
What are the benefits of business for society? What role has e-mail played in business ethics and company practices?

BAM 105 Introduction to Business

The first, a citation, is briefly listed within your answer. This includes identifying information that directs the reader to your list of references at the end of your writing assignment.

-The second, a reference, is at the end of your work in the list of references section

-All sources cited should follow APA style and provide enough identifying information so that the reader can access the original material

Choose a question below. You only need to select one question from the list below:

-What are the benefits of business for society?

-What role has e-mail played in business ethics and company practices?

-In assessing a country’s national competitive advantage, what is meant by factor conditions?

Discuss Deane’s statement above in relation to how The Burning of Bridget Cleary is not just a story about rural people and their reaction to fairies.

The Burning of Bridget Cleary: Cultural and Political Relationship Between Ireland and Britain

“The story of the killing of Bridget Clearly is so brilliantly researched and narrated that it becomes a parable of the cultural and political relationship between Ireland and Britain at the end of the last century.” Seamus Deane

Discuss Deane’s statement above in relation to how The Burning of Bridget Clearly is not just a story about rural people and their reaction to fairies.

In post operative adults, who are at risk for opioid addictions, what is the effect of education on the signs of addiction, pain management and the use of NSAIDs in reducing opioid dependency in post operative surgical patients?

EBP Question.

In post operative adults, who are at risk for opioid addictions, what is the effect of education on the signs of addiction, pain management and the use of NSAIDs in reducing opioid dependency in post operative surgical patients?

Key search
Patient education
Opioid crisis/dependency
Post surgical patient/ post op
Pain management or opioids risk /opiates
r enters the citation of their ONE quantitative article.
Use APA 7th edition format (Use ‘hanging indent’)AHL Complete, PubMed, Medline, Cochrane library

Is this effective? What are the controversial issues? How does childhood schizophrenia look different than adult schizophrenia?

Podcast 3

For Podcasts 3 and 4, you will choose a topic that is directly connected to your mental illness. For example, if you choose childhood ADHD, you can examine the highly debated issues around medicating children with stimulants. Is this effective? What are the controversial issues? OR how does childhood schizophrenia look different than adult schizophrenia? Each of the mental illnesses have specific issues that warrant a more comprehensive examination.

For the podcast assignment, you will be producing a 5 series Podcast related to a childhood mental illness that meets DSM V criteria. The entire podcast will consist of 5 separate videos, each ranging between 7-10 minutes in length. These will be due on separate dates throughout the semester so that you can devote appropriate time and resources to each segment. Each podcast is worth 20 points, for a total of 100 points.

Identify the (3) major pump types used in fluid power systems. Distinguish between fixed and variable displacement designs of the above pump types. Describe the operation of the above various pump types using visualization techniques.

Hydraulic Pump Design and Pump Efficiency


The purpose of this project is to deepen your understanding of the different types of hydraulic pumps and how they operate. You will also learn how to differentiate between fixed and variable displacement designs and how to calculate pump efficiencies (mechanical, overall, and volumetric efficiencies). The majority of the above learning will be accomplished by using visualization techniques which will involve basic and detailed drawings and/or diagrams. Remember the old saying: “A picture speaks a thousand words.”


By the end of this assignment, students will be able to do the following:

1) Identify the (3) major pump types used in fluid power systems.

2) Distinguish between fixed and variable displacement designs of the above pump types.

3) Describe the operation of the above various pump types using visualization techniques.

4) Understand that every pump design has limitations and is not 100% efficient.

5) Explore trade-offs between pump types.

What is the problem? Who is affected/impacted? Where does the problem reside? What is the context of this problem? Why do you perceive this to be a persistent problem? Are there data to support your perception?

Student-Centered Classroom

Augusta University’s Doctor of Education in Educational Innovation program is a member of the Carnegie
Project on the Education Doctorate (CPED). Part of CPED’s mission is to investigate, study, and consider
solutions for problems of practice. CPED defines a problem of practice as: “a persistent, contextualized, and
specific issue embedded in the work of a professional practitioner, the addressing of which has the potential to
result in improved understanding, experience, and outcomes.”
Write a paper 4-5 page paper (no more and no less), where you select an educational problem of practice to
examine. Follow this outline and make sure to respond to the questions. Use this organizational framework for
your paper. Also, you should follow APA 7thEdition Style Guidelines in your paper with a cover page,
appropriate in-text citation, and a reference page.
Outline for Paper
Identification of a Problem of Practice
• What is the problem?
• Who is affected/impacted?
• Where does the problem reside? What is the context of this problem?
• Why do you perceive this to be a persistent problem?
• Are there data to support your perception?
• What research or literature supports this as a problem? Cite no more than two studies.
Investigation of the Problem
• What might you do to understand the problem?
• How might you test possible interventions or solutions for the problem?
• What research methodologies might you use?
• How might a collaborative research team approach/investigate this problem?
• A brief summary of what you have presented in your paper
• A reference page for scholarship you cite in your paper.

Define the first term: Emerging pollutants. Define the second term: non-point source discharge. Describe the relationship between Emerging pollutants and non-point source discharge.

Emerging pollutants and non-point source discharge

Consider the two terms below. Define each component and describe the relationship between the two terms. Each description should consist of several clear, concise sentences and may be done in list form. For the following terms you will:

1) Define the first term: Emerging pollutants
2) Define the second term: non-point source discharge

3) Describe the relationship between Emerging pollutants and non-point source discharge

An emerging pollutant can be found on page 48 and non-point source discharge cab be found on page 5. you can also use google search for better explanarion

Outline what it meant by the publishing of the data, is this the thesis or academic articles. What will happen with the “disguised extracts from my participation”?

Editing – Ethical approval section/research methods application

• Principle methods:- Quite a lot of repetition in this section. This section asks about the methods sources of data and evidence and number and type of recruited participants. This should be the focus of this section, rather than outline the topics that will be covered. (PAGE 1)

• More information needed on the type of data that will be collected from the projects, while secondary data generally raising less ethical issues, but if it isn’t publicly available, some information will be needed on how it will be accessed. With the searching the data, information is needed on the data base and gaining access. (PAGE 1+2)

• This section is over the maximum word count, attention is needed only on what is asked for. (PAGE 1+2)

• Could provide information why there are 100 participants, later in the section, it sounds like you are selecting 100 people out of a larger population. (PAGE 2+6)

• Section iii) information needed on the instruments used, rather than repeating what has already been stated. (PAGE 2)

• Section 6: The research ethics committee is not part of the supervisory team, the committee is not part of the process, we approve what you outline as the process. (PAGE 3)

• Outline what it meant by the publishing of the data, is this the thesis or academic articles, this is normally a number of years after the completion of data collection, to allow for the thesis writing and any further publications. (PAGE 3+7)

• There is normally a timeframe given for removing data from the study, such as 2 weeks after the interviews are completed. (PAGE 4)

• Section 7: Focus groups were not mentioned within the data collection part of the form. Some clarity of why the identities need to be disclosed, and how this information will be collected, stored, used and disposed of. (PAGE 4)

• Section 8: There are some conditional questions, that given you answered no to the first, you didn’t have to answer. (PAGE 5)

• Consent form: Good to put in a timeframe for withdraw, as mentioned earlier, the right to withdraw is given twice. (PAGE 7)

• What will happen with the “disguised extracts from my participation”? (PAGE 7)

• Maybe good to include how long the data will be held for, to illustrate that they are informed of how long the data will be held by the research team. (PAGE 7)

Did you find two or more high-level, primary sources to cite along with at least one secondary source? Did you correctly use Bluebook and correctly use the citations and not rely overly on quoted material?

First amendment and how rappers lyrics can be used against them.

1) Validity of Sources (ie. did you find two or more high-level, primary sources to cite along with at least one secondary source?) worth 25 points;

2) Proper Citations (ie. did you correctly use Bluebook and correctly use the citations and not rely overly on quoted material?) worth 25 points;

3) Correctness of the Information Conveyed (ie. do you correctly explain the law and facts and correctly draw conclusions?) worth 25 points; and

4) Writing Quality (ie. is the paper well organized with opening and closing paragraphs, point sentences, lacking typos and grammatical errors, within page parameters?) worth 25 points.

Write a response papers agreeing or disagreeing with the readings; Compare and contrast the readings; Discuss issues from the readings that you found particularly interesting

Response Paper

Response papers. Each student will be required to submit three response papers during the semester. Each response paper should be at least three full pages (double-spaced). The papers should respond to two or more cases in the readings for that week. Do not devote extended space to summarizing the readings. Instead, you should use the papers to

1) take a position agreeing or disagreeing with the readings;

2) make a further observation about the points discussed in the readings;

3) compare and contrast the readings;

4) in any other way discuss issues from the readings that you found particularly interesting. No outside research is required. The response paper will to the below cases and reading in the links below:

link the news on Hollywood reporter with the two cases as instructed above.