
For the bond with a coupon of 5.5% paid annually, with 10 years to maturity and a YTM of 6.10%, calculate the duration and modified duration. Calculate the price change for a 50 basis point drop in yield using duration plus convexity.

Calculations and Analysis

a) For the bond with a coupon of 5.5% paid annually, with 10 years to maturity and a YTM of 6.10%, calculate the duration and modified duration. (3 marks)

b) For the bond described in a) above, calculate the convexity. (3 marks)

c) Calculate the price change for a 50 basis point drop in yield using duration plus convexity. (2 marks)

d) Samantha and Roberta are discussing the riskiness of two treasury bonds A& B with the following features:

Price Modified Duration
90 4
50 6
Samantha claims that Bond B has more price volatility because of its higher modified duration.
Roberta disagrees and claims that Bond A has more price volatility despite its lower modified  duration. Who is right

Discuss the strength and weakness of constructivism in explaining the contemporary world

Strength and Weakness of Constructivism

Discuss the strength and weakness of constructivism in explaining the contemporary world

What trends do you see affecting the future of independent practices? Also, include how independent practices affect public health.

Effects of Change on Independent Practices

As a health leader, use evidence to discuss the effects of hospital mergers, consolidations, and expansions on independent practices. Also, include in your discussion how independent practices affect public health. What trends do you see affecting the future of independent practices?

How have these changes in profitability affected these organizations? How does uncertainty about future health care reforms and policy changes affect these organizations?

Health Care Reform and Policy Changes

As a patient-consumer and health leader, use evidence to discuss the effects of health care reforms and policy changes on private and nonprofit organizations’ profitability. Examples of health care reforms include things such as the quality management component of the Affordable Care Act. How have these changes in profitability affected these organizations? How does uncertainty about future health care reforms and policy changes affect these organizations?

What information would you need to know directly from the end-customer to a) validate you have the right customer segment, and b) create a full persona?

Secondary Research

Creating a persona starts by first identifying the target customer segment and then narrowing it down to the end-customer. Much of the initial analysis will come from using secondary resources. Secondary resources are a source for data about customer groups, their characteristics, behaviors, or needs and wants. One common mistake entrepreneurs will make is to disconnect the value proposition and the business model from the target customer segment. Remember that you are building a business for the customer segment that is willing and able to purchase a product or service from you. Making a product for someone that is not willing or able to pay you for it is not a viable business.

For the secondary research assignment, students will use the worksheets below to organize their research, thoughts, and analysis on who their end-customer may potentially be. Use the database from the Lynn University Library under the business databases set. The librarians have identified some of the most commonly used databases to help you do your research.

Students will submit the following:

1) Create a persona for each end-customer related to your business idea. Some businesses like Uber have two end-customer, riders and drivers.

2) Provide at least 20 characteristics related to each end-customer.

3) Describe the behaviors of the end-customer that may influence their decisions to purchase to buy your product or service.

4) Describe the behaviors or issues which could cause the end-customer to not buy your product or service.

5) What information would you need to know directly from the end-customer to a) validate you have the right customer segment, and b) create a full persona?

6) Use the APA template (Links to an external site.) and complete using APA 7 rules. Although there are no page minimums, thoroughness and details are very important.

7) Students should have at least 5 credible sources both on a reference page and in-text citations.

Worksheets to help organize your research, thoughts, and analysis: (attached)

Evaluate a business and management problem based on material taught in the first half of the course supported with relevant research in the area of management theory.

[Revision] First Five Report – based on Case Study Veoila

2,000 words in Report Format‘Staff Issues’ based on case study Veolia. When discussing staff issues in Veolia, it could refer to how they manage people well, or where people are managed less well.

Evaluate a business and management problem based on material taught in the first half of the course (listed below) supported with relevant research in the area of management theory.

Introduction to Management and Organisational Behaviour

Staff Issues – Diversity, Communication and Job Satisfaction/Motivation

Organisational Structure

Managerial Behaviour/ Management Techniques

The Role of HRM

Essential reading:

-Management an Introduction Paperback – 2 May 2013

Book by David Boddy 2017 (Author)

-Management and Organisational Behaviour Paperback – 2 May 2013

by Laurie J. Mullins  (Author)

-Management: An Introduction, by David Boddy – with MyManagementLab Paperback – CLV, 6 Jan 2014

by David Boddy  (Author)

Discuss the role of education in promoting understanding of the key concepts of equality, social justice, culture and citizenship

Role of education

Discuss the role of education in promoting understanding of the key concepts of equality, social justice, culture and citizenship.

Evaluate the MSE, MAD, MAPE, bias, and TS (i.e., the KPIs) in each case. Which of the two methods is better? Why? Use Holt’s model to estimate the demand? Is it a better method? Why?

Demand Forecasting for Domino Pizza at Melbourne, Australia Description:

Demand for supreme pizzas at Domino’s Pizza in a suburb of Melbourne in the last 12 days are as follows:

Day Demand
1 108
2 116
3 118
4 124
5 96
6 119
7 96
8 102
9 112
10 102
11 92
12 91

Estimate demand for the next 4 days using a 4-day moving average as well as simple exponential smoothing with  = 0.1. (4 marks)
Evaluate the MSE, MAD, MAPE, bias, and TS (i.e., the KPIs) in each case. Which of the two methods is better? Why? (3 marks)
Use Holt’s model to estimate the demand? Is it a better method? Why? (3 marks)

If management at Teens Forever is to pick only one of the two suppliers, which one would you recommend? What is the NPV of the expected profit over the next two periods for each of the two choices? Assume a discount factor of k = 0.1 per period.

A Potential Hybrid Strategy

The local supplier has also offered another proposal that would allow Teens Forever to use both suppliers, each playing a different role. The Chinese supplier would produce a base quantity for the season and the local supplier would cover any shortfalls that result. The short lead time of the local supplier would ensure that no sales are lost. In other words, if Teens Forever committed to a base load of 900 units with the Chinese supplier in a given period and demand was 900 units or less, nothing would be ordered from the local supplier. If demand, however, was larger than 900 units (say, 1,100), the shortfall of 200 units would be supplied by the local supplier. Under a hybrid strategy, the local supplier would end up supplying only a small fraction of the season’s demand. For this extra flexibility and reduced volumes, however, the local supplier proposes to charge $11/unit if it is used as part of a hybrid strategy.

Draw a decision tree reflecting the uncertainty over the next two periods. Identify each node in terms of demand and exchange rate and the transition probabilities. (8 marks)
If management at Teens Forever is to pick only one of the two suppliers, which one would you recommend? What is the NPV of the expected profit over the next two periods for each of the two choices? Assume a discount factor of k = 0.1 per period. (6 marks)
What do you think about the hybrid approach? Is it worth paying the local supplier extra to use it as part of a hybrid strategy? For the hybrid approach, assume that management will order a base load of 900 units from the Chinese supplier for each of the two periods, making up any shortfall in each period at the local supplier. Evaluate the NPV of the expected profits for the hybrid option assuming a discount factor of k
= 0.1 per period. (6 marks)

What disease or scientific area are you studying, and why was that chosen as your priority area for the health of the public?

Chemical Lumbar Sympathectomies for Non-reconstructable Ischaemic Limb Pain

Your Rapid Literature Review should be 3000 words, +/-10% (not including references, tables or figures). It should be focussed upon the field you are studying and include the following sections:

Background –

What disease or scientific area are you studying, and why was that chosen as your priority area for the health of the public? This should discuss the public health impact of the disease: the extent to which it impacts upon the health of the general public in terms of morbidity, mortality, incidence and prevalence.

Review question

Search methods –

Explaining how and where you searched, evidence of having planned your search, which search techniques you used and why, detailing your specific article inclusion/exclusion criteria, how many articles you found in each source, any modifications you made in your strategy as you went along, and a precise record of your main search strategy to be included as an appendix.

Review of the selected literature including (but not restricted to) critical appraisal of five papers, identified by you as most relevant and of high quality. The review may include guidelines, but must include critical review of original research, such as the clinical and methodological strengths and weaknesses of the literature studied.

Synthesis of whole literature studied, including knowledge gained in relation to:
Your review question
Amount of good research in this area compared to the health need
Your protocol/study question
Implementation of your project.


To pass this assessment, your supervisor must acknowledge the standard of work produced as being at or above expected level in the “Overall Quality” criteria of the assessment form. If your assessment is noted as being below expected level, you will be offered a second attempt at the assessment.