
What change am I trying to accomplish? What will it take to get this accomplished? Who or what is involved in getting this change started and implemented? Which individual’s support will you need to obtain to facilitate this change ? How will you gain this support?

Capstone change project implementation plan II (Capstone change project resources)

This introductory paragraph should introduce the topic of your research change project and indicate the main focus of your strategic plan. Review your plan to determine what resources are needed to implement your interventions of the change proposal. Look at your gap analysis and connect it to the objectives that you wrote for the week 3 and the outcomes you wrote for week 4. Ask yourself “What change am I trying to accomplish? What will it take to get this accomplished? Who or what is involved in getting this change started and implemented? Which individual’s support will you need to obtain to facilitate this change ? How will you gain this support? Any of these questions should lead you to the resources that will help you implement your nursing change project. The next sections of the paper will include at least four resources you will need in order to implement your change proposal. This assignment will be used to develop a written implementation plan.

First Resource
State your most important resource that will facilitate the implementation of the practice change in one clear, concise sentence. Then give one or two sentences that support the rationale of this need for this resource.

Second Resource
State the next important resource that will facilitate the implementation of the practice change in one clear, concise sentence. Then give one or two sentences that support the rationale of this need for this resource.

Third Resource
State a resource that will be helpful when facilitating the implementation of the practice change in one clear, concise sentence. Then give one or two sentences that support the rationale of this need for this resource.

Fourth Resource
State a resource that will accent the implementation of the practice change in one clear, concise sentence. Then give one or two sentences that support the rationale of this need for this resource.

Give a brief wrap up of no more than five sentences. References and citations are not
needed for this assignment.
Solid academic writing is expected. The writer should adhere to the basic rules of appropriate format, grammar, spelling, punctuation and syntax. Keep the 1-inch margins, and the 5-space indention in the first line of every paragraph, as you would in

Briefly explain the negative implications of inadequate sleep among teenagers. Do you believe school start times should be pushed back? Why or why not?

Journal Reflection # 5

Some people advocate for later school start times for teenagers. After watching Dr. Wendy Troxel’s Ted Talk (you can find it here, and embedded in the powerpoint: ( (Links to an external site.)),

(1)Briefly explain the negative implications of inadequate sleep among teenagers;

(2) Do you believe school start times should be pushed back? Why or why not?

How do you triage this situation? What is your priority? What organizations do you know you must immediately contact? How do you discern the danger and magnitude of the chemical spill? What precautions must personnel take as they approach the scene?

Dealing with emergencies

For this assignment, you will need to answer or address the following situation and questions. To begin, you will need to create a Word Document and save it to your personal files. Using that document, do the following.

How do you triage this situation? What is your priority? What organizations do you know you must immediately contact?
How do you discern the danger and magnitude of the chemical spill? What precautions must personnel take as they approach the scene? What organization do you turn to for help?
How do you decide if an evacuation of the area immediately surrounding the train derailment is necessary? How would you facilitate an evacuation?
What response do you give to the media?
What resources do you request from neighboring communities? From the state?
How do you deal with volunteers from neighboring communities? How do you differentiate a volunteer from a looter?
When you have completed the assignment, save your document and then submit a copy to your instructor Brightspace. The document should be a Word document (*.doc or docx), a PDF or RTF file.

Write an introduction including the purpose of the paper define the concept/approach using references from the literature discuss why the topic is important in establishing and maintaining the nurse client relationship.

Confidentiality nurse-patient relationship

Write an introduction including the purpose of the paper define the concept/approach using references from the literature discuss why the topic is important in establishing and maintaining the nurse client relationship. Including your discussion which stages of the therapeutic interaction this concept/approach is utilized explain what might happen if the concept /approach is lacking in the relationship and finally how you will incorporate this concept/approach in your future nursing practice.
Write a conclusion including highlights of the paper do not present any new ideas in the conclusion support the discussion with at least three literature sources published within the last five years the literature can be from theory, nursing practice and research literature. Use only scholarly sources to support the paper discussion.


Describe and briefly discuss the evidence that supports the claim that modern humans originated in Africa.


Your essay should focus on answering fully one of the following questions. You should choose the question you feel the most comfortable answering.

1) Describe and briefly discuss the evidence that supports the claim that modern humans originated in Africa.

2) What evidence links the Sahara during the wet period to pharaonic Egypt?

3) Why was there a strong demand for West African gold for many centuries, and what were the consequences of the trade in gold for societies of West Africa’s Sahel?

How might it feel to do this exercise first as a child in a family session with a playful family therapist guiding the process, then in an individual session?


Take yourself back to an age between 5-12 and draw upon memories of living with your family. Remaining in this mindset, create a genogram for your family. List yourself and about five family members who had the most powerful impact on you at that age.

In your discussion post, share the following with other learners:

How easy or difficult was this exercise?

What came to you as you were doing this exercise? (you say something about the development of my family dynamics)

How might it feel to do this exercise first as a child in a family session with a playful family therapist guiding the process, then in an individual session? (you can say playful for a child to process his/her family personally)

What did you like or dislike about this process?

What did you notice about the language in the setting? Are there any particular words, terms, mottos, or sayings that are commonly used among members? What else did you notice about talk and interaction in the setting?

CR2: Culture

• What aspects of material culture did you notice in “the setting”? This can include physical surroundings, architecture, equipment, clothing, artwork, food, or other objects. Can you explain the meaning, function, or purpose of particular items of material culture?

• What did you notice about the language in the setting? Are there any particular words, terms, mottos, or sayings that are commonly used among members? What else did you notice about talk and interaction in the setting? Were there any signs or other written materials associated with the setting?

• What aspects of symbolic culture are part of this subculture? Describe values that members of the group uphold, listing at least three values that are key to the group’s culture. What are the group’s ideas, beliefs, or attitudes? Does the group have a mission?

• What kinds of social norms guide the behavior of individuals, and how are these norms relate to group values? What are the folkways of the group? How do these folkways shape what members do or say? What are some of the rules governing members? Why are they important?

• Are any rituals, celebrations, or observations, that are important to this group? What do these events teach us about subculture values?

• What did you observe in the setting that seemed especially familiar or unfamiliar to you? Was there anything that surprised you? What insights were you able to gain by suspending ethnocentrism and practicing cultural relativism?

• How do your subculture’s practices map against dominant cultural expectations?

Using computer drawing, you will use your design to explain how to actuate a first, second, and third class lever hydraulic system we discussed previously.

HW2: Fluid Power DCV Design Challenge

To deepen your understanding of DCVs and their operation in a fluid power circuit, you will use computer drawing tools to design a basic two-position, 4-way, directional control valve and explain how it works. Using computer drawing, you will use your design to explain how to actuate a first, second, and third class lever hydraulic system as we discussed previously.

Think about your experiences from childhood to your current age. What kind of experiences influenced your life and the person you have become? Describe the significant influences in your life and their influences, both positive and negative.

life experiences

Our collective experiences contribute to the person we have become. Experiences are internalized from a number of sources: Birth order, how we were treated within the family, educational experiences, the friends we had, the environment in which we grew up, etc.

Think about your experiences from childhood to your current age. What kind of experiences influenced your life and the person you have become? Not all experiences are positive but they all have an impact and need to be integrated into our lives. Describe the significant influences in your life and their influences, both positive and negative. How have you integrated these experiences into your life and the person you have become?

How do you believe your experience(s) can help you in your relationship with patients?

Write a one page paper describing significant experiences in your life, how you have integrated them into the person you are now and how they contribute to your relationship with patients.

What exactly is classism and how would you define social class? Are all perspectives of social class economic in nature, or are there also non-economic examples as well?


what exactly is classism and how would you define social class? Are all perspectives of social class economic in nature, or are there also non-economic examples as well?

In what ways can classism “manifest” itself in the workplace (and definitely, share specific examples!) And, is there such thing as “reverse” or “inter-class”/”intersectional” classism?

Finally, what steps should organizations take to address issues of social class bias, and placing yourself in the shoes of a leader or manger, what steps would you take?

Feel free to share workplace observations, experiences, etc.