at the border?

Separation of families and children

Research Question- What are the ramifications on dissolving families from separating them at the border?

What the ultimate uses of that technology might be? How will the impact of that technology affect civilization and life as we know it? What differences will it make? How might the evolution of that technology change social, political, and economic conditions?

5G Networks

Write an essay on your selected topic (emerging technology). In your essay, discuss the following items using your own opinion:

• What the ultimate uses of that technology might be?

• How will the impact of that technology affect civilization and life as we know it?

• What differences will it make?

• How might the evolution of that technology change social, political, and economic conditions?

• What beneficial effects or harmful effects will result?

• Look into the future and imagine the changes that might result from the use of that new technology. This assignment is in the Short Essay Format. Be sure to include reasons and facts as required to support your answer, but also make sure that you incorporate your opinion. Total length of this assignment needs to be a minimum of 2 full pages; maximum of 3 pages. Use MS Word with font size 12 and submit it via Canvas.

Discuss, whether the event is exploitable by you to create a positive alpha for your portfolio. Outline a strategy that you will use to create the positive alpha. Explain why you are unable to create a positive alpha strategy.

Discussion Questions

You are an active fund manager. For each of the recent events given below discuss, whether the event is exploitable by you to create a positive alpha for your portfolio. If the event is exploitable, outline a strategy that you will use to create the positive alpha. For events that are not exploitable, explain why you are unable to create a positive alpha strategy. (5 marks per question) (suggested word limit 2000)

1. Retail traders aggressively buy ‘meme’ stocks targeting stocks shortsold by hedge funds.

2. Major governments in the world provide incentives for the use of hydrogen as a fuel.

3. Major fund management companies increase their allocations to Chinese equities.

4. Trading platforms such as Robinhood impose bans on individual traders trading memestocks.

5. The regulator decides to ban ALL analysts’ reports due to potential conflicts of interest.

6. Cybersecurity breaches become very common.

7. Major central banks permit investors to hold cryptocurrencies.

8. Major central banks of the world exit quantitative easing.

Describe the phenomenon of mirror image isomerism (also called optical isomerism). What are the problems with mirror image isomerism when producing drugs? Motivate with examples.

Mirror image isomerism

a Describe the phenomenon of mirror image isomerism (also called optical isomerism). Your
answer should include the following concepts: chirality, asymmetric center and enantiomer.

b What are the problems with mirror image isomerism when producing drugs? Motivate with

Calculate the expected return and standard deviation for the returns of each asset. Which portfolios are efficient? Calculate the expected return and the standard deviation of the minimum-variance portfolio, G. 

Calculations and Analysis

You are given the following distributions of returns for two assets, X and Y:





11 3
9 15
25 2
7 20
2 6
A . Calculate the expected return and standard deviation for the returns of each asset
(2 marks)
B . Calculate the covariance between the returns of asset X and asset Y. 
(2 marks)
C .
Complete the table below for the mean and standard deviation of the given portfolios.  (3 marks)
Hint: Use the weights in decimals in the calculations and then covert your answers into percentages. A few results are calculated for you in the table.

Percentage in X
Percentage in Y E(rP)



25 9.50 6.18
75 8.50 5.96
125 7.50 11.42

D . Discuss your results. (2 marks)
E . Next, sketch the following relationships:

a. Between the expected return on the portfolios and the weight, w, invested in asset X.

b. Between the standard deviation of the portfolios and the weight in X.

c. Between the mean and standard deviation of the portfolios in a single graph (the meanstandard deviation plane).

(3 marks)

F . Discuss your plots.
(2 marks)

G . Which portfolios are efficient? (2 marks)
H .
The minimumvariance portfolio weight in X, w*, is given by: YXXY22 YXXY2

The minimumvariance portfolio is also called the global minimumvariance portfolio.
Find w* using this formula.
(2 marks)

I . Calculate the expected return and the standard deviation of the minimumvariance portfolio, G. 
(2 marks

Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience?

Obstacles we encounter

The lessons that we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental of later success. Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience?

Draw tree-diagrams to show the possible paths of the share price and call price over one six-month period. Would the analyst price the European call option at, above, or below the original price calculated in Part c? Why?

Calculations and Analysis

A share now sells for $40.00. This price will either increase by 10% (by a factor of u = 1.10) or decrease by 20% (by a factor of d = 0.80) over a sixmonth period. A European call option on this share has an exercise price of $42 and a time to expiry of six months. The riskfree rate is 6% per year. Use the oneperiod binomial option pricing model to find the price of the call option. You should present your calculations and explanations as follows:

a. Draw treediagrams to show the possible paths of the share price and call price over one sixmonth period. [2 Marks]
Note: Show the numbers that are known and use letter(s) for what is unknown in your diagrams.

b. Compute the hedge ratio and show clearly how to form a perfect hedge. [1 Marks]

c. Find the call option price. Explain your calculations clearly. [2 Marks]
An analyst disagrees with the current share price movement predictions and believes that the share  price will either increase by 20% or decrease by 30% over a sixmonth period. Assume that the  European call option has the same exercise price and the same time to expiry.

d. Would the analyst price the European call option at, above, or below the original price calculated in Part c? Why? [Maximum: 200 words] [5 Marks]

Describe how you have furthered this interest inside and/or outside of the classroom.

Academic subject

Think about an academic subject that inspires you. Describe how you have furthered this interest inside and/or outside of the classroom. Things to consider: Many students have a passion for one specific bject area, something that tacad…