
How are Women Rape and Sexually Harass in the Military

Sexual Harassment in the Military

The Effects of How Women are Rape and Sexually Harass in the Military

What did you learn or something that you found interesting throughout the reading? What were the main points that surprised you, angered you? What were the counter or concealed story?

Shillington Reading Block 7

Read chapters 21-23 from  A History of Africa, by Kevin Shillington (3rd edition) and summarize each chapter. Once you have done the readings, write a reflection in 1 1/2 – 2 pages. It should include a summary of the chapter, brief highlights, your personal position, ie. What did you learn or something that you found interesting throughout the reading? What were the main points that surprised you, angered you? What were the counter or concealed story? How did this reading inform your perspective or knowledge about what you knew or did not know about Africa? Did the reading bring up any specific questions for you? ( You do not have to answer each question verbatim, these are just prompters. The summary should include at least 5-6 highlights from readings.

Discuss the needs that are important to you that can be satisfied through your work. Are those needs currently being met? What changes could your be made by your organization to better meet your needs?

The Puzzle of Motivation

1. Discuss the needs that are important to you that can be satisfied through your work. Are those needs currently being met? What changes could your be made by your organization to better meet your needs? Make sure you relate your perspective on your needs to the needs theories discussed this module: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs; McClelland’s Acquired Needs Theory; Deci and Ryan’s Self-Determination Theory; The Three Innate Needs; and, Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory.

2. Watch: The Puzzle of Motivation (18:00). As Dan Pink points out most organizations get motivation wrong for the types of jobs that are common for college degree employees. As a manager what would you do to try and motivate your staff to achieve organizational goals?

What is conventional wisdom? How did the term “conventional wisdom” become part of everyday speech? According to the authors, why is conventional wisdom comforting to people? What purpose does it serve?

Conventional wisdom

FREAKONOMICS is at heart a challenge to conventional wisdom. The authors regard conventional wisdom as something to be wary of and questioned. Write an essay on the subject of conventional wisdom in three parts:

Part 1) What is conventional wisdom? How did the term “conventional wisdom” become part of everyday speech? According to the authors, why is conventional wisdom comforting to people? What purpose does it serve?

Part 2) Why do the authors find it so important to challenge conventional wisdom? What does conventional wisdom add to common discourse, and does it help explain the world?

Part 3) Analyze one of the topics of any chapter in the book. What conventional wisdom are the authors challenging? How are they challenging it, and what conclusion do they reach?

What purpose does the Federal Trade Commission serve and why must business owners be educated on Federal Trade Commission practices?

Week 6 Discussion

Consumer laws were established to protect purchasers of goods and services.

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

What purpose does the Federal Trade Commission serve and why must business owners be educated on Federal Trade Commission practices?
Consider 1 of the following sections of the Federal Trade Commission Act:
Deceptive Advertising
Labeling and Packaging Laws
Regarding the section you chose, provide an example of when a deceptive practice has been used in business and the consequence(s) for the deceptive practice.

What are the key concepts, terms that the author presents? What do they mean? (explain them in your own words) What examples does the author use?

Understanding Media Industries

What are the key concepts, terms that the author presents?
What do they mean? (explain them in your own words)
What examples does the author use? (show how these examples support the main argument of the text) Can you think of other examples?

What is this Viz telling you? What features of this Viz that you like or enjoy and why? What features of this Viz that you do not like and why? What other questions is the user left with after seeing this Viz?

Tableau Assignment

go to the link above pick a template and answer questions

1.What is this Viz telling you?

2. What features of this Viz that you like or enjoy and why?

3.What features of this Viz that you do not like and why?

4.What other questions is the user left with after seeing this Viz?

5.What improvements can be made to this Viz?

Write your responses in a Word document using correct APA formatting and submit it here.

What is the root of the AmEx mislead-customers problem? Is it the quality of sales reps, is it top management policies, or something else? Explain.

AmEx Staff Misled Small-Business Owners to Boost Card Sign-Ups

Special Question 1. Some AmEx sales reps told business owners things that were not true about acquiring the card. Be a smart manager for AmEx. How could you fix this problem without resorting to punishments for bad behavior? Be clever and think about it carefully.

Special Question 2. What is the root of the AmEx mislead-customers problem? Is it the quality of sales reps, is it top management policies, or something else? Explain.

A. Identity of Business. What does the firm do? What is its business model? How does it make money? Who are its target customers? What is the competitive landscape? How hard or easy is it for a new competitor to enter? B. Problem What needs to be adjusted or improved? What are the obstacles to better business performance? If the business is having difficulties what are the sources of the problems? (Consider – internal management shortcomings, aggressive competitors, change in preferences of target customers, new technology, …) If the business is doing fine what threats can you identify that management should pay attention to? C. Recommendations What is your advice to top management? Be sure to support your advice with logical arguments. What are the alternatives to your recommendations and why are they not so good?

Explain how the theorist employs and defines each of the four concepts that comprise the nursing metaparadigm within the selected middle range theory.

Leininger’s Cultural Care Diversity and Universality Theory

For this assignment select a middle range theory from the list provided in the Canvas module Week 8 or select one with approval of course instructor. Using this theory, develop a scholarly paper that includes the following criteria:
Define the middle range theory and the purpose of the selected middle range theory.
Define and discuss the nursing metaparadigm within the context of the selected middle range theory.
Explain how the theorist employs and defines each of the four concepts that comprise the nursing metaparadigm within the selected middle range theory
Explain the importance of the selected middle range theory in nursing practice.
provide and discuss two examples of use of the selected middle-range theory from current practice
The scholarly paper should be 4-5 pages excluding the title and reference pages.
Include level 1 and level 2 headings.
The paper should begin with an introductory paragraph that includes the purpose statement. The introductory paragraph and purpose statement allow the reader to understand what the paper/assignment is going to address.
The paper should include a conclusion.
Write the paper in third person, not first person (meaning do not use ‘we’ or ‘I’).
Include a minimum of three references from professional peer-reviewed nursing journals (review in Ulrich Periodical Directory) to support the paper. ***Historical references may be used as appropriate. (Definition of historical reference: reference to a well-known person, place event or literary work that adds meaning to the paper.)
APA format is required (attention to spelling/grammar, a title page, a reference page, and in-text citations).
Submit the assignment to Turnitin Direct prior to the final submission to Canvas
Review the originality report and make any needed changes prior to submitting.
Submit to Canvas by the posted due date.

Based on the Order and Confirmation above, is there a contract? State the details in the case and address the facts based on law.

Taylor’s & Fast Fasteners

Lou handles purchasing for Taylor’s, Inc., a small manufacturing business. An order had been placed for Taylor’s to produce 1,000 frames for delivery on Friday. On Monday morning, Lou, the purchasing agent for Taylor’s, learns that a component needed to fulfill the frame order has been damaged. The fasteners to be used to connect the wood frames have rusted and are unusable. Worried that Taylor will lose its largest customer, Lou’s boss directs Lou to obtain alternative fasteners as soon as possible. Lou faxes an order to his best supplier, Fasteners Fast, Inc., requesting that replacement fasteners be delivered by Wednesday. Pat, the order receiving agent at Fasteners Fast, receives the fax, confirms the availability of the necessary fasteners in inventory, and sends a Confirmation Notice by fax the same day to Lou. The Order and Confirmation Notices are reprinted below.


Purchase Order / Taylor’s Inc. Order Number 201507009

To: Fasteners Fast, Inc. Date: Monday Delivery By Wednesday close of business

10,000 #2 fasteners, zinc finish, corners


Supplier shall retain the risk of loss with respect to the product until the product has been received within the purchaser’s building.


Confirmation Notice / Fasteners Fast, Inc. – we deliver fasteners, FAST!

To: Taylor’s Inc. Date: Monday Confirmation of Order 201507009

Part No. 66881P: 10,000 #2 fasteners, zinc finish, corners / Wednesday shipping

Price: $4,600 + freight

All Items shipped FOB Seller.

Based on the Order and Confirmation above, is there a contract? State the details in the case and address the facts based on law.