
Following a global pandemic that has changed and will continue to change the workspaces and the way in which work is undertaken, what can organisations do to promote wellbeing in the workplace?

Managment and strategy

Introduction to essay topic:

The Labour Force Survey indicated that in Great Britain in 2018, 595,000 people were experiencing work-related stress, depression or anxiety, equating to 15.4 million days lost working days. (HSE, 2018)

Q2) Your essay task:

Three years on from the LFS, and following a global pandemic that has changed and will continue to change the workspaces and the way in which work is undertaken, what can organisations do to promote wellbeing in the workplace?Short introduction, no conclusion

Analyse the importance of Stakeholders with regards to designing sustainable organisations for the future.

Portfolio section 2

Family business- wooden toys manufactory
Stakeholders are seen as key players in an organisations ability to remain competitive.Your task is to;Analyse the importance of Stakeholders with regards to designing sustainable organisations for the future.

Is the demand for employees increasing, decreasing, or remaining steady? Does the geographic region play a role? Does specialization within the field make a difference?

MBA Project 3

In this project, you will create a professional presence on LinkedIn, a professional social media network that is widely used by professionals and employers in most industries. If your profession or personal beliefs prevent you from establishing a LinkedIn profile, you may submit a Word document with the same sections as a live LinkedIn profile. As part of this project, you will conduct research into your present or desired industry, create a branding statement, and create or revise a LinkedIn profile using what you have learned about the industry and yourself.
There are four steps in this project that will lead you through each deliverable. Most steps should take no more than two hours to complete. Begin by watching the video above, which introduces the fictional scenario that provides the framework for the project. Then continue with Step 1: Engage in Analysis and Reflection.

You now know your assignment, but before you get started, take a few minutes to think about a strategy for success. First, watch the See Yourself in a New Career Video for some inspiration and ideas.
Are you seeking to advance in your current field? Are you changing fields? Where are you right now in your career? Where do you want to be? Will you be seeking a new position in your field or will you need to seek opportunities to get experience in a new field? What are your goals and objectives? What particular positions do you want, and what is your time frame for obtaining them?
Next, consider what the market is like in the industry or field in which you’d like to apply your degree. Is the demand for employees increasing, decreasing, or remaining steady? Does the geographic region play a role? Does specialization within the field make a difference? Use the UMGC library to locate journal articles, books, and other sources that will help you identify information about your industry or field. You might revisit Business Research for support.
Finally, you need to think about what the competition is like. Who else is seeking positions in this profession? Who are the primary competitors for employment and upward mobility in this field? Can you identify individuals who are your main competition (e.g., if you are competing internally)? How do you compare to these competitors? What do you need to do to become more competitive? Check out CareerQuest for guidance on making your résumé stand out, virtual interviews, and more.


Compare how each author does this (what type of evidence they use, what kind of argument they are making), the strengths and weakness of each reading, and what conclusions can be drawn from reading these two pieces together.

Comparing the Stereotypes

PROMPT: Holcombe and Woodside both go the great lengths to dispell stereotypes of East Asia as stagnant,unchanging, despotic societies. Compare how each author does this (what type of evidence they use, what kind of argument they are making), the strengths and weakness of each reading, and what conclusions can be drawn from reading these two pieces together.

Explain the critical path in a wedding project network, for example there are nine sequential list of activity tasks (Venue, Announcements, Bakery, Food Caterer, Photographer, Entertainment, Florist, Officiant) that constitute the wedding plan.


1. Explain the critical path in a wedding project network, for example there are nine sequential list of activity tasks (Venue, Announcements, Bakery, Food Caterer, Photographer, Entertainment, Florist, Officiant) that constitute the wedding plan. Each task ranges from 10 – 31 days, Duration, and Predecessor.

2. Explain and justify why a food caterer would be on the critical path as the second task activity.

Talk about why PTSD (Post-traumatic stress disorder) and SUD (substance use disorder) need to be treated together. Why a systematic review would be helpful (study rationale)

Behavioral Treatments for SUDs in people with comorbid PTSD

1.Talk about why PTSD (Post-traumatic stress disorder) and SUD (substance use disorder) need to be treated together.
2.Types of behavioral treatments available for PTSD and SUD (treatments used to treat BOTH disorders.
3.Why a systematic review would be helpful (study rationale)


Does it make sense and/or is it reasonable? Is there enough evidence to support the theory? Does the conspiracy theory actually explain what happened?


For this next essay assignment, you will research a popular conspiracy theory. These theories have not been proven due to their lack of concrete evidence, which is why they are still considered a theory. Your task is to select a popular conspiracy theory, provide background information on the theory for your reader, research the reasons behind the theory and then provide either the flaw(s) or the reason(s) why they are true! To put it simply, a conspiracy theory is an alternative explanation to an event. In order for a conspiracy theory to first begin, there has to be some lack of evidence or something that may not make sense. Unfortunately, what makes it a conspiracy and not reality is the lack of hard evidence. This is why it is difficult to prove a conspiracy theory.

These are important questions when looking at any conspiracy theory:

• Does it make sense and/or is it reasonable?

• Is there enough evidence to support the theory?

• Does the conspiracy theory actually explain what happened?


• Select one conspiracy theory.

• Begin researching the theory.

• EITHER Find reasons/sources to support the opinion that the theory is true OR find three reasons/sources to prove the theory is false.

• Begin the rough draft of your essay.


• Your essay should be a minimum of three (3) pages and a maximum of five (5) pages.

• Your essay should have an introduction, at least three body paragraphs and a conclusion.

• Your introduction must have a thesis statement that indicates a clear, reason(s) for your theory.

• Double-space your essay

• Type your essay

• Write in third person (one/he/she/it/they/their) No I or you

• Include a captivating title

• Indent each paragraph

• Keep paragraphs balanced (include the approximate number of sentences in each)

• ALL sources needed to be cited accordingly to MLA or APA style


Why We Love Conspiracy Theories (And Why They Are So Popular Today)

25 Conspiracy Theories That Actually Ended Up Being True

ENG 101 Fall 2021 Professor Long

Identify and relate concepts to personal and professional experiences, if possible. For example, in discussing the concept of triangles, relate it to a time when you were involved in a triangle.

The Family Crucible book

The paper should address three main points –

Identify and relate concepts to personal and professional experiences, if possible. For example, in discussing the concept of triangles, relate it to a time when you were involved in a triangle.

Describe personal reactions to the book. You might describe how you reacted to different family members or how you may have reacted should you have been in the position of Napier or Whitaker.

What did you learn from the techniques and strategies used that adds to your development as a therapist/educator?


– The main theories used are experiential while using symbolic-experiential approaches. There is some Structural and Bowen on there as well

– Some of the patterns discussed are triangulation, diffusion of identity, and polarization

– Based on personal reactions to the book and how you relate to the concepts

How might the underlying pathophysiology of these conditions affect the pharmacotherapeutics you might recommend to help address your patient’s health needs? What education strategies might you recommend for ensuring positive patient health outcomes?

Discussion response

Women’s and Men’s Health, Infectious Disease, and Hematologic Disorders
As an advanced practice nurse, you will likely experience patient encounters with complex comorbidities. For example, consider a female patient who is pregnant who also presents with hypertension, diabetes, and has a recent tuberculosis infection. How might the underlying pathophysiology of these conditions affect the pharmacotherapeutics you might recommend to help address your patient’s health needs? What education strategies might you recommend for ensuring positive patient health outcomes?
For this Discussion, you will be assigned a patient case study and will consider how to address the patient’s current drug therapy plans. You will then suggest recommendations on how to revise these drug therapy plans to ensure effective, safe, and quality patient care for positive patient health outcomes.

Photo Credit: Getty Images
To Prepare
Review the Resources for this module and reflect on the different health needs and body systems presented.
Your Instructor will assign you a complex case study to focus on for this Discussion.
Consider how you will practice critical decision making for prescribing appropriate drugs and treatment to address the complex patient health needs in the patient case study you selected.
By Day 3 of Week 9
Post a brief description of your patient’s health needs from the patient case study you assigned. Be specific. Then, explain the type of treatment regimen you would recommend for treating your patient, including the choice or pharmacotherapeutics you would recommend and explain why. Be sure to justify your response. Explain a patient education strategy you might recommend for assisting your patient with the management of their health needs. Be specific and provide examples.

Complete an Intake Assessment Form for your client Andrea Yates. Prepare a two-page summary of your thoughts on the Mock Client Interview.

Initial Client Interview – Andrea Yates


Mock Client Interview. Complete an Intake Assessment Form for your client Andrea Yates

Prepare a two-page summary of your thoughts on the Mock Client Interview to include the following:

Developing appropriate therapeutic alliance between the counselor and client

Building a rapportsetting boundaries